I am so sorry you dont feel well.
This is an amazing question Ok so I have 5 different kinds of pets I will tell you about.
Russian dwarf hamsters:
I have 2 Russian dwarf hamsters that are soo cute. This is my third week having them and they never bit me. They are about the size of half of my palm so they are tiny! They are both females and I bought them from pet shop. The first 1 is white with grey spots. She is very outgoing and loves to be handled. She loves to explore and climb. Her name for now is popcorn. She is very energetic and super cute to watch. The second one is brown with a thin black strip down her back. She is a little more shy but very friendly. She loves to crawl under things and cuddle. Her name for now is brownie. She loves to sleep and burrow all the time. Over all they are awesome pets and I am blessed to have them!!
Lepard geckos:
Over all my pets these are my least favorite just because mine are not very social and friendly. I have two and we got them from my moms friend whO could no longer care for them. We took them and they were abandoned when we got them. We made their live much more better. My first one is a female and she is mostly yellow with a couple parts of her body covered in black dots. She is very hyper. And her name is lizzie When you pick her up she wiggles around and Is crazy. She hates being handled. The next one is a male gecko he is more layed back but does like to bite. The hates being handled as well but when he is handled he is calm and bites you. His name is stripes. They kind of scare me a bit because they some times make weird noises. Their age is unknown because basically we adopted them.
My dog:
My dog is a Hungarian vizla and he is so sweet. His name is spooky and he is a little over weight because we feed him too much. He is defintly a guard dog and protects us in all the ways that he can. He loves to snuggle and sleep with me. He even has a girlfriend named Sasha. Sasha is my cousins dog and she loves to kiss him even though he does not want a kiss at the moment. One time we found the 2 dogs in the bathroom together. Lol I guess it's dog love. Spooky is 5 years old and in the end of may he will be 6. He is my second dog because we got him after my other dog died. Spooky is very lazy but crazy at the same time. All in all he is a wonderful dog!
My turtle:
My turtle is another animal that we got from my parents friend. My dads friend from work was moving to a place where she could not take the turltle so we took her. She is a red eared slider and is so cute. She loves to sunbath on her rock then dive in the water. Her name is mr. T even though she is a girl. Her age is uncertain because of the same reason of the lizzards. We don't pick her up because she is pretty big and we are also afraid of getting bit even though she never bit any one in her life. She loves to eat fish and she is very cute.
My cat:
my cat is a black and white cat mostly black though. She is so friendly and soft. She is named boo kitty. She is very friendly and will sit down beside you and sleep. She always sleeps beside me at night. She loves to purr and when She does she sounds like a machine. She is tiny and cuddly. At the moment she is sitting beside me. We bought her from pet value when she was a kitten. She is an indoor cat and is ok with it. She is very playful and funny to watch when she runs around the house with a string. I really do love her. She is 4 years old and very healthy. She loves to watch my hamsters and gets jelous easily. She loves attention as well.
So that's all my pets! 7 in total. I hope you like my answer and I hope you feel better!! ππ