Tell me About Your Pets (:?
2013-03-21 13:12:50 UTC
i have nothing to do and im not feeling well. :-/

i love animals and would love to hear about them! and their names.

all kinds even fish.

Twelve answers:
2013-03-21 15:35:57 UTC
i have a five pound dog who is a cross between a chihuahua and a japanese chin ... his name is finnigan and he is a very sweet, friendly, playful pooch :O) - finnigan and his chicken sandwich

i also have a 20 gallon tank of land hermit crabs, five purple pinchers and one viola crab ... their names (from biggest crab to smallest) are crusher, ryan, fiddlesticks, paris, sheldon and hermie ... they are nocturnal so sleep most of the day and right now all of them are sleeping piled together in their moss loft ... adorable :O) sheldon and hermie are just babies and super tiny compared to the other four but all get along and hang out together just fine :O) - ryan and crusher are on the choya wood that leads to the moss loft, then in the loft is fiddlesticks, sheldon and paris (hermie is molting in an isolation tank)
2013-03-21 20:33:55 UTC
Gee, sorry you don't feel well.

I used to have fish. I just had one at a time because my fish bowl was very small. Each one was the same type; a feeder gold fish. I didn't get anything else because these were inexpensive and frankly I was having a hard time keeping them alive, so I didn't want to go broke replacing them.

Each one was named "Dave." When one Dave would go belly up I'd replace him with the next Dave. I finally gave up on fish.

My husband and I have a rabbit named Page and a cat named Asterisk. The cat was a stray and the rabbit was from a rescue shelter.

When our last rabbit died suddenly we were so sad but we felt like we needed to go "rescue" another rabbit right away. It was a good idea that we did. The shelter said Page seemed sad all the time and they didn't know why but they doubted she would get along with people very well. She took to us during a long visit so the shelter let us adopt her. While we were finishing the paperwork the shelter operator told us that Page was scheduled to be put down the next day because her foster family had lost their home to foreclosure and couldn't keep her anymore. Now she's home with us and she is the sweetest little girl. She's very polite, perfectly minded and likes to play with our cat.

Our cat Asterisk just appeared in the neighborhood from nowhere. I knew all our neighbors' pets and had never seen her before. She was drinking out of a broken sprinkler head when my neighbor's dog came out to "say hi." The little cat climbed the nearest tree which happened to be very short. I just reached up and took her out of the tree and carried home to my backyard. She just stayed. We thought she would have to be an outdoor cat since my husband and I both have some allergies, but she inevitably came into the house and we found that neither one of us is allergic to her in the slightest. On top of that she stays so clean she doesn't shed at all. She "adopted" my husband which is hilarious because he has always hated cats but he now adores her and calls her "Aster" for short. She sleeps next to him on the bed every night and wakes him up every morning at five am for food. If something happens to her (like the time her ear got cut in a fight) my husband will drop everything he is doing at work and come home to "be there for her." The funniest thing she does is she LOVES to catch houseflies and eat them. She's good at it too. She's this tiny little tiger tabby cat with mostly grey and tan fur, black stripes and white "tuxedo" markings from her chin, down her chest and all the way down her belly. She also has two perfectly matched white paws in the front and long white "socks" in the back. She's almost four but she plays like a kitten with string (but is afraid of balls for some reason.)

So, those are my pets.

Hope you feel better soon.
2013-03-21 22:33:05 UTC
I have a miniature schnauzer named Blackjack.. he is 6 years old... a bit of a goofball..

I have a 3 year old black maine coon/domestic long hair mix cat named Bathory.. she is an attention seeking claw happy brat.. love her to pieces though.

And 2 norwegian forest cats (2 and 3 years old) named gypsy and shoes..gypsy is shoes' mother.. adopted them together as they are inseperable.

2 blue tongued skinks.. almost 3 years old..Mordred and Kerowyn.. I bought one from the breeder as

I had wanted one for years..found out a year later that one of the siblings needed a new home, so I took her in as well. (Blue tongues are still my favorite reptiles.. )

3 corn snakes named auryn, cypher, and tamlyn.. all three are rescues.. no clue about their ages.. one I have had for 5 years and he was already an adult when I got him... I estimate that he is about 10.. next one was 2 years when I picked her up so she is about 6.. 3rd is stunted by bad care from previous owners... I have had him for 2 years, but I think he was pretty young.. maybe a year.

.so he might be around 3 now.
2013-03-21 20:26:53 UTC
Yay! An excuse to talk about my pets! Woo hoo! I have two dogs. One is named Dutchess and the other, Dolly. They are sisters and have been together since birth. They are mutts, so a mix of a bunch of breeds, Golden Lab, German Shepperd, Husky, and a Golden Retriever. Dolly is the mischievous dog. She may seem sweet, but she is always getting in trouble. She sneaks out of open doors, gets into horse pens, and steals lawn ornaments from random neighbours. She is smart, but she chooses to use her skills for evil. She has surprisingly been able to open drawers and fridges; eating whole loaves of bread and blocks of cheese. Dutchess is very lazy compared to Dolly. She is very protective of her family and house, but is yet very friendly. She will eat absolutely anything! Including plastic, plants, and even my homework. She is extremely cuddly and will use every excuse to sit on your lap. Even though she weighs over 30lbs. (She is a little plump.) Both love the outdoors and are great to bring out hunting. They're are not very good at retrieving, but they are are good company.
2013-03-21 20:25:28 UTC
I have 3 dogs and 2 hamsters! I have One Wheaton Terrier Mix , 2 Dachshunds mixed with Chiwawa's . The wheaton terrier mix is Khole and the 2 standard dachshunds are Axle and Brutus. Axle is a dappled color(Black, brown, and white) he is the sweetest thing ever! He is very protective of his owners and his territory. Brutus is a reddish brownish color. He is independent and very mean at times. Him and Axle are brothers. We adopted them both from Dachshund breeders. Brutus is as well protective. Khole is a fluffy white and brownish playful puppy. We found Khole on the streets. We're very glad we rescued him. He's the sweetest thing you ever can imagine. He has lovely eyes. My hamster, Malaena, is the sweetest little creature I've ever owned. She is very rowdy and she's a Syrian hamster. She's oreo colored. She has a sister named Laira. She is also a Syrian hamster. They're twins (:
2013-03-21 20:17:07 UTC
Hey! My cat snickers does the WEIRDEST THINGS. Ever! She's about a year old around now. And shes CRAZY. When I do laundry, she sits in the laundry basket while I am trying to fold clothes! Crazy cat! When I set food on my table for my family, she sits infront of her bowl waiting for food, when there is already cat food in it!! The weirdest of all she does, is when my house phone rings, she will run from wherever she is, sit infront of it and do this meow. Almost like so she's screaming at me! She's crazy! Just thought i would tell ya. I hope you feel better! :)
2013-03-21 20:53:27 UTC
I am so sorry you dont feel well.

This is an amazing question Ok so I have 5 different kinds of pets I will tell you about.

Russian dwarf hamsters:

I have 2 Russian dwarf hamsters that are soo cute. This is my third week having them and they never bit me. They are about the size of half of my palm so they are tiny! They are both females and I bought them from pet shop. The first 1 is white with grey spots. She is very outgoing and loves to be handled. She loves to explore and climb. Her name for now is popcorn. She is very energetic and super cute to watch. The second one is brown with a thin black strip down her back. She is a little more shy but very friendly. She loves to crawl under things and cuddle. Her name for now is brownie. She loves to sleep and burrow all the time. Over all they are awesome pets and I am blessed to have them!!

Lepard geckos:

Over all my pets these are my least favorite just because mine are not very social and friendly. I have two and we got them from my moms friend whO could no longer care for them. We took them and they were abandoned when we got them. We made their live much more better. My first one is a female and she is mostly yellow with a couple parts of her body covered in black dots. She is very hyper. And her name is lizzie When you pick her up she wiggles around and Is crazy. She hates being handled. The next one is a male gecko he is more layed back but does like to bite. The hates being handled as well but when he is handled he is calm and bites you. His name is stripes. They kind of scare me a bit because they some times make weird noises. Their age is unknown because basically we adopted them.

My dog:

My dog is a Hungarian vizla and he is so sweet. His name is spooky and he is a little over weight because we feed him too much. He is defintly a guard dog and protects us in all the ways that he can. He loves to snuggle and sleep with me. He even has a girlfriend named Sasha. Sasha is my cousins dog and she loves to kiss him even though he does not want a kiss at the moment. One time we found the 2 dogs in the bathroom together. Lol I guess it's dog love. Spooky is 5 years old and in the end of may he will be 6. He is my second dog because we got him after my other dog died. Spooky is very lazy but crazy at the same time. All in all he is a wonderful dog!

My turtle:

My turtle is another animal that we got from my parents friend. My dads friend from work was moving to a place where she could not take the turltle so we took her. She is a red eared slider and is so cute. She loves to sunbath on her rock then dive in the water. Her name is mr. T even though she is a girl. Her age is uncertain because of the same reason of the lizzards. We don't pick her up because she is pretty big and we are also afraid of getting bit even though she never bit any one in her life. She loves to eat fish and she is very cute.

My cat:

my cat is a black and white cat mostly black though. She is so friendly and soft. She is named boo kitty. She is very friendly and will sit down beside you and sleep. She always sleeps beside me at night. She loves to purr and when She does she sounds like a machine. She is tiny and cuddly. At the moment she is sitting beside me. We bought her from pet value when she was a kitten. She is an indoor cat and is ok with it. She is very playful and funny to watch when she runs around the house with a string. I really do love her. She is 4 years old and very healthy. She loves to watch my hamsters and gets jelous easily. She loves attention as well.

So that's all my pets! 7 in total. I hope you like my answer and I hope you feel better!! πŸ˜„πŸ˜„
2013-03-21 20:20:44 UTC
I have one dog that is a doberman/chihuahua mix named Cheeto and I have two female bunnies named Cleo & Luna. Cleo is a full holland lop and is all white with blue eyes. Luna is a holland lop/Netherland dwarf mix and she is all grey with a white line going down between her eyes and she has blue eyes as well :)

I also had two turtles named Ribbon & Speedy but they got too big so I donated them to a local river.
2013-03-21 20:18:10 UTC
I'll tell you about MY crazy cat, Medera! :p We found her as a kitten abandoned by her stray mother. She had a wire wrapped around her tail that was cutting off her circulation so now her tale is short. She's kind of a retard. She lives on the roof and she thinks she's a sheep so she "baa"s like one! :) She drools all over the place and she thinks humans are ladders... IT HURTS :) On top of all that she's not potty trained and she peed on my brother's face when he was asleep once! It was SOOOO funny!!!
2013-03-21 20:19:56 UTC
Siberian husky - Toby

Seal point ragdoll cat - Wookie

Blue point ragdoll cat - Buca

Stray tuxedo cat - Tux

Koi Angelfish - Herbert

Koi Angelfish - Stanley

Rainbow shark - Jaws

Zebra loach - Jemima

Zebra loach - Hubert

Zebra loach - Heather

Dwarf loach - Lambert

Dwarf loach - Liono

Dwarf loach - Jesus

Bloodfin tetra - Poppy

Bloodfin tetra - William

Bloodfin tetra - Jerry

Bloodfin tetra - George

Bloodfin tetra - Clarabell

Bloodfin tetra - Felicity

Bloodfin tetra - Humphrey

Bloodfin tetra - Clarence

Bloodfin tetra - Adeline

Bloodfin tetra - Cock

Bloodfin tetra - Walter

Bloodfin tetra - Helen
2013-03-21 23:41:07 UTC
You probably wont hear this one everyday but i'm going to tell you about my pyscho hedgehog stan he climbs out of his cage everynight and yet i find him in the most unexpected places! like for instance once i found him on top of my book shelve!
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2013-03-21 20:26:24 UTC
I have a hamster called Teddy. He's soo cute, hes got a very long coat, that's why we named him Teddy because he's a Teddy Bear Syrian Hamster. He was very poorly once but then he recovered and is back to his normal self : ) He loves going around in his ball and he drinks LOTS of water, idk why lol. He's very soft and I enjoy holding him and petting him :D

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.