Haha.That is sooooo PETA.
Sea kittens......Hello. Fish are FISH. No matter what you call them, they are fish. And fish are not kitten-like in any way. They arn't even mammals! Course, Im not surprised. I mean, PETA isnt really known for being very bright.....
Breast milk? Oh yes, GREAT Idea. So, how would they attain this? Have farms of pregnant woman? Oh yes, that will REALLY help the various food crisises around the world. Do they think 6 billion isnt enough? And how would they feed this growing population? Oh, they would all be vegatarians, I see. Ok, so you would need more farmland. So take more habitat from the wild animals. And that doesnt defeat the purpose at all...........
And PETA is just showing their true colors there. They have such severe tunnel vision, they dont look at the big picture of their actions.Because sure, it is totally "Ethical Treatment of Animals" to kill dogs simply because they were born the wrong breed. Its about the equivalent of if the US government decided that all blondes are evil and should be shot, regardless of the individual. Hmmm, kinda sounds like the Holocaust, doesnt it? Except PETA would skip the concentration camp part, just gas them right away.
I agree with you. They started out ok prolly, but then some wackos came to power, and off they went. They get alot of support, but you know what? They get most of it from photos they post. And they are amazingly biased about what they take pictures of. And they don't have such a stunning record themselves ( http://www.petakillsanimals.com ) You know, the KKK was the same way. Started out as a club between friends. Just a group- no radical racial leanings. Similar to some club- like a book club, or knitting. The name was actually a pun. But look how it has mutated. I think PETA's on the same track. I mean, they already support terroristic methods, kill animals, want to dictate exactly how people live and what they eat......the only thing is the government doesnt reprimand them. Well, the KKK wasnt reprimanded at first either. Until it got to be such a huge problem it was too big to ignore, by which time they (The gov) had a heck of a time getting it under control.