Aren't all pet owners hypocrites?
2007-07-25 15:42:28 UTC
I dont understand how anyone can be an "animal activist" and own a pet.

If you stole someone away from their family at birth, put them in a cage or on a leash, told them they would never be able to see their family again, might not ever be able to have sex, or worse yet, cut off their genitalia, and fed them whenever you felt like, and whatever food you felt like...

You'd go to jail. You'd get life in prison, or the death sentence.

People often claim how in-humane a slaughter house is. But atleast it stands for a vital purpose: survival..... eating is survival. But kidnapping a living being for your entertainment is insane.

So please explain to me how "owning a pet" is humane? Are pet owners that self-rightous that they believe an animal's life should be decided by humans? Is this not hypocracy?
37 answers:
Jim C
2007-07-25 16:24:36 UTC
Dude, if all pet owners were animal activists, then yes. Your original question would be right on the money. But they're not. Probably more than 90% of pet owners have never engaged in animal activism of any kind.

My dog lives in an air conditioned house, sleeps on a bed, eats food out of a can, and has constant love and attention from every one.

The natural alternative would have him living outdoors at all times, sleeping in whatever outdoor conditions he could find, eating roadkill and whatever other crap he could dig up, and wouldn't get love and attention from anyone.

I have a hard time seeing how this could be called anything close to inhumane.

Inhumane is when someone owns a big dog, and keep him tied to a pole or something in the back yard, forcing them to live within a 10 foot circle, with no protection from the elements, or the means to find it. I don't even understand why you'd want a dog if that's what you were going to do. You could just buy a speaker that only played dog barks, and you'd never have to feed it. And you'd still get to enjoy all that middle of the night barking.
2007-07-25 17:52:47 UTC
Interesting perspective, but you still have many flaws.. I have thought about it too, but also figured out some other things... Domesticating it in the first place would've probably been the sole cause, but since it has happened, it happened. The pets, I don't think, would mind for all those. It is in your opinion that is how they view the world, but it may be different. Many have relied on their humans for food, shelter, etc.. Let me give you an example for humans. Wouldn't it be "CRUEL" for parents to feed and cook for you whenever they felt like it, whatever food it was? Do you think it' "cruel" when you are kept in a house? When it's hungry, I'm pretty sure the owner will properly feed it, otherwise, if it doesn't have a fixed routine, everything would be unorganized. If it were to be subjected to any food it wants, I'm guessing it'll be overweight. About animals mating, not every pet owner neuters and spays the pet. If they do, I would say it's for the good of it. If a human was "spayed and neutered" and prolonged to a better long, less aggression/hormones, less sicknesses, and healthier overall, heck I guess the world would do it. Surgeries to do it are painless, so they don't feel anything. If you took it from a family, it wouldn't remember, would it? Would it even have family? Many people get pairs, or even the whole family. Your argument is also right, I also agree, but if the animal is happy, then I think it's all that it takes. It is also the same when it comes to humans. I guess people like the fact that they can raise and care for something. About the slaughterhouse, people do not need to eat meat for surviving. That is also one thing I find hypocritical when it comes to meat-eaters having a pet. I don't think "kidnapping" is the right word for having a pet either. Domesticated and Wildlife is very different. My debate isn't very well-written or said, but I think it's enough.
2016-05-18 08:20:52 UTC
These infamous crops. OK, I'll bite. Which crops? Which companies? Where are these crops? WHich animals are shot and where are they living? Proof? What vegans eat large scale farm crops- all of the vegans? No. If you simply state some info, all the vegans here will avoid those companies. Whereas you'll still be an as*hole. Second question: Spraying crops with poison to keep animals away- How is that exploitation? Additional Bonus Answer: Read up about what vegetarian means. It means one who does not consume slaughtered animal's bodies or parts of. THe animal welfare aspect is nothing to do with being a vegetarian.
2007-07-25 19:46:57 UTC
Okay, I don't understand your question AT ALL! I have seven pets, yes, SEVEN PETS! Does this mean I'm going to jail or juvenile for like, THE REST OF MY LIFE? I don't think that's fair that people should go to jail and be locked up just because they love and own an animal. Animals aren't like humans, you're right, but they're family. As you adopt a pet, you're supposed to make a commitment and show that animal you love them. I don't think you're right about what you're trying to show us. It's not even kidnapping, gosh! It's saving an animal from terrible abuse, diseases, or other torture. It's helping an animal who's in need of someone to take care of them. It's acting like an owner! Animals are made from god, and god didn't make them to hurt people or harm anyone. I don't understand where you're going, but I think all the people in this form would agree. They all love and own wonderful pets and I think that if your statement was true, EVERY SINGLE PERSON would be in jail. That's just not right! There's people out there in this world who have farms and own animals because they take care of them, they love them. I love my animals so I guess that really makes me a terrible person and I guess I should go to jail because I'm obviously "stealing" an animal from birth and putting them in cages and leashes. Wow! This isn't torture for the animals! It's saving their lives! Do you know how many animals are actually dying after birth from their mothers and fathers and need extra protection, when oh no, they don't have that?! The only thing that can save the animal's lives are us, humans. Owning a pet is the best thing to life, and be proud that less animals are dying from being kept inside than roaming around this dangerous world of cars that can hit and harm, other animals that can kill, and people who decide to kill animals for the fun of it!!! I'm sorry,'s just, animals are exactly like humans and shouldn't be left out in this world. Earth has changed a lot, and there's terrible diseases roaming around now, and from what? Pollution. Keeping them with no source of help is really scary for them and I think the best thing to do is to help them like they helped us.
2007-07-25 16:31:46 UTC
It really depends on whether you believe that human life is sacred or not. I think you're starting with the basic premise that animals are equal with humans. Most rational people, though they may or may not say it or phrase it in so many words, believe that humans are superior to animals. Human life is more valuable than animal life because it is sacred. It is sacred because humans are made in the image of God. Animals are not. I love my dogs and I love my husband. I will spend tens of thousands of dollars to save or prolong my husband's life but I will not do the same for my dogs because the simple truth is: They are less valuable than my husband. I think we all inherently know this. Our courts and system of justice recognize this fact. That's why you can get the death penalty for killing a human but not an animal.

Assuming however that you don't believe in God and you don't believe that human life is sacred then there is still the fact that we have superior reasoning capabilities. What animal has ever had an idea that changed the world for the better? What animal has ever invented something that has saved millions of lives (animal or human)? By "invented" I don't mean, we discovered some animal had a chemical in its body that turned out to be a cure for something or we observed an animal doing something to save its life that we could copy. What animal has ever invented a writing system, alphabet system, grammar system or for that matter communicated beyond the grunts or squeaks or yowls of its own species? Yes, I know, they taught a chimp some basic sign language but do you see her making an effort to communicate something profound? They do what their instincts have programmed them to do and not much more. They're just, to put it bluntly, a lot dumber than us. We have the ability to deny our urges , defer gratification, and use logic and reason over "gut instinct". If there were a species of animal that had our reasoning capabilities then they would be equal with us. We have the superseding right of the higher species over the lower. Even if you don't believe in God, you could learn this from nature. Really though, it all comes down to whether or not you believe in God.
2007-07-25 16:30:21 UTC
Your question shows you are thinking about things. That is always a good thing. Part of our exploration of this life is to think, question, listen, and sort through the vast amount of information that is constantly bombarding us from the internet, media, friends, school, family...

Personally, I love animals, and I also have pets. While I wouldn't be classified as an animal activist, I do take a stand against abuse, starvation, beating, emotion and mental deprevation, etc for any animal, including the animal called "human".

I don't believe in taking animals from the wild and trying to domesticate them. Wild animals belong where they are, doing what they do best. As far as domestic animals, I am of the belief that throughout the time humans and other animals have been together on this planet, some animals have sought out human companionship and chosen of their own free will to become partners with us. Others, were forced into domestication by humans for our own convenience (food, clothing, labor).

I guess the question is : Would any of our "pets" choose to stay with us if they had a choice? If offered a return to a wild state or a continuation of living with us, what would they choose to do? I believe most dogs would choose to stay with their owners (at least for those in non abusive situations). Cats? Not sure. Horses? Well, some would stay, others would choose to live in feral herds.

In regard to your question about the "humane-ness" of owning pets. On one hand, humane by etymology of the word means "to be human", and I suppose since pets exist world wide in every culture, it must be "humane" (meaning a human trait) to have them.

On the other hand, the common usage of the word humane has come to be "thoughtful, loving, considerate, kind". A case by case look at individual pets and their living environment would need to be done and your question asked in each instance. A loved dog with run of house and yard, given attention and care and quality food would, in my opinion, be living a humane existence. A bird in a cage? Well, perhaps not, although there are bird owners who would disagree with me. Or how about a bird allowed free roam of its house, or with a huge aviary?

As far as taking a pet away from its family at birth, for some species I believe that is cruel. Elephants, for instance, are social animals who need their families around them, and grieve the loss of any member. Other species, when observed in the wild, do not live with their families for their whole lives, but strike out on their own when they reach young adulthood.
2007-07-25 15:57:11 UTC
One cannot own another living thing any more than one can own another human. They are not my pets, they are my companion animals. They eat even when I can't afford to eat anything I didn't grow myself. They go to the vet even when I haven't seen a medical practitioner in more years than I care to count. I care more for my animal friends that share my home than I care for most of my coworkers. And as for the slaughterhouse bit.... It may serve the purpose of providing nourishment for the masses, but at what cost? Did you know that the average american uses less fossil fuel driving somewhere than walking that distance. It's because our meat laden diet of factory farmed animals consumes tremendous amounts of energy. I haven't eaten meat in years, and I'm healthier and in better physical, mental and emotional shape than most of the rest of this country despite having no insurance. Oh, and when's the last time you tried forcing a 'pet' to do something. They are nothing if not independent of their 'owners'. Oh, and for the record I've rescued all of my pets from the street or from shelters where they were abandoned by little Sally and Joey who really wanted a cat or dog or whatever but were too selfish to actually care for the creature.
2007-07-25 15:51:42 UTC
You do have a point. But a lot of pets are happy with their new family. There's people who have dogs and cats that follow them around. They love their owners to death. We have two cats and sometimes they'll come to us and expect to be petted(of course they do get petted). And sometimes I feel bad that they have to eat that nasty cat food. They beg for food a lot and if they were my own cats I'd feed them whatever they want. And if I had pets of my own, I wouldn't spay or neuter them. They have the right to reproduce if they want. And animals don't depend on us to live animals are actually more capable of fending for themselves than humans are. And why are people like, "control the pet population" when the human population is even a bigger issue? And I believe animals are in love when they have babies. People need to stop acting like humans are the only beings on Earth with feelings and treat their pets better. I hope my opinion helped. =]
2007-07-25 15:47:51 UTC
Jeeze, cool it.

We do it so they become part of the family. It's like being an adopted kid. Do they ever see their family again? Maybe, but not always. And they get spayed because of the rising number of pets. More pets will be treated cruelly and will starve if most pets keep breeding.

People like you need to get a dog or a cat or at least a fish.

They'll help cool your hot head.

So is it cruel that I took my dog from a shelter and let her run around my yard, properly fed her, took her on many trips, and played with her?

Is it cruel that I let my parakeets fly around the house on their free will, properly feed them and give them treats and toys?

I doubt it.
2007-07-25 15:46:02 UTC
Many pets are domesticated animals who no longer possess many of the skills to survive on their own. Because man stepped in and domesticated these animals,, taking away some of their instincts, it is instead an obligation to be a pet owner and take good care of an animal.
Nicki B
2007-07-25 15:59:09 UTC
Well, for your information, I gave my dog a better life than he EVER would have had if he stayed with the person I got him from. I saved his life and he is treated like a king!! I got my dog from a rescue agency that got him from some guy giving the puppies away out of the trunk of his CAR!!!!! If the agency hadn't taken thesse puppies in and turned him in for cruelty to animals...these puppies would have died a far worse, more torturous death!!!! These IDIOTS out here who pass judgement on those of us who have pets are the HYPOCRITES!! You say that the slaughter houses stand for a vital purpose: survival......when actually they do the same thing you are so willing to judge us for!! they rip families of animals apart and KILL them!!! All so that gluttonous idiots like you can fill your already fat stomach's with meat!! So in retrospect....YOU should be sitting in the jail as well for partaking in the murder of innocent animals!!! Guess pet owning isn't such a bad thing now is it??
2007-07-25 15:53:59 UTC
So I guess your proposal is to let dogs live out in the streets on their own. Keeping them intact so they can just keep producing more and more street dogs, who have to fend for themselves, eat out of the garbage, possibly get hit by cars. Pets were bred for thousands of years to be PETS. They would have a hard time surviving on their own. When you spay or neuter you are removing all of their reporoductive organs, so they don't have that urge to reproduce. And we it helps reduce the pet population. We are over crouded as it is. I bet if a pet dog could answer your question, most of them would reply by saying that they like to be pampered by their owners, getting a nice soft warm bed, good meals, love and attention. I know there are some abused pets, but for the most part, pets are loved and well taken care of. I don't see why they would complain.

The original purpose animals were domesticated was for working purposes. They bred dogs as hunters, protectors, herders. Cats were kept to keep mice and other rodents out of the barn and crops. But we grew so attached to them that they eventually just became our companions. Sometimes I wish that we didn't, because there are so many cases of abuse. But then, I can't even imagine my life without my pets.
Audrey A
2007-07-25 15:50:23 UTC
Sounds like PETA talk to me...

Curious, what would you have people do with all their pets? Let them go? What about the dangers of "wild life"? What about cars? Predatory animals? Overpopulation? Starvation?

What's more inhumane; allowing a dog to die of starvation on the street, or allow it to be a loved and well cared for member of a family?

Domestication has been around for almost all of human existence, and domesticated animals depend on us for survival. It can't be undone.
2007-07-25 15:45:14 UTC
Owning a pet can be humane if you rescue an animal from a shelter. That's what most activists do, I suppose. There you are saving a pet no one wants from death.
2007-07-25 15:55:17 UTC
Domesticated animals have been bred to the point that they usually need people to take care of them, especially dogs.

Cats are more like their original wild ancestors, so that's why they revert to their "wild" (feral) state much more readily than dogs.

The wild is a dangerous, hostile place, full of horrible diseases and predators. I had tick fever once--it was horrible. Imagine how horrible it would be for an animal who got, say, distemper or rabies, diseases which are easily controlled by vaccinations given to pets.

It's a sad state for pets who have to face the wild.

Pets are pleasant companions, non-humans who somehow find a place in our families.

Yeah, sure, it would be terrible if you treated a human like a pet.

But they're HUMANS. You can't make that comparison--animals are not human. Animals can't get themselves medical care. They can feed themselves to some extent, but not without quite a bit of effort. They have to scrabble for food and shelter, sometimes while pregnant or lactating, which makes them weaker and more vulnerable.

They face predators both large and incredibly small.

Wild animals barely make it, and they're used to living in the wild.

Domesticated animals just can't hack it out in the wild.

A long, long time ago, humans and animals entered the uneasy but usually mutually beneficial relationship of owner/pet. Animals could provide for themselves to some extent, but they fared just as well or better when they gave up some of their freedom (which wasn't that great, anyway) and cast their lot with humans.

I didn't kidnap any of my pets. I certainly would think not twice, but a number of times, before adopting a wild animal as a pet.

But my cat is a lovely little member of my family (well, not lovely...but certainly loved), and I have no doubt that she's better off living inside with me than out in a world full of parasites and predators and cars bearing down on her.

And saying that eating animals isn't hypocritical is no way to win this argument, either. You can certainly survive, and survive quite well, with no meat in your diet whatsoever.

If you're going to make an argument, do try to use would certainly strengthen your case if you presented it without easily refuted logical fallacies.

Edit: and as far as "letting animals reproduce if they want"--no. No, no, no. That's why there are too many domestic animals in the world and millions are killed every year. It's up to every pet owner to be responsible for controlling their pet's reproduction.

It's not a matter of pets "enjoying" mating. They mate because they have a biological urge to mate.

I doubt most animals enjoy being driven by their hormones to mate and having to deal with one or more unwanted pregnancies. Spayed/neutered pets are generally calmer, better-behaved, and better pets in general.

Humans, who are capable of enjoying sex, are also capable of having sex for reasons other than reproduction.

Animals, especially domesticated animals, generally only mate for reproductive purposes. They're not, like, say, bonobo chimps who seem to enjoy sex. A lot.

But then, bonobos aren't pregnant all the time, either.

And they're usually not pets.

So we'll just leave them out of this argument.

You can't compare pets to humans...except among consenting adults.

But that's another argument entirely.
2007-07-25 15:49:21 UTC
I see your point because a lot of it makes sense. The only part I disagree with is that stray cats and dogs do not usually have a better life on the city streets...if you live on the country side than that is another story. On the streets they usually live a harder life more susceptible to disease etc. just like any homeless person. House cats tend to live 5 to 10 yrs longer than an alley cat. But yeah I agree, I feel sorry for birds trapped in cages and fish just swimming around and around the same boring tank and stuff like that...
2007-07-25 16:20:53 UTC
I took in a rat so she doesn't get eatin by a snake. I'm actually bettering her life. She doesn't have to scavange for food, live in dirty conditions (she's never in her cage either) and worry where a place is safe or if she's someone's meal. So her life is actually better with me.

Most pet owners also better their pets lives by owning them. They could be far off worse than they are now. So no, it's not hyporcracy, it's helping them. They depend on us and we help them. I see it as a good thing.
2007-07-25 15:47:49 UTC
Most animal activists, I assume, rescue animals from abusive homes or people who have done exactly what you described, I understand your point of view but not everyone who owns a pet is a horrible person.
2007-07-26 09:06:32 UTC
most animals that are domesticated have been so for almost the entirety of human existence.

When your pets are animals taken in off the streets, like mine, and you get them proper medical care, feed them and clean up after them, is that cruel compared to what they faced by being left to the rest of the world? I see neighborhood cats that get hit by cars, or that people have poisoned, or that get tortured by local children. So how am i cruel by taking in these cats again?

btw, most serious activists aren't getting pets from stores, or places like puppy mills. we are either rescuing them off the street after someone else abandoned them, or we get them from shelters where someone else abandoned them.
2007-07-25 15:50:25 UTC
Incase you do not know this animals are not people. They could care less who there family is. I have seen more pets living better than the best homeless person. Animals don't have sex because they are in love like people do and they really don't care what food they eat, they eat out of garbages and drink out of the toilet.

I don't think it is ok for pet owners to tie up their dog and leave it outside. Besides that you are way off base.
2007-07-25 16:29:40 UTC
I got one of my pets from a shelter and the other from someone who was just gonna ditch him on streets because she didn't want him. As far as I'm concerned it is like adoption. I treat them like I would kids and feed them food they like (they are picky eaters), I got them neutered so that if they do get outside they don't create more unwanted pets.

I would never get a pet from a pet store or a breeder though I think its wrong to encourage breeding of them there are already a ton who have no homes!
2007-07-25 15:50:35 UTC
Definitely one of the dumber things I've heard today! We domesticated these animals to make them dependent on us, just like children are. Therefore, it's our JOB to see that they don't go hungry, don't play in traffic, and don't breed indiscriminately. The truth is, their lives HAVE been decided by humans. Now it's up to us to make sure that it's the best life possible!
Kelly R
2007-07-25 15:49:20 UTC
You have made an excellent point there. I think that deserves a star!!!

However, there are a few occasions where the animals need to be taken away from its mother, due to abandonment or road accidents or owner irresponsibility. That is why if I ever get a pet it will be from a shelter, so it at least has some chance of survival and the chance to be loved.
2007-07-25 15:47:53 UTC
because you're not killing it, or harming it.

its better for the animal to be in your home living as your pet, than out on the streets hungry.

and most animals dont need to 'see their family'.

it's the way they're made.

there different than humans, so you cannot compare them to humans.

and um, actually people do that to humans all the time.

whenever you were young, your parents fed you whenever they felt like it.

and bought you whatever food they felt like getting, which meant you had to eat that.

they're not in jail.
2007-07-25 15:46:26 UTC
My little doggie seems awfully happy lying on her posh bed with her food and water bowl next to her and all those toys on the floor. I guess if I'm going to prison for being good to her, then I deserve it. Bad me! I think it's sort of like adopting children. We take them in, we love them, and we give them the good life. Otherwise, they'd be running the streets addicted to crack. Now which would you rather? Hmm?
Pryva D
2007-07-25 15:47:23 UTC
what a delightful take...thank you for thinking of such things. i agree (and yet, my feline hostage sleeps on behind me). no sarcasm intended but i must say...if i will go out of my way to shoo a fly out of the house while you amuse yourself at the pet store without a thought in the world to what happens to those puppies that nobody wanted....there's no good answer. humans should hold dominion over nothing. thx for a thoughtful q.
2007-07-25 15:47:44 UTC
owning a pet and humanly taking care of it is ok. there are a lot of homeless animals out there and we are helping. your just exagerating and saying that people are cruel which a lot of us arent.
I, Sapient
2007-07-25 15:46:48 UTC
It's hard to believe you actually believe all that.

What about those of us who adopt animals that are about to be euthanized because no one else wanted them....

That's just one example, I'm sure you'll get many more....
Shane Kirk.
2007-07-25 15:46:23 UTC
Get one thing into your head - ANIMALS ARE DIFFERENT TO HUMANS!!! If it really hurt them so much why do we do it? Most pets adore their owners. Dont go round throwing accusations before youve got your facts right.
2007-07-25 15:48:33 UTC
jeepers creepers man..............i won't tell my 3 doggies you said that or they may go through the computer to get

my doggies live a lot better than most humans, they are spoiled beyond belief!
2007-07-25 15:44:58 UTC
I own a pet, but I don't make a big deal of it.
2007-07-25 15:46:52 UTC
Because if no one owned pets....there would be alot of hungry diseased strays around!!! you idiot, some people are so stupid
2007-07-25 18:29:20 UTC
Do you have an animal?
2007-07-25 15:53:13 UTC
Crazy...I could not imagine my life without my dogs.
2007-07-25 15:45:57 UTC
That's something to think about !!! Maybe I'll ask my dog what he thinks.
2007-07-25 15:46:06 UTC
2007-07-25 15:46:30 UTC
yes I do not see why people even want pets.

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