hey guys i need your halp naming this little guy. i have a 6 1/2 month old baby paint horse, he is mostly white with some brown or black (we arnt shure withch yet cus his coat is changing colors) on his head and one side. he has 2 blue eyes. he is verry sweet and willing to learn. plus hes kinda spunky but most the time he is calm and colected. we have tryed to name him scence the day he was born but we havent been able to finde aneything great. than when he was 5 months old his mom kaite girl died. so we want to kinda tye eather her name or the fackt that he was on his own at a young age in with his name some how. we want his name to have a meaning and really fit his personality. and no we cant call him blue for short it just dont fit him. please help!