I havea miney rex bunny, she is going to be 4 months this months and has not been fixed yet. Ever since I got her I left her cage open so she could go in and out as she pleased, also so that she could bond with me and my boyfriend. The bonding worked great! she comes up to us, let's us pet her, she lickes us, she "binkys", she lays flat out on the floor just enjoying life during the day.. she's just a happy bunny over all. The issue starts at night when we are trying to get sleep. Since our bed is on ground leve meaning it dosnt have a base she tends to jump on it. I really wouldn't mind it but all other times wev let her stay on it she pees and poops on it. She is potty train nd she dosnt pee or poo around the room, just the bed. So I'm guessing she does that because she's claiming it as her space. But how can I get her to stop? Its really becoming hard to get some sleep since she's more active during dusk/dawn, and since I'm a light sleeper as soon as she gets on the bed I notice nd take her down right away, but I know that once she gets on the 1st time I'm going to be up for 3 good hours just pushing her off. =/. That's one of the problmes and the 2nd problem is that she chews on evrything in the room! I just need somthing to spry to make her stop, id perfer if I could use somthing around the house other then going to buy somthing. We are thinkning of giving her away but I want to know if ther is anything I could do b4 we starting to ask ppl. We have tryied to keep herin her cage during the night but she goes crasy in it. Not only will she bite the bars, she will litterly shake the whole cage. I would put her out in the garage at night, but idk if its bad for her to be shaking the cage all night untill the next morning.
Any advice would be amazing! I really don't want to give her away, but if thers nothing I can do, then I feel like I got no option. I do no that once we get her fix she culd calm down on both the chewing and peeing on the bed, but we don't. Wannt to spend 150-200$ and then decide to just give her away.