whats your fav shark or hamster or snake?
2005-12-13 13:21:59 UTC
whats your fav shark or hamster or snake?
Three answers:
2005-12-13 13:27:36 UTC
I haven't come across any recipes for hamster, and snake only tastes like chicken, so I'd have to go with shark.
2005-12-13 21:24:05 UTC
That's quite a selection to choose from! I vote for hamster, since they're furry and usually friendly. They make pretty good pets and are quite cute.

And hamsters don't really smell all that bad unless you don't keep their cage clean or if a female hamster is in heat.
2005-12-13 21:23:33 UTC
snake because i have a snake and it is a great pet. there so cool. hamsters just smell adn sharks are ok but iv never seen one

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