What is your funniest family pet moment?
2009-03-12 07:47:25 UTC
See Owen Wilson answering this question here:
2196 answers:
2009-04-10 03:22:26 UTC
My husband and I would take our 10wk old puppy potty without a leash to see how obedient he was. H would prance/walk right beside our feet constantly looking up at us and following our movements and our pace.

It always wasn't a good thing. Our poor baby was walking right beside us while stepping off the curb. As soon as we knew it, we saw him falling face forward off a curb that was almost as tall as him. He started crying, and luckily he was okay. We felt so bad, but it his clumsiness didn't stop there. heheh.

My husband and I was tossing a large beach ball around, my husband called out his name and tossed the ball high into the air towards him, assuming he'd move. He admired it instead while it was coming at him... doopty-doo. It hit him right on the snout, and he cried a bit but was okay. I can't help but think what was he thinking? Why didn't he move? hehe.

As a puppy he would lay on his back with his arms folded and his feet paw to paw pointed like ballet dancer. He also loves being carried like a baby, belly to belly, his arms on your shoulder. Now that he's 50lbs he still squeezes himself snout first into our arms. He is such a big baby, but so smart with picking up all the tricks we taught him.

We taught him to fetch only with the command 'go get it'... no matter how far or how long ago you threw it. Every now and then we'll pretend we forgot and watch him as he belly crawls for the ball, he'll pretend that he's just waiting when you look at him even if he's already 10ft away. He'll belly crawl like Marley when eating, just to get his ball. Hehhe. I love my Sammie!
lเllร๏๓ค ~_~.
2009-04-08 14:39:48 UTC


Hello Ms. Aniston!!

My Funniest Family Pet Moment, Has Got To Be...

The Day Our 2 Year Old Samoyed, Stones, Was Choking On A Bone From Our Butcher, & My Dad, (while an audience of neighbors cheers on) Throws His Leg Over Stones to Straddle Him, and begins an Up & Down Thrusting Motion We All Know As The Heimlich Maneuver!!

The Bone Successfully Comes Flying Out Of Stones' Mouth, & the Entire Neighborhood AUDIENCE Breaks Out with Claps & Cheers & "Wolf Whistles"!!!

See, My Dad was Napping At The Time, and Had Run Outside In His Tightie Whities!!!

That's Probably the First Time People Ever Got To See a Person Looking As Though They Were Humping the Dog vs. The Other Way Around!!

They BOTH Have Since Passed Away, But The Pain Is Less When We Are Reminded Of Special Moments Like This. Thank You For Allowing Me To Share My Story With You!!!


Take Care!! Lillsoma

________ ~_~.

2009-03-15 08:12:23 UTC
I just moved from an apartment in a highrise that did not allow cats. I have two cats, one I have had for 15 years and the other for ten years. They are extremely strict about this rule, if it is found that you have a cat either the cat goes or you are evicted. The building was managed by a dictator type of person which was the number one reason I was so happy about my move.

Our last load out of the apartment was the two cats and all of the things that they need. The manager made a suprise inspection to see the condition that I was leaving the apartment in. Of course it was spotless. The first thing she did was open the foyer closet. There was one of the cats. She loudly said " That's a cat, you have a cat" I responded with joy "yes she's been here for 15 years.

Her next move was into the bedroom, she opened the closet and there was the second cat, she explaimed loudly "there's another cat" with more joy I said yes he's been here for ten years" There was nothing she could say or do as I was at the last stage of moving out. I have not had such a good feeling in a long time to have the opportunity to confront the dictator manager with my cats that she had never known about.
2009-03-16 17:15:33 UTC
Wow on our little farm we have a laugh everyday with these guys. Right now there are 6 dogs 5 cats 22 sheep with 28 lambs 2 ponies and a calf named Cowboy.

The funniest was a dog we had here called Cujo who was a heeler mix and was lazier than a house cat (so much for the phrase "working dog) anyway came home one day couldn't find him anywhere..oh no!! we looked and drove around and we were saddened that maybe someone took him or he was run over..we were sitting out on the porch that evening drinking our tea when we could hear a very low sad a wolf howl..we searched and called his name and then we went to the barn..well pardon the pun but Timmy was in the well!! Yep there was Cujo protector of all sitting in the bottom of the barn well head hoisted high and howling for all he was worth. Just to clear up the well thing it is a 6'x6' cement room that is about 12 feet down and the water pump for our barn is down there.

This is the same dog that when we couldn't find the treat box or the dog he finally came out of his house wearing the box around his head.
2015-05-10 02:32:53 UTC
on our little farm we have a laugh everyday with these guys. Right now there are 6 dogs 5 cats 22 sheep with 28 lambs 2 ponies and a calf named Cowboy.

The funniest was a dog we had here called Cujo who was a heeler mix and was lazier than a house cat (so much for the phrase "working dog) anyway came home one day couldn't find him anywhere..oh no!! we looked and drove around and we were saddened that maybe someone took him or he was run over..we were sitting out on the porch that evening drinking our tea when we could hear a very low sad a wolf howl..we searched and called his name and then we went to the barn..well pardon the pun but Timmy was in the well!! Yep there was Cujo protector of all sitting in the bottom of the barn well head hoisted high and howling for all he was worth. Just to clear up the well thing it is a 6'x6' cement room that is about 12 feet down and the water pump for our barn is down there.
2009-03-15 22:08:04 UTC
Our first dog as a married couple was a little male Golden Retriever we named Max. We were visiting at some friends who had a little older Golden named Molly. They lived on the lake and Molly loved to swim. She would run out to the water, jump off the dock and repeat for ever. Max would get to the end of the dock turn around and come back. He never got up the courage to get in the water. Later my friend took a look in the area where they kept Molly's water in a big bucket and there was Max, in the bucket of water with all fours. He posed for his picture and once he smiled for the camera we found the reason he posed so nicely for us was that he couldn't get out of the bucket.

Since we probably have our last do now this may be our last fun puppy story so will sneak it in. A couple of years ago when Zippy was a new pup home from the humane society she was getting used to people things. We were making piles of clothes according to color, to do the wash. She got into the laundry piles and came strolling out into the living room with a bra neatly worn in the appropriate area... for a human.

It is too bad that after all the years of dogs we have had, most of the really funny stories can't be shared. Pets are the best medicine being full of fun, love and laughter.
2014-10-08 05:08:20 UTC
Since we probably have our last do now this may be our last fun puppy story so will sneak it in. A couple of years ago when Zippy was a new pup home from the humane society she was getting used to people things. We were making piles of clothes according to color, to do the wash. She got into the laundry piles and came strolling out into the living room with a bra neatly worn in the appropriate area... for a human.

It is too bad that after all the years of dogs we have had, most of the really funny stories can't be shared. Pets are the best medicine being full of fun, love and laughter.
2014-10-26 10:20:32 UTC
The Day Our 2 Year Old Samoyed, Stones, Was Choking On A Bone From Our Butcher, & My Dad, (while an audience of neighbors cheers on) Throws His Leg Over Stones to Straddle Him, and begins an Up & Down Thrusting Motion We All Know As The Heimlich Maneuver!!

The Bone Successfully Comes Flying Out Of Stones' Mouth, & the Entire Neighborhood AUDIENCE Breaks Out with Claps & Cheers & "Wolf Whistles"!!!

See, My Dad was Napping At The Time, and Had
2014-10-26 02:57:59 UTC
The Bone Successfully Comes Flying Out Of Stones' Mouth, & the Entire Neighborhood AUDIENCE Breaks Out with Claps & Cheers & "Wolf Whistles"!!!

See, My Dad was Napping At The Time, and Had Run Outside In His Tightie Whities!!!

That's Probably the First Time People Ever Got To See a Person Looking As Though They Were Humping the Dog vs. The Other Way Around!!
2015-08-03 08:40:26 UTC
The funniest was a dog we had here called Cujo who was a heeler mix and was lazier than a house cat (so much for the phrase "working dog) anyway came home one day couldn't find him anywhere..oh no!! we looked and drove around and we were saddened that maybe someone took him or he was run over..we were sitting out on the porch that evening drinking our tea when we could hear a very low sad a wolf howl..we searched and called his name and then we went to the barn..well pardon the pun but Timmy was in the well!! Yep there was Cujo protector of all sitting in the bottom of the barn well head hoisted high and howling for all he was worth. Just to clear up the well thing it is a 6'x6' cement room that is about 12 feet down and the water pump for our barn is down there.

This is the same dog that when we couldn't find the treat box or the dog he finally came out of his house wearing the box around his head.
2009-03-19 12:37:20 UTC
Funniest pet moment???

ha ha

One that immediately comes to mind is when my family had canaries.

We were feeding the canaries in there cage and accidentally left the cage open. OOPS!! big mistake, most of the time the canaries stay inside even with the gate open, but nope not this time. This time the brown canary (we call robin ) escaped from the cage and we had to Chase it ALL OVER The kitchen. We closed all the windows immediately and the kitchen doors. We were screaming and shouting , getting food to make it go back to its cage. FINALLY my grandmother caught to bird. WHEW!! we were safe, and we put the canary right where it belonged.

Another one happened before I was born when my mother was young. I still love it.

My mothers family owned a Parrot for a while. My grandfather loves pets and was always bringing another animal home. At nights when my mothers family would eat dinner The parrot would stare at them WIDE eyed and always flapped its wings as if it was about to pounce. My mothers family would always be busy all week, going to school,or to work. So in the weekend the parrot would always ask, "What are you doing here that you don't leave???"

so funny


hope you enjoyed acting in marley and me.

2009-03-16 20:51:03 UTC
When I was a child, my family had a Collie/German Sheppard mix ("Laddie") that hated cats with a passion. That is until I got my first kitten (a mean little thing that only purred when she gave birth, her name was "Cat"). The first day she was outside, my mother lost sight of her and could only see the dog. She thought the dog ate the kitten until he moved. The kitten was under the dogs tail and chased after him, still batting at the tail. But that's just the beginning of their friendship.

There was a tall bush/short tree by the gate into the back yard. Cat would sit up in the tree and wait for stray dogs to enter the yard, directly under her. Then jump down onto their backs, sink in her very sharp claws and start riding them like a jockey on a horse around the yard and house. Laddie (who had also been waiting close by) would always join in. Barking and snapping at the poor strays ars. They'd be sure to do a couple of laps around the place to get the trespassing animal good and freaked out before Cat would dismount and Laddie would finish the chase out of the open gate, still harassing their quarry as they ran down the street.
2009-03-15 06:23:15 UTC
Well We Had A Dog Called Toby And One Night We Didnt Realize He Had Diarrhea So He Was Sat On My Lap Because he Was Only Little And He Pooed All Over Me And It Was Running All Down Me Everyone Was Laughing So To give Them A Taste Of Their Own Medicine I Gave Them All Hugs. I Get Teased Alot By That Now And Im In My 50's
2009-03-26 03:55:30 UTC
Wow, hi! Love your work, just right off. You have such a great dramatic range and are an outstanding comedienne as well as a fashion icon. Not something everyone can pull off, but you make it seem effortless. Bravo! I'm looking forward to more of your performances.

We have many pets and over the years, many funny moments. But the most recent has to be our American Eskimos Kayla and Kasumi.

We adopted Kayla 9 years ago, and just before Hallowe'en 2008, we found another one up for adoption at the Humane Society, Kasumi. While she was docile at the facility, she was downright frantic at the arrival of her new home.

But her ears perked right up the moment she saw Kayla. It was love at first sight. Now she's been socialized, and copies everything Kayla does. Kayla sniffs in the yard, Kasumi sniffs in the yard. Kayla barks at a stranger on the street, Kasumi has to bark at the stranger on the street. It's a running gag, really and it brings many many fun moments.

Adopting a dog from the Humane Society is one of the best things our family has done, and I highly recommend checking it out to any one considering getting a pet.

Thanks for your time and best wishes to you in everything, mithril.
2009-03-16 14:02:22 UTC
When my cats, Jesse and Taro, were little they were very scared of everything. Once my family and I went out to do some errands and we left the cats in a locked room because they were still to young to roam the house. When we came home we went back to the room to play with the cats, but we couldn't find them. We had no idea where they could have gone, being locked in the small room. We searched the entire house and couldn't find them. When checking under the beds in the room, we noticed that there was a lump coming down from the box spring. We felt it and it was warm. The cats had climbed through a small hole into the box spring! We took the entire bed apart and gently shook the cats out. There was a lot of yowling, but at least the cats were safe. My family still laughs about it today.
2009-03-16 12:21:31 UTC
The funniest pet moment I had was when me, my brother, and my stepfather were at home. My brother and stepfather were home that morning taking a quick break from construction work. I was painting the pantry and my brother was cooking scrambled eggs for him and my stepfather. My brother put a whole plate of scrambled eggs on the kitchen table and turned back around to finish cooking. Then a few seconds later my dog which is a chow chow jumped into the kitchen chair and ate my stepfather's whole plate of eggs. My stepfather came in and was so mad and threw the dog out in the rain. Our chow chow is a girl and he kept saying " Get HIM out of here" He was always calling the dog a boy when it wasn't. So that made it even funnier. The weird thing is that our chow chow never, ever jumped into the kitchen chairs to eat any food that may have been left on the table. This probably doesn't sound too funny to most people but this is one of those stories where you had to be there to get the full laugh out of it.
2009-03-15 15:18:19 UTC
Actually, my dog reminds me alot of Marley.

She is a beagle but she's as strong as bull and has the brain size of a peanut..

You'd sware she's an airhead but she's really smart when she wants to be.

One day I decided I'd take her for a walk in the mountain, it was snowing and quite icy, but I figured I could tough it. I was doing pretty well until the big hill, it was icy and steep. As soon as I took a step she tugged and ran down the hill! I couldn't help but to scream, I screamed until halfway down then just ran as fast as I could,I sware my legs have never moved so fast in my life!! I grabbed onto a tree(well actually I crashed into it) and restrained her...boy that was quite the experience!

Well besides Kaytee swimming out to the middle of the lake-running away from a water snake it'd have to be when we came back from the coffee house and we couldnt find her anywhere! We decided to leave the gate open and wait till morning to search for her, that day I made 50 hand-made posters and put them everywhere,the newspaper,posts,bulletin boards and even contacted the radio station.

After 2 days of a full on search I prepared myself for the worst,she was either eaten by wolves(we live by a forest),ran over or somebody had taken her in and would not give her in,

I decided to make 1 last stop at the local petstore and asked them to put up the poster.

As soon as I gave her the poster she looked at me and smiled, "I know where this dog is!"

She grabbed the phone and called animal control(apparently she was pretty crazy) "Now I don't have to adopt her,she's so adorable!"

I was so relieved!

I'm sure there is a better story but I don't really remember...

Oh, and by the way, loved yours and Owen's performance in Marley and Me.

Bawn Nyntyn Aytetu
2009-03-14 09:31:33 UTC
The whole family were in the living room with our cat when I was young, and we had a carboard box, a length of string, and a small ball. Someone put the box on it's side, pushed the length of string down between the flaps, draging it toward the cat, and when getting it interested pulling the other end of the string through the flaps bringing the cat with it. When it was close, someone threw the ball into the box, and the cat jumped in after it. The boxed cat rolled over till it was standing on the carpet with the box over it's whole body except it's tail, then started walking around the room growling, walking into objects and walls, with it's tail wagging through the flaps on the outside of the box. After a brief period it walked through the doorframe of the living room, where it was seen by a very unsuspecting dog who thought it was a new toy and poceeded to tackle the box, except the slippery parquetry in the hall prevented the dogs paws from gripping to stop, subsequently pulling the box over suddenly, catapaulting the cat inside into the air. Instinct kicked in, and the cat grabbed hold with it's claws onto the nearest object while upside down in mid-air: the cusioning of a bar stool.

So the cat is hanging from it's front paws from the stool seat, the dog is passionately tearing the box into the smallest possible pieces looking for the magic disappearing tail, and we're all sitting in the lounge in fits of laughter when someone says "If only we had the camcorder handy."
2009-03-16 20:47:48 UTC
Ok, so there are a few unforgettable funny moments. The first was a crisp fall evening close to Halloween. Being fall in MN, we had those giant leaf bags that look like huge jack-o-lanterns in our front yard. My dog was only 6 months old at the time, so he had never experienced a holloween and the crazy decor that goes with it. The first night after filling up the leaf bags, I let him outside and suddenly I hear him start barking and snarling like mad. I came running to the front of the house, thinking there was a racoon or something, but no, he was holding the leaf bags at bay! The best was when he moved in a little to close and one of the bags got bumped and rolled to the scared my brave little puppy so much that he ran away from it. I couldn't stop laughing, but finally had to calm him down because the neighbors were starting to look out their windows at the whole scene.

The second was an occasion where I had my rabbit out in our backyard. I had a little cat harness on him and tied him to a long line so he could hop around without running off while I tended to some yardwork. I didn't realize my neighbors had let their dog out until I heard the dog tags jingling behind me in my yard. I turned to what I expected to be a horrific scene with their dog eating my bunny as a snack, but was greeted with an altogether improbable scenerio... the dog and bunny sniff each others noses...the dog backs away, but the bunny follows...the dog gets a little freaked and runs away, and my rabbit hops right after him. A 3 lb rabbit chasing a 30lb dog...I wish I had my cell phone on me to snap a picture.

I guess my rabbit made up for what my dog lacked in courage.
Kate S
2009-03-16 07:49:55 UTC
We used to have a dog, a cat and a bird - the entire food chain. While they all have their funny moments combined it was an interesting living arrangement.

The Cat pretty much ruled the house, the dog could have taken her out in one chomp but chose not to (bull terrier) and she would antagonise him through the glass windows. The bird spoke and would mimick our call to the cat to come into the house for dinner....the cat was always so confused as the bird would whistle away and then say "[Name]Dinner" over and over just as we did - the bird had the Whistle we used and words down pat - it totally freaked the cat. The dog was terrified of the bird (it hooked his nose one day with its beak), it would sit on his head and he would just look so ashamed at being this BIG bull terrier who was scared of a little buggie.

When the dog passed away, we discovered fairly quickly the reason we were having a bit of a mouse problem. It seems the dog must have had a pact with the mice that they could live out the back with him where the cat would not roam...within 2 days of his sad passing our cat eradicated all the mice.

It was our own little menagerie of funny pet times.
2009-03-15 12:56:44 UTC
We were fixing up our couch, putting some support in under the cushions. The cushions were off, and the springs removed, so there was nothing inside the couch whatsoever. But our little dog didn't happen to notice that.

She's a tiny thing, but quite a bit of hair. You could easily hold it in both arms. She's so full of energy, just running everywhere around the house. So she sees us all crowded around the couch, and decides she wants some attention. She runs into the living room, and runs a few circles. When nobody happens to notice, she decides to jump to where there used to be cushions.

If you were there, it looked like a cartoon. You would just see the dog hanging there for a second, and then the poor thing fell into the couch!!

We all felt sorry for her, but nobody could help but laugh.
2009-03-14 09:49:23 UTC
The other night I was preparing our meal and had taken the broiler pan out of the bottom of the gas stove so I could put the chicken on it and add seasoning. I then returned the broiler pan to the bottom rack under the broiler, and turned on the heat. I left the room for a minute to get something from the pantry, and when I re-entered the kitchen I heard the most god-awful yowling you can imagine! I knew instantly what had happened and rushed to the stove and got the broiler door opened. Sassy, my cat, flew out like a bullet being shot from a gun. The smell was of singed hair and whiskers. She hopped around on her paws for a minute as though they were very hot, which I'm sure they were. But after checking her over, I didn't find anything major wrong, other than curled whiskers and a little hair singed on her tail. Oh and her hurt feelings. I think I was more afraid than she was. But she has forgiven me and forgot about the whole thing, although she hasn't gone near the stove since.
2014-08-26 20:25:54 UTC
Once my family and I went out to do some errands and we left the cats in a locked room because they were still to young to roam the house. When we came home we went back to the room to play with the cats, but we couldn't find them. We had no idea where they could have gone, being locked in the small room. We searched the entire house and couldn't find them. When checking under the beds in the room, we noticed that there was a lump coming down from the box spring. We felt it and it was warm. The cats had climbed through a small hole into the box spring! We took the entire bed apart and gently shook the cats out. There was a lot of yowling, but at least the cats were safe. My family still laughs about it today.
2009-03-19 20:20:22 UTC
We had a big tropical fish tank in the corner of our living room and the top of it was kept half open. It was about 6 feet tall on a wooden stand and we never thought our cat would be able to get anywhere near it. Well, one morning my family and I woke up to find some cat hairs floating in the top of the tank (all the fish were fine thank goodness!)and the cat was hiding far away from the tank. But, we had always wondered until that morning just how far can a wet cat jump? The answer would be 13 feet because that's how far away a big wet spot was at the top of the stairs away from the fish tank and hardly a dribble in between! We knew from that point on to put a cover over that top of the tank and that our cat hated water and would never try to 'play with the bright fishies' ever again!
2009-03-16 14:08:49 UTC

I have a large white longhaired dog - a boerboel.

One day I washed him and used a bucket and some warm water.

The water did not last long and I had to get more, so I tied him to the wheelbarrow using his leash, otherwise he would just go roll in the sand while I was gone .

I fetched more water, and poured it over him, and he took off round the house , towing the wheelbarrow behind him, looking around fearfully at the bouncing barrow and growling and howling at it.It was a huge racket, even the neighbours came running to help....

Eventually the barrow came loose and the dog went around the next corner, stopped, peeped around the corner and growled at the wheelbarrow.....I realised afterward that I never mixed the warm and cold water properly and the dog took fright when the warm water hit him...

Fortunately he was not hurt and no damage done except skid marks and bumpmarks...He does not trust a barrow or a bucket , and growls and shows teeth at them...
2009-03-15 03:04:48 UTC
We had a pond at the corner of are garden and it was at ground level with only a small, low brick wall around it but the pond surface was covered in the green flaky pond weed, well our grandparents dog didn’t know that it was water because of the weed, so it walked straight in the t along the lawn and in to the pond!!! when it came up because, it was a small jackrussle, it looked just like a massive frog when it jumped out of the water and sat back on the lawn, my six month old little brother was in a highchair and he laughed for about half an hour non stop! we had never seen someone laugh so much in our lives!!
2014-08-25 04:31:39 UTC
There was a tall bush/short tree by the gate into the back yard. Cat would sit up in the tree and wait for stray dogs to enter the yard, directly under her. Then jump down onto their backs, sink in her very sharp claws and start riding them like a jockey on a horse around the yard and house. Laddie (who had also been waiting close by) would always join in. Barking and snapping at the poor strays ars. They'd be sure to do a couple of laps around the place to get the trespassing animal good and freaked out before Cat would dismount and Laddie would finish the chase out of the open gate, still harassing their quarry as they ran down the street.
2015-01-23 05:06:15 UTC
Someone put the box on it's side, pushed the length of string down between the flaps, draging it toward the cat, and when getting it interested pulling the other end of the string through the flaps bringing the cat with it. When it was close, someone threw the ball into the box, and the cat jumped in after it. The boxed cat rolled over till it was standing on the carpet with the box over it's whole body except it's tail, then started walking around the room growling, walking into objects and walls, with it's tail wagging through the flaps on the outside of the box. After a brief period it walked through the doorframe of the living room, where it was seen by a very unsuspecting dog who thought it was a new toy and poceeded to tackle the box, except the slippery parquetry in the hall prevented the dogs paws from gripping to stop, subsequently pulling the box over suddenly, catapaulting the cat inside into the air. Instinct kicked in, and the cat grabbed hold with it's claws onto the nearest object while upside down in mid-air: the cusioning of a bar stool.

So the cat is hanging from it's front paws from the stool seat, the dog is passionately tearing the box into the smallest possible pieces looking for the magic disappearing tail, and we're all sitting in the lounge in fits of laughter when someone says "If only we had the camcorder handy."
2014-07-12 00:33:27 UTC
Her next move was into the bedroom, she opened the closet and there was the second cat, she explaimed loudly "there's another cat" with more joy I said yes he's been here for ten years" There was nothing she could say or do as I was at the last stage of moving out. I have not had such a good feeling in a long time to have the opportunity to confront the dictator manager with my cats that she had never known about.
2014-08-30 20:44:42 UTC
I laid the tooth on the side of my plate, and got up to go get a drink. When I came back, by daughter's dog Lilly was sitting in my chair and the tooth was gone! I looked all over for it and couldn't find didn't dawn on me that the dog might have eaten it! Needless to say, the next day I was out in the yard waiting for her to poop so I could look through it (with rubber gloves on). There it a fresh steaming pile of dog poo. I had to rinse it off and take it to the dentist to be autoclaved and put back in my mouth....which still grosses me out, but those teeth are very expensive! Explaining what happened to the dentist was not fun, either. Everyone in the office laughed and probably will never let me forget it!
2009-03-16 17:46:03 UTC
My 8 year old dog, Brutus, (a golden retriever/ chocolate lab mix, but he turned out to be a yellow lab) doesn't do a whole lot during the day. He lays in the house from the time we leave for school and work to the time we take him out for his nightly walk around the neighborhood. Since he doesn't do much all day, he gets excited for his walks with my mom. When we say "Wanna go for a walk?" he will look up at us the first time, stand up the second time, and bound toward us the third time we say it. If we continue with this favorite phrase of his, he will run from the door to the speaker, and back to the door. If it goes on long enough, he will start barking and whining at us. It is hilarious to watch, and he still loves us when we do it.
2009-03-17 10:03:54 UTC
My cat Patches is 19 and I have had her since she was 6 weeks old. About 5 years ago, already a pretty old cat, she started flailing around on the floor on her side. I thought she was having a seizure, I had never seen her act like this. I thought "this is it, she's dying". So I got down on the floor with her and encircled her, talking to her, comforting her. It was then that I realized that she was NOT having a seizure or any other medical emergency. She had been scratching her neck with her back leg and somehow managed to get her back leg STUCK in her collar! I freed her and she immediately started taking a bath like "what? I meant to do that!" It was soooo not funny at first but after the fact it was hilarious!
2 Happily Married Americans
2009-03-16 17:13:26 UTC
Our dog Harvey, a beagle/german shepherd mix pound pup, had the height of a beagle, but the width of a shepherd. He used to get in the funniest situations. When we were digging a trench for burying phone lines to the garage, he fell in, upside down, and was so chubby, the only way we could get him out was to pull him by the legs! He also liked to be part of the fun, and when my husband was putting new shingles on the roof, he dug under the fence, climbed the ladder, and was barking at Scott from the top of the ladder, on the roof.

Harvey loved swimming, and was adept at bouncing on the diving board and jumping in, with his head and body going under the water, then he would emerge, barking happily, swimming circles around the people.
Nonof U
2009-03-15 07:39:52 UTC
WTF!! I asked this question a few weeks ago and got ZERO stars and only about 7 replies! And now because Jennifer Aniston is asking suddenly there's 300+ stars and more replies than I'd care to count! It's so unfair... *sigh* Fine, my cat is a reincarnated evil genius. One day I came home from school, I hadn't eaten all day and I was starving. I made myself a delicious salmon sandwich. I sat down to eat it and over he comes and sits next to me. I can tell he's eyeing my sandwich but there's no way he's getting any. So he walks to the shelf nearby and starts scratching it. I shout "Hey stop that!" but he ignores me, taunts me by scratching with even more vigor. "Esteban! Enough!" scratch scratch scratch scratchscratch. He's looking at me the whole time. I've had enough, I get up and start chasing him around the room. He runs under an armchair and I try to scoop him out. "Esteban get out of there." At this point I realize I don't see or hear him anymore so I look around and THERE HE IS, running away with my sandwich in his mouth!

He lost most of it on the way to his hiding place too, so neither of us could eat it.

I let him keep it though because he obviously put a lot of thought into the scheme and he totally fooled me.
Curious Cat
2009-03-14 23:35:19 UTC
Well.. My cat has a tendency to run very fast, jump on the wall, and bounce off. It looks like some type of skateboarding move. Well yea, i had some company over my house and we are watching T.V so my cat just comes out of nowhere running like at 50 miles per hour and skates board right off my friends face!! We were all in shock because we were never expecting this. Everyone in the room started laughing I will never forget this day. I wish i had recorded that moment.
2009-03-13 18:11:53 UTC
Well, I had a cat and a dog. They got along fine, but each one was convinced that the other animal was getting better food. The dog,

"Bear" we fed on the patio, and he had his plate of food and also a bowl of water and another bowl of little dog munchies, if he got hungry between meals.

The cat "Cloud" we fed on her kitty cat condominium, which was a carpet covered structure that had a little sleeping area, with tunnels and a high level perch where she could snooze and not be bothered by the dog, and we also put her food dishes up there, because if Bear got a hold on her food, he would snorfle it all down. So the cat had her

munchies up high, where the dog couldn't get to them.

What we noticed is, the cat would dig into the trash can where we threw the dog food cans when they were empty, and she would flip them out on the ground. She could just get her head inside, and then she would eat the remaining dog food that was stuck to the inside of the can. This was fine while she was eating, but when she was done, she had to get the can back off, so when she was eating, you would see a cat sitting perfectly still, with a dog food can on it's head, right down the to shoulders. It would move a little as the cat went for the choicer pieces of food. We could tell when she was all done, because the can would start flopping around, and then she would roll around to get the can off her head. After she go the can off, she would clean herself up, and then just look around as if nothing had happened.

The dog would always watch this, and you could tell by the look in his eyes that he considered that the cat must be retarded, and probably showed up at the shelter where we got her by riding on the short bus.

They were both little characters, and I miss them still.
2015-08-12 08:05:13 UTC
We were visiting at some friends who had a little older Golden named Molly. They lived on the lake and Molly loved to swim. She would run out to the water, jump off the dock and repeat for ever. Max would get to the end of the dock turn around and come back. He never got up the courage to get in the water. Later my friend took a look in the area where they kept Molly's water in a big bucket and there was Max, in the bucket of water with all fours. He posed for his picture and once he smiled for the camera we found the reason he posed so nicely for us was that he couldn't get out of the bucket. My mothers family owned a Parrot for a while. My grandfather loves pets and was always bringing another animal home. At nights when my mothers family would eat dinner The parrot would stare at them WIDE eyed and always flapped its wings as if it was about to pounce. My mothers family would always be busy all week, going to school,or to work. So in the weekend the parrot would always ask, "What are you doing here that you don't leave???"
2014-08-26 07:50:29 UTC
My brother put a whole plate of scrambled eggs on the kitchen table and turned back around to finish cooking. Then a few seconds later my dog which is a chow chow jumped into the kitchen chair and ate my stepfather's whole plate of eggs. My stepfather came in and was so mad and threw the dog out in the rain. Our chow chow is a girl and he kept saying " Get HIM out of here" He was always calling the dog a boy when it wasn't. So that made it even funnier. The weird thing is that our chow chow never, ever jumped into the kitchen chairs to eat any food that may have been left on the table. This probably doesn't sound too funny to most people but this is one of those stories where you had to be there to get the full laugh out of it.
2009-05-07 03:32:45 UTC
When my little brother was three, he was in the bath and my cat is a big show-off, he was walking along the edge of the bath and back over and over again. My mum had walked in and made sure that my brother understood that he must not pull the cat in by it's tail. My mum went away again then me and my mum heard a splash! My brother explained how the cat had attempted to jump to the other side of the bath. Several other incidents like that happened including things like pools, wardrobes and erm... windows.

This past christmas, my grandparents came round for christmas dinner. The previous day I had baked some gingerbread cookies and hung them on the tree. We were all sat in the living room when we realised that their black labrador was pacing back and forth next to the tree, every time she passed the tree she would take a bite out of one of the cookies. Anger turned to laughter and we were soon all rolling on the floor laughing!!
2009-03-17 10:17:42 UTC
We had a really sweet and funny Wire Haired Terrier who a previous owner unfortunately called Dodo.

One morning I was awakened by running water at 3AM and I figured someone was taking a shower. I lay back down then realized that NOBODY in this house would ever have reason to shower at that time so I got up and discovered the noise coming from the basement.

Dodo had chewed through the water supply hose to the washing machine and was playing in the stream of water, having a ball!

He also loved to try and chew the stream of water coming out of a hose.
Wile E.
2009-03-16 19:49:34 UTC
I had two cats, Henry and Jake. One day they were just hanging out with me in the living room. Henry got up and headed for the kitchen to grab a snack. Jake saw him and decided to go, too. Henry was out in front as Jake walked under the telephone cord that was hanging off the sofa endtable. As cats do when something touches their back, he raised his.

This pulled the phone off the coffee table. By this time, Henry was already on the lanoleum in the kitchen, but when the phone hit the floor, Jake took off like a streak of lightning. He caught up with Henry about half way across the kitchen floor. Well, as soon as Jake got along side Henry, it startled Henry, so he took off towards the cat door. When Henry started running, it startled Jake even more. Now, all I could hear was cat claws on the slippery floor as they were tryng to beat each other to the cat door. It was a tie.
2009-03-16 15:06:05 UTC
I was sitting on the sofa watching tv when ,all of a sudden, my cat comes bolting through the living room jumps does an almost ninja like jump off the window and bolts back in the other direction. It happened so fast that I was just left there stunned going "what the f*ck?"

And of coarse she always becomes more amusing when you add a laser light or a little catnip to the mix
2009-03-16 14:49:50 UTC
I was eating a Subway sandwich one night and removed my fake tooth that had become loose so I wouldn't accidentally swallow it. I laid the tooth on the side of my plate, and got up to go get a drink. When I came back, by daughter's dog Lilly was sitting in my chair and the tooth was gone! I looked all over for it and couldn't find didn't dawn on me that the dog might have eaten it! Needless to say, the next day I was out in the yard waiting for her to poop so I could look through it (with rubber gloves on). There it a fresh steaming pile of dog poo. I had to rinse it off and take it to the dentist to be autoclaved and put back in my mouth....which still grosses me out, but those teeth are very expensive! Explaining what happened to the dentist was not fun, either. Everyone in the office laughed and probably will never let me forget it!
2009-03-15 15:07:07 UTC
First our dog absolutely hated water. When she was about three years old and we took her to the family cabin on a lake. It was a perfect day no wind and the water at the dock was like a mirror. After a while of her sniffing at the water she disappeared. We looked back breifly to see her heading to land. Next we heard the tell tale thudding of her at a full run heading straight to the end of the dock. With the longest jump I've ever seen her do she jumped with perfect aim onto the relfection of the next dock. Needless to say we could barely stop laughing long enough to pull her out of the cool water. Dizzy 1996 - 2008.
Texas Lady
2009-03-15 08:03:37 UTC
We were preparing for a move to Oklahoma City from Denver Colorado and during all the hustle and bustle of loading the moving van, we lost track of our female cat, Belle, that had been a member of our family for 4 yrs. After crying a lot of tears over our loss, we had to start on our way to make the 2 day trip to be in OKC by the following Monday. After arriving, the movers began to immediately unload the van. My mattress and box springs were the last items off of the they lifted the box springs off the van..that darned cat jumped OUT of it and ran for the hills! She had been inside the whole time and made the trip without a hitch. A little scared and hungry, but fine!
Kelli C
2009-03-14 22:12:23 UTC
My little ferret Lilo has a love of spoons. Yes it is weird but that is a ferret for you. I have been losing spoons like crazy and didn't know why. Well one day I was cleaning and doing dishes. She climbed into the dishwasher and I heard the silver wear jingling. I took a peek around and her was Lilo running away with a spoon. I followed her and found her stash of my spoons, I now have a full set.

She also has started a new thing with her Ferretone. Whenever I have it in my hand she will grab onto the sole of my shoe with her teeth and bite it while screaming until I give her the ferretone.
2009-03-14 18:49:56 UTC
I was out camping at a state park with my BF's, his GF and her dog (a boston Terrier). The dog was know for snoring but we had no idea that it would be much worse that night. We are all sitting around the campfire and the next thing the conversation was stopped dead in it's tracks. Pooky (the BT) let out a fart that was so rancid that it cleared us out of the camping area. I mean we were outside and it still almost killed us...I think we still have permanent brain damage..LOL By the way I think Brad was an idiot to leave you..Your the best!
2009-03-14 17:57:27 UTC
Our pure white Norwegian Forrest Cat Fifi pounced on a large crow in our garden. The Crow took off with Fi still hanging onto the back of the bird. Fi let go at about 15 ft, and looked rather unimpressed by the whole incident.
2009-03-13 17:39:08 UTC
Someone from a Ferret club told me this one.

The family ferret discovered some chewing gum in the bottom of the mom's handbag. Not knowing the ferret had climbed inside, mom zipped up the bag and went to the supermarket.

Everything was fine until she got to the check out.

The Ferret, who had been jostled inside a dark bag for 15 minutes, jumped out when mom opened her bag to get her money to pay for the shopping.

The checkout chick just saw this long furry rodent dive out and run away and screamed, "EEEK, RAT !"

The ferret was scared enough without everyone chasing it under all the shelving around the corridors.

The Mom was pretty embarrassed while that was going on, but when she told the family over dinner, some were literally rolling on the floor laughing
2009-03-14 06:37:21 UTC
Okay, we all know poodles are smart, don't we? But HOW smart?

Our family found out a couple of years ago!

Our pet miniature poodle, Lucy, was racing around the house in a happy-puppy frenzy when she ran past the coffee table, stopped, used her paw to pick up a ball suspended in the Newton's Cradle, let go, watched the subsequent reaction in the cradle ("every action has an equal and opposite reaction") -- then ran off again!

Almost the whole family witnessed this, it was UNBELIEVABLE!

But that may not have been our "funniest" moment with Lucy. My younger brother and I took Lucy for a bushwalk one summer's day here in Australia.

It was hot and midday when we came around some trees and bumped straight into a mob of some 20 kangaroos who looked at us as if to say "don't make us get up, it's too hot". Now the kangas were big greys, almost as tall as me (6 ft 2"). Little Lucy was about as big as a loaf and a half of bread, with legs.

Was she afraid? No way! Instantly she went into hunting mode, which we'd never seen her do. She propped and put up one paw, to indicate where the quarry was and where we should hunt.

She's looking around as if to say, OK, I've done my job, now you humans hunt these guys!

[the kangaroos were safe with us, so we walked on. You've got to love basic instincts.]
2014-10-28 07:09:14 UTC
Cat would sit up in the tree and wait for stray dogs to enter the yard, directly under her. Then jump down onto their backs, sink in her very sharp claws and start riding them like a jockey on a horse around the yard and house. Laddie (who had also been waiting close by) would always join in. Barking and snapping at the poor strays ars. They'd be sure to do a couple of laps around the place to get the trespassing animal good and freaked out before Cat would dismount and Laddie would finish the chase out of the open gate, still harassing their quarry as they ran down the street
2009-03-16 19:01:06 UTC
I used to have a cat and one day he started going nuts. He began running back and forth across the living room as I was watching TV, for no reason that I could see. I was flipping through the channels and came upon an opera on PBS. A woman was singing an aria. At that point my cat stopped running, sat in front of the TV, and watched the performance. As soon as she was done singing the car started running around again. Something similar happened a few weeks later. I was watching TV and again found an opera. The cat, who had not been in the room, came in, sat and watched the opera for as long as I had it on. I could only conclude that I had a very cultured cat.
2009-03-16 15:32:30 UTC
Funniest eh? Well one day the cat was walking through the living room. Just then I knocked something over, I think it was a glass, anyhow it hit the floor pretty hard and made a loud "BANG" sound. The cat was caught off guard and I kid you not leaped into the air and did a complete back flip, landing on its feet and took off running as fast as it could. It must have gotten a good 2 feet into the air. I only wish I had a video of it because I know I would have been 10 grand richer.
♥ megg♥
2009-03-16 13:19:20 UTC

I have had SO many funny pet moments. Here are some :)

1.) One time, my family and I were all at the beach. It was last summer, and we decided to take our dog. So we were all walking, with the dog on the leash, when all of a sudden we see our dog playing with like 12 craps! They weren't hurting him, and he wasn't hurting them, they were like playing! It was so cute.

2.) Another time, my dog was playing in our front yard. There was a little baby bunny there, who was hurt. So our dog was really gentle, picked him up, and took the bunny to us. We took the bunny to the vet, and he lived, all because off our dog.

3.) Another time was when the electricity went off. So we all got flash lights off. My dog was OBSESSED with the reflection of you would shine it and he would try to catch it. It was so funny!

4.) Another time, I was watching a movie with a BUNCH of dogs in it. It was so cute, he came and jumped in my lap and was actually watching it. He stayed there for the whole movie. And when a dog would bark, he would too.

5.) Also, one time, he jumped on my bed, and my bed fell apart! I mean, my bed was old, and was breaking, but it was so funny!

I love pets so much, espeicallly dogs, because they are so much fun and loving. Unfortunately, my dog passed away December 19, 2008. It was one of the saddest days of my life. I know this might sound pathetic but My dog was my best friend. We just got a new puppy, a golden retriever, and hes a lot of fun, but not as fun as my old dog :(

Oh, and I just bought the book Marley and me. I have heard so many great comments about it, so I plan on reading it soon.

Thanks for asking a question.

Have a great day :)
Mrs C
2009-03-16 05:03:48 UTC
I had a sleepover party for my 13th birthday, so there were girls all over the floor in our TV room. In the middle of the night we heard my cat at the door, meowing - but in a horrible way. We were a bit spooked, but thought he might be injured, so I opened the door and let him in... only to discover he had a mouse in his mouth! He brought it into the house and dropped it on the floor, then chased it around the kitchen table 3 times (we were in the adjoining room, by now all jumping up on the furniture and screaming like only 12 and 13 year old girls can!)... and out the door. Not funny at the time, but hilarious in my memory! I think about 5 girls were perched on the piano!!!
2009-03-15 20:08:13 UTC
Wow! There's way too many!

I have two dogs, so theres always fun with them!

My dog used to always run away. So once, he ran and we couldn't find him for maybe 2 hours. But then, a police cruiser pulls up, and there in the backseat sits our dog.

Then theres when we brought the new puppy home. Now the new young puppy plays with the old dog. We never even knew he had all this energy! He used to just sleep and lay around. Not anymore! She has him on his toes!

They wrestle, box, kiss (SO cute:) ) , play, chase each other, they're the most hilarious things together. They're a little couple.. even though he's way too old for her!
2009-03-15 06:04:07 UTC
My dog Blue is a Cocker Spaniel and just loves fishing! While pan fishing, Blue will literally watch the floats by dangling his front feet off the side of the boat, never taking his eyes off of it. When the float goes under, he barks like a mad dog.

One time last summer, i was fishing for larger fish casting for Northern Pike. The first fish I caught was so much bigger than what he was used to he literally didn't know what to do. With the fish still in the water, blue had all four feet on the very edge of the boat growling and barking madly. The next thing i know, Blue is diving into the water straddling the the fish as if to navigate the fish to the boat. With me laughing and Blue humping the fish, we somehow got the fish in the boat. Soaking wet, and smiling, Blue took his perch on the side of the boat, ready for the next fish. He really loves fishing.
2009-03-14 23:31:09 UTC
we have a fireplace in our living room, at the time our dog was about 6 or 7 months old, she is a yorkie. Well she saw her reflexion in the fireplace glass and she started freaking out. She would bark at the fireplace then run to the window on the side and look out. It is like she saw another dog and was barking at it. Then she would start to cry going back and forth from the window to the fireplace. She does this when she wants to go outside to play with the neighbors dog. it was just too funny, she saw that other dog and wanted to go play. By the time I got the camera, she was still barking at the fireplace, here are some pictures!
jacquie s
2009-03-14 06:57:20 UTC
This is a bit off but very true. Last summer in the garden after too much booze, my friend Sheilah shoved her fingers down her throat to retch the stuff up, at the same time dragging of her wedding ring, as she is left handed. It ended up lying in the remains of whatever it was she'd eaten, with her staggering about and screaming blue murder. Her dog Goldie came bounding over to see what all the commotion was about, sniffed the air then immediately woofed the lot down before anyone could stop her! consequently, Sheilah and her irate husband spent the rest of the night chasing the dog around the garden waiting for it to poo the thing back out, which it did eventually. Yuck!

2009-03-14 03:39:41 UTC
My cats were given a whiff of laudanum (an opiate) and went stir crazy - pinging off the walls, chewing their tails and climbing the curtains. It was hilarious. One time they got hold of a bottle that had been well and tightly wrapped, while we were out and when we got back we guessed what happened and the kitchen was in total disarray!

Another time, returning home from a walk with our two goats, the telephone rang and Mum rushed across the road to answer it in the kitchen, forgetting to shut the back door and was soon joined by two very excited goats who got through to the sitting room too and were jumping all over the kitchen tops and over the furniture in the sitting room - and when goats are excited they tend to pee and poo for England. The phone call was from my father to say that he was coming home with an important business client in 20 mins. Cld Mum please make dinner. Thankfully I managed to extricate the the goats and Mum went out and prepared a barbecue and the guest was none the wiser. My father was a bit miffed though!
2014-08-16 10:02:11 UTC
What we noticed is, the cat would dig into the trash can where we threw the dog food cans when they were empty, and she would flip them out on the ground. She could just get her head inside, and then she would eat the remaining dog food that was stuck to the inside of the can. This was fine while she was eating, but when she was done, she had to get the can back off, so when she was eating, you would see a cat sitting perfectly still, with a dog food can on it's head, right down the to shoulders. It would move a little as the cat went for the choicer pieces of food. We could tell when she was all done, because the can would start flopping around, and then she would roll around to get the can off her head. After she go the can off, she would clean herself up, and then just look around as if nothing had happened.
2016-10-06 03:06:39 UTC
. ~_~. hi Ms. Aniston!! My Funniest kin puppy 2nd, Has have been given To Be... The Day Our 2 3 hundred and sixty 5 days previous Samoyed, Stones, strengthen into Choking On A Bone From Our Butcher, & My Dad, (whilst an visitors of pals cheers on) Throws His Leg Over Stones to Straddle Him, and starts an Up & Down Thrusting action all of us comprehend by way of fact the Heimlich Maneuver!! The Bone effectively Comes Flying Out Of Stones' Mouth, & the finished community objective audience Breaks Out with Claps & Cheers & "Wolf Whistles"!!! See, My Dad strengthen into as quickly as dozing on the Time, and Had Run outdoors In His Tightie Whities!!! it incredibly is doubtless one in all the 1st Time human beings Ever have been given to work out a individual finding as though They have been Humping the dogs vs. any incorrect way around!! They the two Have since gave up the ghost, however the soreness Is much less as quickly as we are Reminded Of specific Moments Like This. thank you for permitting Me To proportion My tale With You!!! P.S. enjoyed THE movie!!!! Take Care!! Lillsoma ________ ~_~. .
Curtis H
2009-04-07 12:50:23 UTC
Oh well, can't resist this one. It was the Christmas of 1986 and we were setting off to my Brothers for the holiday period, armed with presents and our Afghan Hound. On arrival 'Troy' ran into the house found the Christmas tree, up with the leg and would have said if he could have talked; "ohhh that was soooo good."

3 seconds later 'Raffles' my Brothers little pooch shot across the lounge and yes, up with the leg right on the same spot double soaking those gorgeous presents shouting; "ohhhh yes, that was gooood, way ta go Troy." If of course he could have talked that is but the face said it all. We laugh now, but sure was embarrassing at the time:-)

Jennifer C
2009-03-17 10:30:35 UTC
I have an almost 1yr old Yorkie named Lola. She has this thing where I give her this denta bone (that she does not like at all) she takes the bone from me and holds it in her mouth as she looks around as to where she wants to hide it. She will walk all around the living room with her bone in her mouth just trying to find the right spot. The spot she chooses (which is always the same is her bed. So she puts it in the farthest corner of the bed and starts rubbing her nose in the bed as if shes moving dirt or something and she uses her paws too. Its funny to see cuz she thinks its really covering the bone when in fact its still in plain sight. Then she walks away as if to say good riddins! I torture her by taking it out and giving it back to her and she goes through the same routine all over again to hide it. I think she's thinking "how do they keep finding it and why do they keep giving me this thing?" I know it too but I love seeing her go through the motions of hiding it. Its hilarious!
2009-03-17 07:59:46 UTC
Me And My Family Play With Our Dog Suki Bye Throwing A Ball And Telling Her To Speak Wel Have A Good Time :)
2009-03-17 03:02:21 UTC
Not my own experience,but an urban fable-it seems an engineer was called to fix a gas leak at the home of an old lady.She popped out on an errand,leaving the engineer at work.

Job done,he was dismayed to find the old lady's canary dead in the bottom of the cage.

Naturally,he guessed the gas leak had killed the poor bird.Being a resourceful guy,he stuck the bird back on the perch with superglue.

The old lady returned,saw the bird and fainted.When the engineer revived her he asked what was wrong-to which the reply was."When I left,my bird was dead,now he's back on his perch"!
Laura B
2009-03-16 15:47:17 UTC
It has been a little over a year since my dad brought our dog Ben home. He found Ben on the side of the road; someone just threw him out, and I’m thankful everyday that I have him; he means the world to me.

I came home from work about 10 months ago and found our cat Tipster in the front yard with Ben. Tipster has a white tip on his tail, and he has mostly black fur with white streaks mixed throughout, that is where he gets his name. Ben thought that he would try and play with Tipster, so he started pulling Tipster by the back of the neck, like a rag doll, it was hilarious. He started dragging him around the yard, like he had found a new toy. He still does this everyday.

Here are a few pictures of Tipster and Ben. Have a great day.
2009-03-16 13:34:29 UTC
Our current rescue cat slipped out the back door by us. We found her lolling under the deck. Nothing would tempt her out. Doesn't like treats and cares little for tuna. I crawled under the deck and she moved back under the part that is near the ground and moved to another part whenever I got near. It started to rain. I finally got disgusted after about 2 hours, part of which we could not see her, so I gave up and went into the house. My husband came in about an hour later, soaked. I walked upstairs to get him a towel and there she was, coming from behind the bed just as dry and clean as could be. I guess she got tired of hide and seek and went back inside while those crazy people were running around trying to find another way under the deck. I started laughing so hard I got the hiccups.
2009-03-15 05:39:28 UTC
When I was younger we had a pet horse. We used an old cast-iron bathtub for it's drinking water. Over the years the level of the manure in the corral raised 2 feet. The horse somehow fell into the bathtub. I went out one morning to feed the horse and discovered him lying on his back in the tub. We had to use a pickup and a rope to pull him out, but first my Mom had to take a picture. My younger sister still has the picture. By the way, our horse was fine.
Doc Hudson
2009-03-14 23:00:42 UTC
When we first got our Pepper, our Miniature Schnauzer, she was just a tiny puppy and hyper-active. She would be running around, pestering our sweet old Golden Retriever, then take off running across the den and in mid-stride would collapse, sliding across the floor sound asleep.

If that doesn't qualify as cuter than hell, I don't know what does.

Many years ago, my first wife and I acquired a pet rabbit. One day the rabbit and our little black dog were nosing each other through the bars of the rabbit cage, when Bear, our little dog, scrached the rabbit's nose. The rabbit leapt back rubbing his nose and Bear went on about her business.

A short while later, we noticed the rabbit sitting with his nose poking through the bars and resting his forepaws on the bar. We said, "That silly rabbit is going to get scratched again." We were wrong.

After a few minutes, Bear came up and started nosing the rabbit again. As soon as their noses touched, the rabbit reached out a paw and scratched the daylights out of Bear's nose and leapt back to the center of the cage, out of Bear's reach. My wife and I laughted until we hurt.

2009-03-14 16:52:25 UTC
My Grandfather had a silky terrier (which is an extremely tiny dog). Well, he tried to take on a basketball. After about 5 minutes of him trying to get the ball in his mouth, the little dog began spinning and growling out of frustration.

A close runner up, is the human reaction to a Brazilian Water Snake. Yes my family loves animals, and we had quite a few while I was growing up. Well, I loved to carry the snake, and have him wrap around my right wrist. Of course a women in the store we were at(about 80 years old), was sharing a cute story about how she used to take her grand kids shopping. Before we parted ways, she offered her right hand, and I shook it (forgetting about Mikey). The snake slithered on half of her hand and she screamed louder then a bomb siren. I was embarrassed at the time. . . but it's hilarious now.
Betty M
2009-03-23 03:06:06 UTC
I wasn't going to answer as there are far more here than any one person could ever answer, but I have 4 cats, 2 black & 2 orangish. My 2 black ones are the players so there are many. One was in the kitchen and 1 in my living room. I knew something was up because of BooBoo and his position. Next thing I knew he took off running but Simba met him just in front of mw. They both crashed into each other and went over 2 feet into the air. It was hilarious because this was my meditation & quiet time. Have a great day, love your acting.I am from a small countrified place called Maugerville in New Brunswick, Canada
2014-10-06 15:01:54 UTC
, my brother, and my stepfather were at home. My brother and stepfather were home that morning taking a quick break from construction work. I was painting the pantry and my brother was cooking scrambled eggs for him and my stepfather. My brother put a whole plate of scrambled eggs on the kitchen table and turned back around to finish cooking. Then a few seconds later my dog which is a chow chow jumped into the kitchen chair and ate my stepfather's whole plate of eggs. My stepfather came in and was so mad and threw the dog out in the rain. Our chow chow is a girl and he kept saying " Get HIM out of here" He was always calling the dog a boy when it wasn't. So that made it even funnier. The weird thing is that our chow chow never, ever jumped into the kitchen chairs to eat any food that may
2014-11-15 07:57:52 UTC
I was young, and we had a carboard box, a length of string, and a small ball. Someone put the box on it's side, pushed the length of string down between the flaps, draging it toward the cat, and when getting it interested pulling the other end of the string through the flaps bringing the cat with it. When it was close, someone threw the ball into the box, and the cat jumped in after it. The boxed cat rolled over till it was standing on the carpet with the box over it's whole body except it's tail, then started walking around the room growling, walking into objects and walls, with it's tail wagging through the flaps on the outside of the box. After a brief period it walked through the doorframe of the living room, where it was seen by a very unsuspecting dog who thought it was a new toy and poceeded to tackle the box, except the slippery parquetry in the hall prevented the dogs paws from gripping to stop, subsequently pulling the box over suddenly, catapaulting the cat inside into the air. Instinct kicked in, and the cat grabbed hold with it's claws onto the nearest object while upside down in mid-air: the cusioning of a bar stool.
2014-09-06 04:29:28 UTC
The first was a crisp fall evening close to Halloween. Being fall in MN, we had those giant leaf bags that look like huge jack-o-lanterns in our front yard. My dog was only 6 months old at the time, so he had never experienced a holloween and the crazy decor that goes with it. The first night after filling up the leaf bags, I let him outside and suddenly I hear him start barking and snarling like mad. I came running to the front of the house, thinking there was a racoon or something, but no, he was holding the leaf bags at bay! The best was when he moved in a little to close and one of the bags got bumped and rolled to the scared my brave little puppy so much that he ran away from it. I couldn't stop laughing, but finally had to calm him down because the neighbors were starting to look out their windows at the whole scene.
2009-03-17 14:18:02 UTC
My mother had a budgy in the 1950's when she couldn't afford to pay vet's fees. It developed a rash & was pulling all its feathers out. What a sorry sight! She was a great believer in 'Calamine Lotion' & so tried to help him by smothering him in it, at bedtime, thinking it would cool him . The next morning we couldn't believe our eyes. He was still as a statue, & couldn't move because the lotion had dried hard. The feathers he had left were stuck to him & he didn't even look like a bird. he then had to suffer the indignity of being rinsed in a bowl. anyway, it must have done the trick. He gradually recovered & lived a long life!
2009-03-17 01:39:24 UTC
My dog is a chow mix. He was the runt and was abandoned at birth. He is now 10 years old and weighs around 70 lbs., with a personality all his own.

He and I can communicate very well, and he makes faces. One of my favorites is his "Elvis snarl". Very few others have witnessed his antics.

One day I took him with me to my mom's house. While there, I fell asleep on the couch. My mom wanted a snack, so she opened a package of prunes. Well, Jiggler is not one to turn down a snack. So when he heard the noise from the package, he went to investigate. She offered him a prune, which he accepted. He took the prune, walked across the floor, dropped it, turned around and made the "most awful" face at my mother. Her laughter woke me up. And then she told me that her granddog had just cussed her out.
2009-03-17 00:03:33 UTC
My dog normally hates water with a passion. When we take her to the dog beach, she usually chases and runs away from the waves. We were walking besides a part of the beach that seemed a little deeper (the waves weren't rolling in there). There was a tennis ball floating in the water. My dog decided to step in a grab it. Little did she know that the water a couple inches away from the surface went down a few feet. She fell in the water, and my brother fell in after her. That's how we learnt that our dog could actually swim.

Another time, I was talking my dog (the same one) for a walk in the park with my friend. We rounded the corner of the lake and stop to watch the sunset. All of a sudden we heard a huge PLOP. We looked down and my dog with clinging to the side of the bank like Mufasa from Lion King. My friend was too horified to move, so I pulled my dog. Unfortunately, she fell in the dirtiest part of fthe lake and we had to continue our walk in embarrassment with a dirt and feather covered dog.
Allyson B
2009-03-16 20:31:05 UTC
My dog found this stick and well you know what happens between a dog an a stick...they instantly connect and fall in love. Well, he thought it would be a great idea to bring said stick into the house so he could play with it inside. The sliding glass door was only really opened wide enough for him and not the stick. He went charging up to the door and bounced back when he could fit through with the stick. Then he went back and did it again. It took about five minutes for my mom to realize that the door needed to be opened wider as I tried to fight through the ruckus to try and open the door myself.
Carolina J.
2009-03-16 18:50:27 UTC
We went camping once and one of my moms friends dogs was there. So when i went outside that morning I thought i wsa alone so I started to throw a tennis ball in the air and catch it. But when I missed after a while it rolled under the trailer thing. Well when I reached for it something snapped at my hand. I was totally freaked out!! When I took a peek under the camper I saw the little pomerainian sitting there with my tennis ball just baring it's teeth at me. It was like super possesive iver that ball. And to this day I never got that stupid ball back!!! LOL
2009-03-16 15:04:33 UTC
It had to be the time when a cat I had years ago (he passed away in 1998) disappeared for a day. I couldn't find him anywhere. I was afraid he had gotten out of the house, which he was not supposed to do. My then-husband and I were in the kitchen of our house arguing about who let him out when we heard a clang coming from the oven. We looked at each other and said "No way." We opened the oven door and nothing was in there. It then occurred to me to look in the drawer under the oven. Sure enough, there was Harley, sitting on a stack of cookie sheets. He must have made the sound we heard when he moved. Anyway, we let him out and he promptly made a dash for his food dish. We surmised that he somehow crawled under the oven and got into the drawer. We nicknamed him Houdini.

2009-03-16 08:06:42 UTC
This is now-where near as funny as some of the rest...

One day, I was playing with my bunny, Montezuma (yes, I know, long name. He's named after an Aztec king) who I call Monty. I thought he had gone insane when he suddenly started behaving in an erratic and very weird way; he would jump in the air and spin, then shoot to the other side of the couch. I was just glad he wasn't in the hard cage, or he would have gotten amnesia for sure!
2009-03-15 15:38:50 UTC
I was at the doggie park with my 3-year old golden cocker spaniel, Cato. Cato, who was off the leash, wandered away from the doggie area and went to investigate a small group of people who were in the middle of what looked like an outdoor 'Japanese sword fighting' class. As I sprinted towards Cato, calling his name, he reached up and put his wet nose on the back of the instructor's knee. The instructor (who was wearing shorts) got such a fright, he emptied his lungs and leapt several feet into the air. Luckily, he didn't impale himself on his sword when he hit land again. His students thought it was hilarious and so did I, but I didn't show it and I apologised most humbly to the instructor, then lead Cato back to the doggie area by the scruff of his neck.
2009-03-15 14:42:38 UTC
I remember when we first got my kitten 6 years ago we had a really big snowstorm, like 17 inches, and Oscar (the kitten) thought it would be fun to run outside throught the back door. He cleared the wall of snow by jumping, only to land feet first into the 17 inches of snow. I laughed continually for 2 hours at the image of the tiny little kitten plunging into the snow. The poor thing never tried to run out again.
2009-03-14 19:57:34 UTC
ok ur probly never gonna belive this (or u might) my dog waz in his kennel and we left 4 about 1hr. my dog dosn't like to be in a kennel. He HAD one of those plastic kennels. So we left and we gave Appollo (our dog-u no like Apollo Creed from "Rocky" the movie.We call him Lunkie or Lunkiedoodle for short because he's a secret pooper-diferent story)anyway, we gave him a rahide 2 chew on wile we were gone. When we came back the rahide was untouched!! Instead there waz a hole bout the size of a CD maby BIGGER!! So we got him a new bigge rplastic one because we thought the other one waz 2 small. We left again maby a little longer and gave him a rahide again.We came back there was a HOLE in the kennel just like the last 1. This time we got him one of those wire kennels so he could c all the way around. Now hole are no more (but destroying my moms slippers are a yes lol)

-Ur Welcome For the story l8r
2009-03-14 11:57:31 UTC
Our fence is old and there are few loose boards here and there. When we first got Buddy, our rescued 8 year old maltese, he showed us all the loose boards so we wired everything up and thought it was done with...until Thursday when he found one in the corner and we fixed that, then he found a new one this morning.

Maybe in another life this dog was a fencing contractor; we have nicknamed him Doggy (aka Houdini) for being such an escape artist, well at least we have met all the neighbors now :-)
Mrs.Robert Pattinson<3
2009-03-14 09:19:32 UTC
Well, my dog, Zephyr, likes to run back and forth and back and forth all of the house. When he gets the one of the sides, he skids to a stop right at the last minute. Also, when we first got him, I was taking him on a walk and there was a brand new WHITE convertible parked on the sidewalk. Of course, I didn't notice Zephyr was peeing on it until afterwards. I felt so bad! All I could do was run away and hope that nobody saw! Pets are a blessing though, and I love my puppy!
2015-04-22 04:39:50 UTC
Since we probably have our last do now this may be our last fun puppy story so will sneak it in. A couple of years ago when Zippy was a new pup home from the humane society she was getting used to people things. We were making piles of clothes according to color, to do the wash. She got into the laundry piles and came strolling out into the living room with a bra neatly worn in the appropriate area... for a human.
2014-09-14 09:23:42 UTC
One day I came home from school, I hadn't eaten all day and I was starving. I made myself a delicious salmon sandwich. I sat down to eat it and over he comes and sits next to me. I can tell he's eyeing my sandwich but there's no way he's getting any. So he walks to the shelf nearby and starts scratching it. I shout "Hey stop that!" but he ignores me, taunts me by scratching with even more vigor. "Esteban! Enough!" scratch scratch scratch scratchscratch. He's looking at me the whole time. I've had enough, I get up and start chasing him around the room. He runs under an armchair and I try to scoop him out. "Esteban get out of there." At this point I realize I don't see or hear him anymore so I look around and THERE HE IS, running away with my sandwich in his mouth! It was hot and midday when we came around some trees and bumped straight into a mob of some 20 kangaroos who looked at us as if to say "don't make us get up, it's too hot". Now the kangas were big greys, almost as tall as me (6 ft 2"). Little Lucy was about as big as a loaf and a half of bread, with legs.
2009-03-15 01:44:53 UTC
Well, I have quite a few because I have a goofy dog and have always had a veritable zoo in my house. So, just 1. ...recent then.

My dog Shuto carries his pillow around the house , following me..this because he doesn't want to lay on the hard floors. And he usually has to be in the same room with me. So, one night, he puts his pillow right in the doorway to my bedroom. My boyfriend and I were hanging out, shooting pool, and remarking how he never stays away that long. But he stayed on that pillow all night. I even thought he might be sick or something. We also had to keep stepping over his goofy self =) when we went back to the bedroom...

So, when it's time to go to bed, I move the pillow. I have to make him get up and his ears go flat and he wags his tail real slow like..and looks up at me with his goofy expression (that gets me every time!)..

Under the pillow was the trash he'd gotten into..all of it, stashed under the pillow, him sitting on top of it all night.

=) That probably beats out the cat setting herself on fire at Thanksgiving (she was fine) and the kitten hiding behind the rat when the rottweiler tried to sniff her (baby kitty, abandoned, 4 weeks old..was actually smaller than the rat)...I do have a zoo =)

Cheers =)
David W
2009-03-14 14:19:16 UTC
I have 4 Dexter cows and their calves. Last summer, the cows found a way to steal hay from the back of the barn. I took some plywood sheets to the barn on a hand cart to block the hole that the cows had made. I left the cart at the front of the barn whilst I went around the back to plan how I was going to fix the boards. When I returned, the calves had knocked a plywood sheet off the cart and were taking turns to slide down it before walking back to the top to slide down again.
Raging Tranny
2009-03-19 16:48:42 UTC
Hi Jen, How are you? I don't read magazines, so I'm sincere in asking that. Ok, funniest pet moment...our cat has a habit of throwing things at me. With a well-aimed paw, anything from his toy mouse to a shrimp usually whacks me squarely in the face when I least expect it. I should put it on youtube, but he knows exactly when I don't expect it. None of this pretending-not-to-notice stuff, oh no, he's much too clever for that. Which is why I like cats. Not because they make me feel stupid, but because I am actually stupid and he knows it. It's a balanced relationship.
2009-03-18 05:34:29 UTC
I have a six month old golden lab like marley and he is so naughty!

his favourite thing to do is steal cushions, he will pretend he's being good and he'll be laying in front of the sofa chewing on a bone or something and then suddenly he'll get up really quickly, steal a cushion and run round the back of the sofa to hide. He will then wait until you come to rescue the cushion and then at the last second he'll run away so that you're both running round the sofa in circles.

He also likes to hump my dad's leg, despite not doing it to anyone else and he loves stealing underwear from the bedrooms!

Oh and we also have reclining chairs so when they're up he will attempt to sneakily climb up without you noticing and then proceeds to fall off again with a loud thud.

There are too many naughty things to list!

Oh and finally, Mustard and obediance classes....probably the funniest but probably most embarassing thing to happen would be when he was really young and he decided to do his ..ahem.. business right in the middle of the hall. It was typical that he made it extra special in terms of smell.
2009-03-17 12:50:31 UTC
I had a Norwegian Elkhound named Tor while I was in college. He was just shy of 1 year old when his first Thanksgiving rolled around. We went to my parents' house for the holiday where I spent Tor slept on his bed near the sink while my mom made dinner.

Just as we were taking the turkey out of the oven, family started arriving. Myself, my mom and my dad all left the kitchen to go greet everyone at the door. The turkey was on counter in its aluminum pan and Tor was asleep on his bed. At the time he only weighed about 35 or 40 pounds, and was a "runt" for an Elkhound - in short, nobody thought twice about leaving him unattended given his small size and the high counters.

While hugging people and saying hi, we suddenly heard a loud "thunk" in the kitchen. We go running in to find the pan on the floor and Tor's entire head INSIDE of the turkey eating the stuffing out. I immediately yelled at him to "leave it" and he jumped up, surprised that he'd been caught. The turkey, however, didn't come off his head! So he started running around with the turkey fully stuck over his face on his head - barking and running into stuff. It slid off after a few moments, but not before he managed to knock over a lamp and a table, and completely ruin the turkey.

Tor's head was all wet and smelled like turkey for the rest of the night. My family ended up eating nothing but sides for that Thanksgiving, and I spent most of it in the bathtub scrubbing the juice and turkey out of Tor's fur and then combing and drying him. Thankfully, my parents have a sense of humor about it and continue to laugh about it to this day.

We watch Tor a little more carefully in the kitchen now.
marie lane
2009-03-17 02:32:43 UTC
My dad had caught a big mouth bass and was keeping i in a tank in the living room. My little brother liked to play with it by sticking his finger in the water and the fish would try to catch it. One day he was too slow and the this giant bass grabbed his finger! He was so freaked he whipped his hand outta the water with the fish attached! It landed on the floor and flopped around a bit till we dumped it back in the tank. He never did that again!

Another was when my boyfriend and I were asleep and my boyfriend was sleeping on his stomach with his legs spread apart and the cat sleeping in between his legs. All of a sudden he lets loose this huge fart! It shook the bed and woke me up and scared the hell out of our poor cat! He jumped a few feet in the air, meowed and ran for the window! It was so funny.
2009-03-17 01:09:38 UTC
Once time we found a stray persian cat and adopted it. It was so white and fluffy. Now what is funny ( and to make a long story short) over several months, I kept finding live things on my bed such as -and in order- a frog/rabbit and a bird!! I was at first where on Earth did they come from and how did they get on my bed.. well I blamed everyone in the family.. till I saw the cat, proudly strolling in with what looked like a bag in its mouth, I watched it place the bag on the bed. What was it? it was a bag of fish!! It was the neighbour's lunch ha ha-- I found that out in the afternoon! To top it all off, one time it even came in with a female companion cat in total silky black, Persian too! That really had me in total surprise. A vet told me, the cat was giving me gifts! Such a funny, weird but fun time with my cats.
El Santo Gordo
2009-03-16 20:57:01 UTC
My dog Frida has a habit of shredding plastic bags once we're done with the groceries, she swipes the bag and runs around the apartment with it until she can land on the floor and begin shredding it to little bits, making a huge mess.

One day I tied all the bags into a ball and she knocked it off the chair to sit with it in her paws, shredding it immediately. So I grabbed my camera and began filming her for a short time. After a little giggling, I stopped it to collect all the bits and pieces before she harmed herself.

Sadly, when I saw it, I noticed it was very dark but it still makes me giggle watching her attacking the bags like mad.

I have enclosed the video link on in case you'd like to see Frida in action.


2009-03-16 17:08:08 UTC
I used to have an orange and white striped colored cat. NAMED ORANGE (RIP) Well, she was about 4 years old when I walked in the house and saw her dragging her butt around the living room. It looked so weird. She had her buttocks on the floor and was dragging it like she was wiping all over the carpet. She was going so fast in a seated position only using her back legs. It was the funniest thing I ever saw. I guess it must have itched? However, it wasn't funny getting the carpet shampooed. Lil
2009-03-16 14:20:14 UTC
I had a very intelligent German Shepherd. One morning I was teasing

him picking an acorn and throwing it into a pile of acorns under the tree.

I thought she was just taking ay one so I picked up an acorn with the point of my knife and flipped it into the pile without touching it with my fingers. To my surprise and joy, he brought the correct one back..

Then I saw a full bucket of water standing under a dripping tap.

I threw the acorn into the bucket. He put his head fully under the water and took the acorn out.

Excitedly I called all the family to watch this explaining what the dog had done.

Everyone gathered around, I filled the bucket with water and dropped the acorn into the bucket.

He had a manner of grinning that almost looked as if he was smiling.

Looking at me he"smiled" - and then tipped the bucket of water over to get the acorn.
2009-03-16 12:49:21 UTC
I had a large,fat orange striped cat, like Garfield. And we got a small gray-black kitten that'll never get very big, like Nermal. And the little one would always pester and be hyper and try to play with the older cat, who just complained and hissed and swatted back, or completely ignored her. They had this toal Garfield-Nermal thing going on.

There are 2 steps from one room to another. The older cat would be sleeping near the steps, and the kitten would got o the other end of the room, take a running start and launch herself onto the sleeping cat with a cute kitten pounce. He would get a terrible shock, and she would get a whack in the face, but she kept doing it.
2009-03-16 12:44:01 UTC
We got a goldfish and the cat was jealous of it. It would stare down into the water and hiss at the fish. The fish came to the surface, saw the cat, did a racing turn back to the bottom of the aquarium and slapped the surface of the water with his tail. The cat's face got splashed. The hilarious part was the cat running out of the room hissing and spitting. We laughed our butts off.
2009-03-16 04:37:07 UTC
Seeing my Chow Chow from my room window laying outside in the grass on his back with his legs up in the air and having his hind legs moving as if he was peddling a bicycle. He also used to love to run to a swing wide open and lift up so that his front legs would go across the swing, and then he'd go as far forward as possible until the swing would make him go backward. Then, he'd do it all over and be trying to bite the swing also. You mean you are THE Jennifer Aniston? This is amazing to have a movie star on Yahoo Answers! I used to love to watch "Friends!" Hey, my wife has fibroids, and they are making her bleed terribly in and out of her period. I got layed off in October and lost all my health and life insurance; I had had that job four years. The doctor isn't wanting to do the procedure to stop the bleeding unless we give him $800.00 up front. My wife had to get four pints of blood in January, and now she's showing signs that she needs more right now since she has been steady bleeding. Do you think you can e-mail me and help us with an interest bearing loan or something? My e-mail address is
2009-03-16 00:48:42 UTC
I have 2 dogs, when one was 8 months old we moved house with a bigger yard, so we got a 2nd puppy. He was 6 weeks old, and we had a part in our new yard where there was a retaining wall, where the ground level went up about 40cm. My 8 month old dog jumped up there, and my new puppy tried to follow her.

He jumped way too early, and came down, slamming his jaw into the top of the retaining wall. Was very funny, but at the same time you felt so bad for laughing.
2009-03-15 15:16:13 UTC
I have a LOT! My dog is crazy!

The funniest thing I can remember was when I was about 7 years old and we had this playground slide that you can move, so we moved it in front of the pool. I put my puppy on top of the slide and she fell down into the pool deep end! Thank goodness she knew how to swim! (;

Also, I used to have a white dog and black cat. Out of nowhere, they used to run around our house chasing each other. My cat would jump over the furniture, and my dog would run right into it!

What's yours?
2009-03-14 23:19:45 UTC
My wife has a lovebird named Angelica. One day she let her out of the cage thinking that the family cat (named Psycho) was outside. While Angelica was on the living room floor we both saw that Psycho was in the house and crouched down getting ready to pounce on her. Since neither of us were close enough to stop the cat we just knew the bird was about to become to lunch. But all of a sudden Angelica turn, raised both of her wings and went running towards the cat and squawking as loud as she could. This scared Psycho to death and after jumping straight up into the air he ran and hid underneath the couch for the rest of the day!
2009-03-14 09:37:42 UTC
My brother got a pet rabbit and a kitten (cat) at the same time. They grew up as good friends. When the rabbit was let out of his hutch to graze in the back yard, the cat would stalk it, pounce on him and get the rabbit in a headlock and hang on. The poor rabbit could only try to hop away. When it managed to dislodge the cat, it would hide under shrubs for a while. As soon as it came out, the cat would stalk and pounce again. I was the funniest thing to see the cat get the rabbit in a headlock.
2009-03-14 09:27:47 UTC
My kitten had an appointment to get fixed, but it was still in a couple of days. She had made a mess in her only crate, so Bootsie was spending her first night outdoors. I was worried sick about her, but my mom insisted she'd be fine. We have a small window looking out onto the porch that has a curtain over it, but cannot open or close.

I had been peeking out to make sure Bootsie was still safe on the porch and I noticed she'd climbed onto the rail that was in front of our porch, about two feet away from the window. As I was walking away - since I saw Bootsie, I knew she was still safe - I hear a light 'thump thud thump." I went running back to the open door. Bootsie was sitting on the porch next to the window, looking confused and slightly dazed. Somebody had decided that the window was the perfect way to get back inside, but she learned otherwise that night :D
2009-03-13 21:21:51 UTC
We had a Great Peranese named Sandy, well after she got fixed she had one of those big cones on her head and she walks up to our little Australian Terrier and puts her head down on the ground over the little dog and starts running around our back yard, the sight, even though more than seven years ago, is burnt into my memories. We have had a lot of funny moments with the terrier, one year she decided to go swimming in a freezing lake... she hasn't willingly set paw in water since. Since Sandy we got a lab named Sam, well one day he decided to pull upp every one of the flowers in my mom's garden, we still have the goober today! And my cats will never be forgotten from Smokey tearing up the toilet paper, to Daisy alling out of the tree onto her but, to Sunny making the Christmas tree fall over, my pets have been greatly loved members of my life.
Leah B
2009-03-13 19:05:38 UTC
One of very very many of our family's favorite dogs was a "mutt" named THOR. Growing up my grandmother had a very large raspberry patch. We were allowed to pick all we wanted on the outside but we couldn't venture in the maze because the branches would break easily. One day my grandmother saw that someone had been in the garden. We soon discovered that THOR had been secretly making a path through the raspberry patch all summer and had been eating along the way. He never broke a branch and he only took the ripe ones. She laghued until she cried when she figured out who the real culprit was.
2009-03-16 22:39:38 UTC
when I was walking my two boxers (not my brightest idea) at the same time and they took off after another dog. The leashes were wound around my wrist, so when they took off, they jerked me off my feet and drug me a few yards down a gravel trail before I could break free.

All I could do for a few minutes is lie there and laugh hysterically. I finally got it together enough to get up and find them.

I still have the shirt I had on that day and it has red mud stains and holes to remind me of one of my most stupid ideas.
2009-03-16 15:25:28 UTC
I feed our Dalmatian, Samantha real people food of chicken, shredded cheese, beans, carrots, rice, cottage cheese, etc. Every time she sees me come into her sight she gets real attentive and licks her chops to get treated. My family laughs because the dog will only do this for me. I've taught her many weird tricks both verbally and with hand signals: like tail (circles once following her tail), blinks (blinks her eyes on command), sit, pawn (left or right), down, roll over, beg, dance, speak, catch a Frisbee or ball in mid air and a few others....if I have a treat, she runs them all together thinking if she does them all, one of her tricks will get the chewy or morsel....the neighbors laugh and actually talk to her too and she'll sit and move her head from side to side as though she understands....she's special and so funny. (She even "low grumbles" at us when we return home as to say, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN SO LONG?) She is special and puts a smile on our faces daily and often.
joe Blake
2009-04-03 02:57:21 UTC
Take one scruffy haired Jack Russell add two door and window workmen. being a Jack Russell who loves to bark and chase things.

The two workmen tear out the old garden french windows of the extension next door, the dog nearly went through the window trying to get out. I went out first to observe nippers actions. I nodded to my daughter to let him free and a bullet came tearing up to the gate between the two houses ,he very nearly made 6ft high, all the time making a devil of a row. the workmen cowered back in alarm. Then nipper did a mid air pirouette and continued to spin on landing. He kept this up for a good five minutes. I opened the gate and he nearly licked the workmen to death. Some guard dog.

2009-03-17 12:59:43 UTC
My brother and his wife rescued a baby duck which they raised and were attempting to release to a preserve on a beautiful college campus lake with other ducks of the same breed. The problem was that every time they tried to release her, she would run after them as they tried to leave, and they didn't have the heart to leave her when she was so distressed. One day they were at the lake again for another pre-release session and a man jogged by who looked very similar to my brother. The duck, thinking it was my brother tore off after him, quacking and flapping her wings. My sister-in-law, afraid the duck would get too far from the lake and become lost, ran after the duck and the man. The three of them were running down the jogging trail, all in a line. Unable to catch up to the man and duck, my sister-in-law got a lot of laughs when she yelled out to the man, "Mister, could you please stop running! My duck thinks you're my husband!"
2009-03-17 09:51:10 UTC
It would be hard for me to pin-point the funniest family pet moment. In a household with 4 cats and 2 rabbits, things get funny all the time, and double-takes are often necessary to find out which cat is the one flipping out and turning the house into a race track.

But if I had to pick just one, it would have to be the night my demon kitten (now a loveable full grown demon) decided he was going to attack me from under the desk. At the time the desk was at the foot of the bed and we were able to lay on the bed and play on the computer. Anyways, there was a gap about 2 inches from where the foot board on the bed didn't meet the lowest point in the desk where you put your legs. There was an amp (part of the modified car stereo) sitting in that space cuz the desk was never used right. Well demon kitten decided he was going to jump up on the amp and stick his paws through the gap and get the arm that could be seen. It was hilarious cuz I didn't know what was attacking me other than it looked like the paw of my kitten and had claws. When he couldn't reach his target, he stuck his face up to the gap and all that could b seen was the tip of a paw and one yellow eye. It was so funny, and until the desk was moved, he loved attacking people using the computer through that gap. He would even try to attack the feet of my ex, which didn't work when my ex learned of demon kittys antics.
2009-03-17 08:04:38 UTC
Had to be when my cousin and I were coming in the back gate from a walk and Dex had come too.She was a very stupid cat but we loved her for it. Anyhow she took a fit and ran ahead and tried to take the shortcut by jumping through the posts but instead ran straight into the bottom board. It was highly amusing and my cousin thought it hilarious and still talks about it to this day even though sadly Dex had to be put down about 5 years ago.
Diana Y
2009-03-17 07:52:31 UTC
I have a Shiu-terrior and my husband works nights, like most small dogs he is very dependant and protective of me, when my husband comes in anywhere from 3-6 am we have been asleep for a while, and I here the two of them fussing over moving out of my husbands spot. My husband pushing and shoving and my dog Yoshi grunting and groaning. Needless to say at times my husband has lost and I wake to find him asleep on the couch with a small blanket covering him. This week I took a picture and my husband and dog they were face to face on the same pillow snoring. Too funny.
2009-03-16 23:59:48 UTC
I had a small dog named Scooter, that looked like a chihuahua. My grandma lived with us and decided to take out her dentures for some reason. The dog had climbed up and got ahold of them. My dad yelled and started chasing after him. The dog ran underneath a table that had fabric that hung down to the floor. My dad pulled back the fabric and the dog looked at him and tilted his head like dogs do when they get that confused look on their face. All of a sudden my dad started laughing hysterically. The dog had the false teeth in his mouth perfectly, as if a person would wear them. We couldn't stop laughing, though grandma was less than pleased! =)

Cheers to the little dog with the big teeth!
2009-03-16 13:59:24 UTC
One time I was watching T.V. when I heard my dog barking at my cat. Then all of a sudden I see my 11 year old Cat flying off the top step of my stairs nearly hitting the chandelier and then you heard a thud. I burst out laughing so hard and then there was a small silence and then I heard my dog rushing to get down and Chase Emmy again as they usually do.
2009-03-16 13:25:14 UTC
We have wood floors at my house. My father brought home some special wood polish from his hotel. It shines up the wood, but makes it a bit slippery. He decided to apply it to the floors. That next morning the best part was watching our dog Frodo (black and white Pomeranian) trying to get around the house. He loved to run, but with the floors the way they were, he didn't have enough traction to stop. It was like the scene from Bambi. When Bambi and thumper were on the Ice. Sometimes he couldn't stand up straight without slipping.
2009-03-16 07:36:23 UTC
Well, We have one of the not so bright cats and he has done some pretty funny things.

1. He got "stuck" in the bathtub because he couldn't remember how to get out with the shower curtain closed.

2. He got "stuck" in a corner because he didn't think to turn around so he just yelled until someone rescued him.

3. He locked himself in the freezer once because he decided to see what was in there and we weren't home. (thankfully we got home soon after the incident and were able to let him out)

We call him our little "shortbus". He is the cutest cat there is, just not very bright. :)
2009-03-15 17:50:42 UTC
I used to love watching my dog Missy and cat Comet chase each other.

Missy would chase Comet across the whole apt, when they hit a wall Missy would turn around and be chased by Comet. Usually the 2nd time that Comet chased Missy, my dog would stop, turn around and look at Comet like why the hell am I running from a cat? They'd sit there for a few seconds have a stare down then all of a sudden Comet would pop up and hit Missy in the face and it would start the chase all over again. LOL they could chase each other for a good 30 minutes before getting bored.

One more....

We'd find garbage on the floor, so we would yell at Missy for going through the trash. Then all of a sudden my cat Comet started taking poop out of his litter box and leaving it on the floor. One day I came home early from school and caught Missy with her head in the litter box, I watched her put poop on the floor before yelling at her. Turns out Comet was taking garbage out of the trash and in retaliation Missy was taking the poop out. LOL it amazed me how smart they were to set each other up like that.
2009-03-15 07:53:46 UTC
My father has 5 cats.

One of the longhairs named 'New Guy' wakes him up precisely at 6am in the morning by pawing at the touch-lamp to turn the light on. He wants to be fed! I can't believe how skinny he is after how much he eats.

Another one is a Maine Coon named 'Lucky'. Well, Lucky always goes crazy when you pet him. He knocks stuff over and off the kitchen table. And when I stop or move away from the table, he stands on the edge of it and waves his right paw out at me, probably saying "I want more!"

And then there's "Andy", a snowshoe Siamese boy who is always happy to see me, but he's paranoid. Always has to look around when he's eating to make sure no other cat is around him, always hisses at Lucky (Siamese usually don't get along with long-haired cats), and never stops rolling over on his back when I'm petting him. I have to keep moving to follow him across the living-room floor.
Jim B
2009-03-14 22:26:39 UTC
My family gets home from an all day trip to Disneyland while our cat Slash (Yes real name) was left to his own devices. We open the door. Lying in the middle of the living room floor, along with a spilled jar of cat nip spread all over, is Slash. Totally stoned out of his kitty cat mind. Totally spaced and not a care in the world. Needless to say, there was not a dry eye in the house for a good five minutes.

"Like meeooww man."- Slash
2009-03-13 19:32:23 UTC
My cat, Cookie, was in the backyard and she was trying to 'hunt' a bird(which is funny, because she's afraid of almost anything that moves). She was crouched down, and the bird was about 10 feet away from her and she started walking towards it slowly, but her tail is high up in the air, waving around, making her VERY noticible. Then she starts meowing at it, and it turns around, looks at her, then just hops to the side a little bit, and she follows it. Then it hops a little farther, and Cookie follows, and this goes on for a while. The bird just keeps hoping around and Cookie keeps following it. Then she gets to a brick wall, and she just pushes up against it and walks faster after the bird like she thinks she's invisible or something.(she seems to think she's invisible a lot). Anyway, The bird is just looking at her, it's not afraid or anything. Finally the bird flies away, startiling Cookie, and she jumps back and almost falls into the pool.
Corn Flakes
2009-03-13 18:36:32 UTC
It's not that funny, sort of motivating or something that helped me along life.

I had a white small dog named Orion. He would run away a lot and I always had to go fetch him, by a lot I mean at least once or twice a day! Well I was not in good shape, I was around 5'3" and about 175 pounds. When he first started running away, I would never be able to catch him until a month or two of running after him. He would have me racing after him for blocks and blocks. He would maneuver around trees and I would crash into them. I lost about 15 pounds after some months of chasing him. hahaha It was pretty funny for me.
2009-03-12 18:24:33 UTC
I have two really funny moments that spring to mind with our beautiful golden retriever Ella.

To know our dog is to know that she is easily the most nosey creature ever. I was out walking her one day and instead of paying attention to where she was walking she was busily watching the man across the street. She was so engrossed with what he was doing that she (nor I, her Mummy) realised there was a lamp post approaching into which she walked - nose first. If dogs could blush I am sure she would have.

Another time I was staying with my husband at my parents house near Queenstown in New Zealand (where I live) and we had Ella out walking around the lake. It had been raining a bit so most surfaces were a bit slippery. She ran out onto a little jetty exploring, as she does, but she put the brakes on a little late for the weather conditions and skidded right off the end. Fortunately or unfortunately for her the lake levels were low and there was just mud underneath. It really did look like one of those cartoon moments though. We all cracked up and really wish we had been filming her but of course, you never have the camera out when silly things happen.
2015-01-19 08:49:37 UTC
One day I came home from school, I hadn't eaten all day and I was starving. I made myself a delicious salmon sandwich. I sat down to eat it and over he comes and sits next to me. I can tell he's eyeing my sandwich but there's no way he's getting any. So he walks to the shelf nearby and starts scratching it. I shout "Hey stop that!" but he ignores me, taunts me by scratching with even more vigor. "Esteban! Enough!" scratch scratch scratch scratchscratch. He's looking at me the whole time. I've had enough, I get up and start chasing him around the room. He runs under an armchair and I try to scoop him out. "Esteban get out of there." At this point I realize I don't see or hear him anymore so I look around and THERE HE IS, running away with my sandwich in his mouth!
2009-04-09 09:09:41 UTC
Well; I bought my dog a memory foam pet once, and I placed his old bed under a bench in my living room foyer. I go into the kitchen to eat dinner, and when I walk back into the room a half hour later, my dog is not in his new bed, but rather he is hidden in his old bed on the other side of the room underneath that bench.

Good thing I still had the receipt.
2009-03-15 15:41:06 UTC
My dog asty is a collie x lab i rescued about 3years ago, she loves water an hops into rivers, ponds, baths and anything else pondlike. 1 hot summers day i was walking up a field on our farm, past a water trough, and she went up to investigate it. it was like a mini swimming pool it was so big. next thing she jumped in and was swimming round in circles. There happened to be an electric fencing wire crossing over the top of one part of the trough. The dairy cows werent in the field so i didnt expect there to be any electric current running through. She was swimming round and round and when she went a little too close to the wire she accidently touched it with the top of her head and..ZAP!! She suddenly let out an almighty yelp, jumped straight out an ran home and hasnt hopped in that trough since!!
2009-03-15 12:11:05 UTC
My funniest pet moment would probably be the first day my mom brought home our Greyhound. He was like 12 months old and started barking at his reflection in our slide glass door. he would walk away and then come back running full speed at the window stop and start barking all over again.
2009-03-15 06:57:14 UTC
When I was in my teens we owned a boxer dog named Karl. He was a fantastic friend and had some wonderful habits. One of them was to climb up on the back of the chair where my father would be resting and sit on his head. Another of his habits was to fart the most awful smells and once a week my mother used to hold a whist game with three lady friends and Karl would invariably lie down under the card table and let off the most smelly fart and then creep away whilst the four players were sniffing and look around for the culprit. Karl weighed about 60 lb and it was so funny when we went for a walk, Most dogs would enjoy climbing over low fences etc but not Karl. He would sit down, look at me and give me a nudge and I would then have to pick him up and carry him over the obstacle.

I also had a pet white rat called Freddie who was the cleanest little thing I have ever known. He had his own little patch and would pee and poo in exactly the same place all the time. I had to clean his patch every day or he would complain. His favourite trick was to creep up inside my father's trouser leg when he was having a rest and re-enter some where around his chest. He would sit there on his hind legs and peel grapes for his own consumption.
2009-04-16 10:05:09 UTC
Well there are a lot.

There was one time when my dog just went to the bathroom (it was number 2!) well we were rushing her inside because it was starting to rain. She started rubbing her butt on the carpet, it was hilarious!

Another time our family were all sitting on the couch talking to each other. What she did was she went on one of the arms on the sofa and walked on all of our laps just to get to the other side!

One time my brother and I (I was 7 he was 5) were in a wagon, well instead of having a handle our wagon had a rope, so our dog grabbed the rope and pulled the wagon 6 houses away! Our parents were soo worried!

One time there was this huge thunder storm. My dog got really scared and she ran into the closet. Well she was probably about 1 or 2 then so she was just getting used to the house. She never went in the closet before, so she didn't know there was a mirror there. Anyway she looked into the mirror and yelped went she saw her reflection. She was running everywhere and tried to get my mom to look into the mirror. Poor thing, she was so scared!

Hope that helped ♥♥♥
2009-03-24 15:28:53 UTC
When i was hanging up clothes on the washing line and one of our hens came over to see what I was doing. I saw her coming toward me, but didn't see her move away. I was about to walk back toward the washing basket when something stopped me. I'm not sure what it was. Looking down, just before I took a step, I saw the chicken crouching at my feet, really scared, but waiting as if she expected to be picked up. She hates being touched or picked up. I stood there and stared at her, waiting for her to move. Every now and then, she would glance up at me as if wondering when I'm going to pick her up. Whenever I moved to try and go in a different direction, she would somehow end up where I want to put my feet. After several stalemates and me not getting anywhere, I sat down and stared at her and talked to her until she got the idea that I didn't want to touch her, where upon she suddenly zoomed to the other side of the garden and hid behind a bush.

The other funny time was when an older hen (this is when we only had one chicken) thought it was on par with the cat. It had taken to following our cat all around the garden. As the cat was allowed into the house every now and then, the chicken believed it was entitled to entry into the house too, so on one occasion, the hen somehow got into the house and started wandering around. She didn't understand when we surprised people chased her out, and she never gave up trying to get back in.
2009-03-17 13:34:24 UTC
We have a springer spaniel called Malcolm who has one dead pan expression and it takes a lot to get him enthusiastic about anything. We put our house up for sale and although the agents say to farm out the dog, we knew he'd be quiet and one of us held him on the lead while the other one showed the viewers round the house.

Across the months, we showed many couples around but nobody ever made an offer. On the last time we ever opened our door to viewers, the regulation perfect couple arrived in their perfect black BMW, delicate blonde wife, tall dark handsome husband. As they walked through our tiny hall, the wife's nose pointed heavenwards, our cottage obviously didn't impress.

We asked if she minded dogs and she said yes, she did. So I hung on extra hard to Malcolm in one corner and tried to look invisible. As the viewing progressed, against his normal character, he got more and more agitated and I was having trouble holding him back.

He suddenly lurched forward and did a circuit of the house like one of those rocket propelled cartoon characters with me just behind him. He barged straight through the perfect couple in the sitting room, jumped up onto the ivory damask sofa where no dogs are allowed, started digging under the cushions and triumphantly tossed a large real pig's ear in the air and burped loudly. The perfect couple's faces said it all. They didn't envy or want our lifestyle or our house and couldn't get out quick enough. We took it off the market next day.
2009-03-16 21:11:37 UTC
I came home from school to find my dog sleeping. I was about 9 or 10 at the time. Well, I called her name and she continued to sleep so I got closer and called her again and she still didn't move. I started thinking she might be dead so I shook her paw and she still didn't wake and I immediately thought she was dead. I yelled her name again and she still didn't move. I ran 2 doors down to my aunts and told her I thought my dog was dead. She said oh she's probably sleeping lets go take a look. We quickly went up and when we walked in Coco was standing there smiling. That bloody dog scared me to death and here my aunt was standing there laughing, see! That dog played a cruel joke on me.
2009-03-16 08:29:17 UTC
It was a funny / sweet moment. I was only about 6 years old, and had a little blond cockier spaniel. One day I was playing in the front yard by myself when a doberman pincher, who didn't live in our neighborhood, decided to come after me. My little dog, Taffy, went racing towards him and grabbed him in the throat just as hard as he could, and hung on. The tips of his back feet were barely touching the ground. The Doberman was shaking him around like a rag doll, but I guess he had picked the perfect place to hold on. Finally, the Doberman turned and started running down the road in the opposite direction. About two houses away, Taffy dropped off, and came back to check on me. (Who was, by now, crying inside and peeking out of the window.) He was the sweetest dog ever!
2009-03-16 02:16:20 UTC
I was chatting away walking along a lake. Kids one side dog on the other. The dog started barking crazy at the swans then the kids started playing up - then all of a sudden it went quiet, as i turned around the extending lead was going INTO the lake and could see no dog? Screaming and pulling the dog absolutely drowning wet came out. He must have thought the swans were walking on water and he decided to go in. It was very scary but very very funny.
2009-03-15 23:37:28 UTC
well i personally dont have any pets but my friend has a cat and dog.

one day i went round their for a sleep over and we were just talking in the the garden,watching the cat and dog playing and then a sound went off like a gunshot and the dog literally throws himself in front of the cat, as if to save the cat from a bullet. it was only a car backfiring but me and laura counldn't stop laughing.

then later when we were going to go watch some movies we went into her bedroom and there were the cat and dog doing it on her bed!
Meagan K [Old Account]
2009-03-15 22:19:58 UTC
It was Halloween, and I took my dog, Skip, (a beagle) to the nursing home to cheer them up (he was dressed as zorro). well we were looking at pictures on the wall in the lobby and we heard this odd crunching noise, so we turned around and Skip had eaten almost the whole bowl of candy they had sitting out on the desk. There were wrappers everywhere! So then we tried to make a quick getaway out the nearest exit, and this blaring alarm starting to sound! (apparently they have the doors alarmed in case delusional senior citizens try to escape). So we started to head down the hallway at top speed for another exit, and Skip starts to have diarrhea all over the floor! (too much candy!) By then the people that worked there had noticed us and came over to clean it up. Needless to say, we never showed our faces there again!
2009-03-15 17:03:57 UTC
My grandmother swore this was true. It was a holiday where she was staying over at our house, probably Christmas or New Year's. She's got her door closed early in the morning, and she hears this thump, thump, thump, over and over again. She gets up, opens the door, and sees two of our casts having a nice little wrestling match in the hall, bumping into the walls and doors. She yells at them to knock it off.

They stop, and (she said) looked at her, looked at each other, and looked back at her. As if to say, "Get a load of her! Hey, lady, we live here! We do this all the time! If you don't like it, tough!"

I was a boy, and in the next room, and despite being about 7 or so, I don't remember it happening at all. But we have old home movies of these same two cats going at each other like pro wrestlers, so I totally believe it.
2009-03-15 13:23:29 UTC
I have two say i have two that i cant decide with!

1. I was up at about 1:00, and i was wacthing t.v., and my dog came in and lay down next to me, and about 10 minutes later he was asleep and i started hearing these loud growling noises, so i looked at him and he was swatting his paws everywhere, and growling like he was crazy or something! Then he started barking! In his sleep!!I woke him up, and he bit my hand! It was sooo funny!! XD lol! Heres the other one:

Well one day one of my ferrets started scratching the window screen(the web part or Whatever lol) so then the next day we accedinatly left the windind owen, and my OTHER ferret crawled through, so we were looking everywhere for him! We found him OUTSIDE, digging a hole outside! It was ffunny! Oh the memorys LOL

Hope you liked them!

~The Ferret<3
2009-03-15 08:03:06 UTC
My dog is a scottish terrier, and this happend about a year ago when she was about 6 months. Ok so i was standing in the kitchen talking to my brother who just came home to visit us. He brought his girlfriend and somthing in her bag must have smelled pretty good to my dog. No one realized what she was doing until we heard the sound of keys flying across the floor. My dog shoots past us into the back room with that awful sound the untire time. She hit her water bowl with the keys she had gottin caught around her nose! Water went everywhere and my god was scared to death! It was the funiest thing i had ever seen. She is so jumpy, she was trying to fun away from the keys. Lol but she could not get away from them!!!
2009-03-14 19:58:16 UTC
Haha well i have a bichon frise dog, shes 5 years old and shes a pretty sick dog and has a liver disease but when she was a puppy she was so cute and enegetic one day i was running around the house with her since i didnt have time to walk her and she ran right through the screen door and knocked it out!

It was really funny.

IM A HUGE FAN btw jennifer, i just finished watching a movie starring you like 5 minutes ago i swear to god.

Silver Moon
2009-03-14 15:38:56 UTC
Our funniest pet moment has been when it snows. There are times the snow is a foot deep or more. My dogs are Pomeranians so the snow is easily taller then they are. Usually when I take them outside in the snow they have a great time.

We had a lot of snow one time and the dogs wanted to run around and play but, they were just stuck in the snow because it was so deep. I had to go out and get them out of the snow.
2009-03-14 10:34:57 UTC
I took my turtles outside once and one ran away, so my sister and I had to look for it with these really bright lights. We also had to bang pots and pans to make noise. After about an hour of searching, my sister and I gave up and went inside. My mother was laughing so hard at the sight of my sister and I running around the yard banging pots and pans to find a turtle, though it did kind of make me feel like a 5 year old again... Eventually we found it though, it was in a bush and my sister heard it ruffling through the leaves. It was funnier at the time that it happened...
2009-03-14 10:18:32 UTC
We had a cat called lucy, every evening my mum use to complain that i didn't flush the loo (i was about 7 at the time) then 1 night we heard a little peeing sound, so me mum, dad and sister went into the toilet and see my cat lucy sitting on the toilet bowl with a foot on each side peeing, she gave us a look like "excuse me, cant you see im busy" lol and that'ss how we found out where the mysterious pee came from
2009-03-14 09:06:39 UTC
Well, I wouldn't call this a family pet moment but it was funny. We were in our car and my mom's boyfriend had to go to this tire place. So we drive up and park. He gets out and goes into the store. While he's in the store my dog(Heath) starts barking at this golden lab/pit bull in another truck. That was was huge and Heath is only a miniature dachshund and Heath is the one barking. Heath is tiny and the other dog was huge! Any way, while Heath is barking at the other dog, the other dog tilts hid head to the side like "I'm way bigger than you and your barking at me?!" kind of look. That sent my mom and me into laughter like never before. It was so funny! When my mom's boyfriend got back to the car we were still laughing and he's like "What's going on? What did I miss?". We told him and he looked at that dog and started laughing which just made me and my mom start laughing even more. What made that worse was that because we were laughing the dog tilted his head again with a look that said "What's so funny?". That made us laugh even more. That was really really funny.

answer mine please if you know anything about horses:

I guess it was one of those times that you had to be there to know how funny it was. It was hirarious!!
2009-03-13 20:34:55 UTC
I was carrying Andrea, my cat, downstairs as I usually do every morning when we wake up. Suddenly, my foot slipped because the stairs had been just cleaned. My cat jumped from my arms in a parabolic shape, landed in a soft carpet and sat down watching how I was coming downstairs on my butt!!. When I landed I saw her watching me and couldn't stop laughing, it hurt a lot, but her face so serious watching me made me laugh like crazy. Then she went to the staircase and start smelling it to find out what was wrong with it. She understood the whole situation, that was so funny.
2009-03-14 03:13:42 UTC
My small terrier cross ran was running round the house in a burst of energy and came into our kitchen where my mother had just polished the floor - he couldn't get traction, slipped and went straight into the back door.

He was stunned for a second, but then got up and ran off. We couldn't help but laugh, it was hilarious, my brother said we should play "dog curling" and polish the floor more, to see if we could have got him to shoot out of the back door!!

This was quite some time ago, about 15 years ago.
2015-10-28 06:09:03 UTC
We were visiting at some friends who had a little older Golden named Molly. They lived on the lake and Molly loved to swim. She would run out to the water, jump off the dock and repeat for ever. Max would get to the end of the dock turn around and come back. He never got up the courage to get in the water. Later my friend took a look in the area where they kept Molly's water in a big bucket and there was Max, in the bucket of water with all fours. He posed for his picture and once he smiled for the camera we found the reason he posed so nicely for us was that he couldn't get out of the bucket.
2014-09-22 19:47:37 UTC
Jake took off like a streak of lightning. He caught up with Henry about half way across the kitchen floor. Well, as soon as Jake got along side Henry, it startled Henry, so he took off towards the cat door. When Henry started running, it startled Jake even more. Now, all I could hear was cat claws on the slippery floor as they were tryng to beat each other to the cat door. It was a tie.
2009-03-25 09:14:06 UTC
Sheila, our baby girl, is crazy - she has a thing for waterbottles..or coke bottles, or fanta bottles, basically anything she can get her mouth around she loves!

And it's so annoying because she runs around pushing the bottle with her mouth on the concrete, which just makes this loud graveley sound and you can't hear anyone talk!!

We have to confiscate the bottle for periods of time so we can have some peace...!

But you know, if you need to leave the house and distract her for a few hours this is the perfect method - I highly recommend it!!
2009-03-20 06:16:23 UTC
It has to be the week after we got our cat (he died recently at age 12 years)

We were all frightened as i was only a little girl and he was such a fast and squirmy thing..

We came home one day and we couldn't find him anywhere.. Eventually we found him on the window ledge. We were calling him to get down from there when he jumped on my brothers head.

He screamed like a big baby and was so scared it was hilarious!!! He was running about everywhere and almost crying until my mum took the kitten off him.. I will never ever forget that day it was one of the funniest days of my life!!
2009-03-17 12:03:10 UTC
It was when I was showing some prospective buyers around my house. I told the couple 'We have a cat but I think she has gone all shy and is hiding.' As if on cue my cat 'Rainbow' appears from out of the the lounge curtains, snifs the guys shoes and rubs up against his legs several times. I went bright red and said (in a very tiny voice) 'Uuuum I hope you don't mind cats!!'

LUCKILY they semed to see the funny side!!
2009-03-17 06:00:25 UTC
My story is more impressive than funny... it's about my cat Puss (we had her for 20 years and she died in September

Anyway one night I heard this huge racket downstairs and decided to go and investigate. I saw another cat had snuck in through the catflap and had been eating Puss's food... Puss chased that cat all the way around the sidetops in the kitchen, knocking EVERYTHING down until finally the cat FLEW through the catflap and literally ripping a hole in the back door! I will never forget that... it was really funny and I was so impressed with her. Puss liked making sure that the other cats knew the house was hers! =)
Fran H
2009-03-17 04:09:33 UTC
When I took my Yorkshire Terrier for a walk, I walked passed a bus stop and there was an elderly gentleman waiting for the bus. My Yorkie decided to **** his leg and pee on the man's shoe. I was mortified. I apologised and he just said Don't Worry Love.

There are many more.

My Yorkie is gorgeous though, he is not the scraggy little inbreds but big and robust like a Yorkshire Terrier should be.

Why they are allowed to breed them small is criminal too.

UK Based
2009-03-17 00:46:53 UTC
So many to choose from! But probably when my cat was sniffing around at the shopping we'd just got, and as I unloaded the last items she sat in the carrier bag and got the loop round her head so it was like a cape. She then started panicking but before I could get it off her she started running round the house, it was so funny to watch with this little carrier bag trailing behind her that looked like a cape. Eventually she stopped and hid under the bed and I managed to get it off her, that tought her to not annoy us when unpacking the shopping again :)

R.I.P Tinks x x x
2009-03-16 12:53:48 UTC
I don't know if this story if funny, but I'll tell you...

All of my family chip in and help roll up hamburger patties, and freeze them up to last a month or so. And always make small patties for our toy poodle Mickey and say Mickey's burger, of course he is right at our feet listening, hoping to catch small pieces on the floor. One evening as we placed the patties by the hearth ready to go out to our patio grill. Mickey's pattie was gone, and so was Mickey ?

Finally we found him under a table upstairs hiding and shaking when he called him out...I'll tell you he was so nervous that we were going to reprimand him ? Because we always gave him cooked burger for he's a 5 pounder tiny poodle. All of us laughed, and told him it's OK. We were appalled by his intelligence, and discrepancy of not having eaten any other big patties ? He's been gone for 11 years and we still talk about him and the missing pattie...
ƒσx Đιяτ-βικιŋğ ğιяι
2009-03-16 11:07:03 UTC
We had this dog bed once and I decided to tie a string to it. My dog sat on it and looked at me cocking his head and stuff, then I started pulling on the string and he was riding it like a car or a train. He acted like a prince. Then he got off and my brother started pulling me by my legs and our dog sat on my stomach. It's sort of like one of those things that you have to be there for it to be really funny. :)

My other dog was outside with us once and I kicked a soccer ball and she started running after it and then pushing it with her snout. THen she'd run in circles (still pushing the ball) and run into the fence. Then she'd wait for us to kick it again and start all over.

Oh, last one... we moved into a new house once and it had a 2 acre yard. Our dog, being a German shepard, was so exciting, also because it had moles, rabbits, squirrels, etc. She was running around the yard and didn't notice when the ground turn blue and she ran staright into the pool!

They're all actually sorta those gotta-be-there-to-laugh moments.

P.S. i wouldn't blame you if you didn't read all of these.. lol
2009-03-16 05:49:07 UTC
We had a chow,one day as she was heading to the yard her tail caught an empty wire hanging basket sitting on the porch.She panic ed and started yelping and running.Every time she stopped it would bump her and she'd see it was still there so she'd do it all over again.She finally shook it off,but she ran for about 5 minutes around the yard first.
2009-03-16 03:55:34 UTC
I have a Pomeranian and a Rat Terrier. And when the Rat was a puppy she would bite the Pom's tail and be dragged around by the tail. It was absolutely the funniest thing ever. The Pom would be freaking out, while the Rat was getting a free ride!
teacher 55
2009-03-15 18:31:10 UTC
My cat got his head stuck inside a plastic tube that hamburger comes in. I had left it on the counter after frying up some hamburger and I guess a little bit of hamburger was still inside. I heard a commotion in the kitchen and when I went to investigate he was trying to back out of the tube he fell off of the counter and backed himself between the refrigerator and the wall.It amazed me at how far into the tube he had managed to stick his head. I was finally able to grab him and pull it off but my family and I laughed about that for a long time.
Mo Mo
2009-03-15 18:02:41 UTC
my funniest family pet moment was when my cat,Larry, sat up on his back legs and started walking around the house like that! I remember the first time he did it,I was like 'Oh my gosh,I can't believe he did that'.all the other cats have now started to do the same thing.The 4 kittens that we have have been doing it the most though ...Larry by the way is my 14 pound 5 year old cat,he is one of the 9 potential or stray cats that my family has saved from the streets. We saved a cat last July,her name is Mabel,and she had 5 kittens (one later died of an incurable disease),Mabel and her 4 other kittens joined the 4 adult cats, and one mixed breed dog, we already had.
2009-03-15 15:34:21 UTC
I have a few but here are the funniest ones.

Mums chihuahua jumping up and ripping the socks of my brothers feet then promptly exiting the room as fast as it could with my litle brohter in toe

My dog attacking a lemon he bites it then barks at it for being sour then bites it again he is addicted to lemons

My dog got drunk on bundaberg rum and cola and could only run in one direction.
2009-03-15 11:23:21 UTC
My family and I had to take care of an 8 week old puppy

while my aunt was off on a business trip, and we all thought

that the little guy would be cute and sweet.. well, we were wrong.

I woke up at 3 a.m one morning to hear screaming downstairs.

I went down, and saw my dad hopping around on our couch; screaming like a little girl, while the little booger of a dog nipped at his toes while jumping up and down on the ground. I still laugh about it to this day.
2009-03-15 08:51:55 UTC
When I was younger, my first dog was a Chocolate Lab called Bran. My parents were going through a messy divorce and my Dad decided to bring the arguement outside whilst me, my brother, and mum were playing with Bran in the snow in a nearby park. When Bran saw my Dad, he ran down the hill towards him and unable to stop, crashed straight into him knocking 15.5stone of angry husband face first into the snow. Many years later, Bran is very old now, but we still laugh about it!

2009-03-15 00:44:26 UTC
There is a local show that comes once a year on Memorial Day, called Freedom Weekend Aloft. There are all kinds of rides and things to do, and the show ends with a jet air show (like the Blue Angels).

Last year, they held it just down the street from where I stay; but I didn't get a chance to go. Well on the last day, I was walking my pug outside, and told her it was time to go inside.

She ran off ahead of me as she always does toward my house. But as she was going, she overheard a low rumbling that was getting louder, and I heard it as well. She stopped in her tracks to listen.

Suddenly from out from behind the trees across the road, 4 jets come flying out pretty loudly. My dog's head goes way back, and she turns around and bolts straight for me. Her eyes are huge, and I can see she is extremely frightened.

So I get down on one knee, and open my arms to catch her. She jumped right into my arms and buried her face into my chest. I covered her ears until the sound of the jets died away.

When I let go of her ears, she picked her head up to see if they were gone. She was still shaking pretty badly. I tried to put her down, but she wouldn't let go of my shirt, and clung on to it with her nails. So I held her all the way back to the house, and she wouldn't leave my side the rest of the day.
2009-03-14 12:28:59 UTC
My dog Penny is 9 years old now, she's a mixed breed just a little bit bigger than a Corgi.

My family owns a winter cottage in Maine and Penny LOVES to go up there and explore the woods in the back of our cottage.

One winter day the snow was extremely deep and I lost track of where Penny had gone. Frantically I began to call her, thinking that maybe she had gotten crushed by a falling snowbank or something to that effect. Just as I was beginning to get hysterical I saw a little black spot moving from in the mountains of snow. As it got closer I realized it was Penny, her entire body was covered with balls of snow, except for her head, which she had been holding just above the snow the entire time.

As I was doubled over in laughter, she walked past me into the house and proceeded to run and jump onto my bed, rolling around and soaking it.

It didn't seem quite as funny after that.

2009-03-14 04:29:27 UTC
My dog woke up in the middle of the night, went upstairs, climbed onto my bed, jumped out the window onto the balcony, jumped off that (this was all because she heard someone trying to open the door), went to the front of the house to find my little sister sleepwalking. How she managed to get out of a house with everything except my bedroom window open, I don't know. I was awake the whole time!
2009-03-13 23:36:27 UTC
Hey Jen,

When my now departed dog, Kacy, was a puppy, my boyfriend (at the time) and I lived in an apartment with no air conditioning. We used to do certain things to cool her off. One was sticking her in the freezer (with the door open). The other was putting a small amount of water into the bathtub so she could soak her little round, bare tummy in the cool water. One day, we had her out of her kennel and were giving her some wandering around time. After about 15 minutes, we realized that we had no idea where she was. We looked EVERYWHERE for this dog. She was small enough then to fit under the futon, so she could have been anyplace really. An idea popped into my head, and I went to the bathroom. She was sitting in the bathtub staring at us waiting for the water to be turned on.

Which we did, and she used to frantically move the water with one paw. We used to debate exactly what she was trying to do by doing that. I eventually decided she was trying to move the water over so she could sit down. You had to know her; it was definitely in character.
David S
2009-03-13 22:21:32 UTC
Many years ago, I lived on the third floor of a 3-story apartment building in Portland, OR. This building had been built in the 1920's and had large balconies facing onto a nice, tree-shaded street. One day as I stepped out onto my balcony and looked down, I noticed a cat lying on the balcony railing on the first floor. The railing was made of wood, about 10" wide and running the width of the balcony. This cat had been the bane of my new siamese kitten, so I really didn't care much for it. Just for a lark, I decided to ruin its' day without causing it any damage. How could you accomplish this do you say? Well, first I gauged the wind-speed and direction, distance of drop, fudge factor, etc., and then I worked up a good mouthful of spit, took perfect aim, and let go. The oyster-looking projectile was a beautiful sight as it wafted its' way down, sparkling in the dappled sun and shade. Realizing that "the best laid plans of mice and men aft gang agley", I had to make provision for the possibility of a miss. The cat must see the projectile to make it effective, sez I! So, I made a little squeak noise and the cat of course looked straight up...just in time to catch the aforementioned glutinous projectile on the very tip of his nose. The projectile split in two, the cat tried to go four directions all at the same time, and I fell on my butt laughing. Sometime later, I looked over the rail, and there was the cat again. Knowing that I couldn't possibly make the same perfect shot, I settled for making the same squeak noise again and the cat, of course, looked up. Immediately realizing his mistake, the cat got a panicked look on his face and vacated the rail yet again...I again fell on my butt. If this story offends anyone, I apologize, but really...lighten up!
2009-03-17 12:59:58 UTC
I used to own an cat named Titi she was a tabby cat and cute as can be she would play fetch with a balled up piece of paper and bring the paper ball back to you and she would do that with you for a long time then her tongue would stick out a tiny bit that's when you knew she was getting tired! it was the funniest thing about a cat i had ever seen!
2009-03-13 19:44:28 UTC
When my cat was about a month old, he was wobbling around on the couch and saw his tail. He freaked, looked at our year-old cat for an explanation. She clawed the air, made a "roar" face, he freaked out and started chasing his tail. He actually caught up to it! And bit it, HARD. He squeaked in sheer pain. Paint, the elder cat, was laughing her tail off. He was just confused for a few hours. A few months later, he found his tail again, and bit it. He was surprised it hurt. Paint and us all laughed.

Another occurrence would be when we got this mouse toy for the older cats and turned it on- it went randomly and the older cats chased it. Well, one of the little tykes decided to try. He shook his little hind end and pounced- landed on top of the mouse and was so light it kept going. The older cats just stopped and watched. He was having fun until it hit the TV. XD He was okay.
2009-03-17 08:51:38 UTC
I wish I still had Kirby :'[

I'm 13 - and my dog got re-homed and Imiss him more & more everyday.

He was a funny dog he was :L

Like, if he sneezed once he wouldn't be able to stop and snot would go all over his face! Lol

He was a fery rude dog.

He would fart and burp and snort too Lol - But I love him <33

He is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and he is now 3, he left a few months ago.

I miss him soooo much <33

Such a funny little dog. He would sit like a frog with his legs and arms all spread out flat on the floor :L and if you went to brush him he would roll over for you to rub his belly! He loved his belly being rubbed :)

Can't think of the funniest moment, as their were so many. But 2 of the funniest moments with my Kirby boy is when I got stuck under the coffee table (dont ask! Lol) and he came under and was barking in my face and kept licking my face and I couldn't get out so he came behind me and started sniffing my bottom! :L

Or when he was a puppy and me and my mum were seeing how he would get on sleeping on my bed but I couldn't sleep cos he kept flinging his teddy around, standing on my face, farting, licking me and sneezing everywhere!

Good times :)


2016-01-29 07:00:57 UTC
The Bone Successfully Comes Flying Out Of Stones' Mouth, & the Entire Neighborhood AUDIENCE Breaks Out with Claps & Cheers & "Wolf Whistles"!!!
Rubber Ducky
2009-04-05 09:39:29 UTC
The day my mom came home with our new yorkie puppy, we needed to get some things from target for her.

So we wrapped her up in a blanket to look like a baby.

AS I carried her around she saw a fish (in the pets section) and put her head out and yipped- right as an employee walked by.

We got busted, but the guy said we can buy our stuff- as long as we NEVER did that again!

Now she's 8 years old!

-and still loves fish. (Dixie)
Hey Jude <3
2009-03-21 12:35:47 UTC
My Grandparents, parents, cousins, aunts, uncles and friends all went for a huge picnic in the Summer. Of course, we brought the pets and so, after setting up the food and chairs and such, we went over for a few minutes to play tennis while Grandpa and Grandma watched the barbacue.

We come back 10 minutes later to discover that our dogs had eaten everything we had! It was really funny!

(You are a really great actress!)
2009-03-18 20:55:47 UTC
My Black Lab, Coal has a hard red rubber ball and he knows EXACTLY where that ball is every moment of every day and if it rolls under the bed or under the dresser, he will come and get us.

Well, about 5 yrs ago, I made friends with a lady online (who has since gotten married) and even though I've never met her in person, she occasionally sends me cards and gifts.

Well, today, I received a UPS delivery from a website that my friend visited and had purchased a doggie gift basket. I don't know if Coal had a suspicion that the contents were for him and my little Lhasa, Charlie, but as I was taking the contents out, his eyes seemed to get wider and wider with each thing I took out (it sort of reminded me of how a small child would come down the stairs on Christmas morning to see all his presents under the tree).

I don't know if Coal thought I would 'trade' his red ball for something, but hedropped his slobbery red ball in my lap and sat up on on his two feet when I pretended not to notice him and he socked me like he was he was playing a drum until I gave him one of the cookies in the box.
2009-03-17 07:47:48 UTC
OMG the funniest thing ever, though I do wonder if you HAD to be there lol.

My dog loves water and as soon as he sees it he goes bounding into it but tends to stick to the shallow end.... this one day, he ran off towards a lake he'd never been to before and jumped in obviously thinking it was a shallow lake like the others - he went completely under, and popped up again and propped his front paws on the wooden pier - eyes open wide, and looking to me to drag him out! It looked so funny, and him so pitiful, that even while I was dragging him out by his collar, I was completely belly laughing, and even after 1 year I still find it so funny. What a daft dog!
2009-03-17 06:25:10 UTC
We just moved to a new house and the dog (part doberman, part german shepherd) was finally let in. She raced at full gallup around some furniture, down a hall, around a corner and jumped into our bed, making herself instantly at home.

We had never seen her do anything like that before, but it was like she knew the layout of the house exactly because she passed up two beds to get to mine while taking less time to do it than it did to tell it.
2009-03-17 02:07:00 UTC
My boyfriend,my father and I took my parti-color cocker spaniel Miss Honey and her frisbee to Lake Huron. Miss Honey loved to jump up and catch a frisbee,so I thought I would take her in the water with me and throw the frisbee out about 5 ft and see if she would swim out and retrieve it. Well..she would have no part of that..but if I went and got the frisbee and came back to the very shallow place where she was at in the water and stood there and dipped the frisbee in the water and then threw the water up in the air out of the frisbee,she would jump up out of the water to try and catch the water coming out of the frisbee. I never laughed so hard in my entire life. I'm glad I took the camera along because my boyfriend got a good picture of her trying to catch the water that was in the frisbee. I wish now I had scanned the picture of her into my PC before I packed it away for you to see.
2009-03-16 18:31:54 UTC
My family was in the process of driving to Maine for vacation and we had to stop at a Walmart along the way to get some snacks/entertainment for the 12 hour drive. Me and my mom went inside and my Dad took the opportunity to stretch and gives our dogs some water. Our dog Rex was very excited to get out of the car and jumped up on my dad, pulling down his shorts and causing him to flash everyone in the Walmart parking lot and everyone driving by.
2009-03-16 01:16:49 UTC
I love all animals but have always been a dog person. I've never been a cat owner but love my sisters cat. He acts like a dog--will fetch something if it is thrown--will sit at your feet begging for a scrap of food etc. At Christmas he was chasing a small ball that was thrown when he dove into a pile of wrappings and bows and ended up having a bow caught on his tail. He kept trying to shake it off and smack it off but it didn't work. It was hilarious.
Learning to Sing in the Rain
2009-03-15 19:09:59 UTC
One time we rented a house boat for a week over the summer. It had a water slide in the back of the boat so you could slide into the water. We sent my Maltese dog, Buddy, down it and he went flying in the air (which we didn't know would happen, we thought he would go gently). He flew right on top of some random person's blow up raft. It was so funny!
2009-03-15 18:35:44 UTC
A few years ago, this kittin was left on our porch. He was only about a few weeks old. We took him in and soon he became ours. We didn't even know his gender at first but then we found out he was a guy - we named him Leo. Soon his name became "Leo Jazz" due to the fact that he loved to listen to music -- especially jazz. I used to play it for him every day.

We've had some very funny moments together.

Awhile back, he used to watch me when I used the computer. Here's a picture of him sitting on the keyboard

After awhile, I made him a myspace, just for kicks.

When times get rough for me I always know I'll have Leo by my side :-)
2009-03-15 17:34:01 UTC
My funniest pet moment was when my husband and I were having a burping contest after dinner. When it got really quiet, my dog burped. That was one of the funniest things that has ever happened. It was almost like she wanted in on the action and it came at the perfect time.
2009-03-15 14:32:22 UTC
I love to watch my 2 cats. They play races up and down the stairs and whoever gets there first stands and waits fot the other one to reach the top then they both race back down again. Another game they play is hide and seek. One cat goes into another room and when he is in hiding he mews then the other cat goes to look for him.

And watching how they get along with my bird is a long story but I must admit the bird is definately the boss.
2009-03-15 13:34:09 UTC
Our cat Tux, he was 11 at the time. He acts tough but really isn't. He loved bothering the Magpie birds and one day he was across the road and down by a tree and he had discovered one of their nests with babies in them. Well we were headed down to get him so he would not eat them, but about 7 or 8 adult Magpies began surrounding him and running up and pecking his tail, swooping at him, pecking at his nose. Then there was one that would pick up sticks off the ground, fly up to a branch above tux and drop the sticks onto him! It was the craziest and funniest thing I had seen in a long time. Tux finally had enough and ran back to our house, he never really bothered the Magpies again. A day later 2 surrounded him in the front yard and began harassing him, I think he realized he was outgunned and like I said, he lost interest in the birds.
2009-03-15 09:43:21 UTC
Our park has many little lakes and streams joining them. We were walking our dog in autumn and one stream was so completely covered with leaves it just looked like hard dirt.

Our dog rex was running and playing and decided to take a shortcut accross the leaves as we went over the bridge. He fell straight through into the water. Must have gotten the shock of his life, I have never seen a dog scramble out of water so fast. Poor puppy.
2009-03-14 13:58:37 UTC
I was emptying the shed of junk, i went into my house for a couple of mins & came back to see that my dog Dino had started putting the stuff back in. Must have thought he was helping his mummy!! He is soo sweet.

I also had a Great Dane for a while, we had taken him after his previous owner had neglected him. He was a bit nervous with us at first. So to bond with him i was feeding him from my hand. I was sitting on the computer chair & asked him to sit, so he turn around and sat on my knee!!
Richard B
2009-03-14 12:36:34 UTC
My westie had a blood disease in her hips and had to false hips in when she was still very young which wasn't funny, however because it was painful putting weight on her back legs, she developed the habit of walking around everywhere on her front paws which was funny to see, although not as funny as when she tried to go to the toilet like that.

I'd just like to add she's fine now though and doing well for an 11 year old dog
2009-03-17 08:25:04 UTC
Oh, my. Long story, will try to keep it short.

Our dog, Sam, ate our daughter's raisins. She was only 2 at the time. She decided to pry Sam's mouth open and reach in to retrieve the raisin and then, being a 2 year old, eat it her self!

What was so funny, was the vet didn't think we should have this dog with kids. See when he went to the vet, he would growl and carry on like he was going to eat her!! He was a samoyed mix, about 40 pounds and lots of fun. But, one time we visited the vet, they brought an emergency in - collie with porcupine quills. We had to wait for them to pull the quills. The insulation between us and the extraction wasn't very good, and whatever that collie said with every porcupine quill removed didn't impress Sam.

Sam had always loved the vet, really loved the visits, everything. But, after that, the vet came for Sam! Oh, my. It was not pretty. The vet returned a second time with a muzzle for poor Sam :-( He never liked the vet again after that, even if it wasn't the main vet who came for him that day. There were three of them, and he didn't care. It was the office he attached the disdain to.

So, Sam became that mean dog that family with kids keep that no one understood why. But, we understood. The 2 year old got on the floor and drank from the same bowl, slept in Sam's lap and YES reached down his throat to retrieve her food.

Lost something in the translation. But, that is the story that came to mind when you asked. We have tons of others too. Like the golden retriever who always pees in his food bowl when he is done eating - gross.
2009-03-14 11:04:06 UTC
My Dad doesnt really like pets because they make the house smelly and arent pott- trained usually. So when my mom but a dog for us my dad was furious. My dad was messing around and pretened as if he was beating me and my brother up and our dog starting barking nonstop and tried to bite my father. The funny thing was that the dog is super small and my dad could hurt it just by stepping on it. After that incident any time the dog saw my dad it barks hysterically! Yea so we had to give the poor dog away :(

I ♥ Jennifer Aniston
2015-12-21 08:15:04 UTC
A couple of years ago when Zippy was a new pup home from the humane society she was getting used to people things. We were making piles of clothes according to color, to do the wash. She got into the laundry piles and came strolling out into the living room with a bra neatly worn in the appropriate area... for a human.
2009-04-21 13:08:31 UTC
I was taking a bath, when my cat (he was brand new and maybe 1 year old) shot up to the lights and turned them off!

Also now he is 8 and he was throwing up on my bed so my mom put him in the bathroom and closed the door tightly so he could finish throwing up, and I was in the living room with my mom like 10 seconds later I was walking to let him out, and I said he is a demon kitty! and just as I say that he strolls by to the kitchen in search of food. So I ask my mom "you already let him out?" and she says "No!" we were the only ones home with a cat who can open doors!
2009-04-10 13:20:59 UTC
Outside my house there is a flat roofed shed which my cat will lie on top and sun himself, One day when my husband and I were in the garden for some reason the cat jumped over to our house which is a short distance away we have no idea why he jumped as all he did was jump into brick it really was a spiderman moment as he was all four paws on the wall and four legs sprawled out , nothing to grip to and down he fell he was ok but he does get called spidercat every so often
2009-04-03 07:44:58 UTC
This isn't the only funny thing that happened with my guinea pigs, but when I was cleaning my piggies cage I put them on the chair with the trash bag full of bedding next to it. I had no idea what would happen next. Sir Guinea jumps straight into the bag! I come back with cleaner for the cage and see Sir Guinea struggling to climb out of the bag!
2009-03-28 02:32:43 UTC
my dog, practically marley...has done nearly everything marley has you will see if you ever visit and take notice of the screen doors, or lack of screen in them. But the the funniest most remarkable thing was when he stole a bag of sausages off the barbecue and ate them and the bag. The poo was interesting, bits of poo connected by a string of plastic
2009-03-23 06:58:19 UTC
My sisters dog is a real pain in the ****.

Over the last four weeks she has been in hospital and the dog of cause has missed her greatly.

My other sister was on the phone to her in hospital and the dog caught on to her 'on air' voice and let out the most horrendous howl that went on and on, for ages, even the neighbours became alarmed at the noise, as for us well we all boomed with laughter, now we all phone from outside the house on a mobile but the dog is refusing to eat.
2009-03-20 15:41:46 UTC
I went to put the cat out one night & didn't realise my son's dog was outside the back door, as soon as the door opened & the cat saw the dog it jumped from me to the doorframe, climbed up onto the curtain rail above kitchen sink, the curtain rail collapsed & came down cat & all on top of my dishes which were draining on a rack, dishes went flying & we couldn't stop laughing the whole time we were cleaning up the mess, you really had to be there! We still laugh about it now years later! Just one of many funny animal incidents over the years.
2009-03-20 09:17:10 UTC
Years ago when my children were young we had a cat we named Tux (because of his color pattern). At the time there was a baby gate at the top or our stairs and Tux would jump up on top of it and then jump down on the steps. One day the gate was not latched so when he jumped up it swung open with Tux clinging desperately, hit the wall and swung back catapulting him across the room.

This cat would also sit in our tree about 3 feet above our bird feeder and wait for the birds to come. Then he would jump and swing wildly at the birds as he fell past it to the ground, about 5 feet. Don't remember him ever catching any, but it was hilarious to watch.

Lou <3
2009-03-17 09:26:49 UTC
In our old house we used to had a pond in the back garden, it's not very deep, only a couple of foot or so so we assumed when we got the puppy that would be okay. When he got there though he dived straight in, it took several hours and about 7 different people to eventually coax him out. We got soaked and sunburnt but he was having the time of his life bless him :]
2009-03-16 20:38:59 UTC
I went to a friends house for Thanksgiving dinner a few years ago. Their dog, a beagle, started licking some beer from a glass that one of the men held out for her; he thought it might be funny.

Needless to say, the beagle seemed a little funny acting. SHe started to walk away and walked on two legs wobbling from side to side like a drunk!

We were howling with laughter for a long time!
2009-03-16 20:35:58 UTC
Probably when my golden retriever(goldie) started barking like crazy and growling at this robe hanging on a shower curtain thinking it was a robber. It was so funny because she really thought she was protecting us or something. We had to turn on the lights and physically show her that it was just a robe, not a person. haha :)

By the way you are a really good actress! I LOVE the movie Along Came Polly. It cracks me up every time!
Mike A
2009-03-16 19:11:37 UTC
I have a dog named Marley. She is a golden retriver, and he coppies every thing I do. Once when I was watching the movie bruce almighty I went to go to the bathroom. When I came back marley was in my chair wearing my new robe and drinking my big coke! By the way I couldn't get her to sleep that night or

the next
2009-03-16 05:29:12 UTC
we had 4 dogs (1 female boxer 2 female boston terriers and on male boston) and 1 male cat. well at one time the boxer and one of the bostons where on heat. Henry iam iam (the male boston) was trying his hardest to get the boxer but his hheightmeant that all he was doing was her knee. so then he ttyred the boston that was on heat and she growled him. so he went to the other boston and she bite him, well at that point Henry sat down in front of the fire next to the cat and look at the cat ( i still swear that Henry said to the cat "so how about it ?" ) and the cat turned his head to the dog (with a look that would have killed (probably saying "you have to be kidding " ) and Henry move about 5 cm with the cat still looking, then he moved another 5 cm , the cat then looked away the Henry slipped away for the rest of the day. im sure he was to embarrassed to seen . it still was the funniest thing i have ever seen. ( who said animals don't chat to each other).
2009-03-15 20:54:56 UTC
My sister Donna got married in our back yard. With everything that had to be done that day, we all forgot about rounding up the cats and putting them in a room for the afternoon. One of our cats, Tippy, decided to become part of the wedding party. He waltzed down the aisle just after the maid of honor (my other sister, Liz) and right before the Bride! Tippy managed to get himself under Liz's ankle length gown between her feet. So there was Liz standing at the alter with the cats butt sticking out of the back of her dress, and his head poking out from under the front of her gown (one ear still under it). Liz was trying without success to nudge the cat with her foot. The groom was fuming. The bride was laughing all the way down the aisle and my father (who didn't see the cat) just kept telling her not to cry. lol

The cat was the hit of the reception!
Bean M
2009-03-15 11:40:15 UTC
We used to have a cat who was a little bit stupid but thought he was invinsible. When he wanted to come into the house from outside he would jump up to a closed window and all you would hear was a splat sound, usually you would expect the cat to try something else to get in, but this one would do the same thing over and over again!

We also had another cat who was a bit older and more agile and he would jump easily onto the television, the younger cat would try to copy him but would never quite make it...

italiaa ♥
2009-03-14 20:23:16 UTC
i have little tiny dog, a shih-tzu, black and white, short haired (:

haha not that you needed the description..

anywayy, my dad and his friends were all having a party onee day,

and my dad had just finished a beer. He let my dog [Ranger] lick the inside of the beer bottle, and after a few minutes my dog just fell over. Out of nowhere, someone was playing with him, and he just fell :D

he stood back up, and he started tripping all over the place, and he had barely had a drop of beer.

Later that night, when i went to bed, i found my little dog laying with all fours spread out, as far as they would go, on my pillow. He didnt even take up the whole pillow, so i just left him there that night.

He had a hangover the next morning, and refused to get up hahaha.
2009-03-13 20:11:27 UTC
When we were brutally attacked by Acorns! We took our senior dog out to the park. We were climbing a hill when a wind came through and all the Acorns started falling. Our dog got spooked and tried to hide between husband's legs. Which made him trip. So, I just fell down with them and covered the Dog, and husband I just laid on the ground laughing and laughing. We still talk about killer Acorns to this day.
Hold em Rox
2009-03-13 17:03:41 UTC
My parents dog, Midget (a cross between a Shih Tzu and poodle) and I were at the front door looking out and along came a couple of stray cats that the neighbors are forever feeding. Midget sees them tenses up so I start to open the door and say "SIC EM" he shoots out barking and running around after them eventually chasing this big tom cat around to the back yard.

So I'm waiting in the front yard for him to come back and get a treat for running the cats off. lol I'm looking around the corner of the house and the next thing I see is Midget coming straight for me getting chased by the big tom cat! Gawd he was running like his life depended on it!

That happened years ago, but still brings tears to mine and my moms eyes from laughing so hard.

One other thing about Midget he was without a doubt the smartest dog I have ever known. You could say hey let's have some popcorn, he would immediately stop whatever he was doing and run to the kitchen and plop down right in front of the microwave and not move till the popcorn was done. When the microwave would ding he would bark, I guess he thought we couldn't hear the ding. IDK.

I also taught him how to spell B O N E, no joke he knew the names of his favorite foods and treats, pizza, hot dog, jerky and bones. After a week of me telling him b-o-n-e (everyone else still saying bone) he actually got it and would run to the cabinet that held his bones when I would ask him if he wanted a b-o-n-e. I have won money off of this trick! (by betting people of course) You could try to trick him and say b-o-n- (about this time he's getting excited) D and he would just sit there **** his head and look at you crazy. LOL You could say it fast/slow or meanly/ nicely however to actually test him, he knew what you were spelling out when you said b o n e.
2009-04-11 04:21:26 UTC
The time the kitten jumped onto the screen gate, climb all the way to the top of it, climb onto the top of the wooden door and then onto the cupboards and didn't come down for AGES! In fact that wasn't long ago, maybe a month and I'm sure we will have plenty more funny pet moments
2009-04-09 06:07:41 UTC
When I was little, me and my dad took our dog for a walk. It was the first time I'd ever seen her 'wipe her bum' on the grass. I had no clue what she was doing actually, and only saw her dragging herself along the grass with her back paws in the air. I cried with laughter for hours. =]

Also, when the same dog got drunk one Christmas, fell sideways while just sitting down, tried then to make it to her bed and walked into a closed door, then in the morning, didn't even get up, just looked at us meekly. Obviously she was suffering from a hangover, lol.
2009-04-06 13:43:23 UTC
My mom and dad were out on a walk together, and I was doing some homework. My mom and dad came home, and found our 4 year old Beagle named Oliver on the roof of our shed. He climbed up on his dog house, and climbed from his house to our shed. My dad got some pictures of him, and in one, he has his head down in the perfect Snoopy look. He was so scared, he couldn't get back down, or so we thought. I went over and knelt on the roof of his house and reached up for him. Turns out he just wanted a soft landing. He used my chest as a spring board to jump off, nearly knocking me off his house into one of the poles his run cable is tied to. My parents and neighbors couldn't stop laughing. We've had a lot of funny moments with Oliver, but that was probably the funniest.
2009-03-17 08:50:53 UTC
I was walking Boston the Border Collie on the golf course at Carnoustie. He saw a man in a bright purple jump suit pushing his golf trolley towards the bridge at the Barry Burn. Boston took it into his head to chase this chap. The chap became flustered, lost control of his golf trolley and it rumbled into the burn. The purple chaps mate ran to help him retrieve his trolley from the burn, with Boston barking at them both. The second guy had a motorised trolley, which he forgot to switch off. It rumbled off south from the 1st green and onto Carnoustie beach. I got hold of Boston, made my apologies and fled. Oh to have had a video camera.
2009-03-16 00:11:27 UTC
Our 2 year old kitty, Karnak, loves to play fetch & will drop his catnip toy @ my feet to initiate a game. If I'm reading or otherwise inattentive, he'll paw me gently & give me a couple of head-butts. On the rare occasion that I'm still not paying attention, he'll jump on my back with every claw extended until I comply.

Also, we once adopted a rat who surprised us with 5 babies a couple weeks later. Mama rat was terrified of me until she saw how much fun her babies had playing with me & eventually became as sweet & trusting as they were. I'd set up a play area on the bed & put boxes, toys & other fun stuff inside but within minutes all 5 babies would climb out of the pen & curl up under my shirt for a nap. Every time.
2009-03-15 21:42:43 UTC
I got a new dog a couple of weeks ago and I already had a cat and now whenever my dog sees my cat's tail moving, the dog goes mad. He barks loudly and jumps and runs around everywhere. when my cat has had enough he chases after the dog trying to hit him with its paws. You'd think my dog has learnt his lesson but he keeps barking and the whole thing repeats until someone moves the cat or dog. It's hilarious to watch!
2009-03-15 18:02:27 UTC
My cat ate the fish straight out of the aquarium...actually that was sad not funny. The funniest moments were when the kittens kept getting stuck in trees and my mother and I had to take them down. I had a german shepherd that ate my birthday cake.
2009-03-15 14:29:29 UTC
When my dog tinkerbell was running at full speed towards the sliding doors( the bad thing was that they were too clean and almost not visible that they were there) So then she slammed onto the glass and she looked everywhere to see who had hit her. When she saw a squirrel up in our tree she kept barking at it and almost crying at the same time( she is very sentimental) and it was very funny for me of course. My dog barks at every squirrel now and remember of the incident that happened and i think my dog can notice, she is a brat.
The Original Highbury Gal
2009-03-14 12:33:44 UTC
When my Little Hound Dog Patch was a puppy my dad made him steak for his dinner!

My dad had friends round and was telling them how much Patch loved his steak and would wolf it down really quickly.

Well my friends Patch must have forgot his table manners and did not eat his steak, instead he turned his back on his food bowl and proceeded to poop all over the steak much to the horror of my dad and the amusement of his friends and then he had the cheek to go out into the kitchen and scratch at the cupboard door for his biscuits!

Top Darts! xxx
2009-03-14 02:21:33 UTC
My cat at my dad's house lives running water. I left the washing machine open and filling one day while I went to get a load of clothes and when I came back he was perched on the white part in the middle that spins batting at the pouring water. He must not of heard me because I startled him and he fell in the washer. It was a lol moment for sure!
2009-03-13 19:45:40 UTC
When I was holding my cat's food and my 8 week siamese kitten climbed up my lep and up my t shirt to get it. It was soooooo cute.

When my cat started licking my 5 year olds sister birthday cake was another funny momment.

By the way i think your an awesome actress. I love friends, It's my all time favourite programme. It would be really cool if there was a fiends movie :)
2009-04-17 14:43:28 UTC
ok my cat ran down the hall and jumped at the wall for no reason an later that night the same thing happened so i got up and she was backing up and so she stopped at the end of the hall i looked at the wall and there was a bug she was trying to get but then i flicked it off the wall then when i sat down she did it again so then i took her in the bathroom and put her in there till she stopped ramming the door then when i let her out she when to the hall and started to ram the hall not jumping at it but running and then slamming into it and every time she did it she would meow
Britain Has Got Talent!
2009-04-08 12:33:38 UTC
When my stick insects called Tiny Tim, Sarah Stork and Skinny Lizzie all had baby stick insects!

I can't believe this is really you! I love you in friends! I am glued to it every night on E4!

Love Rachey


ps. How are you going to have time to look through over 2000 answers to pick a best answer? I feel for you!
kevin h
2009-03-20 16:54:05 UTC
When I was a young fellow we lived in an area close to the City where you could keep chickens and ducks. We always had chicken coops. But there were two ducks that we had who were a part of the family..Whenever my Mother would go out into the yard in her fuzzy slippers;Huey and Dewey would waddle close behind my Mother.One day as my Mother was in a hurry to catch the bus she left in her slippers .To get to the bus-stop it was about two blocks.She arrived at the stop just as the bus was approaching.Joe Lesperance ;the bus driver and family friend was laughing as my Mother stepped onto the buss with two ducks following close behind.To the delight of the people aboard and My Mother ,Joe made an unscheduled stop at our house as the Ducks followed My Mother back to the yard then she returned to the bus bare feet with her slippers in her hand and was met with applause and laughter..
2009-03-18 10:38:44 UTC
The chances of Miss Aniston reading this.... Really.

Oh, ok then, it's something that hardly ever happens, but my dog sleeps in my room, she's the sweetest thing.. When I wake up, I don't always sleep with my p.j.'s on etc, and she'll be under the bed or somewhere covertly, and from nothing I'll suddenly get a slabbering right on the Winston Churchill. lol. (leaps 5ft in the air and screeches)

Yikes, that's not cricket..
2009-03-17 12:55:57 UTC
my cat speedy kept being bothered/annoyed by our neighbor's dachshund. So one day the dachshund came in our yard and started barking at speedy. My cat had enough and took off running after the dog in the yard. LOL they ran around in circles for 5 mins. That dog was scared to death and was yelping as she was tryin to run. It was the funniest thing. Wish i had a video camera to tape it. From that day on the dachshund didn't bother Speedy ever again.
2009-03-17 10:12:15 UTC
I took my beagle, whose picture you see in my avatar, to the vet for his shots, an obviously scary situation for my little pal. The vet finished examining him, gave him his shots and put Jack down on the floor where he proceeded to a corner of the room with his back to us,and just sat there, in other words saying" I am never speaking to you again- you have some nerve taking me here and having me go through this!" The vet, the assistant and myself were hysterical. One of many funny moments from my little comedian that I adore.
2009-03-16 11:41:28 UTC
My German Shepherd tried to 'evacuate' the cat from her box because she was purring too loud in her sleep.. He picked her up by the scruff of the neck, carried her outside through the dog door, and dropped her in the snow. Then went back to sleep. I should've gotten the cat inside sooner but the fact that it didn't even wake up and was still sound asleep in a snowbank was hilarious.
2009-03-16 05:01:41 UTC
My pineapple swordtails are the funniest fish I've ever had :-)

One day I put my finger on the glass to see if any of the fish reacted (I also have tetra and gouramis). Mr Swordtail was the only one curious enough to come and have a look. This leads to the day I realised I could make them headbang!
2009-03-14 19:20:52 UTC
Well, I had a strange experience with cats in general a little while ago.

For those unfortunate souls who've witnessed my cat-lover baiting on Answers, they'll understand. It sort of revolves around me making remarks about the edible nature of cats.

I went through a particularly bad phase of answers which included cat recipes and serving suggestions......before somebody calls the police, I don't eat cats - unless it's a special occasion like a day of the week.

Anyway cats like me and often come trotting up to me in the street. During the time of me writing these terribly sarcastic answers I became a cat magnet. Every cat in my area wanted to be my friend. One even used to climb in through the bathroom window and sit outside my bedroom door - i wouldn't class it as a cat burglar though as I made it empty it's pockets before leaving the, not really.

So one day I was walking down my parents' road and I was insistently greeted by one of the local cats. I knelt down and she put her front paws on my knee.

"You should see the things I write about your kind." I said while stroking her, "I bet you wouldn't so friendly to me then, would you?"

She made one of those little chirping noises but it sounded exactly like she said "Yeah."

She didn't want to let me go but I said "Go home, it'll be raining in a minute."

She made a little chirp again and darted off. I got wet on the way back.
2009-04-13 15:37:36 UTC
I was four and I was an evil ruler while my brother was a knight, I let out my two year old hyper border collie and yelled atack and pointed at my brother. Instead she ran towards me and graved my pants and I fell down being dragged in the snow while crying. She also pulled down my pants a little so I was able to have wet underwear. I still have her today and I have no idea how she ever did that to me. She is the sweetest thing in the world and I wouldn't trade her for anyhting.
Jack Rowe
2009-03-31 13:57:24 UTC
we were on a beach in pembrokeshire, wales, UK and we took the dog for a walk on it. he was only a puppy and it was his first time to the beach. he kept on running and barking at the waves, but when they flowed back in he would run away.

after about 3 or 4 minutes og this we shouted him over, but instead of running straight over he merely stopped and looked to see who'd called him. well you know that they say that every 12th wave is the biggest, well this must have been one of those because it came in so fast and it was up to his stomach in seaweed and foam.

well that little dog has now grown quite big and i've never seen him jump so high since!
New mommy 2010!
2009-03-17 08:03:25 UTC
My parents live out in the country and had chickens for a long time. One of the hens had chicks, and during the night, some sort of animal killed the hen. My family had to round up all the babies and bring them inside so they didn't freeze to death. There were about 8 of them.

At the time, we had a parakeet named Taco. He was the best pet I have ever had (he gave us tons of funny pet moments, but really, he was more like family than just a pet). We had the chicks down on the floor, on newspaper, with food for them to eat. Taco was hanging upside down in his cage (he did this whenever he got excited) watching the chicks, so we set his cage down in the floor and let him out to see the chicks. He got on the newspaper with them and he knew they were little babies and he was trying to feed them. He went up to one of the chicks to feed it (they were about the same size as him, even though they were babies) and the chick didn't think it needed help, I guess, and he pecked at Taco. Well, this made Taco mad and he pecked him back. It was so funny.
2009-03-17 04:39:19 UTC
My son was a toddler and our dog was a puppy. The dog bite onto the bottom of my son't diaper (just the part that dropped at the bottom he did not bite my son). My son cracked up laughing and took off running and the dog remained attached to the diaper as my son pulled him all through the house cracking up laughing the whole time.
2009-03-16 21:38:31 UTC
When My dog lucy met her sister (from another batch of puppies). They were playing at my neighbors house and the younger sister Sammi bit Lucy's tail and Lucy tried running around in a circle to get her off but sammi was just sliding along the floor.
2009-03-16 19:34:44 UTC
Well my dog Pig and I were outside and it was FREEZING cold cause it had just snowed and then it turned to slush. naturally i wasn't wearing any shoes and so i ran up the ramp and onto our deck and Pig was running right by my side. He is a verry portly dog and he's also a lap dog. So anyway as we run to the slider door we both slip and ram right into the other side of it. then a couple days later Pig still hadn't learned his lesson and he ran headlong into the door yelped and then ran back to me and attacked my face with his fluffy fat hugeness that we call Pig.
2009-03-16 12:47:57 UTC
A couple of weeks ago my dog went very hyper and was running up and down the stairs very fast, me and my mum were in the kitchen and were putting the shopping away, as he calmed down a bit and heard the bags rustling he came running down the stairs and we have wooden flooring so he tried turning really fast and ran into the wall, we couldn't stop laughing
2009-03-16 04:13:28 UTC
so my cat is really fluffy, mixed breed, but has alot of hair between his toes. we have hardwood floors in my house. can you see where this is goin? to get back into the kitchen from the garage you must shoulder check the door to get it unstuck and make a loud thud when you do it and it opens instantly. my cat was just on the other side and though it missed him, it scared him so badly that he tried to run away but ran in place for about a full second, in which time he looked up, realized what was goin on and stopped running! lmao shared that laugh for a long time!
2009-03-14 15:03:36 UTC
Probably the time when we were painting the living room white. My dog, a pug, put her face against the wet wall. She was covered in paint it took a very long time to hose her off.


When she was in obediance school and was about to get her diploma. The graduation song was playing and she was walking up the aisle. When she reached the lady she peed right next to the lady's foot.
2014-10-29 15:02:13 UTC
One day I decided I'd take her for a walk in the mountain, it was snowing and quite icy, but I figured I could tough it. I was doing pretty well until the big hill, it was icy and steep. As soon as I took a step she tugged and ran down the hill! I couldn't help but to scream, I screamed until halfway down then just ran as fast as I could,I sware my legs have never moved so fast in my life!! I grabbed onto a tree(well actually I crashed into it) and restrained her...boy that was quite the experience!
Veronica Alicia
2009-04-12 01:37:57 UTC
We were owned by an enormous Abyssinian cat, lion-coloured underbody, huge yellow eyes, enormous ears with tufts.

Woody (aka Simkin Cavaletto) was as daft as the proverbial brush when he was with people, but his one pet hatred was dogs.

We became aware of this one summer day when I was washing my car in the front drive, as was my neighbour, and a dog walker, with a Lassie-type collie walked past; the dog paused, looked with interest at the cat ,,,,,

The next minute, the dog was running for its life up the road, cat in hot pursuit - dog-walker stood there in disbelief "What the H*ll is that?" he screeched. My neighbour grinned "What's the matter mate - haven't you seen one of those before? That's a Pit Bull Terror Cat"!

Spurred into action, I started running after the two animals shouting "Woody, leave that dog alone. Woody, put that dog down"

Till the day he died, he was known locally as "The Pit Bull Terror Cat at Number 15" and dog walkers gave our house a wide berth!!
Fiona T
2009-04-06 01:47:52 UTC
Meeting my boyfriends dog Spud for the first time.

His head was peeking around the door and I expected this big Border Collie to come out, instead his dog has the body of a sausage dog or something. Very unexpected!!! Also I was told he wasn't threatening me by bearing his theat, he as smiling :D
2009-03-30 03:43:06 UTC
Lots of them J.A.

But I would have to say the real gut busting event was when early one Sunday morning a neighbour called to say that our little blue Kelpie pup, was found tugging on the rope of a tethered calf who'd gone astray( wandering up the road into the local church yard to eat the flowers off the graves if you please!.)

True enough one cow eating the daisys and "Lass" leading her home.

Laugh to you cried, true story.
2009-03-17 08:51:23 UTC
My funniest animal mmoment was when i dropped a tennis ball into my fish tank my fish then started to try to get it in the air and they were jumping over it. May i ask are you really jennifer aktinson if so hi and i love marley and me
2009-03-16 20:17:35 UTC
My mother, sister and I got the crazy thought in our heads that it would be a good idea to take our 3 goats for a walk. So when we did, they got a little excited and took off sprinting down the road for about a quarter mile, dragging us along the way. I felt like I was about to die from laughing and running simultaniously.
2009-03-16 14:49:33 UTC
I went on a diet and was not suppose to be eating sweets and one day my dog kept sniffing my purse and trying to get into it. My husband asked what was the dog going so crazy over, and I broke out laughing because I knew then that I was busted. So, I opened up my purse and brought out the cookies. That's when everyone had a good laugh at me.
2009-03-15 23:03:46 UTC
Well I had a pony and she was really smart.We had ducks,geese,goats,and dogs and cats.Here it goes we went out with my lawyer after geting my divorce and i said lets go back to our house and eat dessert.She said ok.We come home the pony let hereself out of the stall then she opened the goats stalls then the geese and then the ducks shed and then let the dogs out.Needless to say our house was an old farmhouse so the shedds and stalls were connected to the house i had the cake on my kitchen table the pony is laying on the couch watching TV honest to god.THe other animals were standing on my table eating my cake.And my lawyer said can we go out to dessert please?
2009-03-15 22:27:06 UTC
Well, Titou's picture here pretty much says it all.

But our best moment came in Miami Beach one night on out evening 'passagiata" down Ocean Drive. There's a big gay bar there, and that particular night I could see a spotlight as we approached, and a crowd.

I perched Titou on my elbow as he likes, and when we came to the corner where the bar is, I could see there was a transvestite performing for the crowd.

She was Black, about 6'7" from her stiletto heels to the top of her beehive hairdo, in a gold lame' mini. I love attention and so does Titou, so we walked up and paused at the corner in front of the outdoor terrace. Sure enough, the performer immediately saw us and came up with her microphone. There we were in the spotlight.

"Well HELLOOO," the drag-queen cooed. Very gently, though. "And WHAT kind of dog is this?"

I was ready. Pretending to be a little abashed, I looked at her. Even sweeter, genuinely concerned, she repeated the question. Letting Titou extend himself to stand erect on his hind legs on my outstretched palm the way he does, it seemed I expected him to answer. Silence for a few seconds. She looked at the dog's pompom face smiling at her. Then the moment came. I put on my best Clint Eastwood and growled into the mike she'd tendered towards me.

"He's a Nappy-Headed Ho."

Furious clatter of heels as she ran away down the sidewalk followed by the spotlight, screaming in a desperate falsetto, "He DIDN'T! He DIDN'T say that!!!"

The crowd of boys and men erupted in gales of laughter, a chorus of "Yes, he DID!". As it faded we went contentedly on our way to a smattering of applause and cheerful waves from the crowd. Just a great moment for us all, full of giddy an real comraderie, thanks to Titou.
2009-03-15 21:42:52 UTC
One time when i was younger, My family had a big get together, and Everyone from my family was there, grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins.. the whole lot, And we were all sitting and standing in our lounge room and next minute my little Maltese dog came flying around the corner and just start humping this toy monkey he had, he went across the whole room doing it, It was so hysterical.
Pomegranate hates BNP
2009-03-13 17:50:07 UTC
My cat slipped from the top of the mini roof outside my bedroom window (over a bay window below) , digging her claws in the whole way whilst looking at me with a look that just said oh sh*t. She caught herself on the gutter before losing grip and plummeting to the patio below. I ran downstairs and found her sitting licking herself like nothing had happened haha. Bless her I miss her.

Another one was when my other cat jumped over the fence with a seagull in his mouth. The bird had its wings outstretched and the wing span was at least twice the length of my cat. Lord knows how he caught it. We grabbed him and he dropped it, not a spot of blood on it as he couldnt close his jaws enough. I don't know what he thought he was going to do with it. It just walked about for a few seconds, then looked at us, then looked at the cat before turning its head away and flying off. It was quite funny.

On another one, we were walking our alsation along the promenade and we thre his tennis ball over the side thinking he would run down the stairs onto the beach get it. He jumped over the side thinking the other side was the same level as this side, he just dissapered then we heard a yelp. It was 10 foot drop. He was fine lol and ran up up the stairs with the ball in his mouth. Thank god no one was on the other side of the wall.

ahhh I am crying laughing thinking of these. Pets are brilliant.
2009-03-20 08:15:53 UTC
Sundays were alway a time for friends and family to meet up in our local pub for the afternoon.This day My Mother was late arriving,along with my Dad and Siblings to the pub, as she had been cooking Sunday dinner.When she arrived she said to me " Whatever you do make sure you eat you dinner when you get home".I said "ok mum I will" .

Well the afternoon went on and it got to about five 'o'clock.I had had quite a bit to drink and thought it best to please my Mum by going home and eating my dinner.After a short walk home.I arrived.I walked into the kitchen and saw my dinner plated up on the side. So I put it in the microwave and zapped it for five mins.I ate it although it was nice the mash potato seemed a bit sloppy and the Yorkshire puddings had been cut up.Bah I thought.I was pretty drunk.

I then whent to bed in my drunken stupor.

The next morning I woke up with a bad head.I went to the bathroom and then got dressed and went downstairs to the Kitchen.My Mum was standing in the Kitchen ,with a look of thunder on her face. Opps I thought,so I asked her "whats up Mum".she replied " I spend Three hours cooking YOU a dinner for you not to eat it" I said "but Mum I did eat it I even washed the plate and put it away"

"well whatthe Hells that in the oven then"She replied".

I opened the oven door and sure enought there was a Sunday dinner sat in the oven.

I remostrated with her " Mum my dinner was sat ontop of the oven I ate that".She then burst out laughing saying "Son that what you ate was the scrapings off the plate for the Dogs"

I felt really sick.The dogs were sat still waiting for their Sunday roast but they did not get one .I had the other for lunch before I went back to the Pub.
2009-03-17 11:38:58 UTC
Our hamster escped it's cage during a violent thunderstorm. I thought it was living in the pantry and put it food and water out for about a year - until I discovered a family of mice were living in the pantrey.....never found where Hambugger (not a typo) went to!
*pixie dust*
2009-03-16 13:19:43 UTC
It was winter time and the ground was frozen and hard i took my dog out to go potty and i stood on the front deck with no shoes and let him run down the stairs to do his thing (thinking he wouldn't go far given the weather)...much to my surprise he took off like a bullet and went dashing down the street, forgetting that i was the dummy who didn't put shoes on that morning i chased him down the street barefoot in the dead of winter through our heavily wooded neighborhood, as if my frozen feet weren't enough i was so focused on catching him that i didn't notice a low lying tree branch and i ran smack into it...
2009-03-16 01:06:01 UTC
The funniest moment I can think of involved my family's pet snake and Pomeranian. I was holding my Ball Python in the family room, and I really enjoy seeing how our 2 dogs react to the unfamiliar reptile being in their presence. Usually it's quite amusing! Typically they just stare at the snake with a blank yet somewhat confused look and don't really know what to think, but once our little black and tan Pomeranian "Poppy" decided to come up to the snake and smell it.

Being interested in the dog also, our Python "Marcia" slowly drooped down from the chair to greet Poppy. Their noses finally made contact with one another for a few seconds until Marcia's tiny tongue came out to smell Poppy (snakes smell via their tongue). Then Poppy freaked out and quickly jolted backyards away from the snake! Then we all laughed from this silly incident!
2009-03-15 18:15:00 UTC
Probably when my fiance was working on an art project (he is in art school) and the cat was sitting there watching. He got up to get a drink, and came back in and she was kind of exploring it...he was like "Cocoa...NO" she looked right at him, blinked once, and reached her paw out and whacked the project, then walked away. It was so hilarious that he couldn't be mad at her. We laughed about that for several minute
2009-03-15 13:58:07 UTC
Back in the early 1970's we had a pet CRAYFISH in our fish-tank. He was named Crawford and had been caught in a local creek before taking up residence in our kitchen.

After a few years of him munching on bologna strips in the tank and growing larger... we came down one morning to find him GONE !! We searched high and low, but just couldn't locate him... Dad made a joke about locating him by smell in a few days that didn't go over well with Mom.

Two days later, Mom was vacuuming and let out a scream of terror... Crawford had just crawled out from under the couch, covered in dust-bunnies and looking parched.

A quick rinse, and he was back in the tank (with a cover now) where he lived for another 4 years before being donated to the High School fish tank because he was too large for our tank.

He lived another 8 years there... passing the year my little brother graduated, and weighing in at 9 pounds.
Native American Girl
2009-03-15 08:57:51 UTC
When we couldn't figure out how are hamster DW was getting out of her cage at night and getting back before we got up in the morning. So we set up a sting, LOL!!!

We found out that she was pulling herself up at the top of the door with her arms and hands and using her feet to push the door open. Then she would go where she wanted to go then climb back up into her cage and shut the door like she'd never been out.

She also would actually play dead and even let her tongue hang out if strangers tried to touch or pick her up and would peek out of one eye to see if they were still there, LOL!!! She was a card!!

We use to put a little water in the tub so she could swim and we even put toys in the tub even the little tike's car from the little tike's play house and she would actually get behind the wheel and try to drive!!!! We took lots of pics and enjoyed her. She's no longer with us but she lived for almost 3 1/2 years and we loved her!!!!
Gina 7
2009-03-14 22:30:22 UTC
My cat no doubt... I was cleaning house one day and was about to open the bathroom door to clean it.. and behold my cat ( Tiger) was sitting on the toilet using #1 and I screamed... It was like I interupted him. I look back on that now and laugh... It was so funny.. He would use the toilet to do #1 and I would tell people about him and they had to see to believe it... LOL He proved it to everyone too... He was such a good cat. I really miss him :( He got hit by a car 2 weeks before we were moving to our new home. He will never be forgotten.
2009-03-14 19:39:57 UTC
My dog Kisha eats flies. She will be laying outside in the dirt and she will be laying around and a fly will come near her and she will move quick like a frog to catch the fly. Its like my dog thinks shes part frog.

My cat Bailey thinks he is a ninja. He hides on the wall of the house by the base boards and slinks along the wall, He thinks no one can see him, he thinks he is an invisable ninja.
2009-03-14 19:20:50 UTC
My dog, Jazz, was the best dog ever and she really loved microwave popcorn, not the real stuff, but the microwave kind. My brother and I were getting ready to watch a movie in the living room and we had the usual popcorn, Twizzlers, and root beer out on the coffee table. We sat down to watch the movie and of course, as we were munching on our popcorn, Jazz was begging for a handful. I knew this would happen so I had a handful a dog biscuits... I handed her one, and she took it in her mouth. I thought the issue was closed. She laid down with the treat and we continued to watch the movie. A few minutes later Jazz sat up with the intact treat in her mouth. She proceeded to place the biscuit on the coffee table and nudged it towards me with her nose. Then she looked from the treat to the popcorn, and back and forth and back and forth. She still wanted the popcorn and she wanted to trade with me!

I gave her the treat again and she reluctantly ate it... so I gave her some popcorn.

A little while later, during the same movie, my brother and I were taking a bathroom break and we both come back into the living room to see that Jazz was up on the couch with her front two paws on the coffee table and her nose in my root beer, licking the last little drops out of the bottom. She looked up at me and I swear she grinned with her tongue out in a pant... and red Twizzler stuck between her teeth.

We couldn't get mad, but we never left her alone with junk food again.

Later that night Jazz had an upset stomach, so she went into my Dad's work bag and nosed out a roll of Rolaids... and ate the entire pack!

At least she knew how to take care of herself!
2009-03-14 18:50:43 UTC cousin has 2 cats named Alice and Amy. Amy loved the water so me and Tiffany ( my cousin) Put water in the bathtub for Amy, , when we were done ALice ran to us she loves to hug us so she was running and she scared me and my cousin we moved out of the way and than Alice couldnt stop and fell in the bathtub then she jumped out! She got so scared she jumped and held to the fan that was on the ceiling and she wouldnt get off.Then Amy came in and there was a switch which can turn on the fan and Amy pressed it, and the fan was turned on. It was spinnin real fast which made Alice fling off and she landed in the bathtub! She didnt get hurt but she was very grumpy! She hates the water!
2009-03-14 15:45:16 UTC
My old dog Mikey a schnauzer was fast enough to almost catch a wild bunny once except for the part when the bunny went under a trailer home and Mikey ran head first into a cinder block which stopped him for good. He shook his head sneezed and that was it for him chasing the wild bunny.
2009-03-13 17:36:09 UTC
As a first time cat owner, i wasn't prepared for the extent of their mischief.

We had a bowl of pot pourri which was kept on a table in the middle of the living room. THe bowl was like a giant fish bowl, and the pot pourri was quiet far down in the bowl.

For a few days we'd come home to find little bits of the pot pourri on the floor. We couldn't understand how it was getting to where it was. Even with 3 month old kittens at home it didn't make sense cos they didn't appear thart interested in it when we were at home.

However, one Saturday afternoon I quickly found out what was happening. Luna (or Looney as we soon named him!) was climbing into the bowl to 'chase' the leaves. As he moved, he forced the contents of the bowl over the brim, which were then an irresistable toy for Luna's brother Sol. To make matters worse, Sol would try to swat Luna while he was inside the bowl!! I'm only glad we realised what was going on so we could discourage it...imagine this going unnoticed as Luna grew...he'd get stuck within a few weeks!

Check out the vid for the full effect..
2009-03-17 13:20:59 UTC
I have a black cocker spaniel named Braxton. He loves to sleep in the sunlight, and since we live in New England the sun has just been coming out lately. Well the other day I came down the stairs and called the dog to get him to go outside, but he didn't come. I walked into the kitchen and there he was asleep on the kitchen table! I have no clue how he got up there, since all the chairs were pushed in. The funny part is he wouldn't get off! I tried to push him off but he kept getting up and walking to a different spot. I yelled at him, bribed him with treats, a walk, nothing would get him off! Finally my mother came home and he got excited and jumped off. It was quite hysterical!
2009-03-17 10:46:52 UTC
we had a hamster ( nibbles )

said hamster lived in my brothers bedroom

said hamster had a cage with wide - set bars.

we left the cage by the window.

i came in and the hamster was holding, and eating, the curtains.

nibbles also ate:

my leotard, a football shirt, a cat collar, and a large, wooden duck.

Also, my cat oce ate an entire 10 - person turkey, at the age of two years. she is now 18.
2009-03-16 19:08:17 UTC
I would say the funniest family pet moment is when my cat played the piano at Christmas time he was actually kinda good for a cat
2009-03-16 19:01:44 UTC
When I was three I was terrified of our Golden Retriever, Bowe.

I was in the driveway helping my dad wash the car, and someone let Bowe into the yard... so I took off running down the street, carrying my sponge, with soap suds flying behind me... Bowe chasing me, and my dad chasing Bowe. I can imagine it looked pretty funny. Screaming little girl holding a sponge, doggy having the time of his life, dad screaming "BOWE! COME HERE!"

He later went on to be my best buddy. He recently passed away at the age of 15 and I am glad I have lots of memories with him... even when the mere mention of his name made me terrified.
2009-03-16 08:58:27 UTC
I was living in this house with multiple cats, and a hardwood floor. This floor had a trap door in it. One day, two of the cats were chasing each other around the house, and the trap door was open. One of the cats tried to turn, but skidded and fell into the hole. It was only a 5-foot drop, so the cat wasn't hurt any, but he needed a couple of minutes to figure out what happened.
2009-03-15 19:46:44 UTC
We have a male cat name Chase, and one day I was home alone on the first floor of our 2-story house when all of a sudden someone flushed the toilet upstairs! I thought, who's upstairs using the toilet! Slowly went up stairs and into the bathroom with a baseball bat to find our cat Chase standing on his back feet flushing it again! He now flushes the toilet upstairs about once a month!
VA Mamma
2009-03-14 14:17:25 UTC
My parents had an Irish Wolfhound when I was in high school, and my boyfriend came over one day to mow our lawn. It was so hot and close to lunchtime, I decided to fix him a sandwich and a cold drink ... I was almost done when a friend came to the side door, so I let her in, and when I went back to finish the sandwich it was gone... nothing but a jelly tongue-print on the floor. Colleen was tall enough to grab what she wanted directly from the counter. So, I made another sandwich, put it further back on the counter, and hollered out the window for him to come eat it. Once again ... missing sandwich ... crumbs ... Then I had to make him a THIRD sandwich ... boyfriend comes in, sits down to eat, and I step out of the kitchen for a moment... when I come back in, he's feeding the dog half of the third sandwich and states "I really don't care for peanut butter and jelly" ... sheesh.....
2009-05-04 08:08:16 UTC
When My Rabbit Keeps Sniffing My Feet And Eating The Wallpaper.
2009-04-29 05:20:18 UTC
My dog a Fox Terrier and he goes down the stairs on 3 legs. Every time.And occasionally he will go out to pee and in the middle of the act he will fall over. But he gets a Big Grin on his face like "Aren't l silly?"

There is nothing wrong with him he is just clumsy!
2009-04-04 05:38:41 UTC
Once my famiy left out some brandy on Christmas Eve for Santa and while we weren't looking my pet Jack Rusell Drank the lot! He was swaying all over the place!
2009-03-19 22:52:36 UTC
I have a rottweiler named RJ.

Once, I had some friends over, and we were collecting some firewood for a bonfire that night. One of my friends picked up quite a long stick, but we said it was too big. He threw it away, then we gave up and walked inside.

About 10 seconds later, RJ *tries* to come in through the sliding door with the stick that my friend threw (which is too long to fit through the door), jumps to come through the door and BANG! His body comes flying under his head (so he's upside down) and he slides about 5 metres until he comes to a stop at my feet with the dumbest (but cutest) look on his face!
2009-03-17 09:51:10 UTC
My funniest pet moment was during the winter. I have 4 dogs and I had got them sweaters to stay warm. Well they started playing around and one of my dogs was dragging the other one around the living room by her sweater! I was laughing so hard I cried!
My Dogs are Obligate Carnivores
2009-03-17 09:47:32 UTC
Well, my dogs are trained to stay in one area of my house... the kitchen. I had no time to keep an eye on them, so I placed some boxes in front of the entrance to the kitchen, and went down the hall...

I heard a sudden clatter and went to investigate... I found two of my smallest dogs (a young shih tzu and a yorkie) had pushed their way between the boxes and were out investigating the house and getting into trouble. I ran at them yelling and roaring, to see what they would do. They saw me, froze and then ran in place like cartoon characters (that's pretty much all they can do on a hardwood floor with their ultra-long hair), before diveing for the same space that they had originally come out of at the same time. They of course, in their scramble got rather stuck! The shih tzu was under, the yorkie was on top! I stood right behind them as they scrambled "YOU GET IN THE KITCHEN YOU CRAZY DOGS!" I yelled... the yorkie, in his panic started yelping (he yelps about everything though...) and finally the shih tzu managed to push through the boxes enough that they could both get through... the best part though, was that there was a basket of recyclables that was on top of one of the boxes... when the shih tzu busted through, it caused it to topple off, towards the dogs that had just made their enterance into the kitchen.... coming down with a bunch of banging and clanging right behind them....

Needless to say... they didn't venture out of the kitchen for quite some time...
2009-03-17 06:25:17 UTC
We were watching television one evening when the MGM lion appeared at the end of the program. Our Shar-pei, Joe got up and slowly walked in front of the television and growled at the lion.He never did it again,it was truly hysterical,a Americas Funniest Video moment.
2009-03-16 18:48:51 UTC
I have two dogs, a labador retriver Comet and a smaller dog (I don't know the breed) Brody.

Comet's funniest moment- When my step-dad and mom where hugging he puts his paws on their arms and pushes them away. He gets so jealous.

Brody's funniest moment- hmmmmmmmmm....once Brody got hit by a truck...which broke the poor puppy's butt. Now he runs in the funniest way possible!
2009-03-16 12:10:52 UTC
Me and my family were in the backyard with my cat, Milo, when a dog in the next yard started barking at us. My cat is a 'scaredy-cat' to begin with and when this happened, he wasn't cool with it. He jumped up and started to run inside, little did he know that when my mom came outside, she shut the door. He was running at full speed and smashed his head right into the glass door! We all felt so bad, but it was kind of funny. He got right up, shook his head and waited for me to open the door again. Poor kitten!

2009-03-16 02:55:44 UTC
My tiny little chewahuah (sp???) spotted a cockroach one day and tried chasing it. I kid you not the coackroach came to a screeching halt and turned around as if to chase him, my doggy piss bolted down the hall way! ive never seen him run so fast!!!

but then Ive watched that same dog get chased by a new zealand rabbit, that was funny!! :P

I also have birds and i brought a guy round to meet my mum for the first time and the birds were out. This guy hadnt even noticed so was happily standing in the kitchen drinking his coke. Of course my cheeky bird comes out of nowhere and lands on his head! not only did he spill his coke but he spat it out everywhere! she scared him so much! funny as! he was embarassed but was soooo worth it :P

another funny one, i had a kelpie a few years ago and my brother my mum and i were walking to the shops when we spotted this kelpie running around the streets (he jumped the fence) we called his name, he turned around looked at us and bolted off into the direction of home :P once we got home he was back in the backyard looking completely innocent. smart *** :P
Iljimae Fan
2009-03-15 19:51:12 UTC
I used to have a cat named Spanky. He loved to jump on everything in the house including me. I bent over one day to clean out the litter box. Next thing I knew Spanky had jumped on me again. This time instead of jumping on my lap he jumped on my back and decided to rest there. He managed to do that on more than one occasion. One time I managed to find someone at home to take a picture of it. It was the funniest thing. I taught my dad how to take a picture with my camera while bent over with a cat on my back. Unfortunately Spanky has since passed on and I no longer have that picture but is sure was funny.
2009-03-15 15:45:59 UTC
At this lake we go to, there is a dock that goes out, and runs parallel with the shore, and that's where my yellow lab swims. well one say there was a jet ski tied up where she swims, and a family standing ont he end of the dock. My dog started barking like crazy, and we thought she was barking at the family. But then we realized the jet ski was in her way, and she wasn't barking at the family. it was really funny.

Another story similar to that is one time we made scarecrows, and put them in our front yard garden. Well it was around dusk time, and we let our dog, the yellow lab o
2009-03-15 01:18:02 UTC
I was milking our goat Anna one early morning and my kitten Sparky came over to investigate. She tried to get a drink of the milk but the Anna decided she didn't like cats so she picked Sparky up by the tail with her teeth and tossed her away! I laughed for years after that. The worst thing is I was the only one to see it so nobody else believes me!!!
2009-03-14 22:47:10 UTC
My funniest family pet moment was when my family and I were all watching TV and my 3 dogs were chasing each other around the couch and Gypsie just jammed herself under one of the couches it was very cute and funny.
2009-03-14 19:37:56 UTC
Our cats drink out of the bath taps. One day one the cats raced in and jumped into a full bath! I shouted "stop" but too late he was mid-air. I went to try and catch him but before I could catch him, he turned round as he hit the water and leaped out again!

Reaching for the towel to dry him off I discovered only his paws were wet, somehow he had "walked on water" and leaped out again!

How? We don't know, all we can think is he managed to get enough leverage off the water to jump out again

He doesn't jump in for a drink anymore, he gets up on his hind legs to see that the baths empty first

Clever Cat
2009-03-14 19:00:03 UTC
I was playing with my hamster, Xena Warrior Princess, on my bed. She slipped into a hole in my mattress. She ran back and forth through the springs and bit me when I tried to grab her. She even left a couple surprises in there. It took two hours and I had to cut the mattress open to get her out. After I got a new mattress, I laughed and laughed about it.
2009-03-14 17:28:00 UTC
lol.. I used to have two dogs.. one a colly, the other a colly / grey hound cross.. both rescued.. both nuts.. the colly, Sam used to have emotion issues and when got excited he'd get.. well.. VERY excited and leap and hump the nearest thing.. Often this would be a guests leg however this one time he missed and unfortunately for my other dog, latched onto his head. Needless to say the 'humped' was dismayed and confused as I rolled around with laughter..
ann f
2009-03-14 14:56:37 UTC
Not funny for me but my Boxer took me for a walk and it had been raining and he`s very strong well he pulled me off my feet and into a concrete pillar breaking 3 ribs,when my hubby came home he`d been working away from home,with a stinking cold , gave it to me and I couldn`t cough properly and ended up with a chest infection and then pneumonia, My next boxer was playing and head butted me breaking my nose, Still love em though
2009-03-13 22:48:49 UTC
My cat likes to roll out the toilet paper. We didn't know how she did it, but when she was around it would always get unrolled and the end even sometimes landed outside of the bathroom. One day I saw that she was doing it with her teeth. She's so cute. This probably isn't that funny but it is funny at the time, seeing the toilet paper rolled out and knowing the culprit.

ps. Jen you are a great person and I wish you all the best in life!
2009-03-13 20:05:40 UTC
Many years ago, I had resuced a German Shepherd mix dog; actually, I think the mix part was coyote, but that's a different story. Anyway, her name was Daisy. I was single and lived in an apartment so I had to take her for a walk everyday.

One day after a long day at work, I came home to find that she had raided the trash can - all the contents were spewed all over the kitchen floor. She was usually a very good dog, and I couldn't bring myself to reprimand her because I had been gone about ten hours and felt guilty about leaving her alone so long. I noticed paper towels and towel pieces on the floor that I had used to clean a grease pan the night before.

Well, I immediately put Daisy on the leash and took her for our usual walk around the block. There was one sidewalk next to a busy street by the medical center where I worked. Just past the point that we arrived at this busy street, she squatted into the position of having to take a poop. Well, I tried to look inconspicuous as she did her business, but after awhile I realized it was taking a bit too long. I looked down and saw a paper towel (still intact) hanging out of her butt, and she was struggling to pull it out with her teeth. I was so torn between compassion and a desire to help her and complete and total embarrassment as the cars whizzed by - hoping, praying that no one that I knew recognized me and the predicament I was in. Finally, I made the decision to just run as fast as I could to the next street where we could have some privacy. Do you have the visual on that scene? - a girl and her dancing dog with a paper towel hanging out of its butt running down the street at top speed.

Well, as soon as we got to a private spot on the next street, I gently pulled the paper towel out of her butt, and we went on our merry way like nothing had happened.

btw - My family saw Marley and Me on Christmas Day and loved it......such a wondeful, feel-good movie!
2009-04-06 00:20:08 UTC
I have a toy dog who can only just manage to jump on the couch. However, when she has only just woken up after a long sleep, she is a little bit clumsy. Once I saw her three times try to get up on the couch, and each time, she couldn't quite make it and would flip backwards and land on her back, and then try again. it was very funny
2009-03-16 17:27:39 UTC
When my son was born he saw that we put him in the crib some how at my son first DR(about 8 days after he was born) we came home and found him in the crib with a bunch of the dogs toys in the bed with him he was jumping from a chair that was left to close to the crib it was hilarious
2009-03-16 17:10:33 UTC
My black lab, Hershey is so funny. I can go on and on with funny stories. These are two of my favorite. I was in bed, and I heard Hershey woofing. Normally, she'll kind of do a wupp wupp sound in her sleep. She'll woof, but not open her mouth. So, I'm thinkin' "Dude, you've gotta spend less time with that dog. You're hearing her in your sleep," Turns out, I wasn't dreaming. She relay did woof out loud. My other favorite is what we like to call her "Go for a Walk vocabulary." When my dad gets out the lash, Hershey will go bazerik. She'll do loud moans and barks.
Jake H
2009-03-16 16:47:35 UTC
When my dog was a puppy he was kinda stupid. So one day I called all my dogs and said "Lets go potty!" I had 2 other dogs at the time and they stopped at the sliding glass door because they realized that the door was still closed but, the puppy kept running, not realizing that it was a see-through glass door and he ends up just running full speed into the door!!! It was so funny!
2009-03-16 12:45:28 UTC
My dog was in the basement, my husband had been microwaving frozen meatballs. When he took them out the microwave one fell on the floor, and he decided to give it to Ginger, a 30 pound corgi mix. He opened the door to the basement and called her, and she came to the base of the stairs. He said "Here Ginger, have a meatball" and tossed it to her.

She watched it sail through the air with a dopey stare, and it didn't occur to her to try and catch it, it landed square between the eyes, and she suddenly snapped out of her trance and was like OH! A meatball! and snatched it up. Silly thing had a dot of sauce on her forehead. :)
2009-03-14 20:30:01 UTC
My cat, who used to think he was a dog decided he needed to get to the door faster than the big dog. The little dog was sleeping, laying lengthwise in the hallway. The big dog stepped right over the little dog, but the cat attempted to jump the little dog. Little dog stands up, little dog and cat roll out the door and down the steps! (At this point I'm laughing hysterically!) And the big dog runs into the door as I started to close it... Poor animals. LOL

There are so many stories I didn't know where to start...
2009-03-14 14:58:57 UTC
well we put our cat out during the day so she can get some fresh air but she loves staying indoors so we have to close the door on her for a couple of hours and every time we open the door she shoots in. today i opened the door to put out the rubbish and she came running on the wall i think she miscalculated her jump and fell with a loud meow if that was not enough she ran up the stairs tripping up my husband and me!
2009-03-14 12:11:06 UTC
My cat attacks paper. Whenever I was doing a school project, I was cutting up paper and I had a huge pile next to me. So I was just sitting there and all of the sudden, my cat dives into the pile like it was a pile of leaves. The paper flew into my face and all over. Then he just got really crazy and started ripping up the paper. He's a weird cat. LOL :)
2009-03-13 17:00:57 UTC
Wow, so may to choose from! I taught my Weimaraner to fetch the newspaper. It became his daily job and he was always so proud to complete this task. Several months later we moved to a small (12 homes) gated community. Each home has a very large lot and fences are prohibited. All the homeowners had friendly dogs and the community has an informal policy to just allow the dogs to run loose. This worked well because all the pets were able to get along.

My Weimy immediately resumed his newspaper duty, with the same pride. Our newspaper carrier changed and the new carrier brought the paper to our front door and put it between the outside and inside doors.

We didn't think anything of this at first and winter had fallen upon us. Several weeks later, my Weimy showed up with a newspaper. It turns out that it was stolen from another neighbor. Soon after, I was walking around my home. I was surprised to find that my dog had been stealing newspapers and other items for weeks and hiding them in the landscape! I found dozens of newspapers, about 15 tennis balls, several dog bones and chew toys and even shoes and other miscellaneous items that had been stolen from neighbors. I showed my husband and we had a great laugh.

We decided that our beloved dog was unhappy to have "lost his job" and requested the newspaper be delivered to the curb. He resumed his duty but the thievery never stopped. With so much territory and wooded area for him to explore, he began bringing other things home.

One day he showed up at the French doors with an ENTIRE deer leg! I was completely repulsed and ordered him away, but it WAS funny.

Perhaps you had to be there, but the dog is so crafty and mischievious. He once raided the countertop and ate two full tins of assorted home-baked cookies. Each tin contained 40 cookies! I guess the first 40 weren't enough and so he went back for more.

My other dog, a Yorkie, watches TV. He barks at dogs or horses and attempts to "attack" the screen. He can see them or hear a bark in the background, but it makes him crazy and everyone laughs when the dog goes crazy.

I could go on and on.....
2014-06-30 05:39:38 UTC
I saw a sight I simply would never have believed was possible. Simba the puppy was digging a hole, and Harry the cat was sitting on the other side of the hole, watching him. After digging for a while, Simba sat back and looked at Harry as if to say, "What do you think? Are we done yet?" Harry leaned forward and inspected the hole. Then he gave Simba a clout over the nose, as if to say, "get on with it!" Simba started frantically digging again, and Harry continued to watch him.
2014-05-29 08:20:02 UTC
We were sat in the garden, and the patio doors were closed, although they were clean so they almost looked like they were open. Jimmy was running at full speed, and we saw it coming, in slow motion, BANG, straigh into the closed patio doors!
2009-03-21 16:53:28 UTC
The funniest thing would have to be when we brought our new kitten home. She was exploring the house and decided she would take a nap in the dog's food bowl. Well, when our dog went to get her bowl (we trained her to bring the bowl to us in her mouth at dinnertime =D), she saw the kitten and jumped back so far, it was so funny! Then she actually took the dish with the kitten in it still, and carried it to us! The two have been great friends ever since. =D
Princess Of Poison
2009-03-20 11:18:41 UTC
I have head so many, my ferret goes loopy ever timke he has had a nap he is crazy he makes a kind of barking sound and is very yappy he rolls around and jumps backwards. I also find it funny when my guinea pigs chase each other and play together as I have nine guinea pigs and they are all very close.

Great question Jen!

I hope you come back on and ask some more!

2009-03-17 10:51:44 UTC
When we first got our dog a while back, and he was still a puppy he did the funniest thing. I still laugh about it.

He was outside playing, when he saw me going inside. He came running as fast as he could, whem he saw me open the first door, and slammed right into the second glass door! I felt really bad, but it was hilarious.

I could name 100 things a day my kitten does. Just watch him for about 5 minutes and he'll do something to make you laugh.
2009-03-17 04:23:57 UTC
I never really thought about the sexuality of my pets until my family had this very strange dog. It was a female dog, and yet she would always hump my leg. Finally, I had come to realize that she was a lesbian and I still accepted her for who she was, hahaha.

I think funny pet moments can also involve outsiders as well.

I remember my family lived in a place called McAllen, Texas. We had a dog named Pedro. One time, he ran away and we chased after him calling out "Pedro, Pedro." A lot of Mexican people were staring at us, wondering why we were looking so hard for Pedro!
2009-03-16 20:50:07 UTC
Years ago my family had a pet turtle named Shelley. One day she wasn't in her box (or tank, whatever). I was freaking out, my parents and I searched the whole house to find her. I was a little over eight years old and Shelley meant a lot to me, so I assume I was a crying mess. Eventually we found her outside with my little sister.

My sister was four at the time and was very mischievous, she always seemed to get in trouble at home and at school. Anyways, we found Shelley with my little sister. However my poor little turtle was covered in makeup and was dressed in some frilly clothes my sister had found somewhere. She said she was "Making da turtle perty." Yep.
O Him
2009-03-15 22:42:18 UTC
Hi. My Cat Misty (slagpuss) was asleep on my lap when I got one of those itches, in the inner thigh area, not wanting to wake Misty up I gently put my hand down the inside of my trousers to scratch the itch (well you would) at that moment Slagpuss work up and seeing something moving she decided to sink her teeth into whatever it was, she missed my hand and sank them into my, er sort of man bit, I to say the least let out with a loud, O dear me (spelt With 3 f's) or something like that, and the tears started to flow, my wife and son just fell about laughing and poor old Misty did a vertical takeoff from my lap and became the fastest ***** in the world as she left the room. I was in little pain but got not one bit of sympathy from my beloved family, they did not stop giggling for a long long time. The good news is that Misty reappeared a little later and jumped on my lap again to sleep.
2009-03-15 12:25:13 UTC
The other day when i was at my moms friends house we were talking to the living room. She has a giant girl dog, i dont know what breed, and a little girl kitty. They were both playing outside and then all of a sudden i saw the giant girl dog humping the poor little girl kitty. I couldn't control my laughter..

2009-03-15 10:29:00 UTC
When I was young, my mum decided to throw a 'feather party'. The party organizer demonstrated various tacky ornaments made from feathers and my mum thought it best to move our pet budgerigar away from them in case it got scared...

The party went OK and we all went to bed. The next morning, my mum went to move the budgie back to where it had been and found the poor thing dead on the floor of its cage. Although the fact that it died was quite sad, the circumstances were chuckle-worthy :)
2009-03-14 03:46:37 UTC
i came home from taking the kids to school and it was christmas time and we had chocolates on the tree. i came home to find that all the chocolates had been taken out of the foil wrapping which were still hanging on the tree and the dog under the tree pretending to be asleep

also another time i had a mad moment ....the dogs were driving me mad running in and out of the kitchen and i got so fed up with saying OUT ! i then shouted "what part of OUT don't you understand the O the U or the T !!!!"
↓ ℽuⅅℽ ↓ ههههههههه
2009-04-15 22:23:00 UTC
This is a little disgusting and it was my dog, not my families pet. I have a female pit bull that likes to eat her toys (Mostly Ropes). Sometimes she has a little trouble passing them and they hang out her rear end. This has happend to me about 5 times. Grab a plastic bag and wrap it around your hands and pull usually does the trick.

But one day I was at work and my roommate let my dog out. When I got home he was not happy. The same thing happened to him but this time he pulled something that was over a foot long out of her rear end and continued to puke everywhere. He said he will never forget it. It's funny to me but not to him
2009-04-07 16:53:32 UTC
On my tenth birthday, me and a whole bunch of my friends were camping in my backyard. Well as we were chatting, this little ball/creature shape started running around under the tent. We all started screaming. It was chasing my friends from under the tent bottom! We ran out of the tent. It followed us. It then emerged from under the tent. The little torment was my Jack Russel Terrier. We all laughed but you could tell we were embarrassed.
2009-03-17 13:20:10 UTC
When my son's dog Spirit woke my husband up by French kissing him and he thought it was me and I didn't wake him up right away because we were separating, I tapped him just enough so he could get the full experience! lol lol! He flipped out! I laughed till I almost wet my Pants!

We were baby sitting her because my son joined the Army and was at Basic Training he loved that story when he came home for a visit. Now when ever I need to have a good laugh at the expense of my soon to be x-husband it comes in pretty handy!


2009-03-17 10:06:28 UTC
One night I was settling into bed when I hear scratching in my closet. It freaked me out but I was too scared to go check what it was. At about three am I hear thing being shoved off the shelf in my closet I rushed to turn on the light and went to go see my closet. The floor was a mess huge boxes full of book were laying on the floor. When I look up on the top shelf I saw my ferret who I had forgotten to put in her cage smiling up at me. She then continued to push more boxes off barley missing my head until I was able to catch her and bring her down.
Crystal P
2009-03-17 08:53:58 UTC
A little 3 month old husky named Sky running off with the water bowl as a big great 6 month Dane tries to drink out of it... she escapes under the table where she takes a bath in the over sized bowl!
2009-03-17 00:38:52 UTC
Has to be my big Lab Rotti mix with his tennis ball on a string/ loop. He grabs it with the ball hanging down and shakes it so hard you can hear it thumping on the side of his head. He then barks and growls at it and does it again...and again, like the ball did it to him. LOL He also throws his head back with it in that same position. That makes the ball get sort of stuck on top of his head. He then runs as fast as he can all the while looking up at that ball on his head. LOL
2009-03-16 15:13:47 UTC
:D I was cleaning my room a few summers ago and I had taken litterally everything BUT the bed out of it. So I let my guinea pig explore around while I did the last bit of cleaning. Of course she hauled *** under my bed (Shes fond of dark places) And its usually pretty tough to get her out. I went to go throw something away in another room and when I came back I saw her right at the edge of the bed staring at me. She booked it back towards the middle once I took a step though. The second time I left, when I came back she had ventured about half a meter from out under the bed, and as usual, made a beeline back under. But the third time I left, when I came back I was greeted RIGHT at my door by my piggie, who turned around too run back under, but I picked her up laughing and she licked my nose :P I luvs my little guinea piggeh ♥♥

2009-03-16 13:38:04 UTC
Well at first it wasn't very funny it was kinda scary but my dog got into some of my moms estrogen pills, I think he ate 17. After we were assured he would be fine and they wouldn't kill him, it was actually very entertaining. He was high and running around the house like he was completely out of his mind. He did that for a good 15 hours. After that I started calling him druggie doggy.
2009-03-16 06:23:54 UTC
My family and I were in West Virginia for a weekend of vacation. The cabin we were staying at had a trail that led to a small creek/river. I was taking a family friend down the trail to show him where the river was so he could take pictures of it. I had my collie (Kaisey) running with us off her leash so she could run around and get some exercise and play in the water some. As we were looking around the river, I was watching Kaisey jump and splash around in some puddles. All of a sudden, as she was running around, she fell into a more deep section of the river. The water wasn't too deep and wasn't moving fast enough for it to be any danger to her. But all you could see was Kaisey trying to doggy paddle, but it wasnt working too well because it startled her. Then she realized she could stand up and was able to walk out of the water. I was with her the whole time and was watching to be sure she could get herself out. So she wasnt in any danger. But it was funny to watch. We even have pictures of it lol.
2009-03-16 05:35:42 UTC
One time I had a laser pointer and was playing with my cat inside the house and I was tricking her with it by moving it back and forth. I moved it onto the wall and she jumped for it and slammed right into the wall. It was funny, but I felt bad about it after that.

Another time I was playing with my uncle's dog and they have a screen glass door. I was little and forgot it was shut and told their labrador, Shay, to come play with me outside. She was running full speed and ran straight into the glass door. She got up right after that and since that day she doesn't go out that door as much. Poor dog.
2009-03-16 04:18:29 UTC
I had a caller at my door one day,and wouldn`t take no for an answer when I said I wasn`t interested in his religious tirade,but just kept talking.

My spaniel was messing around in my bedroom,I could hear her going through things and exploring.

Five minutes went by,and the dog arrived at the door,with a pair of my panties over her head!

Exit red faced caller,thank you,Skydog .
2009-03-16 02:30:39 UTC
We had a greyhound who loved to run around our enclosed backyard which had a fish pond in the corner..He would pelt around & around & run through the pond to cool down. We had been away for 10 days so when we let him out of the car off he went. In the mean time the pond had developed a green slimey growth, in he went, slipped, came out with the slime hanging off him like a mohair coat with a frog clinging to his ear, he was soooo shocked, he went over the fence & raced around the block with the frog flapping in the wind & our little shitzu trying to catch him, it was to much for all the neighbors they still laugh about it after 5 years.
sunny girl
2009-03-16 01:39:25 UTC
We had just got a ragdoll kitten for the kids and we couldn't find him. I heard all this banging in the fridge and opened the door to find his front paws frozen to the back of the fridge and his back legs swinging wildly trying to get free. I had to spray water on his feet so I didn't rip the pads off his feet getting him out. The kids thought it was hilarious.
2009-03-15 17:15:34 UTC
My parents went shopping and my two older sisters thought they could bring our horse inside. It seemed no problem as our horses hung around & poked their heads through the door all the time.We thought it was Fantastically FUNNY when it walked into the kitchen. But then she took off down the hall POOHING ALL THE WAY,turned left at the end into mum & dad's bedroom still poohing,trotted back down the hall,slipped on her poop,got back up & took off round the loungroom.Her tail was right up over her back & she started to winnee.I was only 10 but just rolled around laughing as my sisters pannicked to find a bribe carrott to get her out again.Out she went & the cleaning up had just finished when mum&dad came home.The 1st thing mum said was "Who has manure on their boots? take them off and put them out side,dear oh dear I don't know ". They told mum a week later thinking that was long enough.WRONG.
2009-03-15 16:57:11 UTC
hehe my dog saw a squirel outside and i went to open the door but i didnt get it ope far enough and he got stuck. when i finnally got it open he ran so fast outside that he triped on the stairs then, the got back up and ran just as fast. well it was very muddy oustide and he slipped and fell in the mud.

that was the funniest pet moment ever

the saddest was when my brother flushed my fish down the toilet
2009-03-15 15:14:22 UTC
We had a cinnamon ring-tale monkey named Mr Monk that on one occasion jumped into our milkman's delivery truck while he had his back turned. Mr Monk hid in the back of the truck until the next stop and went on to petrify the eighty year old neighbor lady down the road. She called our local sheriff in a panic saying a "wild animal" opened her screen door and came right in. Got into her pills, her false teeth jar and everything else she had on the kitchen counter! Fortunately the sheriff knew about Mr Monk and called us to to fetch him. Since the monkey rode our dogs most of the time, we just took a spare dog with us and sent the wandering Mr Monk "packing" back to the house.
2009-03-15 14:16:27 UTC
We had a very large pet rooster who had the run of the place, we also had a little male poodle who thought he was Mr. IT, he would chase that rooster sometimes for half an hour or more, one day, the rooster turned on that dog and really beat him up, he just beat the heck out of him with his wings, pecked him etc., we had to run out and rescue the dog, he was in shock for awhile but made a full recovery, now he keeps his distance.
2009-03-15 12:44:59 UTC
My cat tried to get away from me by running down the hallway. It was dark and she was unable to see that the door to my parent's room was shut, therefore she ran into it at full speed. She was so embarrassed she did a 360 and ran the opposite direction and I didn't see her for the remainder of the night. It was the funniest thing I've ever seen.
2009-03-15 11:50:56 UTC
When my dog was playing with a ball then it poped out his mouth flew off the wall then hit the bird cage the Parrot came out screaming "What the Hell did you do dumb dog" My mom and me just stared at the Parrot the we were laughing so hard.Then my dog got the ball back and it hit my gold fish bowl. Lolz what a mess
Question Queen
2009-03-15 06:54:06 UTC
My cousin would scare the little dog (chihuahua/yorkie mix), & he would be so scared he'd foam @ the mouth, vomit, pee, & poop, & he'd be terrorized. My cousin wasn't gonna do the dog any actual harm. Every time company came over, everyone found it amusing to see him scare the dog.

But I kinda don't find that funny because I felt bad for the poor dog. But the dog thought he was big & bad, & he was overprotective of my mom to the point where if you come near her, even to bring her a drink of water, he'd bite you.
2016-03-15 10:37:54 UTC
The Day Our 2 Year Old Samoyed, Stones, Was Choking On A Bone From Our Butcher, & My Dad, (while an audience of neighbors cheers on) Throws His Leg Over Stones to Straddle Him, and begins an Up & Down Thrusting Motion We All Know As The Heimlich Maneuver!!
2014-06-28 00:41:27 UTC
when my cat thinks it's a dog .chasing it's tail.or maybe when my cat chases everybody out of the room.when i had my first cat she used to rush and eat her food because she thought we were going to eat it or something .that was always funny.We were living in Zimbabwe and had two cats who had come with us from Tanzania, called Harry and Beauty. After we were burgled we decided to add a dog, and ended up with a cute lab-collie cross puppy called Simba. Harry and Simba were soon close friends.
2014-06-23 17:10:37 UTC
Our last load out of the apartment was the two cats and all of the things that they need. The manager made a suprise inspection to see the condition that I was leaving the apartment in. Of course it was spotless. The first thing she did was open the foyer closet. There was one of the cats. She loudly said " That's a cat, you have a cat" I responded with joy "yes she's been here for 15 years.
2014-06-12 12:36:01 UTC
The runner noticed and turned round and ran towards my puppy and chased him back my puppy started running away from him probably thinking why is this guy chasing me?
2014-06-07 18:59:16 UTC
The runner noticed and turned round and ran towards my puppy and chased him back my puppy started running away from him probably thinking why is this guy chasing me? lol. It was so funny!! =)
2014-05-29 19:48:24 UTC
There he was, on the settee, this podgy old cat cuddling the remote, and it's going "Please enter the time of programme. Please enter the time of programme................"
2009-04-28 11:10:57 UTC
When I threw the ball into the kitchen with hardwood floor and my dog ran after it and couldn't stop. He hit the metal part of the stove and it made the loudest sound! He actually acted embarrassed and it took him a minute to get it together!
Bob N
2009-04-02 04:44:23 UTC
came home from work early, no one was in, put some music on,went for a shower left the door open so i could hear the music. Got out of the shower to have a shave, dropped my razor behind the sink, knelt down to reach behind the sink for my razor and the bloody dog trotted in behind me and licked my bum, cracked my head on the sink! Ain't life grand!
2009-03-17 13:34:44 UTC
My Sheltie dog, windsor, has taken a liking to wrapping paper. Even if we say "no" he will tear the wrapping paper off any present, using his paws and his muzzle! It is so cute! All that runs through his mind is

'OH BOY, There could be food in there"! He is the craziest little dog during the holiday season!
Sweet D
2009-03-17 12:44:21 UTC
I was eating artichokes and my dog Arley was begging as usual, he was also observing because when i offered him a leave he curled his doggy lips back put his teeth on the leave and aloud me to pull it out, i did this several times with him, he is crazy and it was hilarius which is why I call him Atichoke Arley, should have filmed it and sent it to Americas Funniest Home Videos, worth 10,000 dollars.
2009-03-16 05:57:53 UTC
My 10 month old son will crawl with on a string and my cats will chase the string. Once they are behind him he turns around and charges at them and tackles them. The cats just kind of give up and probably think "oh you got me again!". My son thinks it is the funniest thing. It is good my cats are patient and care free!
2009-03-15 22:26:33 UTC
Well i remember this time we were having to open presents,a dn we brought our white bunny to the Christmas tree and well we gave ger a bag full of carrots that were wrapped in tissue paper and she stuck her head inside lol and then she pulled the carrots out and ran all the way to the bottom floor and sat in her cage in the corner eating her carrots, it was a nice Christmas
2009-03-15 16:32:57 UTC
My partner was throwing a tennis ball in the back yard for one of our dogs (a Japanese Spitz), and he normally throws them high up in the air. As he had thrown it really high this particular time, the Spitz missed it and our little chihuahua cross, who was also in the yard, ended up with the ball landing straight on his little head like a bullseye! He just keeled over and my partner thought he had killed him! He came to after a couple of minutes and was OK after that (and has been fine since) but the sight of a little dog like that in a huge yard having a ball land right on his head was very funny (after we knew he was OK)!
2009-03-14 17:28:04 UTC

This rarely ever happens, but when its pouring rain outside, sometimes our cats will be outside (outside cats). One time, about 3 years ago, one of our cats, Hunter, was outside looking through our patio door, soaking wet! We got him and dried him off with multiple towels and a hair dryer. We all laughed.


One of our cats, who isn't with us anymore, his name was Strormy (because he was a Russian Blue cat), saw a squirrel. He started chasing it around our house. When the squirrel finally got into a tree, Stormy was so excited he decided to chase the squirrel up the tree. Stormy finally noticed where he was, on a high branch. He started meowing non-stop. My brothers and I decided to go play basketball, and there we saw Stormy, stuck in a tree. We had to get a ladder to get him down. It was so funny.


Our bird that we have had for 3 years, Birdie, was still a little bird when he took his first bath. He was not use to it, so he dunked his whole body in the miniature bowl. He was surprised, so he hopped out of the water bowl. He was so soaking wet that he couldn't fly, so we watched him flap his wings and dance around for like 30 minutes. We couldn't stop laughing.

Great times, Great times.
2009-03-14 09:09:03 UTC
I have a boy yorkie named Sammy and a girl shorkie name Molly. They have both been fixed but Sammy has been humping Molly a lot lately. Last week end it was funny because Sammy was doing his thing with molly and has his paws around her stomache and Molly came running through the living room at full speed with Sammy was hopping behind her as fast as he could XD
2009-03-14 07:03:01 UTC
W were playing bingo the dog sone

and our labrador paddington could hear the dog barking in the song so he jumped over all of us in the car, jumped out the window and ran to the gate and started barking lol

It was funny =]

2015-03-19 19:30:38 UTC
When I was a child, my family had a Collie/German Sheppard mix ("Laddie") that hated cats with a passion. That is until I got my first kitten (a mean little thing that only purred when she gave birth, her name was "Cat"). The first day she was outside, my mother lost sight of her and could only see the dog. She thought the dog ate the kitten until he moved. The kitten was under the dogs tail and chased after him, still batting at the tail. But that's just the beginning of their friendship.
2009-03-19 09:58:00 UTC
I'd asked my mom if i could look after one of the school gerbils during the summer holidays. She said no, but i told my teacher i had permission. So on friday i came home with a gerbil in a cardboard shoe box. I shared a bedroom with my brother and we had hidden the box under the bed and had been playing with it in the room. We heard mom coming up the stairs to kiss us both goodnight. I didn't have chance to put him back into the box, so i quickly put him down the bed under the blanket. He was between my legs at first and i thought he would stay there. As mom finished talking and kissed my brother good night i suddenly realised i couldn't feel him between my legs. As mom leaned over me to kiss me goodnight i suddenly found out where he had gone. Mom, at the same time, discovered i had a gerbil. He popped up from under the blanket under my chin as mom was less than a foot away. Oh, how she screamed! The gerbil shot off across the bed with mom trying to hit it and me trying to stop her.

I eventually caught him and mom made me put him back in the box and take him downstairs. In the morning we found out why gerbil cages aren't made of cardboard... He was living in a proper cage later that morning and i kept him in the end. Archibald, was my first pet.
2009-03-15 12:17:09 UTC
My German Shepard puppy decided that it would be a good idea to put his nose up to my parents bird cage and sniff their small Parrot. This is a bad idea because the parrot hates anything touching his things, so the bird bit him. Otis, the puppy, then jumps couple feet back and starts to bark at the bird. Once Otis quit barking, the bird barked back at him.
2009-03-14 17:06:59 UTC
My dog, when she was a puppy, used to walk up to our cats all excited, then the cats would just slap her.

She also spent so much time with the cats she used to think she was one and lie on the arms of chairs eventully falling off. (she is a massive Labrador)

But the best by far,

I was walking by a canal with my nan and dad and we looked at our dog, she was sniffing a tuft of grass whilts walking around it in circuls then eventully peeing on it.

We turned around again and started walking my nan then said,"one day she'll do that and fall into the canal, then she'll be in a pickle."

We acknoledged that with a light laugh turned around to look at our dog and.......she was in the canal, we didn't hear a thing she just....well we don't know what happened our backs were turned, but she had her two front paws clinging onto the edge with this adorable strained face. You could see in her eyes she was saying help help.

Well I was in fits of tears, my dad then wrenched her our, she shook herself off and trotted of infront looking all happy and silly.

Jeez it was hilarious.
2009-05-04 07:50:10 UTC
My dog Scally, scottish terrier gold and black, ran into our back room barking and raving.

My cat, Tyger, was sitting on the ground in front of me that got so freaked she did a crazy aerial backjump and landed her claws into my scalp.

I started running around trying to pull her off but the dog kept barking so she dug in further.

Went on for about 4min till she finally let go, everyone else thought it was funny as hell.
2009-05-01 06:39:48 UTC
I was watching this bloody awful film called marley and me you know the one its supposed to be about a dog but its about some old tart from cheers or friends or whatever it was called anyway my gerbil started vomiting uncontrolably but it was ok when we turned the film off wierd eh.
2009-04-29 19:47:36 UTC
my dog cupcake was running in the ocean, going farther and farther out, and i was wearing my clothes not my swimsuit while chasing after her.Mind you shes 2-3 pounds a small maltese so i was afraid she would be carryed away by the current so I RAN LIKE THE WIND!!! i tripped and fell on a rock or something and cupcake ran outta the ocean leaving me to be hit by a wave. Salty.
2009-04-08 11:21:10 UTC
I was staying overnight at my daughters house because I was babysitting. She has a big golden retriever. As I was chatting ..the daft dog nosed into my overnight bag a pulled out a pair of my panties!

we chased him around the house but he ran fast with then hanging from his mouth..My face was so red from embarrassment .
2009-03-19 12:10:50 UTC
My dog is so cute, When he was a puppy we put him on the couch and got up to walk away and he fell right off like a little baby i felt so bad but couldnt help but laugh. Another thing is that he always! hits his head on walls or anything around when he runs he looks the other way and smack right into it he goes :)
2009-03-17 08:22:58 UTC
I took my dog Rocky to the vet. He loves attention, so when all the girls in the office are talking to him, he goes ballistic. He puts his front paws up the counter, like he is a person standing there, then wheels around, knocks over a display table. I had to walk him outside until his appointment time. Then after his appointment, we came out and there were a bunch of puppies on a blanket. He goes over and licks every one of them, his tongue bigger than they are, it was so sweet. He is just so loveable, and funny.
2009-03-17 07:31:40 UTC
My dog likes to lick the dishwasher. Once he was doing that and then his leash got stuck on the dishwasher. He ran away as fast as he could. For a minute, he was stuck to the dishwasher rack with all the dishes. When it finally came off, half the dishes were broken. For the next two hours he lyed in his crate all curled up and scared.
2009-03-17 06:40:45 UTC
We were sledding/playing in the snow with my dog. My mom was taken a turn on the sled and my dogs likes to chase use then steal our hats. But this time she slipped and fell onto my moms back all the way down the hill.
2009-03-16 15:09:02 UTC
My dog was really active. She wouldn't ever hurt anyone or anything! One of the sweetest dogs ever! Anyway! She would get so hyper that she would run around and around our dinning room table! She looked like she was in a race or something! She also would run in place, steal wash cloths, and always snuggle up with us on the couch. I miss her<3
2009-03-16 13:40:36 UTC
I think mine was one night my mom and me were staying up super late and we left a bag of Cheetos's open, they were on the floor and all of a sudden we here a sound (Like a bag being crinkecrinkledwe look over and my dog had stuck his head in the bag and was walking around with it on! It was so funny we had to take a picture!
Musiclover + Shoppa-holic!
2009-03-16 01:10:34 UTC
Infact, the funniest moment happened last night!!! I was sitting down watching tv and my cat suddenly sneezed about 20 times in about 5 seconds!! I think she must have hair her nose!! Haha. And then, my dog that absolutley hates my cat, went over to her and started licking her!!!! IT WAS SSOO FUNNY!! I couldnt stop laughing!
2009-03-15 20:04:54 UTC
My Bull Terrier, Lara, was running around frisky in the backyard after her bath and flew into the outside laundry but couldn't pull up quick enough and ran into the washing machine! The force of her running into it pushed the machine back against the wall and broke the plastic water pipe fastener so there was water spurting out everywhere!! It was very funny.
2009-03-15 16:40:21 UTC
When we were moving from the prairies to the West. Going down the Roger's Pass (the Rockies), the tranquilizers weared off on our cat and she started punching the top of her carrier. If she could have shouted- "What the f* ck are you people doing?!"- she would have.
2009-03-15 15:08:11 UTC
our cat put a whole roll of garbage sacks under the rug runner in the living room my daughter threw a shoe at him he ducked and kept going she threw the second shoe he ducked and kept going but you should have seen his face when a third shoe hurled over his head he just knew she only had two but he never thought she could come up with one of mine we all laughed for many minutes. Same cat also liked turkey you say turkey he went to the oven stood and meowed
2009-03-15 14:42:35 UTC
Today,my puppy was out to her business and the wind is blowing today she saw a leaf being moved around by the wind so she went after it and pulled me down in the process and dragged me throught he snow..she is only eight months old but she is at least 70 pds!!
2009-03-14 23:40:43 UTC
My 9 month old golden retriever saw a squirrel outside and just had to have it. So she ran towards our family room which is hardwood flooring. We had just cleaned it so she slid on it and crashed into the couch. That was fine until she proceeded to run towards the door to go outside but i hadn't opened it yet. Yep she ran into that too, and after i opened the glass door she then decided to run into the screen door. I finally managed to get the doors open and she tore outside and proceeded to fall off the deck. I was laughing so hard i fell over and just lied there til she came over and started licking me.
2009-03-14 15:15:35 UTC
Some people say animals do not feel emotion....I disagree. My 17 year old cat tried to jump on top of the fridge during a party. He missed and slid down the side (it was almost like slow motion). He was EMBARRASSED! I picked him up and he tucked his little head into my armpit while people were laughing. Poor baby.
Gary D
2009-03-14 09:38:38 UTC
Probably the funniest moment was when my new kitten was going to join me in the bathroom by jumping onto the clothes hamper. She jumped and didn't realize the hamper top was open. She fell straight into the hamper and the wicker top closed...thereby I had a cat in a basket! ROFL!

I also used to play with my big tomcat by putting my hand on his forehead and he'd try to swipe at my with his paws...just like a big brother holding back a little brother who tries to throw punches at him. You'd think the cat would have enough after awhile, but he'd always come back for more. Sadly, he's not around anymore but his memories (and those of many other animals I've cared for) will live with me forever.

Animals truly make life better!

P.S. You really earned my respect when you basically told the press to butt-out of your personal life. Kudos to you for that! d=)
2009-03-14 08:15:21 UTC
My puppy, like her first week home, was very curious. She had an OBSESSION with Digging.

So one day in the summer (this was last summer) she came inside and I was going to wash her off because she was muddy. I said to my mom "Mom Ella is COVERED in dirt!"

Little did I know it wasn't dirt particles, IT WAS BABY ANTS! I screamed because my 2 month old golden retriever pup had baby ants all over every area of her body, they were strung on her whiskers and everything.

We gave her a bath in the rinse tub. and the little buggers were even under her arm pits. It turned out she had dug and then stuck her face into a big ant hill. Luckily they were black not red!
2009-03-13 16:36:08 UTC
Some years ago...we had five of the cutiest dogs God ever allowed to be... three Pugs and two Puggles.... Among this mini-pack.. was a solid black female Puggle named Lucky... she was a major delight to the family... for she had the most amazing sense of humor of any animal that ever was... and, this was in spite of the fact that she had become stone blind at the age of eight...she, however, could find her way around amazingly well... to almost any place that she wanted to be !!

She developed a very odd "quirk" ... in that she didn't like sharing the food bowl with the others... she wanted it all to herself... Soooo, when feeding time came... and the others gathered around eating... she would nose around the dish trying to push the others away for a bit... then she would slowly disappear to the front room of the house... wait for a short bit... then start barking like all thunder ... as if someone was breaking into the house.... At which point...all the other dogs would make a mad dash to that room... screaming their heads off in a united front to "defend the homeland" !! She would ...ease back and let them continue the "alarm"... and slowly ... she would return to the food dish and have her fill.... when the others returned... she would simply lower her head and in a low growl... tell them to simply... back off... which they did !! She fooled these other dogs a thousand times in this same manner... it NEVER failed to gain her total control of the dish !!

We lost Lucky some 18 months ago... and we still grieve to this day...

Somewhere in heaven... they have a special little girl... that truly knows how to "play her cards"... and has the keenest sense of humor that ever existed on four paws !!

☼ ////
Paws 'n' Claws
2009-03-17 05:06:03 UTC
When my cat was a kitten he managed to put his head through the handle of a carrier bag then he just started running round the room trying to escape from the bag.Every time I think about it I can't help but laugh.
2009-03-16 11:20:26 UTC
There was one time I wasn't paying attention to my cat Jack. So to get my attention he took a running start and leaped into my arms! It was funny and cute!


We had gotten a rottweiler puppy from the pound and name her Comet. I was out in the back yard playing around(this was when I was young) So I bent over and picked up something. Comet came running from behind me and bit my but playfully! It hurt but I couldn't stop laughing!
2009-03-15 16:26:07 UTC
We had a glass door put in and my dog, a golden retriever, was in his room so, he did not see anyone installing it. When I got home, I did the evil thing and opened the main door to reveal the glass door. I told him "Let's go outside!" and he went running straight for the opening or so he thought. I don't think I have ever seen anything so confused, poor thing. He was afraid to go outside for a couple of days.
ツCocoPopsツ=Smooth Criminal >
2009-03-15 05:59:59 UTC
My cat CocoPops did a flip and she pushed my dads cup of tea,

got scared of her self when she looked in the mirror,

i was on the floor and my cat ran up to me and slapped me,

she grabbed my head then bit it,

chasing her tail,

playing with her tail while swinging on the banister,

her kittens licking my feet,

eating fluff off the carpet,

slept on my head for 2 hours,

and many more which I will think of soon ^__^

Now time for my hamster Hazel

farted on my sister,

somehow jumped in the toilet then out again,

ran up my dads shorts at night,

slid down peoples backs

and many more which I will think of soon ^__^ lol

Animals do the craziest things and I love 'em! :)

2009-03-14 03:52:02 UTC
Every morning my step dad turns on the burglar alarm and has to chuck my cats into the room which has the cat door, their food and where the alarm won't pick them up. My cat, Maggie, really gets annoyed by this daily routine so she tries to hide from him. Her favourite (and most successful) hiding spots are in the cupboards. She has hidden in my closet, the towel closet and even my step dad's closet. I remember having to pull her out of mine. It took ages because she was under all the clothes at the back and my mum was annoyed because she had to wash everything (she drools a lot). Her other favourite hiding spots include behind curtains, under beds, in the shower, in the bath tub and in the pantry.
Paul R
2009-03-19 13:28:42 UTC
I used to live an a bedsit and had a dog and my partner had some pot dolls.One night i could hear this sound so got up and turned the light on the dog was humping a pot doll but what was even funnier at the time the doll was lied on its back and its trousers was round it's ankle.The dog was a yorkshire terrier.
2009-03-17 14:04:35 UTC
On the advice of the vet, Uncle Rich bought an electric shock collar to discourage his dog Django from chasing runners in the park. The first time he used it Django was terrified and jumped in a pond, which made the collar malfunction and give him lots of electric shocks.

He still chases runners, but now he has a morbid fear of water and won't get bathed.

My dad had geese at his farm. Once in winter the snow got so bad that a helicopter had to bring food and nappy supplies.

The biggest goose ran at the helicopter hissing and the downdraft of it caught his wings and blew him right over the house and into the vegetable patch out front. He was fine but a bit confused.
Shooting Star
2009-04-28 10:06:22 UTC
My cat likes to lie on the edge of the bed, and she quite often rolls over in the night and falls off onto the floor, then looks up at you as if to say 'This didn't happen and you didn't see it. How exactly did I get here again?'. It's very cute
2009-03-17 06:21:10 UTC
Woah.You are Jennifer Aniston! Yowie! Okay ,I know you know who you are but, Wooooooooooooooooooooo! My funniest pet moment happened on Christmas morning.We had stocking for all our pets and my dog got a GIANT candy cane bone.So we sat down to open presents, and five minutes later I heard our dog yowling,went to check on her,and she had devoured the 2 foot long bone!
2009-03-16 20:09:03 UTC
We had this 50 gallon fish tank that my cat could jump on top of and watch the fish under her through the glass lid. She had been doing this for about two years so I thought nothing of it when she was there one day. That day the glass gave way and she fell into the tank and nearly gave herself (Not to mention the fish) a heart-attack. We had to pull her out and needless to say, she hasn't done it since. =)
Emily W
2009-03-16 19:02:56 UTC
when I was about seven years old I was playing chasey around a table with my dog. I put a beanbag under it to stop him from seeing where I was. Too bad I didn't see where he was because after I turned around the other direction to head him off, he did the same thing and bit me on the bum!

It was really funny for my family and my dog (who was smiling right along with us!)
2009-03-16 13:48:01 UTC
We had a Pug for a while. One day, I got a new garbage can, and set it up in the kitchen. This dog proceeded to bark at the trash can for an hour and a half.

Awesome dog, but too stupid for her own safety. =0)
2009-03-16 04:10:43 UTC
My boyfriend and I put our cats in the bathroom since they were howling at our bedroom door while we were trying to sleep...when I woke up in the morning to let them out I heard running water, which I didn't understand since I was still half asleep...once I got to the bathroom door to open it, I found my cat had laid in the sink which shut the drain off and nudged the faucet enough to turn it on and was sitting there drenched on the bathroom counter with her paw in the full sink of water. There was water all over the bathroom...splashed all over the mirror, the floor, the counter, both cats...just everywhere. And the best part was the look on her face when I opened the door like she knew she was in trouble.
Little Miss
2009-03-16 03:08:13 UTC
We got a male dog for a companion for our female jack russell, our female was running around the yard chasing birds and our new male dog was following close behind her. She jumped up the fence trying to reach the birds and when she came down again she landed on our poor new dog. I think he was a bit surprised but he continued to follow her around.
2009-03-15 07:45:47 UTC
This is a story about my golden retriever named Abby, we were playing some classic rock music that had a very steady beat, so my dog started jumping up in the air after every beat now after every time you play that song she does it and best of all she was rolling on the ground after and her hair was standing up straight in the air!
2009-03-15 04:14:04 UTC
I woke up the next morning after getting Scout, a 2 week old husky, to find walnut-sized poopoo scattered all over my living room carpet.

That was my first, last, and ONLY pet moment, if you know what i'm getting at.
2009-03-14 13:31:30 UTC
We had just brought our new puppy home, a bouvier. He was a large puppy at 12 weeks, nearly 40 lbs at that point so we didn't crate him for sleeping.

The first night he slept next to my bed on the floor. In the middle of the night I hear this grinding the teeth sound that only my husband makes as he grinds his teeth in his sleep. For an instant I could not understand why my husband was lying on the floor next to my bed! As l listened closely, I realized the sound was coming from our dog, lying next to me on the floor. The husband was sleeping quietly next to me.
2009-03-14 09:23:12 UTC
My cousin had two small white dogs (not sure of breed). I was walking up to her house and they saw me coming and my cousin has this window by her door. It was from the ground to the top of the door. The dogs didn't exactly know that it was a window and ran for it. Their faces were all smushed against the windows. It was incredibly funny!
chantelle p
2009-03-14 07:27:47 UTC
My ginger cat alfie thinks he is a dog...

He sleeps with my dogs...

Chases his own tail...

Runs around like crazy...

And he growls at you if you get to close to his food...

The funniest moment was when he was sitting on top of the garden shed eyeing up some other cats when a pidgeon flies past...Well i think he forgot he was a cat/dog for a minute and thought he was a bird because he ran and dived off the shed tryin to catch it in midair ...

Funny stuff

2009-03-14 06:35:55 UTC
Last year we looked after someone dog whilst they went away for Christmas. The dog was a sweetheart but totally thick so we ended up calling it dogbot after the advert. My old cat decided to spend most of her time upstairs away from dogbot as he wouldn't stop following her around. One day after she had been out she was sat on the stairs about 3 up, so she was eye level with the dog. He kept sniffing her and sort of pushing her with his nose and she was getting well fed up. So she sat up and hissed at him, then followed it up with a left and right paw to each ear ( no claws just a warning) Dog bot decided this was a new game so he barked and hit her back with his paw. The look on the cats face was a picture she just got up and walked away obviously thinking stupid dog bot.
2009-04-05 17:54:14 UTC
When we were just moving into our new house my dog (a cuddly little shih tzu) starting running laps around our living room (it was pretty large) also his cute little bark. He fell ill and died though...I miss the guy, he was such a good friend to me. I will always remember that moment he ran the marathon in our living room though. He also ran straight into my mother who was carrying boxes full of cds I laughed so hard.
2009-03-18 09:54:42 UTC
I have a turtle in a tank with water and sand a bit like a mini beach( 7 ft long 2 ft deep and 5 ft wide, and our dog jumped on it tipped it over my mams new carpet in the family room . My went bonkers and we found the turtle cosied up by the fire after we had cleaned up
2009-03-17 10:39:12 UTC
Among my cymric kittens' many names, one of them is not grace. She literally is a little furry ball anyway so by virtue of her design she has some very cute moments. She was lounging at the top of the stair landing one morning and she rolled over to let me scratch her belly. In doing so she miscalculated her positioning and couldn't correct herself. She started rolling down the stairs and I had that combination feeling of "oh my gosh, no" and "that is too funny for words" mixed in with some guilt and a lot of laughter. You know , that feeling only a pet parent can feel. Oh, the look that she gave me. Luckily only went down one step but it was enough to annoy her and totally put me into giggles. Poor little thing-of course, there will be payback, I am sure.
2009-03-17 10:07:12 UTC
My cat had to have an elizabeth collar, and she couldnt see where she was going, and she kept banging in to walls. When she hit a wall, she would just stay there and the whole edge of the cone would be touching the wall and she didnt know where she was so she just stood still. It was quite hilarious.
2009-03-17 08:21:25 UTC
There was a empty trash bag and the floor, in the kitchen, and one of my cats was sleeping in it. Then my dad sneaked up behind her and closed the trash bag and held it up in the air for like thirty seconds. it totally freaked her out. Now every time she sees a trash bag or we take the trash out, she hisses at it and the then runs away. it's so funny because she is such a mean cat and she bosses my other cat around a lot. I laugh at her and she gets really pissed off at me, but it's so funny.
2009-03-17 06:00:30 UTC
We have 7 dogs in total. Sometimes the funniest moments are when they sit on the armchair and look at you and their eyes say "Where's my tea then" or my favourite " When we going for a walk then lazy ar##". Alot of people think that dogs lack expression, but when you love them they come comepletely out of their shell and show sides to their personality that only a dog owner would know.

Congratulations on a fantastic career!!!!!!!!!!!
2009-03-17 00:51:42 UTC
My crush was in my place during that time when my dog came running with my underwear. I was so shocked. I tried chasing my dog up to the other block and people was like laughing. the worst part my name is written in my underwear. Caught my dog and he was like licking me all over. It was the most embarassing, funniest and tiring day of my life.
2009-03-16 23:29:12 UTC
My dog Molly was outside and a bird flew over she started barking and then our other dog Leo came but didn't know what she was barking at so started barking at the bush she was standing next to, or maybe it was the time when Leo droped his doggy bagel in our pool and sat there starring at it for three hours
2009-03-16 23:13:31 UTC
My yellow lab named Hazel was very upset when our other dogs puppies left home, she pretended to be a puppy to get attention, one thing that the puppies would do is sleep in the hamper which was so cute! now the hamper was like a big basket, our dog grabbed sheets and blankets with her mouth and put them in the hamper, she got in the hamper and waited for someone to come to see it was so cute!
2009-03-16 21:40:53 UTC
Well, my sister and I were play fighting, and my cat (it was not her cat ) was sitting there watching us. When all of a sudden, my cat started hissing at my sister, and started to chase her all around the house. She had to get up in a chair to get away from my cat. My cat would not let her get off of the chair, the cat was acting like a dog. It was really funny and kind of scary at the same time lol. Finally after awhile, I guess that my cat felt that my sister wouldn't harm me anymore, and my cat went off to another room. I felt so proud of my cat in a way, because I felt that my cat was protecting me. : ) I don't think that my cat ever really liked my sister anyway LOL. I'll never forget that moment.

EDIT: Is that really you Jennifer? Hey, welcome to Y!A. I think that you're comical . : )
2009-03-16 06:48:20 UTC
I was playing pingpong(I suck) and it bounced off of the fan and started to bounce toward the open doors. My dog, Coco started chasing after it, finally, the ball went into the pool. Coco tried to get it from the edge but ended up falling in! He is my cocodocomocodocodus.
2009-03-16 00:34:20 UTC
We lived on acreage and had a Jack Russel. She was so adorable but sometimes she would get into our chickens. One day we found her and she had killed one of our chickens :( but when dad started to yell at her for what she had done, she looked up at us and sneezed and blew the feathers everywhere from around her nose. It was the cutest and funniest thing ever. We couldnt help but laugh. Sounds kinda sick i know, but i guess you had to be there.
2009-03-15 22:53:23 UTC
The time my 8week old kitten found the mirror of my dresser. She growled at the reflection thinking it was another cat. Then a couple of days later she got on the same dresser and sat on the edge of it, facing the mirror. And pounced at it, hitting her head on the mirror in the process.
2009-03-15 20:02:47 UTC
Usually at the dinner table it is never quiet. We are always talking. (Which is a good thing)

For some reason at that same moment, when everyone was quiet for a few seconds, our dog, Mr. Pugs, farted loud enough for us to hear. Wasn't an atomic one but a nice falsetto one.
2009-03-15 16:38:46 UTC
I have a 6 month old husky who is a bit of a thief, he was trying to steal my cuppa but I caught him, next thing I know he spewed up in it.

Once I drove out of the drive & left the gate open, the dog chased me down the road then sat in the middle of it & howled & howled. My teenage son checked out the commotion & realised it was our dog, He was so embarrassed, but he brought him home anyway.
2009-03-15 14:35:23 UTC
One night I was playing with my cat (hiding behind walls and jumping out and freaking my cat out) so i went to do it again and my cat spazzed out, he arched his back and his tail went all bushy and jumed a metre into the air and ran off like a see-saw. It was the funniest thing i ever saw, but that want the end of it.

I went and hid behind another wall, i was ready to jump out when my dog came trotting around the corner and my cat jumped on my dogs back and sunk his claws into her. My dog yellped and started jumping around trying to get the cat off her back, but he had his claws dugg in deep. So my dog started bnging my cat against the wall. It was so funny.

We ennded up having to take both aminals to the vet. I felt bad for laughing, but i just coulnt help it.
2009-03-15 14:17:23 UTC
During the week it was snowing in England and Ireland my dog went out in the snow. She had never seen snow before and ran around trying to eat it. When I threw a snowball at my sister my dog jumped up and grabbed it with its mouth, thinking it was a ball. She never went out in the snow for the rest of the week!
2009-03-15 09:50:43 UTC
My dog was trying to get a ball out of this metal bucket we keep them in. His collar got stuck on the handle and he ran around the room fratically for a minute or two and got so scared that he pooped mid-run.

2009-03-15 00:26:01 UTC
My Pomeranian, Miko, was in my Jeep (I take him with me when I go shopping in the evening, he loves car rides), I got out, went around the back to unload some items and Miko hopped over the back seat to get to me. The Jeep has a sort of mesh thing to hold the cargo from crashing against the back door, Miko didn't understand this and tried to get to me by walking right through it. He looked so hilarious with his nose through one hole and each of his front paws through others, flailing around. His poor eyes saying 'Help me!'. I wish I'd gotten it on video, it was so funny that I called my brother and cousin right away to tell them and they were laughing hysterically. Even when I picture it now, I can't help laughing.

2009-03-14 12:27:27 UTC
I have several funny moments with my cat..

First, he HATES dogs, and really only my uncle's....

So, he hisses and arches his back at the dog, and when the dog went outside, he tried to come in but my cat hissed and scared the dog so he wouldn't come in. And my cat's very little, and my uncle's dog is well, pretty big. So it was just a funny thing to look at. Another had-to-be-there kinda thing.

Another thing that happened with my cat is that he was sprawled on the floor, the newspaper under him, and he looked like he was reading it. It was hilarious!!
2009-03-28 10:17:13 UTC
I was going to use the bath room, and I caught my sister's cat on the toilet seat walking in circles. I texted my brother me to bring the video Camera but, my phone wasn't on silent so when received the text message my phone went off (Gun Shots).Poor cat jumped hit hear head (back of the toilet) griped on to the flush for two second fell into the toilet. As I went to get her...apparently their was pea in the toilet because she is all white she came out half yellow...
2014-09-14 23:55:38 UTC
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2009-04-07 13:40:28 UTC
You may not believe this i wouldn't of only for i seen it myself. My cat and my 2 year old very hyper Labrador got on real well sometimes lol. Anyway i looked out the window and the dog was chasing our cat looked out again and and the cat was chasing the dog . It was hilarious had to be there. wish i recorded it lol
Music of the Night
2009-03-27 05:02:30 UTC
My dog once humped by brothers shirt sleeve. It was hanging from the ironing board and she humped it.

Another time, my dad had just cleaned the floor. She tried to run across the wet tiles but she kept slipping. It was sad but cute.

My cat's tail was stood on once and she barked.
2009-03-26 07:47:58 UTC
When my little west highland terrier wouldnt eat a custard cream biscuit unless it was dunked into tea, how he lie so close to the fire so you couldnt get close you could tell his was nearly burning. One time he ran from the garden and BANG straight into our patio doors thinking they were open - he was a funny dog he was like an old man!!
I ♥ Obama!
2009-03-25 10:17:24 UTC

I'm pleased to answer your question!! I'm a huge fan of yours!

We all have hilarious family pet moments. Mine was when we were all sitting on a bench ,watching the sunset. Suddenly, my cat, Pepper, ran under the bench and touched my behind with his paw. My first reaction was a scream but after everybody realized what had happened, our laughter was ceaseless!
2009-03-18 05:26:37 UTC
My dog just got really excited one day, and was running up and down the length of the house; till she thought it would be fun to try to jump through a window. A closed window.
2009-03-17 13:14:40 UTC
My wife and I were fast asleep. All of the sudden I was woken up by my wifes snoring. I was thinking that it was louder than normal. So I turned around and it was my dog! She hopped on the bed in the middle of the night and crawled under the covers and got in between my wife and I. The little princess had her head right on the pillow and was nice and comfy sleeping in between us!
2009-03-17 12:25:19 UTC
My little poodle, Pierre, and I were on a very hot beach. From the lounge chairs where my family was sitting to the condo was a very hot patch of about 15 feet of sand to cross. I ran across the hot patch. Looking back for my dog, he was sitting on the other side of the hot patch staring at me. I called and called. He refused to step on it. I had to recross, pick him up, and carry him back with my feet burning.
2009-03-17 12:24:29 UTC
Used to have a Cat named Bandit. We had a Stuffed dog that was bigger than him. He would drag it in the living room and start humping it in front of everybody, That became his "bed buddie". He would do it about 5 times a day. I think my cat was horny all the time. LOL.
2009-03-16 17:54:43 UTC
Mine has to be when I cut my dog Max's hair. He has crazy long hair, and I cut it all off, it took about 2hrs, but when I got to the end of his tail, I thought it would be really funny to leave a big bushy bit on the end. Everytime he walked past me he looked like a pygmy poodle and I couldn't help but laugh my socks off at him.

He wasn't impressed.

Neither was my mum when she got home to a bald dog with a poofy tail...
2009-03-16 14:01:24 UTC
There are so many ... but here's Skeezix. My daughter heard one of her five fur children howling in the basement and went running to rescue whoever it was having such frightening trouble. She found The Skeez coming up stairs mewing as loud as he could, with a bottle of perfume in his mouth which he deposited proudly at her feet. Mother cats do this when they present a small half-dead thing to their kittens who are learning to hunt ... but Skeezix is all male even without his definitive male parts. He was so pleased with himself ...
2009-03-16 08:43:25 UTC
I hatched a butterfly in my kitchen window last year,and we all went out side to release the butterfly into my garden. My hound dog snatched the butterfly in his big mouth just as she was about to take flight , I told him " open your mouth " and there she was unharmed and then flew away I video taped the moment and to this day the thought of it brings a smile to my face.
2009-03-15 14:25:31 UTC
We were about to celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends;so i was supposed to bring the dessert ,so i baked all day;baked several pies, pumpkin and apple; so i left them on the dining table on racks to cool them off.then i remembered i have forgotten to pick up something ;so i needed to go back to the store real quick !! so when i got back from the store my Miniature Schnauzer got on a chair that was slightly out ;climbed on the table devouring every one of my pies!!!! when i discovered what have happened i was very upset; but later i was beginning to feel sorry for her; because she got so sick !! she was blown up like a baloon and passed gases all night, then she climbed on our bed and threw-up on the bed; so at 2 in the morning we were changing our bedding my husband was so livid to say the list; thru her out in the back yard; but i went back to retrieved her; she was so miserable ,she skipped breakfast and lunch the next day.otherwise she is an angel.
2009-03-14 10:00:23 UTC
It was probably when i put a new screen door to keep the dogs from going into the next room,they ran into it about three times and still wondered why they could not go through.
2009-03-14 09:49:35 UTC
My brother and I bought a snake about four years ago, and ever since we moved to our new house, he's been keeping it in his room. The top of the cage we keep him in is very lightweight (like a wire pattern so that air can come in and out), so we have to put weights on top of it after we feed him and clean the cage. Once, we forgot to put weights on it and he got out. The next day, I found out that he was missing, and my mom and my brother started looking for him. Eventually, my mom found him all snuggly and warm in my brother's underwear drawer under his bed!
2009-03-14 05:24:32 UTC
The old laser light is good for a laugh with both my dogs and cats. Also, one of my dogs that we adopted from a shelter (a shepherd/lab mix), runs around in circles and barks when I ask her if she has to go outside. Hilarious!
2009-03-14 05:07:34 UTC
I had a mini fan near my cockatiel and she went over to it and spread her wings, feathers, started clucking and then ended up screaming upside down on the pole nearby. She went back to preening herself and now whenever the room gets warm she starts to peck at the mini fan so she can get more cooling. No lying, i have my wife and my friend to prove it. By the way that went on for about 5=10 minutes and we were so done in by laughter we nearly had a heart attack, really great and funny.
Destiny B
2009-03-13 17:29:17 UTC
We were once depressed about having to go out of town for work. On our way out of Newport Beach, we decided to to stop and walk the beach. As we have done many times, we also took our Pomeranian dog. We headed for the sand and out of no where our Pom (who absolutely abhors cold water and anything that messes up her hair), ran to the waters edge, and without hesitation, jumped in. She came up looking like a wet mop! The only thing we could figure was that she must have sensed our sadness and wanted cheer us up! The trip was tolerable and we still laugh about it today.
2009-03-13 07:40:20 UTC
When I still had my (sadly late) dog - a beige mix looking like Boomer the Stray but with one black and one light-blue eye), I used to take him to work. Coming home at 6 p.m., there was this Lassie series on TV. I always switched it on and Billy used to sit there and watch Lassie. When she ran out of the picture, Billy would go around the TV looking for Lassie.

Another one was when I took him with me to Florida. I sat in my deck chair when these guys came playing basket ball...... oh well, my dog ran after the ball and off into the sea where he dropped the ball and tried to chase seagulls. I was horrified of him drowing since he wasn't used to the sea. I was also horrified because dogs were not allowed on the beach and I was afraid of the cops come and shoot him. It was a nightmare! In the end, we got him out ok but I spent a few hours getting the sand and the salt water out of his long fur!

I have many loving memories of that precious dog! When he was a puppy, I once was asked by some TV people who saw him with me in the streets whether I'd want to do TV ads with him. I never did. I was way too afraid of him getting well known and being kidnapped, such a felicitous mix he was! I really loved this little fellow and I still miss him dearly - 14 years after he died.
2009-04-09 02:51:45 UTC
Well... my hamster once tried to get out of her cage, because she is a dwarf hamster she needed something tall for support. So she chose the wheel...

She went on top of the wheel and attempted to get out but it didnt work. She didn't know how to get down so...

She started spinning the wheel not in the inside of the wheel but the outside!!! I was the only one watching her and I couldn't stop laughing!
2009-03-28 23:46:46 UTC
Me and my mum were taking my two dogs for a walk

and there was a tree in the middle

we started running and I thought that they'd both go the same way

yet, they didn't and I was left in the middle!

So they both went their separate ways and I went straight into the tree

while they both just sat down and watched me and started pulling to keep walking.

my mum was laughing

it really hurt,

but it was funny !
2009-03-17 09:05:29 UTC
My dog used to sing to the Sky tv guide,

my cat used to walk like he was drunk (into everything, and wobbly)

but the funniest must be when my cat decided to sit on a bodyboard in our pool, he then fell off and go soaked!
2009-03-17 00:22:33 UTC
I have a Labrador like Marley..... i was taking him for a walk and the these big dogs that looked like humongous bears came by! My dog pulled so hard i let go of the leash! "RICOOOOOOOO" i screamed my heart out. He went and started to fight with those dogs but it turned out that they were scared of him! He just licked them and came back!
Rotties for life!
2009-03-16 19:48:44 UTC
My rottweiler Max ate a hot tamale and ran around in circle for minutes and when he finally realized we put water out for him he started slurping all he could get. Before he actually swallowed it he would lick it then back. His hair on the back of his neck would stand up then he just charged it. Stud ended up having a backfire.
David M
2009-03-16 16:14:10 UTC
We're having a reception and the attendees included the mayor and other government officials including a now-U.S. Congressperson. Our dog got a pair of my wife's panties from the laundry room and proceeded to bring them into the living room and lick the crotch. I apologize for offending anyone, but it happened.
~Angel Eyed Pookie~
2009-03-16 14:56:01 UTC
My former step daughter (still in touch with now) and her older brother (former step son, still in touch with) were dancing around the room at their Nana and Grandpa's house. Music was playing and my step daughter grabbed the dogs front paws and started dancing around with him too. The kids started going around in a line one holding on to the other one like a train and the dog started jumping up on the back of her. The dog put his front paws around her waist and was going at her light she was a female dog. My step daughter was only about 6 at the time and was all excited because she thought she had taught the dog how to dance with her. All of us adults around fought as hard as we could not to laugh and told her the dog had to go take a nap because he was too excited from all the dancing. My step daughter's Nana took the dog and put him in her bedroom. You can only imagine when she was reminded of that day when she got older and was told was the dog was really doing.
2009-03-16 10:29:43 UTC
We were hosting President and Mr.s Lyndon Johnson at our summer residence. The President liked dogs though he had a funny way of showing it. When our Chow came over to him, Lyndon held out his hand to be sniffed, but the chow turned away and broke wind, then left. Mrs. Johnson was not amused but the President just said "Looks like a Republican too."
2009-03-16 04:32:46 UTC
My dog Benny loves to watch "Americas Funniest Home Videos".When I purchased my first large screen television he saw a goofy dog on that show & jumped right into the screen!He fell directly to the floor.Now he's happy to just run back & forth barking at the dogs.

Here's my "Benny"
2009-03-15 20:14:46 UTC
My brother was taking me to the airport early in the morning and I was very tired. Leo, my little black Pom, was going on the trip with me, so I was holding him. I happened to yawn and then he yawned,,,I looked at my brother and and, he couldn't have? So I faked a yawn again, and I fouind out that every time I would yawn...he did too!!!!!

It was the funniest thing and gave us a lot of laughs....

My precious baby is now waiting for me in heaven so....

I gotta be good!!!!
2009-03-15 16:27:47 UTC
Well, our rather lazy cat (named Cæsar) decided to join me and my sister skiing. Suddenly he runs up behind me, jumps, and climbs up my back to sit on my shoulder! How this overweight furry ball managed to pull off such an amazing athletic move is way beyond me... He stayed there for a while, desperately hanging on, making sounds that would make Tarzan proud. Needless to say, we both have a lot more respect for him now...
2009-03-15 15:23:35 UTC
oh my where to start, well we have a cocketiel called tokolosh, and goes around chasing my dad and biting his feet all the time while growling, yes he actually growls, then if there is a plastic bag anywhere in the house he'll make it his "territory" and anyone who goes near gets attacked, also when we are in the bathroom we usually put him on top of the shower, there is a hole in the shower top and if you tap the metal pipe below it he fully turns his head to the side and tries to look inside it is so funny, also he has deformed versions of the songs "happy birthday" and "advance australia fair", actually we once went down to the beach with him to watch the sun go down, and just as the sun was going down he just randomly bursts into his deformed "advance australia fair", and everyone was looking at us and him :P lol it was so funny
2009-03-15 10:00:30 UTC
My cat was playing with a bee yesterday & managed to annoy it so he got scared of it, ran inside & crashed into the washing machine.

Then he hid under the sofa for 10 minutes & went back to look for the bee
Fox Girl
2009-03-15 08:40:04 UTC
we had a small cardboard box laying on the floor that hd a hole in one side and my cat crawled inside, but the sound of someone opening the front door scared her so she tried to run out of it. The box got stuck around her middle and she ran across the living room taking the box with her.
2009-03-14 12:33:03 UTC
Our neighbor has a German Shepard Mix and when I let our little 7 1/2 pound Chihuahua outside to do his business, our dog noticed our neighbor's dog in "his" yard.

The German Shepard ran over to attack our little dog. Our little dog was not about to be pushed around by any trespasser. Not only did he return the challenge but he chased the much bigger German Shepard over a half a acre back into his own yard.

The owner of the biger dog had heard all the noise and came out to see what was going on. She inquired to me if our little dog was ok and had it been hurt. I responded by asking the same question of her German Shepard who was shaking with his tail between his legs against a corner of her home. She was in total shock.

This was when our little 7 1/2 pound Chihuahua decided to slowly mosey back down the neighbors driveway. While doing so he looking back at the bigger dog. Then our little dog stopped, relieved himself in the middle of the driveway (#2) and then turned and looked again prancing proudly back to our yard in no particular hurry. (you could almost hear him saying to himself, "Well poop on You.")

This was my little "Oreo," the mighty hunter, never to be intimidated. Oreo had the biggest fearless heart of any pet I have ever owned.

Even though this happened over 15 years ago and I still laugh at the face of utter fear and shame our neighbor had when she saw her not so mighty watch dog chased and totally humiliated by a little dog not much larger than her dogs head.

Needless to say, Oreo was well rewarded for his wonderful defence of his yard.
2009-03-14 12:17:05 UTC
I have a dog who loves my family's treadmill.

Everytime someone tries to go on it the dog just jumps in front of you and starts running and you fall.

Its hilarious!!

We've had the treadmill now for like 2 years and have used it maybe 3 times because everytime we try it someone gets hurt...bad.
2009-03-14 09:57:15 UTC
Not so much of a funny moment... but more of a shocking amazement.

Our family's all grey cat "Shadow" used to like chasing after a waded up piece of paper. Well, one day, I threw the paper ball up on top of my brothers bunk-bed to see if she would actually go up there to chase it. My throw was a bit off, and the paper ball fell BEHIND the bunk-bed. Shadow jumped up to the top bunk, looked down to where the paper ball had landed, jumped down to get it... AND THEN picked it up in her mouth and brought it back to me!!

I HAVE NEVER seen a cat actually play "Fetch"!!

I repeated throwing the paper ball back behind the bunk-bed a few more times... and each time she would go get it and bring it back in her mouth and lay it down by my side.

I mean... have you EVER heard of that... a cat that would actually fetch??
2009-03-13 18:45:30 UTC
During my dog's first snowstorm, we opened the door onto our back patio. We'd already gotten about 8 inches of snow. There's about an 8-inch drop from the doorframe to the ground of the patio, and I guess my dog forgot that, because the snow lined up exactly with the edge of the door. My dog stepped out onto the surface of the snow, expecting it to be solid, and fell right through onto the ground! She looked SO surprised. My whole family thought it was really funny. :)
2015-10-03 13:25:01 UTC
My husband and I would take our 10wk old puppy potty without a leash to see how obedient he was. H would prance/walk right beside our feet constantly looking up at us and following our movements and our pace.

It always wasn't a good thing. Our poor baby was walking right beside us while stepping off the curb. As soon as we knew it, we saw him falling face forward off a curb that was almost as tall as him. He started crying, and luckily he was okay. We felt so bad, but it his clumsiness didn't stop there. heheh.
2009-03-14 08:20:11 UTC
when i got my dog, he was only 6 weeks and a couple of days old.

he chose me, so that has worked out well. (long story for another day)

at about 10 weeks, i awoke to a furious fight or what sounded like in another room. i got up expecting to see my little guy with a mouse or something.

but against the wall was a broom and he was barking and growling, and occasionally biting it until eventually it fell and he came running back to me.

to this day, he does not like shovels, brooms, or tools of any kind.

he is a great dog and my friend, i depend on him.
2009-03-26 13:39:34 UTC
My parents took my chihuahua into their room. He sleeps like a normal person laying on his back with his paws over the covers. So my parents went to find a remote and an empty beer bottle and filled it up with water. They put the bottle under one paw and the remote under the other. My mom went to get her camera and when my chihuahua woke up, he got a flashing surprise
2009-03-22 08:59:25 UTC
My Bichon Frise was snooping in the groceries and found an onion. She must have thought it was a ball because she began playing with it like it was one. Then my mom heard a yelp. Bella (our dog) had sunk her teeth into the onion and gotten the full flavor. She immediatly began rubbing her eyes. I was not there but the story is still funny.
King J
2009-03-18 13:57:59 UTC
My cat Isabel Mae Le Gallez jumped out of the window onto a trampoline and bounced off it.x
2009-03-17 11:41:19 UTC
Iwas visiting germany and my friend pet decided on his own to drink the rest of the wine . When he finish we saw that he wanted to go outside. so when we took him for a walk he was going from side to side. It didnt stop there he tried to get up in the bed, his head was going from side to side and his eyes where red just like a typical drunk
2009-03-17 10:04:43 UTC
Well, many years ago, I had a black Manx cat named Murphy. Like all other cats, he pounced on anything that moved. Well, one day, I was lying on the floor and I stuck out my tongue at him. He suddenly pounced on my tongue and his foot went into my mouth! I really had to spit out some fur! I'm sure glad the rest of my family wasn't there at the time, because they would have never let me live it down!:)
2009-03-16 20:04:42 UTC
when my dog mozart tried to get a bucket through his doggy door yes he is a small dog with a small doggy door was soo funny. Oh and the time he did an underwear trail the most perfectly measured underwear trail made by dog.
2009-03-16 16:36:42 UTC
I had 2 cats who were lynx. (they had no tail and heavy hind legs)

When would come home from a long trip and I would shake their food. They would coming stomping down from upstairs racing each other. Then once they hit the kitchen they would slip and slide on the tile floors trying to get to the basement. It would always crack us up.
Masood H
2009-03-15 17:33:11 UTC
The funniest pet antic in our family is our dog, Plato, entering our bedroom wagging his tail. The tail beats on the door and poor Plato goes into his crate scared to death!
2009-03-15 16:47:30 UTC
Before we got them spayed, my moms female cat would go into heat and howl and moan and my moms female dog (a small terrier mix) would come along and mount the cat and go to town like she knew what she was doing. The cat even seemed to enjoy it. I thought this was one of the funniest things!
2009-03-15 16:26:04 UTC
Background Info: My cat is fat and sort of lazy. She has a favorite chair, the one I usually sit on.

The Funny Moment: My cat Jasmine tried to jump onto her favorite chair. She only got her front paws up, then her stomach bumped into the chair and she fell down. My uncle (who was there) started laughing. My cat finally made it onto the chair, and glared at everyone.
2009-03-15 16:10:58 UTC
Actually, I have two.

The first one happened about 20 minutes ago...we have a kitten (Metro) who is just getting big enough to jump up to the counter, and from a counter to the island in the kitchen. I was cleaning the island and it was wet. All of a sudden, Metro jumps from the counter to the island...and slid right on across and off the other side. I'm sorry, but I couldn't stop laughing. Then, to make matters worse, she tries to jump from the floor up to the island. She ALMOST makes it to one corner, but her momentum carried her over and off the side. She just sat there for a couple of seconds, realized she was losing major cat-cool points, and stalked off.

The other story was with our two Irish Setters, Max and Maggie. Both loved to play catch, and we'd have a session of catch in the back yard. Since there was two of them, I had two balls, but Max was greedy. He'd beat Maggie to the ball, then run to the corner of the yard, drop the ball, then run back to catch the other ball. I tried to be fast, but the quicker I was at throwing the ball, the faster Max would run to the corner, drop the ball and run back.

It was bound to, Max and Maggie timed it perfectly. Max had dropped his ball in the corner and was running back, I had tossed the second ball, and Maggie was running full to get the @#$ ball before Max did.

Yep, you guessed it.....Major doggie collision. Both of them bounced off each other...Maggie was a bit dazed, and Max took the opportunity to snatch the ball and put it with the first one. Luckily, my wife was with us with the camera, and caught the exact moment of collision. The picture is my background on my computer at work.
2009-03-15 14:32:57 UTC
My funniest pet moment was about 10yrs ago while my Dad, Mom, my 2 black cats and I were moving. I had my 2 cats, Willy, a small black short-hair and Billy, a rather large black short-hair with no tail (that's another story, lol!) in a cat carrier. Well Billy did NOT want to move! As the car started moving, Billy started rolling around on top of Willy meowing, "Nooooo..... Nooooooo..... I Doooooh Waaaaaana, I Dooooooh Waaaaaaana....." We were all in shock because the cat was actually talking!! It was very funny, one of those wish i had a video camera moments!
2009-03-15 08:10:02 UTC
We have a part terrier and when she was younger I use to play with her with a sheet. Cover her and let her come out from under it. She loved it.

One day we were playing with a white sheet and someone came to the door. "Sugar" ran to the door with the white sheet over her. She looked like someone trick or treating as a ghost.

2009-03-15 02:38:41 UTC
It always cracks me up when my Tentifeild Terrier drags himself around the lougeroom with his legs out the back like a frog, and does U turns and full circles while going "Ow owwwww" hahaha
Dances With Woofs!
2009-03-15 00:32:32 UTC
I had baked a cake and was letting my three-year-old niece help me frost it.She had chocolate frosting all over her face,so I took her into the bathroom so she could see her face in the mirror.When we came out,my Beagle,Otis was standing on a chair,happily licking the frosting off of the cake!! My niece and I were the only ones who knew,so we decided that it wasn't a big deal,re-frosted the cake and gave everyone a piece.No one was any the wiser and no one got sick from the "dog germs!" I had the video camera running while all of this was going on, and showed everyone after they had eaten the cake, and we all had a good laugh!
2009-03-14 14:46:05 UTC
It happened some years ago and was sad at the time but we laugh about it now.

We had a pet sheep named Ramey and we sent him to the neighbours place to be shawn.

Well a couple of days later our neighbour walks up carry a hug box, whats in the box we asked "Your sheep" he replied !!!

He had misunderstood us and butchered him, we had no choice but to eat him for quite some time !

Poor Ramey !
2009-03-14 11:12:42 UTC
I have a beagle, and he "runs the town" I guess you could say. His favorite places to be is either at my house, my grandma's, or my aunt's house. But whenever my aunt has her "grandson" (a pug mix) at her house, my dog won't go near the house, and if he does, its just to get a treat. One day when Gino (the pug mix) was over at my aunt's it was playing with a big mutt. My beagle, Barney, is very protective of other dogs, even ones he doesn't like, so when the mutt, Toby, jumped too close to Gino, Barney went right between them and growled at Toby. Gino got all mad and sulked for the rest of the day, but Barney thought he did a good deed and raided the pantry for a big bone.

or another story....

Barney hates shots. He thinks he is all macho and can take anything. He loves car rides too, so when we open the door for him, he suspects a little ride to our farm so he can hunt, or a ride to Petsmart lol. So when we take him out of the car and it is the vets office, he gets all mad and tries to get back in the car. Well, of course he can't. We have to drag him into the office adn when he gets his shot he cries so much. When it is all over with we try to give him his favorite treat he just looks at you like "why do you think you can suck up to me now?" then he just puts his head down and ignores you for the rest of the day.
2009-03-14 06:03:59 UTC
One time, I got a Creme Egg out the fridge and I dropped it on the floor, my lovely little Cairn Terrier came along and ate the whole thing xD
Kathryn P
2009-03-14 02:47:16 UTC
My dog when into the bushes that were along the path then when i went to find him he was on the other side of the fence, it took me an hour to get him through the fence he just keep on running off.
ღBlαzιηg ℜaℜιτyღ
2009-03-13 17:12:18 UTC
My cat was on the back of the couch and something caught her eye. She started playing with it, and she fell right off the couch and went THUNK! And then ran off. It was so funny, though I felt kinda bad.

Also one time we were sitting around in the dining room when Pandora (my kitty) comes out of the bathroom soaking wet. We were all like "What did she do?" We went into the bathroom, and the sink faucet was dripping and Pandora had tried to drink it.

Also she thinks the fish on the bottom of her water bowl is alive. She will sit there and look at it, then jab her paw in at it, then quickly draw it out with no luck. She has yet to learn that it is not a real fish.
2009-03-17 18:23:18 UTC
Oh, my god i have so many,one of my favourite is when we put up our male german shepherd, Plume, for reproduction with a female german shepherd, he was so nice to her, that he let her eat in his favourite bowl, have his butter and garlic bread, sleep on his favourite carpet, she was an angel in his eyes she was permitted to do and have everything that belonged to him, until after he have finish doing the reproduction things, she was no more allowed by Mr, to eat in his bowl, have his butter and garlic bread or sleep on his carpet, he fight like crazy with the female dog, like look we finish the "S" thing, now i need my space,get out of my house, he barked crazy after her that we have to keep him outside and call the owner of the female dog to come and get her dog for they fight so much, when the owner came he did not believed his eyes, couples of days ago they were best friends, in love and now they are enemies, we laughed and we still do. Unfortunately Plume passed away the 08 March 2008, we love you Plume
2009-03-17 05:23:01 UTC
We used to have a little dog named Misty who was a terrier mix. She would always bounce up and down at the dinner table to try and see what we were eating and whenever we came home she would jump up against the door repeatedly, and really high, because she was so excited to see us. She was a family pet but she liked our mom the most, so whenever we tried to pick her up off our mom's lap, she would growl and bare her teeth. Lol
2009-03-17 01:13:56 UTC
I threw a tennis ball over my Dalmatian pups head and she literally did a back flip and landed on her feet! It was the funniest thing ever because she was only a month old!
Andrew N
2009-03-16 12:39:38 UTC
I few years back we had a Collie. She liked ice cream. I was eating a Popsicle one day and held it down for her to lick the rest of the ice cream off the stick. She grabbed the whole thing out of my hand and ate the ice cream along with the stick. We were really worried that she ate that Popsicle stick. One day we took her out to poop and what do you know, a pile of doggy poo with a Popsicle stick sticking out of it. The stick was still in one piece. That one must have hurt!
Ebony Queen
2009-03-16 09:23:57 UTC
I spend 3 hours frantically looking for my cat. When I finally found him, he was asleep in a dvd player box that I had left for trash. Ever since thin, I keep the little cardboard box from the packs of bottled water under my cabinet and he crawls under there daily to sleep!
2009-03-16 02:41:15 UTC
Seeing my male cat Mickey suckling from my female dog a very large labrador Ebony who has never had puppies they share the same bed and ever since Mickey was a kitten Ebony has looked after him she also cleans him
2009-03-15 17:49:36 UTC
My one year old cat frequently climbs up onto the washing line and steals my dad's socks. Sometimes she takes the peg off, but she also takes the socks with the peg on. She just leaves them on the ground, or sometimes all over the house. In winter when we hang up clothes inside, she takes all the socks and the floors are covered in them!
→*•◦ [♥] ℓιℓ ρяιи¢єѕѕ -- иєνєя fσяgєт уєωω[♥] ◦•*←
2009-03-15 02:41:54 UTC
I was chasing my dog and then when she went on the wooden floor she nearly slipped.

Once I went to the Town Square with my dog, they were some fountains. So I threw a ball for her and she landed straight in the fountain.

My dog was sick on the carpet and started to lick it. Ewwww.

She was once very silly and ate her own poop.
2009-03-14 14:09:50 UTC
When i was like 8, my golden retriever was only a couple months old, and she LOVED bananas! so we were all in the living room, and my dad was like, wheres the dog?! I went into the kitchen and saw her eating bananas with the peel on the table! Hilarious! a priceless moment!
Goalie B
2009-03-14 10:27:09 UTC
When i wa at my friends house...we were playing twister and her cat was staring at us and not taking his eyes of of us...we got tired and forgot to out up the board and left, well about 10 minutes later i was thirsty so i went to get some water...when i walked in their the cat was spinning the board with his paw and running over to the mat, stretching, then running back to the board to do it again! LOL! It nearly killed me i was laughing so hard!
mommy to a princess
2009-03-14 10:14:42 UTC
My cat has never bit anybody and this girl came over to my house and went to pet the cat but asked first if he bites. I said OH NO NO, he has never bit anybody he's a very mellow cat. So, she went to pet him...and he leaped off the back of the couch onto her head and started clawing the sh*t out of her.......

I'll never say my cat doesn't bite again!
2009-03-14 06:05:38 UTC
when my Lab puppy (with needle sharp teeth) got hold of my b o l l o c ks, coming out of the shower! It may not sound funny, but the funny part was, when I went to hospital, the nurse could not believe, that a 2 month old puppy had done it! She blamed my wife!
2009-03-13 20:10:27 UTC
Oh! We used to have a puppy and we called it squishy. Then everytime my cousin came over squishy would literraly climb into my cousins sleeve and sit in there then go to sleep! It was sooo adorable though. Also another funny thing was when squishy was running around trying to bite peoples feet, but he had no teeth so it felt so funny!
2009-03-13 19:28:33 UTC time we had just moved to a new house, and my dog was running around checking the place out (She's a 5 year old female pug). So anyway, she ran into one of the bed rooms, and there was a full body mirror in there. She ran towards the mirror, and as she ran towards it she tried to stop, but she slid across the floor, and BAM!! She slammed into the mirror! It was hilarious...Now we joke that her nose got so flat because of's a great dog :)
2014-10-25 20:15:52 UTC
I had two cats, Henry and Jake. One day they were just hanging out with me in the living room. Henry got up and headed for the kitchen to grab a snack. Jake saw him and decided to go, too. Henry was out in front as Jake walked under the telephone cord that was hanging off the sofa endtable. As cats do when something touches their back, he raised his.
2009-03-16 07:21:52 UTC
Two quick stories.

These go back to 1992 and our family chow/lab mix Bear. It was the night the Braves clinched their second NL title and the famous "Sid's Slide" play. Our family was celebrated and yelling and screaming but we couldn't find Bear. It wasn't until I retired to my bedroom to find that Bear had left me a little present on my floor. All the celebrating freaked him out.

Later that same year on Christmas, my family and I was playing a board game at the table. Bear walked down stairs, went around the table and went back up stairs. A few seconds later a nasty odor came over us. Bear had let one loose as we were playing. I quickly ran upstairs and he was just laying down, resting. He was like that.
2009-03-15 14:25:19 UTC
When my kitten Scooter climbed up the net of the trampoline and then my other kitten Weasel was sort of jumping on the trampoline then made scooter fall down it was really funny at the time it was just one of those things when you need to be there :)
2009-03-15 10:39:39 UTC
This morning I was walking into the kitchen and my Italian Greyhound, Coco, was walking in front of me. She kept turning around and looking at me because she wanted to play and she ran into the wall.

And one time I had just gotten Coco and she ran away. I was crying and looking around for her. When I came back home, she was waiting in the drive way.
2009-03-14 18:48:41 UTC
not my family pet but i was at a friends and i had a cat toy like a plastic stick with a fluffy thing on the end and i made the cat chase it in circles then i lifted it up and it done a backflip lol
2009-03-13 21:23:43 UTC
my dogs jasmine is about 10 pounds and it was raining and she was out side running around and then she came in for water and was running full force to her bowl and once she got on the concrete she started sliding and she slide across the whole kitchen and slid right into the stove and she got up a little dazed and scared of the stove and looked embarassed .
2009-04-27 12:21:34 UTC
My old dog loved the rawhide dog chews, and used to have a funny habit of flipping the rawhide chew up in the air, and trying to catch it when it came back down. Well one time he was doing his flipping trick, and in walks my sister with a great big plate of her homemade pasta and sauce and sits down to eat it. And my dog flips his favorite dirty old dog chew with carpet fluff and hairs stuck all over it up in the air and it lands right in the middle of her dinner!! I couldn't stop laughing even as my stony faced sister sat there looking at her dinner plus hairy dog chew. It still makes me laugh to this day - and this happened over a decade ago!! She never did see the funny side...
2009-04-15 10:29:08 UTC
yesterday when we took my two mongrel dogs up to a local forest park.there is a stream with loads of rocks and the foam was going everywere so my dog (border terrier cross)without realizing walked into the stream(hes scared of water lol)and he was trying to catch the waves and the foam from them in his mouth until he walked in to far and fell in to the lake and he had to swim back to shore.he looked like a minx cat and not a very happy one!!!!

then my dog(jack russel cross with a cocker spaniel) fell down a ditch and ran thru a water pipe that goes from the stream to the lake and se had no choice but to jump in lmao!!!
2009-03-20 07:37:35 UTC
I was with my friend walking by a farm recently, and she'd bought her lab Lucky along with her. All was going well, until we came across what looked to be a big muddy puddle. My friend and I had passed, but Lucky was lagging behind. We turned to call him and found him standing at the edge of the puddle staringa at us. My friend said "Lucky, not in the puddle," to which Lucky responded by immediately wading in. My friend said "Oh my god! Lucky come here!" and patted her knees, and Lucky promptly lay down, covered up to her neck in mud. My friend laughed and said, "Well that couldn't have gone worse! What an obedient dog." And Lucky, determined to prove a point, rolled over and over in the puddle. So we left with a nice Golden lab, and returned with a chocolate one.
2009-03-17 13:09:23 UTC
It was in the Summer.My Mum's husband ( who I can't STAND ),was sitting down with his shorts on,when along came Sam the Rotty,and decided Mum's husband's leg was too hot to resist.He mounted the leg,and b4 her Husband could fart,Sam had deposited his load all over the husbands shorts and leg.

Laugh? I p*ssed myself 4 a week!!
2009-03-17 11:21:08 UTC
Everytime my daughter watched "Spirit" her dog (dachsund), Rosy, would run up to the entertainment center jumping and barking at the T.V whenever the horses were stampeding down the field.
2009-03-17 10:31:11 UTC
My wife and I used to take our Golden Retriever, Dylan, regularly to the beach for exercize. On one our walks there happened to be a man sitting on a beach chair fishing. Dylan very nonchalantly went over to where the man was sitting and urinated all over his leg and just as nonchalantly walked away to our complete embassment. Fortunately the man was rather nice about the whole situation and just remarked "What the hell got into him?" and smiled.
2009-03-16 23:51:54 UTC
Hi!:-) One of my funniest pet moments would have to be the time when our parish priest came to visit us, just a day ago actually. My little maltese poodle instinctively started barking at him as he entered. When we were all seated at the table, however, my dog started growling at me! I think he was trying to tell the priest something!:-) I joked with the priest about it, who was of Indian origin, and he asked if I "bash him"! lol. (I don't of course, maybe my dog was trying to say, " Hey, hey Father here's a sinner!"):-)
2009-03-16 19:58:52 UTC
This is more of a "cute story" rather than a "funny story." Whenever I go to the pet store, I bring my border collie, Murphy. There's a large bunny named Lola who has yet to be adopted. On one visit to the pet store, Murphy took much interest in Lola.

.... Once we walked into the store, and I just left him at Lola's cage (Yes, i dropped the leash and left him there!). One of the employees ask, "Didn't you come in with a dog?" I replied, "Yes :) he is with his friend." I pointed to where he was, and the employee just laughed.. Murphy stares intensely at this particular bunny, and Lola pays no attention to him.
2009-03-16 16:14:20 UTC
it was my mums birthday and there was a party with all her friends and family, we put her birthday cake and birthday presents in the the other room so that we could take her in the later.

i opened the door and everyone was standing around and we just saw both my dogs up on table eating the cake and peeing on her presents.

it was so funny to look at lol.
2009-03-15 16:17:15 UTC
Haha ok. Well my best family pet moment would be when my budgie died Ok i know this doesn't sound very funny, but the she died was hilarious! My family and I were going out of town for the weekend and fefore we left, as usuall, my dad went to the bathroom. He did number one && when we left, he forgot to close the toilet seat down. Anyways, since we were going to be gone for a full two days, my mom said that it would be best if we left all the house lights off. My mom had forgtten that we had left our birds loose. They had the freedom to do whatever they wanted, especially fly around. The day we had left, our budgies stayed in the batheroom (there favourite palce to stay). When we came back from our trip, we found one of our budgie floating in the toilet! OMG, it was sooo hilarious! && sad at the same time. The poor little yellow budgie had drowned and was left floating on top of the toilet seat. I didnt have the guts to take it out, so i asked my mom to do it. When she took her out, my little budgies belly was so fat & filled with toilet water. eww. That same night,we barried her. *tear*. R.I.P Camila =) we <3 u lots Well, that wa my best family pet moment. :D
2009-03-15 12:23:03 UTC
Okay. I had 4 guinea pigs then and this is about the baby piggy. Pebble, the baby guinea pig, was in our front yard eating grass with her daddy, mommy, and aunt. A motorcycle passed by us and pebble freaked out. She ran straight under her dad, flipping him over, knocking over her aunt, and finally hiding under her mom who was about half the yard away from her. It was hilarious and she was only 6 months old.
2009-03-15 11:04:15 UTC
hi jennifer,actually theres 2 of them,one was when my mother was cooking a dinner for our company, our collie trishie was eyeing the ham on the table,my mother got distracted and trish had her chance she polished off that ham in a flash. the second moment was when she mistook a skunk as a cat,it went behind the bushes and hid then trish chased it and got it in the face! peee-euuuu what a stench!
2009-03-15 02:52:08 UTC
My four chickens running around after i dropped a piece of chewing gum from my mouth. They were fighting each other to get it and it was hilarious. Also they love cooked spaghetti and we throw it over a big branch to watch them eating it is the best.x
2009-03-14 20:52:15 UTC
Had to be my Cat, Jones. He was sound asleep on the foot of my bed, with his back to the edge of the bed. I was on the bed reading, and keeping one eye in his direction, because I had a gut feeling I knew what would happen.

Sure enough, he rolled over in his sleep. And off the bed.

All I saw after that from my vantage point, was the edge of the bed "visual horizon" with two paws holding on as if for dead life. No other sign of Jones. He then slowly pulled himself up and back onto the bed, gave me a look as if to say, "You didn't see that, I meant to do that, shut up." He then turned his back to me and did the cat equivalent of zen meditation for about 20 minutes.

It was hard to tell, I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes.
2009-03-14 19:21:35 UTC
My umbrella cockatoo thinks she's a chicken. She was clucking and if i said rooster, she would put her crest all the way up, but i I said hen, she would sit down and put her crest down. The I put some seed on the ground and she was pecking at them like a chicken does. I decided to take her to a farm with me and she got to meet some chickens. I put her with them and she fit right in. She was acting like them the whole time. It was really funny.
Chloe H
2009-03-14 06:02:35 UTC
it would have to be when me and my family were just about to go on holiday but we couldn't find our cat. we didn't want to lock it outside so we started to search for it. there is a bookcase in my sister's bedroom and you can pull it away and there is a ladder behind it. if you climb up we have a secret room (sort of like a den) but we havn't been in it for ages. My sister heard some miaowing and scratching from behind it and we pulled it aside and somehow my cat had climbed halfway up the ladder and was hanging from one of the rungs. it couldn't get up or down so it had been stuck there for ages (poor thing)
2009-03-13 21:57:53 UTC
My daughter brought home a big russian gray cat and ask if she could have it, I told her no I don't hate cats I just didn't want the cat. Now my wife had a poodle that I really never liked at all fact is I despised the dog . Well about that time the cat jumped from my daughter's arms and ran over and knocked the poodle away from it's food and started eating the food. The cat was immediately made a member of the family.
2009-03-13 20:57:20 UTC
My parents have an electric cooker, which doesn't indicate in any way that it is still hot after you had just finished cooking on it. Our family cat Isa loves to get up on the kitchen counter and walk all around it including on the cooker...

So on one such little trip Isa didn't realise that the cooker was still hot and stepped on it, understandably she jumped up, and landed right on the electric cattle, which is next to the cooker, which made it switch on, and right away it started making this loud noise which terrified her even more! She ran out of the kitchen looking like this ----> O_O

She was okay though, her paw didnt have any marks on it or anything and now she is much more careful around the cooker hehe
Lili M
2009-03-13 20:54:10 UTC
I remember lying in bed all relaxed after taking a nice bong hit, and my white kitten ran into the room moments later, ran up onto my chest and grabbed the end of my nose in her teeth...she didn't bite down, she just stood there gently holding onto my nose for a few moments and then ran away again. Wish somebody had been there to take a pic!
Marina W
2009-03-13 16:45:10 UTC
When my cat, Otis, was a kitten we took an empty tissue box and put it on the floor. He wanted to look inside so he stuck his head in and couldn't get it out. He started shaking his head around and climbing up the walls backwards. Then he headed towards the stairs so we had to run and get him. It was the funniest thing i've ever seen!
abby D
2009-03-16 15:39:13 UTC
well, my dogs were outside and the gate was in. I have 3 dogs, and my youngest, buddy, insisted on coming in, but he didnt know the gate was in. so he ran full speed at the doggy door, and hit it, but the funniest thing is, he didn't stop, and he was hitting it pretty hard. heres another one. My middle boy, jaws, HATES birds, for no reason! we were at a lake with a friend and my mom, and jaws saw a bird, my moms friend let him off his leash and he swam towards the bird, even though it as long gone. And if it wasn't for someone on a boat, he would have swam the whole thing.
2009-03-13 13:22:57 UTC
I was brushing 1 of my horses and my wind jacket was hanging on the fence because I got too hot and I happened to look up, one of the other horses had the entire sleeve of the jacket in her mouth! Another time, I was busy doing something else, adn this same horse decided to grab a feed dish and toss it around because I was ignoring her. One of those better to have been there moments.
2009-03-18 07:29:59 UTC
I made a small playpen for our little puppy named Casi.Just after I had spent 3 hours putting it together I showed it to her and put her in I turned around to call my Wife to come and look and when I looked back Casi was nowhere to be seen.I ran into the living room and there she was humping her little rabbit in front of the television.I had made the gaps in the rails too wideSOLO.
2009-03-18 05:26:06 UTC
When i brought my bf to my house for the first time, my dog decided it would be funny to bring my bra and underwear down from my room and drop it at his feet, i think he could tell by the look on my face they belonged to me! Was funny after a while but i did feel a bit emmbarrased!! xxx
2009-03-17 13:44:23 UTC
After noticing that our cat wasn't around, my wife and I started looking for him. We couldn't find him anywhere and the accusations started flying about who left the door open and let him out, something we both vehemently denied.

My wife was starting to panic and I went out and started looking for him in the neighborhood. I went to the neighbors on both sides, nobody saw anything. He simply disappeard.

I came back and we searched some more when I started hearing this faint "meow" I followed the source to my dresser. The top drawer of the dresser was partially open and our cat managed to slip himself inside for a peaceful nap.
2009-03-17 10:35:56 UTC
I have two dogs named Chloe and Natalie, and they were playing with a bone and Chloe took it and ran off and hid behind a glass door, closed the door and basically started to taunt Natalie. It was mean, but it was also hilarious to watch.
2009-03-17 10:32:46 UTC
I had taken my 1 yr old shih tzu into Pets Mart and right near the registers was a box of clearance toys. He grabbed one of the toys when I wasnt looking and he tried to get out of the store. He didnt get too far, his leash wasnt that long lol. I felt so embarassed, my dog the thief!
dark eyes
2009-03-17 09:20:01 UTC
My little black and tan Miniature dachshund, Trinket, goes to the coat tree for her coat when she's telling me she wants to go for a walk.

She's a very clean dog, so she tells me it's time to wash her bedding by dragging out all of her bedding from her crate.

She also lets me know her bowl is empty, by picking it up and carrying it over to me [never mind that there's still water in it]. She drops the bowl, looks up at me and gives me one short bark.

I never, ever thought I'd own a small "ankle biter", but she makes me laugh out loud so often. I love her to death!
Georgia Marie
2009-03-17 08:29:09 UTC
I was with my pony, Danny, giving him a groom, and my little sister came over and was giving Danny some carrots whilst I went into the stable to get the tack out. I came back outside, and Olivia (my sister) was standing there with her arm hanging out of Danny's mouth, because he'd bitten her and wouldn't let go.

She just said "Georgia, Danny thinks I've got carrots in my arm pocket."

It was so funny and I just stood there laughing for ages while Olivia just stood there. Luckily went Danny saw me, he let go of her arm and started neighing at me.

You probably had to be there though.
2009-03-17 03:13:56 UTC

Well here's the story:

Back in the 80's I had a pet parakeet named Tweeter. He lived in a bird cage by himself for many years, although he had plenty of attention and love from his human and feline family. He also had a mirror and would say "Oooh Tweeter! You're such a pretty boy!"

Then, on a snowy afternoon around 1993, we saw a yellow thing in a tree outside our house. It looked funny and we wondered what it was. Upon closer inspection I could see it was a yellow parakeet! There were crows flying around above her and it was freezing outside. She wouldn't survive long unless we could get her inside.

We were able to catch her in our hands and miraculously she survived. We couldn't locate her owners so we decided to keep her and Tweeter finally had a mate, and we called her Tweety!

Sadly, both of them passed away a fews years later - only 2 weeks apart.

BTW - thanks for your question! ;)
2009-03-17 02:52:16 UTC
My fiance downloaded sounds of dogs barking on our computer so our little min pin ran from window to window jumping up and barking looking for all the dogs that were around!
2009-03-16 23:29:06 UTC
My siamese cat who isn't that big chases her friend around the house who happens to be a 21 pound main coon cat and when we tell her to get the big friend she will sneak up on him and jump on his back. They do this almost every day and it is the funniest thing to watch.
2009-03-16 18:11:00 UTC
My borther and I were cleaning out our tank which our aquatic frogs live in. They don't like the nets we use to move them from the tank to another container filled with water, so we have to cover the opening of the new with our hands. My brother was fishing out the bigger frog and the frog jumped between his fingers. I was holding the mesh lid to the tank and caught the frog on it. Stunned, I had no idea what to do. Then, the frog jumped again, I caught it again and then threw it back in the tank. My brother and I started cracking up and then my mom walked in, wondering what was going on. My brother and I were laughing so hard we couldn't talk so we acted out what happened again.
New England Patriots Fan!!(2-0)
2009-03-16 15:51:31 UTC
I was at dinner with steak and turkey and ham on thanksgiving. My dog jumped up onto the damn table and like ate a bit of everything and then jumped on my sister and started licking her.

Another one was when we went to the beach, I saw my dog "staring" at women, I cracked up and still can't stop laughing.
2009-03-16 14:33:30 UTC
My cousin came to my house to sleep over.

Upon first sight, my (male, not neutered) dog knocked my (male) cousin to the ground and proceeded to hump his leg. This has happened about 5 more times until my dog got neutered.

That or when my cousin was at my house and my dog had a *****. My cousin and I were 6 and 7, with only my grandmother to supervise us. When we asked what was happening to his, 'thingy' and if he was ok, she told us that he was happy to see us.
Jenny C
2009-03-14 14:22:34 UTC
we were driving back from Whales and there were my two King Charles Spaniels in the car and my sister picked up this brown and white Spaniel and stuck his head out the car window his mouth was flapping everywhere and everyone in the car was laughing so much it was the funniest thing my dog ever did
2009-03-14 08:42:23 UTC
When my dog thought the back door (sliding see through doors) was thin air and ran straight into it.

Or when my friends yorkshire terrior got it's head stuck in a pringles pot and all you could see was four legs run around and a wondering pringle pot.
2009-03-13 21:46:11 UTC
I had a cat that played dead when a person would say bang and she would also like to run behind me and headbutt the back of my knees so I would almost fall while doing the dishes.
That One Chick
2009-03-13 19:43:46 UTC
i have so many which means i've head too many pets lol

well i remember once when we had a cat when i was young and my sister and i had been reading a book and our cat came and sat in between us my mom came in and thought it was so cute and took a picture and everything but when my cat got up there was a really bad smell coming from my pillow-which she was sitting on-and tuned out she didn't want to bond but just had really bad gas

my hamster runs away from me for some reason plus he can do back flips and he loves me...he just doesn't know it yet.

i have more but that's all the time i have sorry gotta go :^)
2009-03-13 14:24:25 UTC
Hi! I am a huge fan of yours!

I have a beagle named Lily and wow, she has done some pretty cooky things before. She is usually calm, but sometimes, she'll get bursts of hyperactivity. Lily will run around very fast and very excited and her ears fly on the back of her head! It's so cute and funny.
2009-05-03 16:08:29 UTC
I have one of those Glade Sense & Spray Air Fresheners. The ones that have a motion detector and go off when it senses movement. My cat jumped on top of the entertainment center, right in front of it, and it sprayed him right in the face! He shook his head in shock for a minute and then you could see his little nose moving. He was smelling the air freshener scent! =]
Angela B
2009-04-09 15:30:08 UTC
I gave my guinea pig an empty kitchen roll roll to chew up one day. I was in the kitchen when i heard a hell of a noise coming from the guinea pig cage- like he was charging around going mad. When i went out to have a look there he was running around with his the tube stuck on his head... i have no idea how he managed to get in on there but it was hilarious. He seemed really peeved and confused when i took it off!
~♥~ Karen~♥~
2009-03-21 23:54:47 UTC
My all time favorite pet moment would be the day I went to get my kitten.

I had saw the ad online for these adorable grey tabby kittens. I responded to the ad pronto. So I hopped on the bus ( God I hate buses) and went to go pick up the tabby female. Well when I got there the tabbies all came right to me. but in the corner was a little white kitten that was so funny looking. I picked up a couple of the tabbies and was just cuddling them. But I kept looking up at the white kitten. I put down the tabbies I had in my arms and picked up another. before I stood back up she (white kitten) cam bolting over to me. She gave me this soft little pitiful meow and just headbutted my hand. I immediately out down the tabbies and picked her up. I fell in love with her right then and there. She was sooo funny looking, her ears were twice as long as they ought to be and and her tail was 3 times as long as her body. Now she is the most beautiful cat I have ever seen. She truly was the ugly duckling or in her case the ugly kitten.

A funny one would be when I first bought her little "Mousie" she went nuts over it. tossed it in the air. Threw it so hard that it actually landed on the ceiling fan. My brother had his school bag underneath where the fan is. The mouse dropped down into his bag without his realizing it. Well he went to school with it. Snow moped around all day. Poor girl. Well when he got home and opened his bag she hopped in, pulled out her mouse, and then smacked him and bit his nose then stalked off with her mouse.
2009-03-17 13:31:52 UTC
My dog went into the landry basket on the ground and started to shove her head into a big pile of clothes for some reason. Well when she looked up a blue Broncos shirt was a her head covering her whole face! she went out of control because she could not get the shirt off!. So she starts running all around (she cant see anything still) and she heads for a wall and runs into it! she somehow manages to get the shirt off and she freaks out and continues to run around barking!
2009-03-17 13:17:52 UTC
My sister's cat, Diablo was playing with a new toy. It had a suction cup to the back of it and a feather ball attached to the string. I put it on the washer and he kept trying to walk away with it! It was so cute.
2009-03-17 12:55:49 UTC
My dog sometimes nudges you to be pet when you don't seem to be doing anything important to him, so my b/f was playing a shooter game on his xbox, my dog walked up to his hand, nudged it and hit the trigger button and got a headshot! then a couple days later, my b/f was playing a different game and my dog put his paw on the controller and got another headshot! he's silly and a game at heart lol.
2009-03-17 12:10:02 UTC
when my male cat had some bald spot we went to the vet and he was not used to car rides, strange building or anything so he was freaking out already.

the vet needed to vaccinate him (he had never been vaccinated) once and we were supposed to do it another 2 times at home. so my mom watched from real close so that she would know where and how to do it at home.

so when the vet put the needle in, it was fine, until the medicine started going in too, the cat was terrified he peed right to my mom, on her purse, her blouse... and my mom does not like animals from close, i still laugh about it
2009-03-16 19:11:07 UTC
While looking after a friend's dog, he followed me into the bathroom, as I brushed my teeth I heard a whizzing sound. Taking a look, I found he'd relieved himself in the shower basin and looked really pleased with himself.
2009-03-16 15:22:44 UTC
my springer was once runnin after a ball when it bounced off of the perspex screen that surrounded the training area but he just kept running and smashed into it - he was alright tho he got up and ran after the ball the other way

and my malamute does this quiet often - she will be walking when your out but lookin the other way and then walks into lamposts or parked cars. she then looks at my as if saying "why didnt you tell me that was there?"
2009-03-16 06:18:22 UTC
My dog went on strike when I was walking her to the fenced yard. She refused to move. I was in a hurry, so I picked her up (a border collie, no easy feat!) and she farted! (loud)

Another time, my dad did this ripper of a fart, my dog's ears pricked up with joy and she rushed over to get a lungful.

Hmm. Both of these moments involve flatulence! Oh well, no-one said it had to be highbrow humour. :)
2009-03-15 17:34:52 UTC
I know this sounds gross, but one time, by cat wiped his butt all over the carpet while my friend was over, in this scary, paralyzed-cat way. Between my mom screaming at the cat and my friend laughing hysterically, it was THE funniest pet moment I've ever had.
2009-03-15 14:08:05 UTC
I'd have to say when my brother was trying to go up the stairs and my cat would not let him go up them. And everytime he got near the stairs she's hiss and scratch at him. So he through blankets at her and she just got madder so he tried to run up the stairs and the cat scratched his pant leg and he jumped over both our couches over a chair and ran in the corner and he was about 21 at

the time lol.

Or when i was 8 and knocked my cat over in the litter box and she had crap all over her and she stared doing summer salts to get it off and then just scooted on her butt all over the floor and my mom was just watching her get a long line of crap all over her floor under the table and everything

Also when it was halloween and i was wearing a grim reaper costume and i came inside and my cat was by the door the second she saw me her eyes got huge and it looked like she flew to the computer room office and i walked in their and she jumped higher than my head and ran behind the computers by the cords and started howling Nooooo noooo. We tried to get her out the whole night we gave her food everything. and i took my costume off and i walked in their and she was half way out just saw me and ran back under the computers so we went to bed and the next morning she was gone finally.
Holy Cow!
2009-03-15 07:55:15 UTC
I was playing with my dog, Scooter, and we were in my house playing catch, and I throw the bone and it lands on the couch, and he goes and gets it but he tries to jump, and he jumps too soon and well he hit like the bottom of the couch, and it was very funny... I kept on laughing, but he got it... hes a good boy.

- Holy Cow!
2009-03-15 02:46:01 UTC
we were next door eating cake and my puppy went to drink out of the roddy's water bucket and it is a bucket. She couldn't get any water the level was to low and the roddy chaos came and gave her a little nudge and she fell in head first. Mum almost had a heart attack we laughed for ages without stopping.......
2009-03-14 12:15:51 UTC
when i was 6 years old my mom was visiting her friends and while there where having tea my mom's friend cam to me and told me to not open the door becasue the dogs bite. since i have a curious mind i didnt listen as usual and i opened the door and two bid dogs came chasing outside the house for about ten minutes and i finally jumped on the table and the dog just licked me and was friendly to me. the owner said i was the first one it didnt bite~!
2009-03-14 05:28:37 UTC
When we let our Rottweiler loose on the empty lot near our house and every time we'd throw the ball he'd run after it and hop all over the place like a kangaroo.. :D it's kinda hard to describe..
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ GiNa ♥
2009-03-13 23:29:41 UTC
1.) When my female cat, Nala, was younger, she grabbed my old cat doll and started fighting with it. Then pulled it into her bed and slept with it. My sister named the doll "White Shaggy" as a joke and whenever we ask Nala "Wanna play with Shaggy?", she gets all excited and meows nonstop.

Here's pictures of her doing it:

2.) When my grandmother had just finished drying her hair, it was all puffy and one of my old male Zebra Finches, Chance, flew down and landed on top of her head. He did this over and over until I finally put him back in his cage. I'm pretty sure he thought it was a nest. Another time Chance flew into a fly strip (the sticky tape) and also flew into the bathroom as I was closing the door. He almost got his head chopped off and when I pushed the door open he flew straight into the toilet bowl (No, there wasn't any pee or poo inside). You can see why we named him Chance.

3.) When my male cat, Salem, was dragging my cat doll (White Shaggy) through the house humping it. When I tried to take it away he let out this really loud growl.

4.) When one of my old female Society Finches, Threat, was sitting on my hand and biting my fingernail. Two seconds later she was hanging upside down on my finger. From that day on I taught her how to play dead and lay down in a Barbie baby carriage and hold the blanket with her feet.

There are so many more great memories I have of all of my pets, but it's too much to type! :D
2009-03-13 20:13:40 UTC
I gave my very large and strong Pitbull a bath and he acted like he HATED it.Then when I untied him from the area I was giving him a bath from, he started pulling like MAD.Then when I shut the gate to the pen I dried him off and then almost went outside of the pen.But then he started charging at the towel and going through it like a bull which is kind of funny considering their name.Then he ran around crazily and was hopping like a bunny, which is a hilarious thing for a Pitbull to do.You just had to be there.
2009-03-13 14:32:00 UTC
We had six kids in the family and we were "raised" by a black labrador named Dolly. As a pup her spot to sleep was the footstool. At first she needed lifted up on it, later, as she grew, she would totally over shoot it. She'd come galloping around the corner, jump up on the footstool and go sailing on past. She’d look around quickly to see if anyone saw her. As she aged she would sit next to the footstool and lay her head on it. We could never get rid of it.

Dolly went on to enforce the house rules. (Too many kids, small house, no running) if the boys ran through the house she’d grab shoe strings and trip them. I can’t tell you how many times we’d here a kid in the other room yelling “mom, call off Dolly!”

As a teen if I went on a date I came home to her waiting up for me next to my bed. Mom and Dad would be asleep but not Dolly. She would check on each of us before she could sleep.

Dolly was the perfect babysitter. My brother dressed her in my dress-up clothes with a hat and she just sat there and took it. She acted a little embarassed but she was patient.

We always felt like Dolly was someone’s reincarnated grandma, she was so human and so loving. We really miss the old girl.
2009-03-13 11:52:06 UTC
I have quite a few:

When I had my cat (she died), she loved to sit in empty boxes. I came home from a stuffed toy shop, and I had my stuffed toy in a box. I got the toy out of the box which had a coaster sized square hole in. My cat jumped in and stuck her head through the hole and her paws so it looked like she had a furry beard. She got stuck and she started mewing. It took forever to get her out but she looked so funny.

Also, my dog howls to my saxophone all the time and when you say birds to him he runs to the door because he thinks there are birds that he can chase in the back garden. After he is let out he only then realises that he has been tricked and barks at you angrily. Bless him lol

When it is snowing he jumps up in the air and snaps at the snow and tries to eat it. And one time I was holding a snow ball in my hand ready to throw it and he jumped about a metre off the ground and stole it from me.

And another time when he was just a pup I had to supervise him as he went to the loo at night. It was dark and cold, so he did his business and tried to go inside as quickly as possible. But he didn't realise the door was shut and I heard a scrabbling as he ran up the steps and then a thud and a yelp as he ran into the door. He was so shocked and upset and took a while to calm down as he ran around the garden

Also when we got an electric fire, my dog didn't understand what it was. He used to venture towards it, jumo back and go forward before sniffing it and then stealing one of the fake bits of coal and running off with it.
2009-03-17 13:52:04 UTC
My dog had a really bad habit of running away to go play with the neighbour dog when he was a puppy. He always came back but we still would give him time outs for doing it. One day when we were yelling at the dog for running away, my cat walked into the room, looked at the dog then reached up and swatted the dog's butt with his paw. It looked like the cat had spanked him then calmly walked away!
devils advo
2009-03-17 04:18:38 UTC
my small scotty yorkie goes everywhere at top speed and about a month ago he ran round a long bend in the road flat out in the frost and skidded of into the bushes like a formula 1 car i laughed so much i nearly puked!
2009-03-16 19:35:29 UTC
My Aunt had a cockatiel who would follow her cat around clucking and whistling and calling "Who Loves Ya Baby!". The poor cat was so confused. Every time she stopped, the bird would climb onto her back and cackle and nibble on her ear and whisper in it!
2009-03-15 11:35:36 UTC
My funniest story is:

I heard a loud fart when I was with my ex.. I know you know what I am saying about exes... lmfao..

but anyways.. I heard a loud fart when I was with my ex fiance (we split up 5 or 6 days ago after 2 1/2 years) and I was like why did you fart for? And it was my puppy.. I didn't believe him until I heard him do a it a few minutes later.. IT was crazy and funny.
2014-07-04 08:20:01 UTC
It was about 3 am and I woke up and felt the bed have a little vibration to it. I looked over and saw my bunny jumping on my legs and on the bed and looking at me! It was hilarious. I put him back in his cage and asked him to show me how he got out, so he showed me again how he managed to sneak his way out of the cage! He's a genius :)
Wilde Katze
2009-03-15 15:04:37 UTC
A tie between my kitten humping a blanket or my other cat following me around the house until eventually he got tired and fell asleep in the middle of the floor. Also, one time, my first cat, I was trying to catch him, jumped out of the second floor window (he was alright) and ran into the basement, my mom saw a fast, white blur going past her and I started screaming and crying "ANGEL!!!"
Dr Steve
2009-04-13 05:34:23 UTC
When I discovered at age 19 that goldfish do not live for 12 years and my parents had just been replacing little Sinbad.
2009-04-10 11:46:13 UTC
Once when my dog was in the living room, i was charging up my ds and the socket it was plugged into is right next to the sofa and there is also a small gap behind the sofa. My dog always gets excited when he goes for a walk and was about to be taken out and he ran as fast as he could behind the sofa and ran straight into the ds wire! it unplugged the wire from the actual ds!
2009-03-17 16:26:50 UTC
My snake got stuck in my frount garden wall so I held a mouse next to it and the snake ended up biting my finger instead. I screamed my head off lolll
2009-03-17 09:24:55 UTC
its sad at first but gets funny. I had a cat named Garfield.One day my dad found him dead and run over on the road.I started crying cause he was my best friend.Then weeks later i was outside with my dad and all of a sudden Garfield showed up from far behind our house.I told my dad but he said "Don't play around with me Garfield has died" so I had to pick up Garfield and show it to my dad before he believed me.Then I ran in and showed my mom and i told Garfield "do not scare me like that ever again.
2009-03-17 08:59:02 UTC
We were watching TV a few weeks after we got our dog and there was a dog on TV and my dog went crazy trying to get to the other dog to play with it. He now watches TV with us on a nightly basis and still reacts whenever he sees a dog or almost any other animal. It is hysterical.
2009-03-16 12:36:29 UTC
we were having a suprise belated 40th for my mum and had got a cake with a funny message, saying 40 + VAT. we left it out in the hallway so everyone could see on their way in, but the dog got in at one stage and jumped up and licked a side of the cake.

so we hid that side, but when my mum was cutting the cake we had to whisper to her not to cut for a certain side!! everyone looked a tad suspicious!
2009-03-16 12:13:44 UTC
My pet Ferret was a drama queen. She was shaking the cage door and could not get it open and so then stood up on her back legs put her right paw on her forehead backwards and just fell backwards and actually siged. i busted out laughing. she then got up and gave me an evil look like she was trying to tell me that when she got out she was coming after me.
Aimee B
2009-03-16 10:56:22 UTC
My two cats Anabell and Chloe were spatting. Finally it seemed to break up when Chloe went over to the food bowl. Shot Anabell, who was sitting on my lap, a filthy dirty look. Anabell calmly hopped of my lap, walked over to Chloe, reached up her paw and firmly swatted her across the face!

one more!

Another time Anabell was sitting in the window when I came home from work, I could tell by her tail hanging down IThis is how it went

'Hi Anabell!"

"Meow" (Hi)

What are you doing?"

Meow-mew" (nothing)

"I can see your tail!"

(fearcly) "MEOW!!" Pulled her tail up

She actually had attitude in her last meow and pulled her damn tail up!!!
2009-03-14 17:43:53 UTC
My dog used to run barking to the door every time the computer would make the little ding noise kind of like an error message sound. it was hilarious
glen d
2009-03-14 16:49:01 UTC
I had a service stationat the time, was closing up and "fred" my dog was in my jaguar v12 left idling in the driveway , before I locked front door to go home I went to put something in the car and "fred" had trodden on the door locking switch ,KEYS INSIDE, ENGINE RUNNING, AND ME OUTSIDE !! my wife had gone home earlier and I had to wait for her to even GET HOME to bring back the spare keys,I tried to BREAK in to no avail so the car with "fred inside just idled on for about an hour, I tried but could,nt get "fred" to treadONCE again on the SWITCH lol lol AT THE TIME it WAS
Baby Buffy
2009-03-14 10:38:51 UTC
My poodle was in the back yard & it started to snow so he started to scratch at the door, i didnt let him in because i couldnt figure out what i had done with the key. So the barking stops but I continue to look for the key then i her KNOCKS at the front door, but i'm not expecting any visiters, so i peak out the window nd i see no one nd then the knocking continue. so i go up stairs to try to get a better look by looking down on to the front step and then i happen to look at my Car nd it see my poodle scrating at my car door, so I run down stairs and lopen the door and see all these Tiny paw prints all over the front porch...........nd it was him tapping on the screen door, which traveld to the storm door and made it sopund like to me was a person knockin when it was really my dog.......
2009-03-14 06:01:49 UTC
I had an Alsation 1 year old and a puppy Belgian Shephard. They shared the conservatory when we were out. The puppy did his toilet on the floor. We put newspaper down, the Alsation would tear sections of newspaper and place it on top of each poo, from the pup.
2009-03-13 22:24:06 UTC
Probably when my dog turned on the gas next to our pool.

Congrats on Marley and Me!
2009-03-13 17:11:25 UTC
My best moment was when my 4 month old kitten Dopey decided that the 50 cm long eel I cought was to be her supper. She fought the slippery fish for more than half an hour before she succeeded in killing it. It took her a whole hour to devour it and four weeks to get rid of the dried-up slime on her fur. I kept of course a close watch to make sure she wasn't strangled, but it was hilarious.
2009-04-06 04:39:16 UTC
I was painting this old gas mask I've got pink and left a pot of pink paint in my bedroom and my dog secretly went in there to watch the sheep through my window (like she often does). She came into the kitchen and her back leg was covered in pink paint. Caught pink legged.
2009-04-03 06:03:16 UTC
Mines wen my kitten got stuck on top of the christmas tree and fell of braking to of my mums favourite ornaments. My mum was angry with it for about 2 weeks and had 2 buy another tree.
2009-03-21 04:35:48 UTC
Me and my mum once came back from a shopping trip at Toys R Us and we'd bought a giant toy dog. We walked into the kitchen with it and as soon as my cat, Rolo, saw it he jumped about 5ft in the air and ran into the door. We couldn't stop laughing, the dog didn't even look real!
david l
2009-03-18 10:05:23 UTC
when out walking my 1yr old dobermann Jasper, we came across a woman laid on the grass reading a book. Nearby her young dog saw us and approached us, my dog then checked her out.( in the way dogs do.) At this point, the woman called that her dog was in season. I called back saying Jasper was but a pup and wouldn't be interested in that. With that jasper was on her, I quickly pulled him off and he gave me a strange look. We walked on, upon our return the woman was still there. Her dog was beside her on lead. Jasper had moved on ahead, but when I passed by the woman a fair distance he circled back and headed for the woman and her dog. I quickly went back thinking he was about to have another go, just in time to see him **** his leg and pee in her handbag. She wasn't pleased and apologies aren't too convincing when your stifling a chuckle. Jasper died 8 years ago at the age of 13 yet I still have a chuckle at that.
2009-03-18 01:16:29 UTC
we had two cats and my dad was not the biggest fan, he wasn't a cat person and the cats knew he didnt like them. one night dad came into the room and shoooed the cat off his chair when she was sleeping. Later on that night my brother and i went upstairs and could smell something horrible. we knew it was cat poo but couldn't find where it was coming from. we finally hunted it down to being in mum and dads room, and on closer inspection the cat had done a massive massive poo in dads trainers. we were trying to shout mum to come and see but couldn't for laughing!!! finally mum came upstairs and cleaned them, we put them through the washing machine and under the raidator to dry, about an hour later dad started asking mum where his trainers were as he wanted to go out, at that point we couldn't hold it in any longer and all fell about laughing like crazy!!!! lesson....never annoy a cat they will always get their own back!!!!
2009-03-17 11:10:53 UTC
Well, there was one time when I'd just mopped the kitchen floor, & then my cat came running in & sat down suddenly, & because I'd just mopped, she slid across the kitchen floor & smacked into a cupboard!

Another time, my same cat went outside in Winter & got stuck in the snow!

2009-03-17 03:14:42 UTC
We have fish who live in a pond with a waterfall. One time they did something incredibly odd - they arranged themselves in two perfect lines and attempted to swim up the waterfall! No idea why they did that. It was funny, but creepy in a way.
Taylor Swift Rox, Got that?
2009-03-16 20:44:12 UTC
When my pet dog, wore shoes for the first time. He couldn't walk well so it was so funny! He kept lifting his legs up way too high, and started kicking. Eventually all the shoes fell off.
2009-03-16 17:36:12 UTC
Ziggy- hes very HYPER!! So one day we open the door and he just walks around and hes fat so he looks funny

Louie- in the car and did a summer salt

Iggy- I sitting on the couch eating a burger and he came over and took the bread and just walked away

Monty- one time he was sitting next me and he meowed and it sounded like HHHHEWWWLLLLOOO
2009-03-16 16:35:57 UTC
Lol...when we were at my son and daughter-in-laws for dinner and she got out the laser light to tease their pitbull. He was trying to climb the walls and would get in the funniest positions. But, that's not all! She put the light to my son's crotch (sad) and the dog attacked...ha, no one was injured since he was just playing.
2009-03-16 13:27:42 UTC
i have a labordor retriever and when the water hose is on she goes crazy trying to get the water from it..and then once she really needs to use the restroom and thought the glass back door was open and ran into it! Me and my older brother where cracking up!!
2009-03-16 12:06:37 UTC
I had a chihuahua named misty and a lab named lucky.

they were playing on the deck by the pool and misty somehow managed to throw lucky into the pool. it was incredibly hilarious.

I also have a ferret named reagan who tried to jump on my nightstand once from my bed and misjudged the distance and fell right to the floor. that was kinda funny
2009-03-16 00:18:01 UTC
my itty bitty cat jumps into the air onto the highest shelf & her poor little self was hanging there with her two front paws trying to hold on for dear life. it was so funny & cute but i just wanted to help her bcuz she doesnt have any nails so she couldnt hold on. lol. i went to go help her up but before i made it she fell & all she did was sit there & stare at me till she came over & stretched up on my leg. she is the cutest lil thing you ever seen. 3 years old & still as small as she was as a kitten.
l.m x
2009-03-15 23:18:34 UTC
My kitten tried to jump from the bed to the desk a metre away and he completely missed LOL. Just scraped the desk with his paws and fell to the floor
2009-03-15 22:30:35 UTC
My cat Boris used to go up into the hills & catch rabbits, then bring them home to my husband to skin & clean. The pets all got a share.
Bella G
2009-03-15 07:04:32 UTC
it was my 3 year old cousins birthday and we celebrated at my house. we were watching some little kid dog movie and my cat was staring at the tv. Out of nowhere, my cat (who looks like a mini dog) jumps out of my lap lands on the ground, put her tail in the air, and starts barking. the bark sounded like a highpitched squeek but you could tell it was a bark. we got it on camera and everything. Oh i have another one....

it was like 11 pm and my dad and i were playing cards (he was drinking beer) and some of the beer spilled on the ground cuz it got nocked over. the same barking cat licked it before we could clean it up, and in a few minutes she was walking sideways like a crab

it was hilarious:]
2009-03-14 20:23:54 UTC
If have a jet black Kitten He loves to jump up at a whip like toy with a feather at the end. Get two-three feet off the floor!
2009-03-14 13:18:18 UTC
i had a cockapoo when i was small , there was a holly bush outside i guess he ate a few leaves , poor thing had an alergic reaction his face swolen up like a baloon ,was funny but at the same time verry sad he was ok just a little stomachache.
2009-03-14 04:37:36 UTC
My cat Smokey has a neurological condition and it makes it hard for him to keep his balance. One day I put some canned food down for him, and he was so excited he lost his balance and went butt-first into his bowl. He dragged himself out, but he had cat food all over his rear. I laughed the whole time I cleaned him up.
Cheryl T
2009-03-13 17:48:25 UTC
When our cat was a kitten, we forgot to put his cat lit tray in the room he was in at the night time.We had a fresh bag of cat lit unopened in the same room and when we came down the next morning, our kitten had pooped on the floor but guess what? He had scratched the bag open and placed cat lit on top of the poop. Funny hey or just a clever puss.
2009-04-05 05:41:08 UTC
We had the slide into the paddling pool and put the cat on it..

The slide had a lot of fairy liquid on it for enjoyable slides into the pool.

However Kitty wasn't a fan of paddling pools and it was like a treadmill, she just kept scrambling up and sliding back down.

If you imagine it in your head it's funny :D
Kiran C
2009-03-15 19:38:23 UTC
when i was a baby and it was my dad's day off, he decided to take me and our labrador retriever goldie for a walk in the park. Goldie, being a gun dog, saw the ducks swimming in the middle of this huge fountain in the middle of a park. he ran in to chase the ducks and when they all flew away he saw that he was stuck in the fountain. my dad was trying to get a park ranger to help him get the dog out, while also trying to call my mom at work and hold me at the same time. it took about three people to get goldie out of the fountain, so technically i almost fell in too -_-
2009-03-14 16:52:13 UTC
I have a few... hmm..

Once I was in bed and my cat was sleeping at the end of it all night and in the morning, I heard a weird noise coming from him. So, I sat up and shouted his name, "Sox!" and he jumped up, done this weird back flip thing and peed in my face. Wasn't the nicest thing to wake up to...

Another one was I was lying in bed and my cat Spock was purring and walking all over my chest and it was so sweet! But then he turned around, tripped and his bum hole touched my nose.. Ew.

My other cat, Benny, always climbs on my back and bites my hair :P

(I have 3 cats)
2014-07-18 05:23:43 UTC
The assistant showed me the new designs but I said that I wanted an exact replica of one that I had at home. She said these were better - but I said that it was "because it belongs to my rabbit". She looked at me as if I was mad (as did the other customers)! But the rabbit played with it all the time in my garden. So then she asked why I wanted another
2009-04-14 16:54:45 UTC
Ok, so I decided to tie a string with a mouse on the end of it (Don't worry, the mouse was fake) To the celing fan. My cat jumped up onto the counter and started eyeballing the mouse. My cat lunged at it!!!! And his paw got stuck on the string!!!!!!! And he started spinning around and around and around the room..... It was halarious...

... And Yet I sorta feel sad 4 him...
2009-03-26 16:33:34 UTC
A dog called with we shared very pleasant things well and humorous without a doubt the pleasant moment but is when it only requests water to us I teach myself to request water by itself speaking it is the only word that knows to say water
2009-03-22 19:07:42 UTC
I used to own a cat Timothy, who loved to hide above the doorway to the backyard (we had a low veranda out back), then when someone went outside he'd take a swat at the top of their head with a paw, then duck back before they could retaliate. This always amused me - unless I was the one he swatted.
2009-03-21 00:40:52 UTC
one time we visited my uncle in california. of course we brought our pet cat, other wise i wouldn't b tellin this story. well our cat was spazzin out, aparently he went a little crazy on the catnip. he was rollin on the floor, swattin at my uncle when he got into his first catfight. there my cat was, on the floor, face to face with his enemy. his eyes locked on to the subject. it was cat vs. tail. thats right, my cat had a fight with his tail. but that wasnt the worst part, the worst thing was... he lost. he spazzed out and reached for it, swatting, trying toget a good grip. when he finally got a good hold he stuffed it in his mouth without a second thought. suddenly the pain shot through him and in a frenzy, he jumped up and started running for his life. unfortunately, my uncle had these slick hardwood floors, so my cat had no traction and was just running in place. once he finally got some traction, he shot through the hallway,and ran right into the dining room table and richotced off one of the chair legs. my family couldnt keep a straight face for a week.
2009-03-19 11:01:49 UTC
We went to my grandmas and she was looking after my aunts labrador, Chester. We were playing with him in the garden and threw a ball for him. He dissapeared for a few moments, then when her emerged from the plants again, he has a massive cane in his mouth and came running at me with it!! I think he was trying to take me out with it!! Lol!!!

(Marley and Me was amazing! Despite choking on popcorn, I really enjoyed it! Me and my friend got so upset at the end though. :-( Great acting by you, as always!)
2009-03-19 06:06:44 UTC
I am lucky enough to share my life with 3 Parrots; two african greys and an amazon. My two African Greys are incredibly intelligent and talk, sing, rap, dance and whistle all the time (the amazon is just a beautiful little cuddle bug).

Dougal, our oldest bird (who is actually a female) is very-quick witted and loves swaering and insulting people. One night a friend of my mothers came round and walked into the room with the birds. She said hello to them and they were unusually quiet. She then turned round and this very loud, clear exclamation of "Tart!!" came straight from the birds beak. It was hillarious... it was my mum's friend's nickname ever since.

The African Grey parrots pick up new words and manipulate them all the time - it really is fascinating.
2009-03-18 08:23:27 UTC
okay my funniest family moment has to be when ... erm.... okay thought of one... my cat decided she was going to be nosy so she stuck her head in my empty mini egg easter egg box, but guess what this is when it became funny as she now was trying to back out of it but the box just wasnt budging so i had a boxcat walking around the room ... was sooo funny ... took her 5 whole minutes for her to realise she could walk all the way through and exit the other side LOL!
2009-03-17 14:36:38 UTC
We took our Chihuahua to the mall one day and dressed him up as a baby cause theres no dogs aloud in the mall. Unfortanitly he got loose and the securety gard was afraid of dogs so he screamed and ran out of the mall!! HILARIOUS
2009-03-17 11:09:39 UTC
I don't have a pet, but my friend does, and her cat did something really funny: My friend was swinging a toy mouse around, and the cat did a back flip and landed in the bin! Hilarious! (The cat was not hurt)
2009-03-17 02:45:52 UTC
Our cat was walking along the bath edge and tapping at the water with his paw, when he fell in. He got out of the water so fast it was hilarious....I don't think he ever came into the bathroom after that.

RIP Gooner.x
Dale Sellers
2009-03-16 16:15:06 UTC
My mother's mixed collie ate my sucker right from the stick when I was a wee little lad of only 5 years old lol. It was very cute when he did that, especially his reaction when he was scolded.

I'm 40 years old now. To this day, I still miss him from time to time. I wish that he were still here with us. His name was Rebel.
2009-03-16 15:31:20 UTC
I have a 2yr.old Labrador and when he squats to do his first poo of the morning he quite often pees between his front legs at the same time.The Vet said its nothing to worry about but it sure looks
John de Witt
2009-03-15 19:19:37 UTC
We'd just moved into a new home, with the "for sale" sign still in the yard, when the dog escaped and found the neighbors' garbage. His trophy from his excursion was a large tin can, which he had in his mouth. He brought it home, obviously very proud of himself, but the can was large enough to obscure his vision, and he ran smack into the "for sale" sign, knocking him on his own can, and not the one in his mouth.
2009-03-15 12:35:26 UTC
hey. omg i love you!!!!

i have too many funny moments:P we have 2 chihuahuas that are the cutest and funniest. and well you have to be there for it to be funnier:P but i would i guess have to say when the younger chihuahua(chico) started brushing his teeth! it was the first time we gave him the toothbrush(well we didnt give it to him we were about to brush his teeth and he just ran off with it) and he just sat there holding it brushing his teeth!! we thought it was so cute we took a picture. well i did haha.. i have the picture right here if you would like to see it!¤t=0a97d8aa.jpg

isn't it adorable :D
2009-03-15 07:40:02 UTC
When my hamster tries to dig through a table or his solid house, he flips over and rolls around for about 5 seconds on his back.
2009-03-14 14:48:12 UTC
Ooh, must be when I was on holiday as a child and my mum was walking in the sand with our Jack Russell terrier, and our dog mistook her toe for a mole and attacked it and shook it. It is one of my earliest and funniest memories!
2009-05-06 17:08:24 UTC
We found perculiar frog silhoette markings up the wall of the bedroom. Later did we discover that our cat had been whipping a frog against the wall and then just left it there to die when he was 'done'.

My cats a sicko.
2009-04-10 09:44:51 UTC
My dogs blind in both eyes and a couple of months back he was really active and ran into the living room and because we have laminate floor he slid right into the table got up and walked off and walked into a plant me and my brother couldn't help but laugh.
2009-04-04 07:35:25 UTC
my dog max, bless his heart, towards the end of his life got very dodgery and he tried to walk across a cattle grid on dartmoor. It took me 45 minutes and with the help of 2 guys queing to drive up the road to get him out.

Not funny at the time....pretty hillarious now.
2009-03-31 20:01:25 UTC
My wire fox terrier came through the house jumping like peppy la pue.

Also one of my friends dog (doberman) burped at the same exact time as there dad, there dad was like coincidence. LOL
2009-03-28 17:35:53 UTC
My dog likes to steal the cue ball from inside pool tables in pubs
2009-03-18 15:46:00 UTC
I still remember it like it was yesterday.. my friend came over to my apartment to get ready for a girls night out. As she was blow-drying her hair , minding her own business. Gigi climbs up the sofa , jumps into the table , jumps again and lands on my friend's head. She tried to get my cat off of her head but he wouldn't move a muscle . I think my cat was against the hair-style she was going for that night lol. very fashion conscious kitty !
2009-03-17 12:54:13 UTC
I have many but one time I was out on a walk with my tiny chihuahua and she is so scared of dogs bigger then her so when my neighbor came out with her beagle, Cindy RAN SUPER SPEED down to our house. not even i could catch up. Yet we can't get her to go outside or play with us. She's really chubby and has small tiny feet. She's also really lazy.
Praying for a MIRACLE!!!
2009-03-17 06:26:10 UTC
Well I have 2!!! One is inappropriate, but lets just say me & my now husband was staying at his grandma's while we were looking for a rental and i had a "toy" that got stuck under the bed, well that afternoon we were all sitting around and my husband's grandma's dog ran out from our room with the "toy" in her mouth and ran straight for grandma, grandma then picked it up and threw it at me, I about died and my husband was laughing so hard that he was crying.

My second one, we were playing fetch with our two dogs, and i was walking across the yard to pet one, and my husband threw the ball, well the dog that he was playing with went after it and ran straight into me and i did a face first flop into the dirt....yummy!!! lol

I love my babies!!!!!!!!!!
2009-03-16 20:17:32 UTC
You know how cats are suppose to always land on there feet? Well one day I was feeding my cat and he always knows when I'm going to feed, he lives in our garage and I let him out. one day I went in there and he wasnt there. I walked over to the steps got out his food and as soon as I went to put it in the bowl, he came running in and as he tried to jump up on the steps, he hit some board, he tried to catch himself but he ended up taking the food bowl with him. I couldnt help but to laugh, he has now done it a lot of times lol. And he has never got hurt doing it.

Also one time i let him out of the garage, and I had no idea my uncle let his very hyper dog out. I'm very protective of my cat and the moment that dog layed eyes on my cat and started running after him i started screaming at the dog and chasing it. I got to the front porch and got the broom lol i started chasing the dog and my uncle got in front of the dog and the dog (which was very big...a lab) ran straight into his legs and he went flying in the air and landed on his butt, my cat then ran up a tree, i was so mad but i still laughed lol. my uncle is a policeman so that made it even funnier.
2009-03-16 18:46:51 UTC
No one's ever going to read this because it's at the bottom of the list, however this was funny enough to mention.

The other night, trying to fall asleep as usual with all three of our dachshunds under the covers, my husband had a tiny fart. I complained that it was disgusting, and rolled away laughing. My husband denied it, saying none of his farts EVER stink. Just then we heard one of the dogs gagging uncontrollably. She finally jumped out from under the covers and threw up all over the floor.

My husband dutch-ovened the dogs!!!
2009-03-16 13:44:39 UTC
my shih tzu sammie literally watches the tv with me.. shes a puppy, whenever my family comes over she watches the tv with us. we have alot of cats in my house and she hates them so whenevr theres a cat on tv she jumps at the big screen and goes crazyits so funny. like i was watching garfield the other day and she doesnt stop.. then she looks in the fireplace and behind the tv to seee where the cat went hahah
2009-03-16 00:26:49 UTC
I have a cat named Cisco who is definitely one of the silliest cats that you could meet. It started on the day that I brought him home.

He was 4 months old at the time, picked up in a field where he was abandoned with his sister, and I took him home. I got him settled in and I was typing an e-mail to a friend. Cisco was playing on the new cat climbing post that I had bought. The post had this toy dangling from the side of it.

The next thing I heard was Cisco hissing and yowling. I wheeled around in my computer chair and saw him hanging by his tail from the cat post! The string that was attached to the toy had gotten wrapped around his tail like a noose and he was dangling in mid-air!

I jumped up and ran over and tried to untie him but, the more he struggled the tighter the noose became. I yelled for my husband to bring me some scissors as quick as possible and I cut Cisco free.

Thankfully, he wasn't hurt just scared. But, my husband and I laugh about that to this day (9 years later!).

That wasn't it though! A few weeks later, I got up one morning and went to the bathroom. Cisco followed me in there and jumped up on the heater (it was one of those ones that hung on the wall). He was just sitting there and I was talking to him.

Finally I said "I bet you want some breakfast boy. Come with me into the kitchen." And he wouldn't follow me, which was strange since I was offering him food! He just continued to sit there on the heater.

I went over to pick him up when I realized that he had gotten his nails jammed into the heater grate on top and he was stuck!

I tried gently to pry his little nails out and I couldn't. So, I called my husband at work to see if he had any ideas. As I was talking on the phone with him, we began to think maybe we would have to call the fire department to come and disassemble the heater! LOL

But, I finally managed to pry his nails out at the last minute and he was free.

And again, my husband and I still laugh about it to this day!

My newest addition to the household has been giving me plenty of laughs as well. A stray kitten who is now 5 months old and named Ricky.

Cisco used to run the roost in the house with all 15 glorious pounds of himself! But, when little Rick showed up...things changed.

Do you know how funny it is to see a tiny kitten dominate a 15 pound tiger cat? But, he does! And you can tell that Ricky thinks he is king of the house. He swaggers around with confident walk and shoots daggers with his eyes when any of the other cats give him a hard time.

He has so much personality for a little boy. He makes me laugh all the time.

Sometimes, I think cats have got to be the most entertaining pet to own. They are really like little people in fur coats! :)
2009-03-15 22:02:11 UTC
My cat Bonnie got spooked by my brother and fell off the kitchen shelf into the washing up water.
Pissed off
2009-03-15 09:10:35 UTC
When i was young, I caught a great big turtle up at my cottage, i brought him back ,and i was giving him lots of attention, and my dog started to whine, I put the turtle down to let him walk, and my dog Rocky ran up to him and stuffed him in his mouth, this turtle was huge! it was bigger then a cd. So he looked REALLY funny his face was stretched from the turtle lol, he kept it in his mouth for a good 45 minutes, he wouldnt take it out i guess he was jealous that i was giving the turtle more attention, then he spit a tiny bit out, so there was a turtles head sticking out of my dogs mouth, it was funny. The turtle finally made it out safely and i put him back in the water and Rocky was happy!. oOOh how i miss and love my Rocky (L)

2009-03-14 21:19:57 UTC
I was cleaning around the house one Saturday morning and one of my cats, Sneakers, smelled an empty cat food can in the bag of trash I had been collecting. It was one of those white plastic grocery bags with the two handles. He had stuck his head through one of the handles and I knew that if I tried to shew him away from it that he would get his head caught in the bag - and just then something startled him and it happened. He took off through the apt with this bag of trash bumbling and bouncing on his back, tossing little pieces of trash everywhere, every hair was on end - he was scared to death of this thing that he could not get away from as hard as he tried. I was in tears laughing at him - was not quick enough to get it on tape. To this day, 6 years later, he is still traumatized. He still bushes his tail and runs and hides at the sound of any plastic bag rustling. Was the funniest thing I've ever seen.
Jenna H
2009-03-14 01:24:34 UTC
I have a gorgeous white and grey cat named Marley. She loves running water so whenever someone goes into the bathroom she follows. One day she choice to follow my dad in there. When my dad was peeing she jumped on the rim of the toilet trying to capture his pee in her paws and fell in. When I saw her and heard the story I couldn't stop laughing.
2014-07-01 06:46:30 UTC
i had to put my dog on the quad. There were two of us so to make sure she stayed for the long journey i made her sit in between. During the journey i noticed my collie (Kim) was not sitting like any dog but sitting like a human with her back legs either side of the quad and her front paws in the drivers pockets. Like she was hugging him to stay on. It was so funny that she put herself in that position and she did no mind lol.
Richard G
2009-03-15 17:07:43 UTC
I had a Female Cat named "Gidget" ( Half Siamese and half Abyssinian) who was a real sweetie until She passed away at a Ripe age..

But if the Cat litter box was "Too dirty" to her liking, She would wait until I had to use the Facilities, then She would follow me, She straddled the wash Basin and do a #1......nothing else!!..That was a hint for me to clean her box
Precious Gem
2009-03-14 08:34:03 UTC
Hello Jennifer!

We own a miniature Boxer, Bulldog, Doberman dog

named Cassie. When Cassie was younger one of her

favorite tricks was to grab hold of our daughter's pant

legs, pull until she knocked her down and then start pulling

on one of her shoes until it came off. Then after parading

around with the shoe in her mouth she would go back and

try and remove the sock. Cassie is too old now but we will

always remember her trick.

Have a great day!
2009-03-14 05:27:51 UTC
My dog Copper loves to sing along with me if I get the right twang to my voice. He has this seal like sounding bark. He especially loves it when I give him cat treats which he likes better than dog treats, go figure. Hubby took a video & my son put it on youtube
2009-04-27 15:48:42 UTC
i dog sat for me sister for the w/end and she she has a female JRT. when i got home my mums yorkie kept sniffing me. sat on the sofa he got on the back kept scratching my head which is normal until the lil bugga decided to basically grip my head with his paws and kept humping my head. no matter how much i wriggled and rolled about on the sofa cryin with laughter he kept coming back for more. lil thing was puffin and panting was hilarious - even parent were laughing there socks off!
2009-04-05 04:29:32 UTC
*my dog was barking at a person on our tv

*my dog once again was barking at his reflection in the window

*my brother tried to get my other dog crawl through a tunnel sort thing, but he just went to the other side and watched my brother crawl through it

My dogs are toto a labradoodle and pepper a small poodle cross muliteze a pooteze!
2009-03-31 15:56:27 UTC
My chihuahua Cassie, 12 years old, still has the heart of a pup!! She takes 5 pebbles of food and tosses them around on the ground with her paws like a cat! she bounces, seriously bounces, around them and stops then swipes at them with her paws, doing this several times then she will bark and growl at them!!!... she is HILARIOUS to watch... i think she is part cat!!
2009-03-19 14:46:24 UTC
I've had loads of pets over the years so I've had a few. The most recent one was when my sister was visting me and my cat pinched a £5 note out of her coat pocket (which was slung on the sofa) and scurried off with it.
2009-03-17 03:02:24 UTC
One time I opened my house door to because my sister was walking up the pathway, and my dog had gotten outside and ran up to greet her. But the path was really slipperly and my dog went to go stop to greet her, but he couldn't, and he slid on the ice. He slid all the way down the steps into our drive way, and went under the car.
Vasco Pyjama
2009-03-16 19:48:59 UTC
Buddy, our Jack Russel, howls when there is dramatic music playing. He especially likes the theme for "The Simpson's". We have to be very quick with the mute button.
2009-03-16 18:50:29 UTC
I think it would definitely have to be the time my mom who wore false teeth took them out after trying to drink a milkshake with them in and it didn't work so, she took them out and wrapped them up in a napkin, when we got home she had forgotten she left them in her purse and I was in her bedroom and heard our dog who was a dalmation Nikki under the bed chewing on something.. I looked and she looked up at me ALMOST as if she were smiling with those big teeth in her mouth..needless to say Nikki had gotten the teeth out of mom's purse because she smelled the ice cream on them and chewed them to bits, I ran yelling to mom "Nikki's got your teeth" lol I rustled them away from her but that was it the damage had already been done, mom called her best friend and said I don't know what to do Nikki ate my teeth *lol* I can still see her looking up at me with those teeth in her mouth, that BY far had to be one of the funniest pet moments we have ever had in our family. R.I.P.. Mama & Nikki! ♥♥
2009-03-16 18:25:20 UTC
I was putting some liquid chlorine in the pool in the dark and didn't realise the cat was there.

I stepped on its tail it bolted and I threw all the chlorine over myself.

I started to burn so I had to jump in the pool and the kids are watching the whole thing from their bedroom.

2009-03-16 16:53:39 UTC
when my chocolate lab, Livy was a puppy, i took her outside in the winter time. And for no reason she started running like crazy and then backed up to the fence and sprinted towards me, speared me onto the ground and then grabbed the sleeve of my coat and started to try and pull me around. \i was laughing like crazy the whole time and could hardly move.
2009-03-16 13:22:47 UTC
My dad turned away from the dog and cupped his hand. He acted like he was talking to a mini dog in his hand, saying things like "Aww...what a cute puppy! Wanna go outside?" My dog went crazy, barking and whining.
2009-03-16 08:19:46 UTC
My dog was outside playing in the backyard. So I put out his bowl and food. I forgot to open the glass door, and he came running and ran into the door! He just shook it off.

It was pretty funny.
2009-03-15 14:43:53 UTC
I've had a few dogs, so i have a few funny stories! (i dont have any of my dogs anymore) :(

1. one of my old dogs used to bit my big sisters friends toe everytime she came in my house lol.

2. my old dog Alfie, used to be so lazy when you took him for walks when he walked for like 5 seconds he would sit down and you would be like come on alfie, and people driving and walking past looking at the telling the dog to walk lol.

3. My friend went out my back to see my dog it was quiet big (greyhound) && it jumped all over her and she was banging on my window shouting ahh help!!

4. my dog Alfie again used to go for baggie trousers and my sisters friend was in and she was sittin there and the dog was growling and eating and fighting with the trousers and she was like alfie get away no alfie!!!!

dental lady
2009-03-14 17:48:06 UTC
My cat and I where sound a sleep when my alarm went off for work. My cat jumped and walk over to the alarm and started meowing like never before LOL. It was like he was cussing it out lol:)) I thought to myself, that we where on the same page
2009-03-14 14:58:28 UTC
The day I took Marvin out for his first snow day... he look so happy It was really cute but funny at the same time because hes really tini so he got lost in the snow
2009-03-14 14:48:13 UTC
we got are cat nemo when he was a kitten and got him a red puffy ball. we think he didn't like the color because all the other balls weren't red and he didn't touch them. so one day the cat was going nuts under the table destroying everything in his path. (chairs) and i came up are around his back he jump a foot im the air and then ran away. we latter found his ball stuck under the table. that all he wanted.
2009-03-14 08:03:09 UTC
well I took my puppy out for a walk in a park, I decide to take him off the leash when a guy running ran by. My puppy decided to chase him. The runner noticed and turned round and ran towards my puppy and chased him back my puppy started running away from him probably thinking why is this guy chasing me? lol. It was so funny!! =)
2009-03-14 04:29:43 UTC
I was talking to this cute guys mother and saying how lovely their dogs coat was. I was so involved in the conversation i didn't notice my own dog had peed....right on top of theirs. They didn't really know what to say, so i quickly tried to wipe it off with my hand. To make matters worse i then had to waddle home with pee on my hand and juggle the groceries.

It wasn't so funny at the time!
2009-03-13 22:01:11 UTC
I was 10 or 11 when we first got our cocker spaniel and he humped a beach ball - I remember crying cuz I thought the "pink thing" would never go away!
Ashley L
2009-03-13 20:15:21 UTC
2 years a go, our neighbors came over for dinner. Somewhat after we had dinner, I took out my parakeet. It was being feisty, so I tried to put it back my its cage. But.... Instead of going in the cage, it went out. It flew over the food, across the whole house, and finally the living room. My neighbor was really scared, so she hid under our furry blanket. The parakeet came up to her, and tried to make her come out. Quickly, I grabbed the bord and put it back to its cage. We were all amazed how my birdie could be so curious....
Jedi Jan
2009-03-13 02:38:02 UTC
When my old red cattle dog was about 2 months old he made my Mum laugh for the first time after Dad passed away - "Eric the Red" decided to pee over the foot of the bf who was wearing thongs (flip flops). Should have seen that expression!

When Eric was about 3 months old - I looked out the kitchen window and he was bent almost double trying to tear off a branch off one of Mum's new grafted fruit trees. Mum was "A Not Happy Mum."

I miss my mate every day. He had a happy life.
2009-04-09 09:47:06 UTC
when i first got my hamster she went straight to her running wheel and went so fast the shea stopped and carried on spinning around and want flying out of the wheel and hit the side of the cage stood back up ran to the food bole picked up a big treat and ran into her house but she could not get in because the treat she spent 1 hour trying to jet into the house.
Raquel ღ
2009-03-29 10:25:01 UTC
My little fierce chihuahua loves to jump around.If you have food in your hand he will attack you.Every time we come home he jumps all over you.He is the best dog ever.

P.S He is like Marley the dog.
2009-03-25 16:24:54 UTC
we brought our new dog home and started playing with him. he sprant through the door and skidded from the tiles and went flying over a small step onto his new mat. then he ran up stacked it on the step and sprant all the way to the back door, but it was clear.... so he ran straight into it and practically rebounded. it was funny yet OUCH
tammy g
2009-03-18 07:30:17 UTC
this happend yrs ago,we had a chiuaha named precious,we were having a bad thunderstorm,so i carried my pocketbook and some books in the hall so i could read,well my 12 yr old son and dog precious was sitting in the hall with me,the power went out for few seconds,when the light came back on my son said moma,precious is packing 20s,,,i looked over and my dog had a mouth full of twenty dollars bills she had pulled out of my pocket book,,we laughed so hard,
Poor in Spirit
2009-03-18 03:17:45 UTC
I wander how much maney Yahoo is making with this question which is clearly asked as a means to advertise a movie.

Jenny will never read any answers.
2009-03-17 09:25:55 UTC
wow i am answers a "famous" person........

my funniest moment is when my frog jumped out of his tank ( which was of the floor of my balcony because i was about to bring him inside from sunning him). Even though the lid was on he knocked it off and jumped down two stories and onto the floor and was perfectly fine.
Tess T
2009-03-17 05:45:42 UTC
I have a lot with my dog. Sometimes he would have his toy and he would kinda act like he was a bull in the rodeo. it's adorable! Other times, when we let him out of his pen, my brother would tease him with the toy, and when he gets mad enough, Scrappy (my dog) would actually bite his jeans or whatever he's wearing that day. LOL!!!
nature hugger
2009-03-16 14:50:53 UTC
i had a horse right before i got married i was walking thru the field with my soon to be husband and we were holding hands as we walked toward the pond

my gelding quarter horse came running up behind us and stopped right before getting to us, he walked between us and nudged me away from my soon to be husband and then continued to walk between us

i should have listened to the horse because i ended up asking for a divorce after 2 yrs of marriage

the horse was still with me for several yrs after my divorce until i moved away and a family with a wonderful child adopted him from me

next time i will listen to my animals because none of the animals i had really were crazy about my husband while we were together
2009-03-16 14:50:46 UTC
my Basset Hound. A old dog about 10 years old. not neutered. mounting a 2 year old Boxer. imagine a short legged large bodied dog humping a full grown Boxer.

one of my favorites!
2009-03-16 14:31:41 UTC
My dog jumping yp to catch bubbles on holiday, he jumped up and missed it and then he just like went out of control and did a front flip! Lol!

Love You Jenny! x
2009-03-16 14:09:54 UTC
My cat loves to run into walls.

Before I go to bed, I close my door not letting Bob in. About two months ago i heard this strange noise aganist my door. I opened my door and saw the cat take a running start from my parents room- and he RAN into me:) you gotta love him!
Do not diss monkey peanuts.
2009-03-15 13:52:08 UTC
I dont remember this, because i was to young to, but I used to have a rabbit called Yum-yum (dads idea...) and he used to run around the garden with flowerpots on his head! he just ran up to them, and tilted them so they would fall, and then, somehow, get them on his head! After a while, my mum took away the flowerpots because they were getting ruined, but then he started putting newspapers on his head instead! It was from his cage, and he used to open a few pages of a newspaper slightly so it was sort of a cone shape, and put that on his head instead! he couldn't see, but, and i have no idea how, he only ever ran into something 3 or 4 times, and he was doing this for a few years! Mum said it was hilarious, and when we were allowed, we used to run around with him, getting all muddy! all i remember about him was that he used to try to get anything that was cone shaped or something like it on his head! He fell into our pond once, and i wanted to go in the pond and get him, but i wasnt allowed. My dad got him out, and then Yum-yum jumped into the pond again, this time getting everyone soaked! then he came to the surface and looked at us as if to say 'What are you laughing at? I'm all wet, and its all your fault! now GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!' it was so funny my mum got the camera out quite a lot that day! funny times...

Kt xx
2009-03-15 09:33:29 UTC
I think the funniest pet moment happened when my mom had left my sister's birthday cake on the kitchen table while all of our friends and family went outside to take pictures. When we all came back inside, my dog, Rufus, was on the table with vanilla icing on his mouth and the cake was in a million pieces. We all went out for ice cream instead. Ha ha.
2009-03-14 16:20:53 UTC
My dog, a Labrador called Benjamin (R.I.P) who was basically another marley was always getting into trouble of one sort or another. one year at christmas we were having a christmas family party and benjamin went round the room finishing peoples drinks off, he got ever so drunk, to start off with we couldnt figure out what was wrong with him as he couldnt walk properly, was swaying about and seemed to lose control of his legs as no one had seen him, then he made a b-line for my grandads guiness and we figured it out, the poor little thing must have had a really severe hangover the next day as he didnt get out of his bed all day lol
2009-03-14 11:37:32 UTC
Many years ago, my cat Mickey, who was 4 months old, jumping from the staircase to the Christmas Tree and riding it to the floor. He did this 4 different times until I wired the tree to the wall!
2009-03-14 06:04:05 UTC
I was on the computer one day and my 2 year old miniature dachshund was sleeping next to me on the couch. I was looking at you-tube videos of wolves and in some of them they were howling. Well all of a sudden, my little guy jumps up and looks at me, throws his head back, and begins a cute little howl like the wolves were doing on the computer!! It was hilarious because here's this little, 10 pound dog howling like a wolf! He was copying the sounds he heard in the video!!!
sandra v
2009-03-13 18:08:52 UTC
when my cat Toots came onto the bed with me and thunked herself across my face with her body and laid there.

when my dog Shellie came into the living room and laid down behind my chair and groaned. I looked at her and she was laying there with a donut in her mouth. I had just bought a dozen doughnuts and went to the kitchen to look, and she had already eaten 5 of them

again, my dog Shellie, she ate a bar of Caress soap, and I had to make her throw it up per the vet. I gave the solution, and took her outside, and she was throwing up bubbles! the WHOLE yard was full of bubbles!! I was torn between laughter and feeling sorry for my poor baby.
2014-10-26 03:27:02 UTC
s a puppy he would lay on his back with his arms folded and his feet paw to paw pointed like ballet dancer. He also loves being carried like a baby, belly to belly, his arms on your shoulder. Now that he's 50lbs he still squeezes himself snout first into our arms. He is such a big baby, but so smart with picking up all the tricks we taught him.

We taught him to fetch only with the
Wants World Peace:)
2009-03-16 09:59:01 UTC
My little chihuahua used to always escape through our gate. We had just gotten a new one when we discovered he fit right through the pole things.

So we got one of those soccer ball bag things, put a ball in it, and tied it to his collar. (it was lightweight so he was happy.)

But one day, we couldn't find him anywhere. We thought we lost him for good! :(

We were outside in my backyard, relaxing. (My backyard was enormous!) We heard some scratching coming from my little play house. So my dad goes over to inspect, where he sees the ball hanging out of the window. He goes inside the house and lo and behold! My poor chihuahua standing on the tips of his hind toes! Even after my dad removed the ball, my dog stayed in that position for 30 minutes before he realized he was free. :)

I know my story is lame but it brings a smile to my face when I think of it.:)
2009-03-13 05:10:14 UTC
I have a dog although it was my friends dog, Monty (a black and white cocker spaniel) who done the funny things! On the first occasion he was running in our garden and didnt realise that the conservatory door was closed - he went bounding up to steps at sped and ran straight into the glass door!!! Another time was when we were out walking with Monty and we were passing by a golf course. A golfer was on the green just about to putt the ball, and yes, you've guessed it, Monty ran up and lifted the golf ball and ran off!!!!
2009-04-08 08:18:34 UTC
My name is jen 2 and my poodle puppy is so funny she luvs 2 chase squirrels and she is jumping on the glass door tht is see through and she loves to attack them play fully its soo cute
Michelle - Jacob's Mummy
2009-04-08 07:34:31 UTC
We took my dogs to the woods in the Autumn,

My dog went running over a load of leaves only to find these leaves were sitting on a huge pond! bless him, he fell in the water and came out soaked and didn't expect any of it :)
2009-03-31 05:46:26 UTC
My cat put his head my mum's shoe when took it out his face looked like he was stoned.Another time we were watching Stephen King's Sleepwalkers he jumped on my mum's lap during a scaring scene making her jump a mile and nearly crapping her self.
2009-03-28 08:11:43 UTC
we had a pet siamese cat when i was a kid and he had a habit of eating grass, sometimes the inevitable would happen and he would take a dump and a blade of grass would remain sticking out his ring, on one such occasion (while we had visitors) my father performed his usual ritual of discretely getting a tissue and pulling the blade of grass out of cas's ****, however on this one, memorable occasion the blade of grass happened to be around 4 ft long and my father was pulling and pulling on it and it seemed never ending ! it came out with the rest of Ca's anal contents, my father resembled some famous magician producing so much from such a small creature ! i was waiting for tigers and pyramids to appear out my pet cats starfish !
2009-03-19 05:59:33 UTC
My dog Ben was far too boistrous, and the vet advised that he had his sweetbreads removed. After the op' I brought him home and he slept in his bed for ages. When he came round, he got up and walked about for a little while. Then he sat down and decided to give his nuts a lick/wash. The expression on his face when he looked at me in astonishment when he realised that something was missing was priceless!
2009-03-18 12:26:53 UTC
Molly, my cat was asleep on the window sill, then she began to yawn.

the next thing she knew she had landed on the sofa.

How did the cat respond to this sudden turn of events?

She looked around and went back to sleep again
2009-03-18 00:44:10 UTC
My entire " who are Somali" family runs the marathon when they see a dog (calmly walking on the other side of the road)
2009-03-17 09:50:09 UTC
When I was a child I was doing my homework and my cat Missy was laying on my homework paper. I was like, "Ok missy, I have to finish my paper for school." She stared at me and got up and there was a small wet spot from where she was laying. I yelled to my mom and said, "Missy peed on my paper." We all laughed, that moment was so funny.
2009-03-17 04:00:17 UTC
my golden retreiver likes rocks:

i live on a farm with a creek:

so i threw a rock into the creek and my dog dove under the water like a duck and came back up with the exact same rock...........

she had to try for about 10 minutes non stop, it was hilarious, dunk after dunk after dunk, hahaha
2009-03-16 21:01:42 UTC
My cat tried to get through a gap in the door and misjudged it. She just ran head-first into the glass. She wasn't hurt so it was funny.

By the way, I love you and we should seriously think about dating.
2009-03-16 16:20:35 UTC
LOL... my whole family and me were all lyk in a family reunion... we were all eating lagsania [ i love lagsania] anyway we gave some leftovers to my dog and out of nowhere we hear him burping we all got quiet for a lil nd then we all startd laughng
2009-03-16 16:01:49 UTC
My dog Rusty likes to chase me so one day I was running around the house and Rusty came zooming after me! It is very funny. Also it is funny when Rusty goes down stairs. His bottom is sticking out! LOL!
2009-03-16 10:23:27 UTC
my rottie and I were going for a walk and in a field there was a yellow bag from a grocery store.He started in his GI Joe mode and started to walk slowly to the bag and started to growl at it.He then came right up to the bag and when he went to pounce on it a gust of wind blew the bag into the air and he got scared and ran behind me and barked.Big tough dog!! I laughed so hard.
ђคภภคђ - เ l๏שє คภเ๓คlร!
2009-03-16 08:51:55 UTC
When my Dog Lola went outside on a windy day a blew over from the wind
2009-03-16 07:17:45 UTC
My funniest pet moment was when my Chihuahua " Rickey" jumped into the bathtub with me when i was taking a bath. he loved it and had bubbles all over himsel!
2009-03-15 15:01:25 UTC
We were at the pond in the local park. My cocker spaniel saw all the ducks in the center of the pond, and ran around the pond around it. Then she jumped in, with my mom holding the leash, pulling her in.My mom was yelling at her, while we were laughing. My mom dropepd the leash, and got out.
2009-03-15 06:18:20 UTC
my dog loved running around the house and thought he would take a detour into the conservatory but hedidnt realise the door was shut and went straight into it lol he looked like he was something from scooby doo but he did it like 4 times until he realised and wouldnt go into the conservatory again lol XD made me laugh
2009-03-15 05:16:32 UTC
my dog was sitting on the bed looking out of the window, he saw a cat and jumped forgetting there was glass between him and the garden. He landed on the floor and sulked off into his own bed.
2009-03-15 04:08:59 UTC
when we first got our dog as a puppy it saw it's self in a full length mirror stood there barking at it then ran round the back of the mirror and couldn't make out where the other dog had gone
Old Man in a Storm
2009-03-14 18:26:55 UTC
Well we had gotten smoothies in this big clear cup, and there was some leftovers in the botton of the cup, so our little puppy stuck his furry head into the cup to lick it all up and he looked hillarius!!!!!! His head was all smushed and skinny! I look at that picture everyday!
Fearless :]
2009-05-01 18:14:04 UTC
Nobodys gonna read this so I might as well put something useless

Oral-B were the first toothbrushes to go to the moon when they were aboard the Apollo 11 mission and an office desk has 400 times more bacteria than a toilet.

Happy now?
2009-04-28 10:45:31 UTC
i have a 20 year old cat, and a few years ago we had the fire on. Sproggy (the cat) loved to sit near the fire because of the heat, and once, he turned around and burnt his tail... it was so funny... his tail smelt of like burning.

also, the fact that Sproggy catches water droplets from the tap.

and whenever we have a barbeque... he joins us outside. He'll be asleep and he'll just wake up from the smell, and he always has a little bit of chicken :)

and... one more... he ALWAYS poses to the camera.
Maria F
2009-03-17 13:54:58 UTC
I had three cats that lived inside but went outside to go potty and play...One day, one of my cats, Willie, jumped up on my kitchen counter. He was not supposed to do this, but I noticed he was chasing something...I started moving appliances and things on the counter so my cat could get to what he was after, which ended up being a good sized mouse. Once he got the mouse in his mouth, I ran to the door in the kitchen and opened it. My cat ran outside with the mouse in his mouth...good kitty! Then, about 15 minutes later, the cat wanted back in. I opened the door and let him in, along with my other cat, Buzzer. To my surprise, Buzzer had returned with the same mouse in his mouth, and dropped it inside at his food bowl! YIKES!!! Bad Kitty!
2009-03-17 01:07:47 UTC
i would have to say when my grandpap's friend dressed up as santa on christmas eve for my little cousins. well, the dog didnt recognize him, attacked him, bit him in the balls, and what they thought was gonna be a memorable christmas for all the kids turned into a nightmare they will never forget. i guess you could see this as horrible or funny...but i pick funny.
2009-03-16 17:16:12 UTC
My dogs make me laugh every day!

But it is really funny whenever my smaller dog chaises her tail forever. and teh bigger dog humps a stuffed bear and whines whenever he's not close to her.Also, my old Cockateil always thought he was a dog. It was hilarious becasue he would run with our Chihuahuahs whenever we called "treat time!". And now our smallest Chihuahua thinks that she is a bird! She is always trying to sit on everyones shoulder and she sits on our feet like my old bird did.
Lizzie S
2009-03-16 16:33:56 UTC
When my brother first got his trombone, my dogs were going berserk. My one dog, Bobo, kept wimpering and cocking his head. He had no clue what this big scary shiny tube was making a growling sound. He looked so cute and confused!
Deborah L
2009-03-16 15:15:50 UTC
We had a black-out and while we were sitting in the dark - all quiet - we hear a 'thud'. It was our dog walking into the leg of the coffee table. Guess it was dark for her too. What happened to dog's night vision !!!!
Kyle McCraine
2009-03-16 14:18:38 UTC
My pet turtle bit into a calcium food stick, but bit the end and the force of it shot the stick into my brother's eye and made him cry lol
2009-03-16 12:09:20 UTC
My hamster was in her ball, when one of my dad's friends kicked it because he thought it was just a normal ball. But then another friend came and kicked it again. It span around and then split in half. Aww... I feel so sorry for my hamster! She's still alive by the way.
2009-03-15 15:28:13 UTC
Lol! My dog (he was a westie by the way ) jumped ouy of our moving car window when he was a puppy, we were on the motorway! thank god we had his lead on and we pulled him back in before he hanged himself!

Reminded me of him when Marley jumpd out the window in Marley and Me.

I miss him *tears*

He died two years ago, he was fourteen...
2009-03-15 15:14:58 UTC
We had a cavalier king charles spaniel and she loved playing as a puppy. One day she decided to chew and eat the fleece she used to sleep on! LOL
2009-03-15 11:16:01 UTC
When we were about to get our dog, you know, spending that time with it in that little pen thing you see at the stores. And so, she did everything we asked her to, then all of a sudden she pees all over the place.
ConfuZed 0n LIF3
2009-03-14 23:26:24 UTC
When I was little kid my mom had a dog named Friskey. My absolute hilarious moment with this dog was when i shined the flash light on the wall, he would jump at it and bark and just go crazy trying to figure out what it was. Another pet that i have currently is a bird and if someone go to close to the cage it spreads its wings and looks like it's saying "Whats up!?" me and my friend laugh pretty hard at that one too.
2009-03-14 19:30:46 UTC
Our dog Buck, a siberian husky, is great at escaping out of our kennels & fenced in backyard. One day, he climbed the fence & literally walked on the top of the wooden fence, completely balanced. His mate, Baby Girl, a bull terrier/ Siberian husky, stood there & barked at him the whole time. It sounded like she was cussing him out. He stayed up on the fence until we went out there. We had to move them into one of our kennels inside a gate so he wouldn't be able to get out anymore. Ever since, Baby Girl has acted so mad at Buck, she knows its his fault.

You are a great actress, good luck to you & your pets! =)
2009-03-14 17:28:52 UTC
i was playing baseball in a high school championship game and it was the top of the ninth, we were batting and we were losing by 1 run.

i was up with 2 balls and no strikes.out of no where, my dog sam comes running across the field! he walks right up to the pitcher! i was so embarresed!
2009-03-14 16:56:42 UTC
My dog and my older brother were sleeping together. Next thing you know, my dog went to my brothers upper thigh. Every move my brother made...the dog growled. He knew if he moved the dog would bite. He didn't get any sleep and in the next morning, his eyes were red. HA HA! he got mad at me, but I was crying from laughter. And of course I was proud of my Chihuahua!
2009-03-14 09:17:54 UTC
we have a flat screen TV mounted on the wall, and a cartoon show about dragons came on. my cat bolted down the hall to the living room and jumped onto the entertainment center. he stood on 2 legs and tried to play with the dragon on the screen. it was hilarious.
2009-03-13 18:22:41 UTC
our dog is in heat right now but this is a thing she does daily.She has a 'friend' (as in her dogie bed from her kennel)that she likes to 'play' with. She humps that thing so uncontrollably, we try to take it away from her and she tries to bite. But the way she does it, is so funny. So we have to keep her kennel locked up so she does not come dragging her 'friend' out and 'playing' with it.
2009-03-13 17:27:36 UTC
Well it would have to be my dog German Sherpared came in the door as i was eating my dinner he allways sits by the draw wanting his leed so i can bring him for his walk i got up from the talble just to get it ready for him when i set back don,t to finnesh my dinner one of my brugers was gone and so was my dog he ran out with the bruger.

Take care Stranger.
2009-03-13 00:34:51 UTC
My mother was grating a block of cheese. She put it down on the table to get a bowl out of the cupboard. When she turned round it was gone. Strange she thought,I could have sworn I put it on the table and I didn't grate it all. I'm also the only one in the house. Suddenly she saw our Red Setter Kerry dashing round the garden lobbing an orange ball into the air and catching it. You guessed it was the block of cheese.
2009-04-23 21:09:24 UTC
My cat got her leg stuck on the handle of a Wal-mart bag. She wigged out, dashed around the house, and p*ssed herself. Felt bad for her at the time, but it's pretty damn funny once you think about it.
2009-03-23 01:58:04 UTC
Taking a bath, while one of the cats were walking around the edge of the bath tub then suddenly falling in . Needless to say neither of us were very impressed and i had the scratches to prove it.

In hindsight i think it was very funny.

Don't know about the cat though?
2009-04-09 04:54:59 UTC
We used to have a cat which used to jump on the back door handle and hang on it till the door was class...unfortunately one day he must have opened one door too many cos he went out and didn't return.
2009-03-25 23:19:38 UTC
When my pet Maltese shih tzu tried to jump on the couch and didn't quite make it. He hit his head on the end and did a backflip. It was hilarious.
Rachel B
2009-03-22 22:42:43 UTC
My sister's dog gus had this very strange panic/aasthma attack looking deal, he was bbarking and coughing and rolling around untill he stopped brathing. We were all flipping out untill 10 seconds later he gives this tiny little sneeze to reviel a nasty peice of grass that was stuck in his nose.
2009-03-18 10:41:14 UTC
Fuzzums the cat was playing fetch.It was a long hall with left turn.Fuzz caught the moment.But slid on the floor.An slammed into the closet.Not too funny.But kept on doing it.It is a cat thing.we wouldn't understand.
♫Eggos in a Microwave are Magic♫
2009-03-17 12:15:26 UTC
I was watching the " Leavin' " video by Jesse Mccarteny with my dog Biscuit (pembroke welsh corgi) and Sugar (teacup chihuahua). They got on top of each other ad started hump and licking each other while watching the video. They were like doing the same thing in the video! I laughed for hours!

Leavin' -
2009-03-17 09:48:08 UTC
me & my mom were talking in the kitchen when one of her cats comes running in to the room dragging her butt, running and meaowing all around the room like 3 times. before she finally stoped, looked at my mom meow real loud and turded right on the floor at her feet.

The cat was constipated and couldnt get her poop out.. it was so funny to watch.
2009-03-17 00:05:20 UTC
My friend and I came home from school and my dog had gotten into my moms feminine products and had them spread allover the house, it was pretty damn funny as she had gotten some of them taped to the furniture
2009-03-16 06:34:46 UTC
My mom put some expensive French cheese and wine on the fireplace when she came back...My kitten ate the cheese and had her head stuck in the wine glass
2009-03-16 03:03:51 UTC
my funniest pet moment came courtesy of our dear departed german shepard mix Hazmat and our then puppy,Tonka. She's a terrier mix,so when she wants to play,it's a "must do",right then and there. when she was a puppy,she wanted to play w/Hazmat, who by then was about 6 months old. he was a large dog,so large that when he tired of her antics, he could fit her entire head in his mouth and fling her across the room! she'd just yelp, and come back for more. this kept on until he finally *truly* had enough,at which point he'd take his paw, knock her over on her back,and put his paw on her tummy,and she'd lay there like an overturned battery toy,yelping, still wanting to play! i miss that dog!
2009-03-15 14:21:23 UTC
It was about 5 in the morning, and I would let my 2 dogs out to potty, well one of them "muffin" a pekinese, she saw some man running (she thought) from our house...she took off after him like crazy, barking....he was running away hollering "get out of here"..actually he was a 70 yr. old jogger, I had to yell at him if he'd stop, she'd stop...the poor thing only had like 2 teeth left(the dog)...she wasnt gonna hurt him...I laughed SOOO hard when I had to carry her back home in the my pajamas....
2009-03-15 10:12:56 UTC
I have a pet hamster. My bedroom was really junky at the time, and I put my hamster inside her toy ball that she rolls around in. When she started rolling around, she kept running into everything because I had a lot of things on my floor.

lol, it was so cute.
2009-03-14 22:28:10 UTC
My hamster was in it's wheel walking, since it was always way too lazy to run, and it kept sending the wheel backwards, and the hamster would get this pissed off look on her face and tried again and again until she banged her head on the wheel.
2009-03-14 16:29:37 UTC
Well, I used to have this white, black and brown average but gorgeous cat, but he was truly his own personality. Anyway, at one time, before we moved to where we are now, we lived on a "divided road" which was in a secluded subdivision and our house was in the middle of the hill, well, one day, this truck came down the hill in front of our yard, it had snowed and iced over, my cat Rossi decides to act like a dog, he was just sitting on the front yard, the truck comes by, he darts after it like a dog, (which he never ever did!) and literally swling! went and splayed out on all fours sliding down the hill for about 50 or so feet, unfortunately I missed it, my husband and my mother told me about it, and needless to say, he stayed in the house pretty much the rest of his life! Which was a nice long one of 17 years! He was about 8 at the time! So funny he was!

P.S. - Most of these are truly funny and I'm pretty sure they, as well as I, DO NOT appreciate the idiot who keeps going up and down clicking on thumbs down against our little stories! GET A LIFE, IDIOT!
2009-03-14 10:37:07 UTC
My german shepard dog got stuck in between the fence belly up and started doing a running motion in the air.

when we got him back inside my dad was holding a big cheescake, the dog jumped up and knocked it in the air and it fell right on my dads head:L
2009-03-14 08:27:28 UTC
Every moment is funny with my pets (we always have 6-8 dogs because we foster rescue dogs!) i can't decide on one1. Last week was funny tho. two of our dogs sleep with my grandmother and she went upstairs for something and they thought it as time to go to bed so she just fed them there treat and let them in to her room. She went back down stairs. when it was time for bed she came up and opened the door and one was sitting on the bed wagging her tail when my grandmother opened the door. the other one got under the blankets and went to sleep. well at least we have one loyal dog.
2009-03-14 06:19:55 UTC
My cat likes to jump up on the couch to sit on the piano and watch the world go by out the window...

I had fallen asleep on the other couch watching a late film, and my cat jumped onto the bass-end of the piano key-board, which made a madly-Gothic, dark and scary, and VERY LOUD "Derr-DunnGGG!" which scared the B'Jesuss out of him and me!
2009-03-13 14:35:15 UTC
Hello Gorgeous!

it involved my dear old cat Tigger, my sister had fallen over and had a bad cut on her knee, the Hospital told her to remove the dressing to allow the wound to get some air......

There she was eating a Roast chicken dinner on her lap and the cat

jumps up and puts his paw on her cut knee, she screamed and the dinner flew 4 foot up in the air, poor old Tigger Ran away in fright! lol!
2009-03-13 08:06:32 UTC
I had just bought my rescue dog home for the first time, I let him explore the house and heard him go upstairs, I went up with him while he had a good sniff around, he then stood at the top of the stairs, at this moment I realised he wasn't used to going up and down stairs so gave him a bit of encouragement, 'go on good boy' that sort of thing, he looked up at me looked again at the stairs, he then stretched his front legs out and slid down as if he was on a slide!! you have never seen anything so funny, lol, he only ever did it the once but I chuckle at the memory of it.
2009-04-04 23:07:21 UTC
Oh, my funniest pet moment was what I called 'spastic cat attack'. We had just gotten a new cat(sooooo cuuuute!) and my mum was hugging her to her shoulder when the cat freaked out and was hissing and flailing it's paws and throwing itself around spastically. It was sooooo funny!
Scott M
2009-04-03 02:11:40 UTC
my cat did this amazing dance outside and it turned out he was trying to hit a bee as it must have got so annoyed it stung our cat and it had to go to the vet

also our cat likes to annoy next doors rockweiller which is chained up by walking near it and running away so the dog cant get him
2009-03-26 13:08:31 UTC
When my ex-girlfriend, who was a cat lover, tried to pet my cat Shelby, who was not a people lover.

We had just gotten back from skiing and I had put her food down.

She started to pet Shelby and Shelby started growling but would not stop eating! I guess she was hungry!
2009-03-26 06:58:21 UTC
When my dog started dancing to La Bamba by Ritchie Valens and just would'nt stop!
Doctor Who's Companion
2009-03-18 06:12:38 UTC
When my Hamster Rolo swings from the top of his cage like a Monkey.

I also remember my Dog carrying home half a tree trunk.
Girl out of sync
2009-03-17 11:57:01 UTC
Me and my puppy just came from the pet store and she threw up as soon as we pulled up so I took her out my car and and put her in my apartment so I can clean it up. she was in her doggy purse. so i left her at the front of the door with it cracked when I was cleaning the car i hear a noise like a car pulling up but it was her running and dragging the doggy purse behind her. lol
2009-03-17 09:35:33 UTC
Me and my family were throwing a doll kitten around the house and our kitten decided to go after it. She grabbed the doll in her mouth and threw it into the air and jumped up for it and flipped while grabbing the doll. It was the funniest cutest moment we've seen our kitten do. We also tilted our heads then she looked at us and tilted her head too.
2009-03-17 05:29:08 UTC
My kitten (well, he's a year old) jumped up behind my son when I was taking him to the loo in the night, I got my son up and flushed the toilet, but it frightened him so much he lost his footing and fell into the toilet. I've never seen anything move so fast. It was HILARIOUS!
2009-03-16 22:10:48 UTC
i was playing counter strike on the computer, and my dog came up and stood on the switch which turned my computer off and then he looked at me and dropped the ball from his mouth. haha oh and he rolls the automatic window down in the car when he wants to take a breather. haha
Lauryn G
2009-03-16 12:55:14 UTC
I have a Cavalier king Charles Spaniel named Lilly! We just got her for christmas and she came home to find are other dog! Ariel is a Chihuahua she is very temper mental. Lilly went up to play with her and Ariel snapped at her! Lilly wondered why she was playing so mean! Lilly kept going up to her and Ariel kept snapping. Lilly sat looking at her for 15 minutes wondering why she was playing so mean or why did she not want to play! Still to this day Lilly trys to play with Ariel but sometimes she will just stare at her like saying please play with me!!
♥ι dσи'т вιтε♥
2009-03-15 21:44:14 UTC
I was in my backyard and i was throwing the ball to my dog, well, i threw it and it got stuck in a short tree, so my dog( shes a golden retriever) kept jumping up and trying to get the ball, but then since she kept shaking the tree the ball fell out of the tree and she didnt notice so she kept jump and shaking the tree. it took her 5 minutes to notice the ball and bring it back to me. that made me LMAO :) silly dog
2009-03-15 21:30:16 UTC
I heard someone knocking at my door. It was early morning and I hadn't even brushed my teeth. I thought "Crap, who is at my door". Grabbed a lipstick, blotted my lips (the least I could do!), went to the side window next to my door, peered thru the drapes, and there they were! My turkey, Rio.... and 3 of my 11 chickens. Standing, patiently waiting. Then...tap, tap, tap.... Rio.

I Love my Girls!!!!!
2009-03-15 14:08:51 UTC
My funniest family pet moment was when I was returning a baby duck to it's mother, and the mother duck thought I was hurting her duckling so she just hopped om my chest- I was on the ground wrestling a mother duck after that, but thankfully, I wasn't hurt.
Helper of sorts
2009-03-15 00:44:55 UTC
My lemon Beagle, Rosy, ran up our tarp ( it was strapped to a 3 and a half meter high fence) and onto the top of our fence to (as all beagls will try to do) escape( it was verry steep,so you'd think she'd fall down!!). My dad was waiting to see how she was getting out and she was up there looking down at him!!!!
2009-03-14 19:58:57 UTC
my dog and my dad would have swimming races when i was little. one day my dog outsmarted my dad and when my dad said go and jump in, my dog (sophia) ran around the side of the pool and jumped in the pool at the other end, beating my dad in the race.

my other puppy (zip) took a pen in her mouth and started drawing all over the walls... it was funny when it happened... but not so fun when i had to clean the walls.... :)
2009-03-14 13:30:59 UTC
One fine morning I wake up, open the door to my bedroom and nearly step on an inexplicable bundle of 20$ bills, rounding out to about 800$. Befuddled, I kept it and tried to figure out where the blazes it had come from.

A few hours later, my mother wakes up and sees the bundle of money beside me. She asks me why I grabbed the rent money off her vanity - I'm totally clueless. Cue the cat, who jumps on the couch, hooks her teeth around the rubber band keeping the wad of 20$s together and runs for her life with nearly a thousand dollars hanging off the rubber band - the actual 'treasure' that she wanted. :) Since then, we've stopped using rubber bands if we don't want things to go missing.
2009-03-14 10:28:17 UTC
My first basset hound would "bury" his toys in the house only he really wasn't burring them he would put them in the Corner of the stairs and they would be hidden or he would drop it in the middle of the floor and kick "dirt" over it so it was hidden. The funny thing is he never buried any thing in the yard.
2009-03-14 00:07:41 UTC
Many years ago, we had an exceptionally energetic and unruly male golden retriever born and raised in our home. He was my constant companion from hour one. We tried so long to teach him better manners, but eventually realized we didn't have the skills when, during a trip to another dog-lover friend's home, he took a whiz on their sofa right after having a 'walk' outside in the garden.

So, we took him to a kennel with an expert animal trainer/ behaviorist and spent $2k for the best 3 week course she had, guaranteed to please. At 3 weeks, she called and told us he was an exceptional case and would require a 2nd 3 weeks. The trainer trained us the day before pick-up, and the next day, during his graduation ceremony, he had a total relapse, so she chose to keep him 2 more weeks. Her sense of professionalism challenged by our dog, she refused any additional money.

Finally, his 3rd graduation day, he performed wonderfully! We were so happy and excited, we took him back to our friend's house to proudly show off our new dog..... who promptly ran to the couch and soaked it right where he left off 2 months before.

A close second was the night his sister pup came to our bedroom whining. She grabbed me by the hand and tugged me stumbling down the hall to the living room where Buddy had selected from a bookshelf with hundreds of books on it, the one on dog training we had borrowed from the library. He was happily reducing it to a pile of soggy bits one page at a time and his sister had come to tattle-tale on him!
Shara H
2009-03-13 22:34:45 UTC
When my 3 daughters got a kitten, mittzy the kitten used to stalk my middle daughter. Mittzy never hurt her it was just to get my daughter to react.When she reated Mittzy was satisfied. Mittzy would crawl under the lounge and jump out the other side at my daughter. Once my daughter stopped reacting Mittzy lost intrest. Often we would turn the tv off to watch them play
2009-03-13 17:49:28 UTC
Probably when my dog ate 7 frozen hamburger patties cause he's fat :) It was quite funny! Poor thing had bad gas the rest of the night but luckily didnt have any worse side-effects.

Oh, and once, I was sitting up at the dinner table and my cat ran at me. I hadn't noticed, though, until she leaped and dug her claws into me, so she was just attached to my side for over a minute until I managed to pull her off.
2009-03-19 11:40:14 UTC
Seeing my friend's kitten, who was in the process of stalking a bird, being chased across the front lawn by the MOTHER of the bird! That cat never moved to fast!

Another one was our siamese cat Sydney who spent 5 minutes scratching a hole to do her business...trying lots of different holes, positions and locations...doing her business and then scratching over the WRONG hole.....ALL that time! Good one Sydney!
2009-03-16 16:29:21 UTC
Wow, my pet Darci is a collie and beagle mix, so I was on my bed reading magazines and Darci tilts her head so the side and barks, so I picked her up and put her on my bed, so on the page was Chris Brown and Darci barked and jumped so I said Darci you love Chris? Then Darci licked the page and layed and her head on his chest, it was so funny and seemed like she had a crush on him!
2009-03-15 20:32:30 UTC
my brother and i were at a friends house and we had Slayer playing

and after the intense metal screaming part of one of the songs came on, our friends pitbull started tearing apart a care bear toy and it looked like the dog was head banging...we were almost crying from laughing so hard
2009-03-15 17:56:10 UTC
The moment where Jennifer Aniston isn't really on Yahoo Answers and this is just a publicity stunt.
2009-03-15 15:14:53 UTC
My dog urinates standing on her front feet! She has been doing it since she went out the the snow about 12 years ago!
2009-03-14 11:06:42 UTC
My cat sits on my mom's lap most mornings, so she can brush him. Well, one morning, my cat was on my mom's lap purring and relaxed when my dad walked into the room towards his chair (you know how dads always have a chair). My cat, jumped up, ran across the room and sprawled out in my dad's chair just a second before my dad was about to sit in it.
2009-03-16 16:51:17 UTC
Our mini dachshund ALWAYS has to be in the middle of my husband and I. We'll be sitting next to each other on the couch and he'll jump behind my husband and get wedged between the back of the couch and my husband's back. It's hilarious!
2009-04-29 11:51:17 UTC
Once, a couple years ago I was at the beech throwing a frisbee with my dog and it fell on a girl that was tanning and then it hit this other guy in the head. it was funny!
2009-04-23 14:19:05 UTC
got two first was my staff trevor was eating chicken from a chipshop and spike the other dog had two, so did he he ate his robbed spikes chicken ran off as spike was chasing him ran jumped hit the patio as he thought it was open.....had to put tape on it so he could tell when it was shut.

the other was my cousins dog in the park running around like they do, normally fall over in holes, ditches etc. instead she dropped her bottle she was holding to her side not in front of her, tried to stop and did a mad gambol flip thing.
2009-03-24 03:00:27 UTC
My dog Bonnie, when she was a puppy, caught a mouse and was walking on the verandah with it in her mouth. She was so proud of herself that she wasn't watching where she was going and fell straight off the verandah!!
2009-03-17 14:17:55 UTC
all of the moments where our cat is concerned! She chases her tail then falls over in the process, skids along the laminate flooring everyday (you'd think she'd learn to slow down...) and we have brilliant play fights!
Melissa Swan
2009-03-17 12:27:46 UTC
My female border collie tries to h##p cats of any age or gender but especially male kittens.

My childhood dog once cocked his leg on somebodys picnic when we were on the beach. My mum pretended he wasn't with us.
2009-03-17 02:08:59 UTC
Every time I pull out the laser for my cat, she goes psycho. Her name is Jedda, but we have a nickname for her... Psych-ward. She chases after it, climbing walls with carpet on it, jumping up and grabbing door knobs and trying to catch it with her paws. She spreads her little paws out and it looks like she has human hands and after we have her worked up so much, she starts panting like a dog!! She is my little puppy dog!
2009-03-17 00:24:00 UTC
When my cat got out of the house and went on the streets and scratched this boy who lives in my neighborhood which i totally hate him
2009-03-15 17:43:56 UTC
Toby my Jack Russell pinching Pefke my chichuachua, soft toys. Pefke took it off him and held it in his own mouth. Toby did this 3 times each time Pefke holding 3 in his mouth. On Toby's 4th pinch Pefke could not get this one in his mouth as well and had to stand by watching Toby playing with "HIS" toy. Frustrated as hell! Toby looking at him and just carrying on just to annoy to him.
2009-03-15 07:26:52 UTC
I was walking my golden retriever named Troy, we were on one side of the street and there was a ***** across the road. My dog's eyes were fixated on this, so much so that he walked flat into a lamp post. You had to be there lol
2009-03-14 11:52:55 UTC
haha when i ordered a pizza & my brother went to go get it, my dog kiwi who was about 1 at the time & is also a dachsund/pug mix, ran outside & as the pizza guy drove off in his car kiwi followed him & i heard my brother yelling "Audrinna! kiwi's chasing the pizza guy!" & i ran downstairs, falling of course & outside & chased her all the way down the high way & i had the leash in my hands & i threw it at my brother hitting him in the stomach knocking him down haha.

kiwi has taken us on some wild rides. :]
2009-03-13 19:58:49 UTC
I used to have a cat, Nala, that I trained to beg for his food, sit, etc, he used to sleep on me, I'd wake up and he'd be on my side or on my head, even during summer.

When I was living down south with my sister, her gf, and her gf's son. Nala was so protective of me, whenever he could hear someone coming down the path he'd growl at them. One time myself and Stephen (the son, we were both teens at the time) were sparring in the backyard when Nala seen us, he ran full pelt at Stephen, wrapped his paws around his legs, stuck his claws in and started biting his ankle, Stephen and I were laughing so hard that Nala got up walked away, then turned around meowed at us and sulked under the bungalow until we both said sorry.

Another time when Stephen and I were playing a ball game in the backyard, we were sitting down having a break and just chatting when all of a sudden we seen this white flash fall out of the big tree next door and head straight under the bungalow. Stephen and I once again laughed so hard we were in tears, I apologised but he still wouldn't budge until Stephen said sorry, he said sorry in between fits of laughter, but Nala didn't move, I told Stephen he had to not laugh and say it like he meant it or he wouldn't come out (by this time I was just about bursting from trying not to laugh again), as soon as Stephen stopped himself enough to say sorry like he meant it, Nala came out from under the bungalow and rubbed up against both of us.

He had a personality and a half that cat.
2009-03-13 19:26:02 UTC
this is sorta sadish....we were at the beach and my friend and i were trying to get my 1 year old golden retriever in the ocean (she was scared of the water) and we pulled her far in and a big wave came and splashed on sorta sad

a funny one is.... when i threw the ball down our little grassy hill and it was kind of muddy and my dog slid (she landed on her feet) but she jumped to catch it (she missed it) and she landed and then slid and got up and got the ball off the ground! heeheee
2009-03-13 19:02:19 UTC
ok well i was bored and so i taped my dog's bone on top of a remote control car then i started to drive dog attacked the car xD

Oh and when my dog drank wine (left on the table) and sniffed some pepper on the floor....he didn't stop sneezing for 10 minutes xD
jennifer h
2009-03-31 18:44:35 UTC
We lived in the Cumbrian hills in England at the time . My late husband had one leg and we owned a nanny goat called Ethel . My husband named her after my mother. We where a little short of fresh grass so my husband took her along the road and sat on a bank put Ethels chain around his artificial leg and rolled a cigarette . Around the corner came our weekly bus . Spooked Ethel , she bolted home, pulling my husbands leg off , dragging it along in front of the bus . The bus driver lifted his hands to his face in surprise. My husband hopped on one leg as fast as he could at the back of the bus to home. I still laugh at the picture of it .
2009-03-21 04:50:30 UTC
Me and my family were at a fair, and my Minature Schnauzer dog, Scruffy, was with us. We came across another family who had won a dog teddy about the same size as Scruffy, and they put it on the floor near us. Scruffy went over to it and started sniffing it's bum! When he realised it was a teddy he was so embarassed!

We just couldn't stop laughing!
2009-03-16 15:54:09 UTC
When my dog was sleeping on the air vent he got up his collar tag got stuck and pulled it out of the floor! He ran around the house scared to death because he thought something was chasing him but actually it was attached to him! He was okay. :)
2009-03-16 15:46:07 UTC
When I threw my cats toy over her head, she did a backflip right into the mini pool!!! Also my old dog used to almost "dance" to music, and one time there was music playing outside, and my old black lab put his paws right on top of my brothers shoulders!!! It looked like they were doing the limbo!

One last one was when we had like 17 cheep fish and 1 cat. One of the fish died every day cuz of the cat killing them, and when there was one left, it jumped out of the bowl, right into my yawning cats mouth!!!
2009-03-16 13:08:43 UTC
the day my dog ran full speed at my cat the cat moved 3 inches to the left and the dog slammed right into the sliding door then attacked the because it saw its reflection and thought that dog was responsible for what happened
2009-03-15 18:33:33 UTC
One day my dog Baily was running around the house and he started JUMPING up and trying to open the front door. He tryed to turn the handle, but unfourtletley he couldn't open it. Ha Ha!
2009-03-15 17:53:54 UTC
When our old cat Starla, would get's hysterical. She jumps high in the air and then goes crazy running through the house and she repeats this over and over.
2009-03-15 16:52:24 UTC
We shine a flash light on the floor, ceiling and walls and our Boxer, Shy goes crazy trying to eat the light spot. Try it with your dog. Shy gets so excited she starts coughing and my aunt makes me stop.
one and only
2009-03-15 13:48:58 UTC
my 100 pound lab made a hole in the wall with this head while running to catch a ball. He pulled his head out and proceeded to chase after the ball.
2009-03-15 09:14:03 UTC
My funniest family pet moment is about my old dog Lucky.

Here is the story.

~One day my dad bought a box of crackers for my mom and I. I kept eating them and before my dad left for some errands he told me, "Don't eat all the crackers." My mom and I went up the stairs to play on the computer, leaving Lucky downstairs. We came down later (10 minutes before my dad got home) and seen a mess on the floor. It was the cracker that were in cabinet. At the time we had child locks for my dog on the doors of the cabinets. So he opened the door and took them. The funny part was my dad yelled at me because he told me not to eat them. My mom said it was Lucky b/c the lock was broken. Lucky was hiding in my room b/c he knew what he did.~

Lucky was the Worlds Worst Dog and my mom was going to make a book about him but John Grogan beat her to it.

-Lucky escaped from his cage w/o opening the door (the cage look perfect but he was outside it.

-He jumped on my mom's head when we got him crazy.

-He pulled a traning trick on my dad so he could have the couch to himself.

-He dragged my mom down the wood stairs @ my grandma's house.

~Lucky I love you and I miss you~
little missy
2009-03-14 20:34:39 UTC
i let my chinchilla out to play for a little while and my cat went into her cage and when my chinchilla realized that the cat was in her house she became infuriated and jumped into the cage immediately and started making funny noises and jumping up and down onto my cat's back and my cat couldn't find her way back out of her cage and was so terrified that she peed all over herself and climbed onto the top(ceiling) of the cage and hung upside down there until i got her out...she never bothered my chin again.
2009-03-14 15:50:13 UTC
My puppy likes to sleep near the heater because he likes how the hot air blows on his fur. He was in my room sitting right next to the heater and he closed his eyes (almost falling asleep). However, at that time, the heater was not on and he didn't realize that until he opened his eyes and sniffed and stared at the central heater. He looked so confused because he thinks it turns on every time he sits there!
2009-03-14 10:41:56 UTC
I think everything my cat Sniper does is hilarious, but one thing he does all the time is try to jump out and scare me! I guess I kind of taught him that when he was younger, but he'll like hide around corners and jump out at me, he is so interactive and playful, it's sooo cute!
2009-03-14 04:35:05 UTC
Hahaha well, it was when we first bought our first pet dog, who was still a puppy. My eldest sister had to catch the bus to go to work, and she always leaves her shoes outside our house. And our dog had this crazy habit of stealing everyone's shoes. So one day, my sister was running late to catch the bus, and when she went to put her shoes on, she had realised her shoes weren't there. Her work shoes, that is. Then she was going insane! She was like "OMG where r my shoes!!!" and the bus was going to be there in like 3 minutes!

So she had to run down the road, like crazy, and find where her shoes were. Fortunatly, she found her shoes. UNfortunatly, her shoes were nearly ripped to pieces. So that made her miss the bus, and had to spend a lot of money buying new shoes.
2009-03-16 14:32:27 UTC
we have a dog called rock well a few years ago we had glass sliding doors put in but not fly wire door at that time so he got use going when you open the door. but one day we had the fly wire door put in well he decided he wanted to go out in a hurry to bark at something well he didnt give me a chance to open the fly wire door and ran straight into not once but twice it was so funny because he couldnt work out why he couldnt get out like he use to.
2009-03-16 17:43:06 UTC
OMG! I can't believe Jennifer Aniston is actually going to read this!!!

My funniest pet moment really isn't that funny lol. But i guess its like whenever my mom is walking somewhere, my dog [Biscuit] will run up to my mom and ram his head into my moms butt, sending her forward.
2009-05-03 14:36:02 UTC
We were just sitting and no one was talking and all of a sudden my dog starts sneezing and so my whole family started counting.. ONE!! TWO!! THREE!! FOUR!! that kept going for 18 times. man ive never heard my dog sneeze so many times O_o
2009-03-18 14:42:09 UTC
I have an Indian Ringneck parrot who chases our four cats, and has nailed each one on the paw !!

He also has the wood on two dogs, ours a 7 month old jack Russel cross and my sister in-laws Chihuahua

Ha Ha LOL !!!!
2009-03-14 10:38:56 UTC
I was only little and i put my hamster in a little basket and i think he got frightened and he jumped just suddenly went on his feet his hands were in front of his chest and his teeth were sticking out he looked like count dracula lol :-)
2009-03-13 12:56:53 UTC
When I was very young and before i moved away to another country, I used to have this blue collie dog it was all blond and white. He was so affraid when we first got him he used to run right under the bed. Then he slowly gained our trust he used to come every morning and lick my face to wake me up. He was the sweeetest dog I ever knew verry smart aswell. It was the saddest day in my life when I heared he was dead.
2009-04-30 02:00:02 UTC
Videoed the cat trying to walk down the bannister, more of a walk, slide, jump, crash (im not trying that again!) Well funny though.
2009-04-23 19:08:55 UTC
Anytime we flash a flashlight around my dog likes to chase it. He'll literally go up the wall to get the light. But he never can. He's funny.

2009-04-09 11:27:35 UTC
funnies pet moment for me must be when we first got our dog, my mother and I were flipping the mattress on her bed and my dog is used to the height with the mattress, so he over shot the height and flew up into the air and landed with a thump on the bed frame. He has NEVER jumped onto a bed since.

another good story about my dog is when my sister got one of those bog animal dolls (life size) and my dog thought it was real and tried to talk to it. he pushed it over and began to cry because it wasn't responding.
FoUr LeAfEd ClOvEr
2009-04-09 07:58:34 UTC
When I was playing tug-of-war with my friends border terrier and I accidently pulled the rope so high, the dog was suspended in thin air!!
2009-03-25 16:03:22 UTC
i have had many stories with pets and animals that i am afraid there is not enough space to tell them all but i well tell you some

1- when i was a baby our house went on fire while i was home alone our dog Lilli went to our neighbour who was a friend of my mam started barking like she is crazy and pulling her dress to make her come and get me, and when my mam came back she kept barking at her for the rest of the day like she was palming her for leaving me alone

2-when i was young 4 years old a stray dog i went outside the house for a short walk as i liked the early morning very much and got attacked by a stray dog gang when another big lost pet dog(german Shepherd) suddenly showed up beaten them all in a very wild fight and walked me back home while he was really hurt ,i insisted to keep him named him rex

3-i don't know why but any where i park my car every single cat in the block would gather around it ! its really funny when anyone with me gets scared from cats

4-i had too pet white pigeons who used to sleep in a pot next to my bed

doing the job of an alarm in the a the strangest way" thy walk up at dawn wake me up by biting my ears until i walk up " i warred ice cap on

5-i had a pet goat who walked on 2 legs when ever she got hungry

6-when i was young i went to a pet market with my dad and found this giant white awel in a big cage for sale .. i liked it very much and asked my dad to buy it , it was very sheap that the price of the cage was triple its price yet dad didnt like awels at all and said no by the time we went home it was on tv and the narator was saying that there is only 5 awels left in the world from its type and there is a bond for its protection in switzerland looool

Strawberry Sunflower
2009-03-22 14:41:30 UTC
My cat was trotting up the lawn quite happily when he spotted something out the corner of his eye. At closer inspection it was his tail!

He sprinted frantically up the lawn trying to get away from it, when he realised to his dismay that it was still following him. Thinking there was only one thing for it he proceeded to pounce on this bewildering object. This turned out to be to no whenever he turned to grab it it moved further away.

Confused and tormented the poor little thing proceeded to trot up the steps to our house miaowing in bewilderence.
Aleasha from Australia.
2009-03-19 16:06:52 UTC
We have a creek on our farm and one day while we were walking across 2 of our dogs thought this green weed was grass so they jumped in off a rock and got a big surprise and it was really funny!!!
Emma H
2009-03-18 12:56:23 UTC
When ever we are watching something that involves birds calling and flying across the screen my cat will always sit right in front of the telly and watch it my little westie does it as well they both find it really fasinating.
2009-03-17 16:37:58 UTC
My dog picks up stuff and brings it to us, but runs away when we try to get it off her. She brought in this water pistol that looks like a gun and it's hanging out her mouth and she was staring at us. Doesn't sound funny but it was hilarious.
2009-03-16 17:46:35 UTC
On the day of my 10th birthday party, my cat jumped off her cat tree and peed everywhere... It was crazy! And the bad thing was he cat tree was in the room my friends and I were going to sleep in. Ahh!
2009-03-16 16:34:35 UTC
we were all swimming in the pool and my dog, sparkle(jack russle) jumped in off of the waterfall for the first time, another one we were taking our Christmas picture and our dog, harley(mix of rodesian, boxer, and lab) ran off down the street with a santa outfit on and my brother was laughing so hard that he threw up i am laughing right now as i type it
Hello Kitty Domo eats you
2009-03-16 15:05:48 UTC
My old dog (she ran away a while ago :( ) loved to swim, she was a very very small dog, she only weighed like, 4 pounds, she liked swimming and we were at our friends house and were swimming in their pool, of course our dog always jumped in with us, she would paddle around and everything, but when we were putting the cover over the pool she decided to go swimming again, (the cover was clear/blue and blended in perfectly with the water) so she jumped in the middle of the pool, but she was surprised when she didnt get wet, she walked all oaround on the cover wandering what was going on She was walking on water! finally she jumped out of the pool. me and my family and friends were laughing all day! it was definitely one of the funniest pet moments we had.


i got a cat for my birthday and she sleeps with me in my bed, so when i go to sleep i lay in the middle of the bed, my cat next to my hip on the side, when i wake up she is in the middle of the bed and i am hanging over the edge of the bed! i will try to push her to the side so i can get more space but she wont move, she gives me a look that is like 'helooo dont you know anything? i am a princess so dont touch me!!!' and 'what do you think you r doin girly?' it is so funny! she does it every night!

one more;

our dog (also very small and only weighs like 4 pounds) loves to chase balls and sqeaky toys, so my dad and my brother were throwing a baseball to one another in the yard and the dog was like the monkey in the middle and ran back and forth with his head up looking at the flying ball... he wanted to get the baseball so bad but he just followed it back and forth, he never got the ball but finally gave up chasing it. we were laughing all day.

I ♥ MY PETS!!!
Francis C
2009-03-16 12:03:39 UTC
we had 2 dogs 1 of which sadly recently passed away.

our older dog snowy who was 13yo westie never used to eat bones if our younger dog bisto a 4yo lab spaniel cross was eating them. but whenever he left them snow would sneak away with them 2 our garden 2 gnaw in peace!
2009-03-16 06:32:12 UTC
a, my hamster named Twinkle got out of his cage and set up home in the bellows of an organ and played...

b, my dog Shep used to put his paw into the dish ot eat and save it walking round the room then lick his paw clean once he had eaten.
Lyn W
2009-03-15 19:59:37 UTC
we were going along a freeway near Sydney years ago with lots of traffic when our small dog jumped up on the back window and had a bad bout of diarrhea. she was usually well house-trained.
Rich B
2009-03-15 13:54:38 UTC
I had a cat once,who loved to chase her tail.Usually she would do this activity in the bath tub.Once she did this on the stairs,and caught it and went rolling down the stairs.
2009-03-15 12:23:56 UTC
it snowed and there was a big piece of cardboard under the snow in front of a tree with a wooden garden box around it and my big yellow lab ran and slipped on the cardboard, tripped over the garden box and hit his head on the tree
Random Self
2009-03-14 16:55:00 UTC
My cat Toast was in our neighbor's yard, and she got the idea to hide in the bushes. Meanwhile my neighbors were looking at the bushes, and thinking about how they should trim them. Then Toast jumped out and hissed at my neighbor, and my neighbor screamed and jumped back. It was really funny.
2009-03-14 05:21:56 UTC
my german sheppard golden retriever mix puppy met my new kitten, the kitten jumped about 1 1/2 feet in the air and frog leaped over the dog.
2009-03-13 23:43:03 UTC
well my dog Max is a nut and is really stupid so naming 1 funny moment would be hard. First he used to eat potplant pots. he barked at himslef in the refelction of water, carries around ice cream containers, barks with a ball in his mouth and really he is the stupidest dog but you hae gotta love it. Without him my life is not worth living
☼ Lecanto Panther ☼
2009-04-07 12:27:09 UTC
My dog Ladybug dug a hole in our yard one time and my dad got really mad so he called the dog over and it was so funny! The dog sulked over to him and dad made her look at the hole. When she did a big toad hopped out of it and the dog high tailed it out of there. It was sooo funny =]
2009-03-18 15:59:22 UTC
My mum decided to hand me, a 1 year old in a pram, the leash that was attached to a young energetic male cocker spaniel dog.

Can you guess what happens next? He sees a cat, darts for it, and I follow the natural primate instinct to hang on for dear life! It broke my collar bone when I hit the curb, and once I had been crying solidly for the day, my parents noticed whilst bathing me and had me taken to hospital.
2009-03-17 12:13:21 UTC
lol my dog has done this more than once but i was watching tv in the living room and she walks into the living room right beside me and farts then walks back out of the room to leave the terrible smell behind for me.
2009-03-17 11:59:41 UTC
My dog once ate all the chocolates out of our advent calanders a few days before christmas.
2009-03-17 11:35:59 UTC
Hy, I'm italian and I don't know if my english is ok.. well my funniest family pet moment was on February. I've put a dress like the Men in Black one's on my little pug and he was identical!!

I love my dog. His name is Charlie and he is really funny!! Bye, your films are fantastic!!
2009-03-17 08:31:12 UTC
we where camping and my dog sparky was running and playing until he climbed up on a big rock he stood on it like the king of the world, a few moments pasted then he jumped off the rock and started prancing around it when i tried picking him up or climbing on the rock he would either bite me or chase after me! it was pretty darn funny:) he was guarding his thrown i guess!
2009-03-17 07:18:31 UTC
welll my dog Jake keeps on going to the washroom on the carpet but then my mom bought some dog treats and whenever it goes to the bathroom in the bathroom it looks at my mom and expects a dog treat
2009-03-16 22:48:18 UTC
When my cat discover the bathtub. She was very intrigued with the water in it and felt in. Her head didn't go under water and she had long hair. It was so funny because she had that tiny wet body with that huge head!!!
2009-03-16 11:31:57 UTC
being on the computer and seeing out the corner of my eye my little black kitten who had jumped out of the upstairs window, tail in the air straight up. all four legs absolutely straight. She luckily landed in a bush! no harm done at all.
2009-03-16 09:41:52 UTC
Well we had a pony, and i had a few friends over to ride him.

Well my eldest friend had never been on a pony/horse and he jumped on and fell off the other side.

It was so funny because before he tried to get on he was bragging about how amazing he would be.
2009-03-15 10:18:23 UTC
It had just snowed about 1 foot, and my 2 year old Scottie was running through the snow, and all we could see was his tail sticking out of the snow. =) He had so much fun.
2009-03-15 07:02:29 UTC
Snowflake, my cat, can jump onto the garage roof, and his weight brings the door down, along with the cat. He always does it now because he keeps climbing onto the top of the house and can't get down. :P
2009-03-15 05:42:08 UTC
We were at my husbands sisters place and they have this sleek pool. the water was right up to the edge, and it was night time, my dog was walking around the yard and he kept walking and walked into the pool. lol the poor thing, he was terrified, didnt know what happened, he didnt see the water lol. he was just panicking, so i had to pull him out!
stroppy bolox
2009-03-14 17:40:33 UTC
Our bassett hound is a burper snorer a slobberer and passes wind an awfull lot
2009-03-14 12:56:21 UTC
I had been reading a magazine on my bed room floor, when my dog came in and lay right in front of the magazine, with her paw on the page so it looked like she was reading it. it took a picture and sent it to all my friends!
2009-03-14 08:55:31 UTC
My cockatiel talked and she sounded like a little girl. First l thought where it could be coming from, l went outside and l saw nothing. l heard it again and l saw it was coming from my cockatiel. She gave me a hard time but it was funny!
2009-03-14 08:54:36 UTC
Our cat Mr. Sniffles would ocassionally jump into the bathtub and run around in it and then lay down. One day my son had run some bath water and Mr. Sniffles decided to run around and he jumped in it not realizing it had water. Never saw him jump so high as he did getting out of that tub full of water. He was completely soaked, it was hilarious, but I'm sure not to him.
2009-03-14 06:29:56 UTC
My pet dog Mickey he has a very funny pet moment.He eats dinner then later when we give him his other food for the night.When noone is looking at him he howls and its so cute but also funny.:)
2009-03-13 22:23:05 UTC
My sister bought her girlfriend a cat for christmas, he looks so cute at first.

So one day I was sitting on the floor playing cards with my mom, I got hungry so I made a turkey sandwich and sat back down. The cat came over meowing and meowing as I pushed him away, finally when I was picking up my cards the cat attacked my sandwich, he grabbed a piece of turkey and ran to the corner. He kept looking back at me to see if I noticed, hes a cutie.
2009-03-13 15:07:21 UTC
My dog Ginger has just recently become an outdoors dog. She was running around with the other dogs when they suddenly jumped a rabbit. She stood and watched in amazement not really knowing what do to when the rabbit suddenly shifted directions and ran smack into the side of Ginger. Ginger was so startled by all of the commotion that she started turning in small circles. It was so funny.
2009-03-17 09:02:58 UTC
My grandmother's sheltie is a howler. My grandma always has a cat or two, and when she calls the cats in at dusk, the dog howls. It started with a cat name Chloe. Now if you say Chloe, Louie (another cat), Blossom, or Walter (more cats) or really anything with two syllables and in a sing song voice, he howls.

Sometimes I walk in and say "where's Louie?" in a normal and he will get all excited and start barking and whining for me to lead him into full-blown howling.

He also does a funny thing where he stands outside at the corner of the house and barks at the roof and spins in circles under it.
Danielle °°••
2009-03-16 17:11:26 UTC
My dog, (Basset, Hound/ mix) is very old. (14) when she sneezes, she smacks her snout off of the floor. me and my family will be watching TV and all of a sudden we here a loud bang. :) As well, she LOVES to hide under her blankets. so, she takes her snout and throws the blanket up over and over until she is fully covered with it :).
Bella ♥
2009-03-16 15:21:49 UTC
My sister played the trumpet and when she used to play it in the house, My dog would make its snout into a circle-like position and howl like HE was a trumpet! It was so funny!
2009-03-16 13:27:08 UTC

My kitten used to come into my bed and once he came in my bed, i was already sitting under the covers, he came on top of them. I was reading a book, he was lying on my legs on top of the covers, i had to strech my leg so i did so, he pounced on my foot, so i wiggled the toes on the other foot and he leaped on those two. he kept trying to get to my toes because he probably thought it was a mouse under there or something. tee hee
2009-03-13 15:20:49 UTC
I have a 4 yr old dog who is deathly afraid of vacuum cleaners and water, or taking a bath.. She doesn't like the bath at all.. All we have to do is open the closet door where we store the vacuum and she runs and hides behind the couch or anywhere that she thinks is safe.. If I am in one room and my hubby just starts to the closet door with the vacuum inside, she will run and hide behind me.. Well, one day, I am in the shower and the bathroom door was open just a bit.. My hubby decided to vacuum.. As I have my head full of shampoo, my eyes shut to keep the soap out, I feel something awfully furry next to my leg.. I am trying to get a towel to get the soap out of my eyes when I hear my husband laughing like a crazy person.. He had taken the vacuum cleaner and walked toward the dog with it, well, she just kept backing up, he kept going towards her and she kept backing up until she was in the bathroom with nowhere to hide.. When he got too close for her comfort, she hopped into the shower with me.. After telling my hubby what was going to happen to him if he didn't quit, he backed off and all was well.. Until he decided to try it again - into the shower she came again.. So now we know that she is more afraid of the vacuum than the water.. We still laugh about it to this day.. she is the source of great amusement.. But she loves bologna also, you can be in the kitchen and whisper the word bologna and she is off the couch like a flash.. Well another time we decided to put a piece of bologna on the vacuum cleaner.. She stayed in the other room peeping around the door, barking at the vacuum cleaner for about 10 minutes, never one time coming towards her favorite food, but trying to "bark it to her".. And the vacuum wasn't even turned on.. She is something else but we love her anyway..

BTW Jen, I love F.R.I.E.N.D.S. I wish you would continue making more episodes!
2009-04-22 12:05:21 UTC
Wow 970 stars!
2009-04-04 06:33:53 UTC
coming home one xmas eve to see the cat sat on top of and chewing the frozen turkey, my mum tranna pull him off as he spitting and growling at her. my mum didn't really see the funny side and neither did we when she served up turkey roll with the dinner on xmas day. It was funny to watch though.
2009-03-22 13:51:00 UTC
Whenever my cat falls asleep, [which is most of the time on my windowsill or the side thing of the sofa]- literally as SOON as it falls asleep ----It Falls. It's actually quite funny.

P.s. Lurhhvin Marley nd Me ;)
2009-03-20 06:53:31 UTC
Sitting on the toilet and having my labrador come visit me and decide she wanted to get very friendly with her nose!!

Blush!! ok that's more rude then funny but thinking back on it... trying to have a poo and stop the dog all at the same time was quite amusing!!
Mom of two
2009-03-17 09:58:50 UTC
Our goldens pulling me down the icy road like a sled after I slipped walking them (it was either let go or go along for the ride!)
Lindsey M
2009-03-17 06:30:22 UTC
Well since the whole of my family are addicted to crack cocaine we thought it would be funny to give my dog some, he ran outside so happy and was ran over by a truck. It did my heart good.
2009-03-17 06:02:10 UTC
My dog was chewing on a tennis ball while we were watching American Idol, and whenever Ryan Seacrest started talking he would bark insanely. It was hilarious!
Katy Can But Doesn't
2009-03-16 22:42:34 UTC
My cat Oopsie is so paranoid she thought I was following her and kept watching me as she walked right into the doorframe.

My other cat Angel rolled over into our fishtank as a kitten, he freaked so badly he is still skittish.
Aquatic Retard
2009-03-16 14:29:10 UTC
Hamster, waved at sister!!

Not kidding it just pushed it's paw out like a wave or high-five nd put it down again it was so funny but really freaky at the same time! xD
Lyra [and the Future]
2009-03-14 16:11:52 UTC
My two dogs do funny things all the time. My yellow lab, Snoopy, has this obsession with stuffed animals and the other day, he happened to be carrying around this green monkey. He'd set it down for a minute and our black lab, Rover, came running and stole it away. Snoopy got so upset! He grabbed it back and Rover ran away in a "haha you can't catch me" kind of manner. It was hilarious.

Once, I was at my friend's house working on some project. We were on the floor, leaning on our elbows and her cat, Carlee, had started to eat a plastic bag next to me so my friend told me to smack her to stop her. So I kind of batted at her and Carlee immediately smacked me across the face. Literally. It was SO funny.
nicola T
2009-03-14 14:38:25 UTC
it must be the time when my mother dog was fighting with another dog and my mums cat came out of nowhere and jumped on the other dogs back and the dog running away scared i never laughed so much
2009-03-14 04:24:38 UTC
I have a cat called Mokie who acts like a dog! She fetches toys and rolls over expecting her tummy tickled.
2009-03-14 02:23:14 UTC
My big white boxer dog was curled up in a ball asleep last sunday morning when he started dreaming and running in his sleep. Because he was curled up so tightly he was kicking himslef in the head with his back feet and woke himself up! Unfortunately his eyes caught on faster than his legs and for a few seconds he lay there, eyes open wondering who was kicking him before he realised it was his own feet. And when I was crying with laughter at him he gave me the most indignant look!!!!
2009-03-13 12:01:43 UTC
When my cat dusty smelt sumin weird on the floor and she just went mental and started running around the front room then she slipped on sock and slid strit head first into the radiato then she started uubbing her nose with her paws and pulled a really funny face haha XD
2009-03-13 05:27:15 UTC
WOW, so many answers

For me, it was my german shepard puppy (he's now an old boy) - when my family had just moved into a new house and we were going through a whole lot of junk in the garage throwing away paper and rubbish. My dad left his shoes right next to one another in the doorway - and my dog took one without us seeing, chewed it to pieces AND THEN he put it back right in the SAME spot as before right next to its pair. It was so funny when we eventually looked up to see his inocent face above his handi-work!!

2009-04-14 05:53:38 UTC
My pet dog was on the back of the sofa and I was lay down on the sofa. Then my friend said "Do ya want ya tea boy!" and he jumped right over me!
2009-04-05 13:16:08 UTC
Dog ran into a closed screen door... twice in a row
♥ Líse
2009-04-05 10:34:56 UTC
My tortoise Hector has run away twice since we got him. We figured since he's so slow that we could leave him in the garden, but he made it through into my neighbours garden in about 10 minutes. I almost died laughing when she brought him back.
Korena B
2009-03-31 00:06:22 UTC
my dad was rearranging his house and our spaniel spencer was running around. he got really excited and went to jump over the weight sitting near the window and slammed into the window he was ok. about 10 minutes later he ran full pelt into the glass sliding door and knocked himself out
2009-03-26 01:28:50 UTC
when my dog ran to chase a car ran through the screen broke it kept runnin then caught its collar on the chair that my sister was sitting in outside the flipped her into the pool.
2009-03-20 08:03:10 UTC
When I was playing on the farm, when our goat ran from nowhere and butted me, I didnt see it coming and flew from where I was stood into a pile of stinging nettles. I didnt actually find it funny for a while but my brother and his friend that witnessed it found it hilarious!
2009-03-19 06:43:40 UTC
Funniest would have to be my little hamster, Steve. He's not too bright to be honest, I took him out of his cage and sat him on the couch with me so he could have a little explore. I put some toys on the couch and also the carboard inner from a toilet roll, he's played with them before so gave him another one. He went to have a sniff at it and decided to peep inside. When he sat up, his head was stuck, he sat upright with the tube stuck on his head! It was vertical! He ran around like a maniac trying to get himself free but his pouches were so full he was wedged!!!!!!!!!!! Made me laugh but I felt so sorry for him!
ciaran b
2009-03-18 18:37:58 UTC
not a word of a lie...our dog in the late 1980s, Glenn, ate a pair of tights which he actually tried to **** out but they hung from his *** for a few days. being that this was in a working class nationalist/republican area in the midst of the civil war in northern ireland (the troubles) there was to be no call to the vet at this stage and my brothers maintain that my ma and da didnt even know about this till after words...anyways, seeing that Gleen and his bowels were in some distress, one of my brothers stood on the end of the tights which was protruding from Gleen's **** and my other brother called Glenn from the other side of the field near our house...Gleen bolted, the tights came out covered in doggy bum muck and Glenn allegedly yelped then barked with utter happiness.

great times!!

ps...i think you're totally gorgeous!

Ciarán (22)

Belfast, Ireland!!!

Leah nora
2009-03-18 07:27:30 UTC
Trying To Train my Dog Coco To slow down and trust me

Alaskan Malamute / Black Labrador so she's big
2009-03-17 10:06:10 UTC
we have alot of cats that like to play fetch, and when someone new comes in the house they insist on you playing with them, they will drop their specific toy, sponge ball, wire ties, crinkled newspaper, or rattle toy, and if you don't pay attention, they will rub your leg, then grab at your feet, first with no claws then with claws! until you play! HA! HA! they even do this with us sometimes.
Zainab Umm Mikail
2009-03-17 07:34:35 UTC
I just reached home then my dog was running to me and wants to lick my feet then I ran and hide behind the sofa and waiting for her to find me, I was surprised and didn't notice she was already at my back and then gave me a non-stop lick...

Too bad she died 2 weeks ago =(
2009-03-16 17:36:44 UTC
M brother was taking pictures for a class, and my dog yawned and got right in the way of the picture. Put it this way: he looks very happy!!! =D
2009-03-16 16:23:48 UTC
my cat tried to jump from the kitchen table to the couch, which was quite far away. he flew from the table, was stretched straight out and was flying to the couch when, all of the sudden, he froze in mid air and dropped to the ground. it was like a cartoon. it was halarious!
2009-03-16 11:27:23 UTC
Man, Jen!

Sometimes, I wish I could get all these answers for my questions!!

Just kidding.

Probably my old pet birds. Flew into grandma's hair and she went wild.
2009-03-16 09:51:00 UTC
Jennifer I want to say that you are one of my favorite celebs but anyway I one of the funniest pet moments I had was when my turtle jumped for no reason, I thought it was funny unless something scared him!
2009-03-16 02:40:40 UTC
my flagstones went missing (frount path) i reported it to the police who told me there was nothing they could do! the little girl next door to me was playing round the back of the house when she came to my door and said you path is round the back and the bin is infrount of them,i had a look and she was wright there with someone elses too i rang the police to tell them id found them they said that they want me to leave them there and listern out as someone will come to pick them up!! when i here them i must ring the police and they will come out and catch the thieves,well i thought im not payed to do there jod so i brought them in my back yard, well at 5 50am the following morn i heard a van in the backs i crept downstairs said shhhhh to my dog and come we both crept and i had a look thew the window i saw a man bent over to get one of the flag stones i said to the dog shhhh n wait i very quietly unlocked the back door closed my eyes flung the door open and shouted get em to my Great Dane whom shot out of the house the man flew out of the tall back gate but i had one ove those gates that kept opening unless locked so i could see fingers holding it closed, as the dog towered the gate and barking with his big deep voice, as a face appeared over the top haha it was the police they appologised and said they had come to take the other persons flags back i called the dog off and said well the flags you have loaded are mine its the other path that is theres that was funny seing him flyout like he did and the policemans face was white. tink
2009-03-15 12:42:01 UTC
We had just bought our two puppies, and I put them in the car. I went back to get their food in the trunk, and the puppies were running around the car. I had the keys in the car, so I could start to warm it up. One of the puppies hit the lock button when they were jumping around, and locked themselves in the car. I had to call my husband to bring another set of keys.
Michael W
2009-03-14 19:30:47 UTC
Deets used to carry his own leash and stay within six feet of me while he did it we lost him to cancer he also broke down the door to the bathroom when my wife knocked something off the counter cause he was worried
jellybean :]
2009-03-14 15:14:32 UTC
Well, this was my best friends dog. Anyways, I was jumping around laughing while my friends dog ran around me. I jumped onto a couch but my friend's dog had jumped before and I practically sat on her, but I jumped off right away and landed on the floor on my hands and knees. My friends dog jumped off the couch and onto my back! It was hilarious....

2009-03-14 05:47:29 UTC
My dog gets excite when somebody counts to ten, and goes to look for people, so we ply hide and seek with him.

Funniest moment would probably be when he tried to attack his reflection! he was only a puppy hen, so he is more clever now :)
2009-03-14 04:40:09 UTC
i have a couple.

whenever puppies were on the tv my dog used to sit there and start whining in a "omg! babies" kind of way and tehn whenever tehy went off teh screen she would walk round teh back of teh tv to see where they had gone. :D

and my other dog once ran into a wall after running full pelt down teh stairs. she was fine though but i was running round trying to see if she was ok.

damn she was fast. :P
2009-03-13 20:18:43 UTC
my funniest pet when we went to my mother and brother house. to see my mom.there dog was about to have we ask my mother who was the daddy of the puppies and my mom said my brother was.because she never seem any other dogs around.she said the puppy may have his every time any of us would look at the dog.we just all laugh so hard. and when my brother came home we all could not do anything but laugh.she is Always saying funny stuff.
2009-04-11 03:49:13 UTC
My rotweiller dog was apparently sleeping in hot sunshine when a "lazy" blue bottle fly happened to glide by , as they do ..The dog suddenly reached up and swallowed it from the air and went back to sleep !!!! Incredible as it seems, it happened, and we laughed ,but it does say something about rotweillers dogs !
2009-03-17 11:54:48 UTC
I through a stick for my dog when the tide was in on the beach and she ran after it straight into the water, and completely disappeared - the water was that deep. I let herself dry on me as a sorry!
Nicky P
2009-03-17 10:17:37 UTC
We put our dog Millie on our trampoline and starting bouncing her about. She didn't really know what to do with herself! We would bounce her up and when she came back down she would try to sit down like she was trying to do a seat drop!
2009-03-17 00:51:29 UTC
Our pet rat chasing my 3 year old son around the house, he runs squeeling with laughter and the rat ( hedwig ) runs after him. OMG its so cute!
2009-03-16 13:59:35 UTC
Wrestling with one of his puppy siblings, one of our pointer puppies fell over backwards into an empty round food bowl, and like a turtle, he couldn't flip over or right himself. He lay there flailing all four feet until we could rescue him.
2009-03-16 12:11:50 UTC
When I gave my daughters pug, chicken and rice......well, more rice.

His head came up out of the dog dish and rice was all over his face.

It just looked so funny since he is so cute and so well groomed.
2009-03-16 08:56:48 UTC
I once had two dogs: a Japanese Chin and a Shih Tzu. The Japanese Chin, Pepe, was begging for a treat. Meanwhile, the shih tzu must have thought he was being excluded and took Pepe by the tail and tried dragging him away. That's when we named him Samson.
2009-03-16 03:39:25 UTC
my cat fell off of the Freezer fell into his food and went around the house eating it

just chance 2 say GO England
2009-03-16 00:27:52 UTC
My dog knocked a $700 vase off the table and it hit my cat! LMAO!
2009-03-15 19:15:56 UTC
I was eating shock tarts and saving the blue for last. Well I left and my dog came in my room and ate them. To this day he still has that blue spot on his togune.
2009-03-15 15:36:07 UTC
so many funny moments, the first time my dog toby cocked his leg he fell over, also he likes to nick things and yesterday he undug a bag of bird seed he had previously buried and started trying to eat it (including the net) very funny at the time
The Liberal Mutt
2009-03-15 10:19:43 UTC
Well, I have had a lot, but one of them was when my dog was about 3 years old and there was this big huge beach ball in my backyard! It was about 5 feet diameter...and he hopped on it! He was falling off, getting back was so funny!
2009-03-15 09:26:56 UTC
Well...i don't know if this counts but back in Turkey...we were at this Marineland, which is where my brother works and we thought we would see the dolphins so my brother sat down on the deck and whistled for the dolphin but... the dolphin actaully jumped on him and started humping! It was funny!
2009-03-15 08:28:47 UTC
Okay so when my dog goes potty we give him a cookie treat and he runs into the family room with it and he throws it into the air and rolls around it and chases it and he doesnt stop and it takes like 10 min. before he eats it and its reall funny we call it his "cookie dance"
2009-03-14 20:53:02 UTC
My cat thought she was a dog, she started chasing her tail, eating dog food, and ignoring our fish. I sneaked up behind her, when she was about to jump on my cat, Smokie, and she flew in the air, the second my mom dropped her coffee mug, and it landed on top of her head. (her head got stuck too!)
2009-03-14 11:49:24 UTC
my cat chasing her tail anticlockwise going round about 5 times then stopping , looking around and going the other way another 5 times
very proud mummy :)
2009-03-14 08:21:44 UTC
i was out walking my white german shepherd in a park surrounded with houses and he was off the lead and he spotted a cat INSIDE the house looking out the window and he took off running straight for it and jumped to catch it only to meet the window Lil he slid down the window like something out of the cartoons the cat jumped off and the people who stays in the house you could see them jumping up and there tea going everywhere i went down to apologise and they were laughing there heads off because where my dog slid down their window he left a big nose print it was so so funny
Harry Potter
2009-03-13 17:50:06 UTC
I was getting a foot massage in my foot bath on my couch when my 7 month old cat starts playing with strings on my sweats. He lays down in the water, face up, and gets everything but his face and toes wet!
2009-04-11 04:41:19 UTC
My cousin's cat got so confused in the snow and was hopping like a rabbit to avoid the cold but started eating it!
Tha ***** wit a gat
2009-04-08 13:29:56 UTC
I was watching some leprechaun horror movie and my dog freaked out and started barking and howling and growling and bit my sister's hand really hard. she actually had to wrap it up it was bleeding so much. Very funny!!
2009-03-24 00:22:34 UTC
I picked up my heavy dog to take her to another room but when i did she tooted, and I set her down laughing, she looked at me all embarrassed and ran off to the other room lol
2009-03-20 23:21:21 UTC
One of my lhasa apso was sitting on me and unfortunately getting older means more gas, well my dog flew off my laps turned around, barked at me and left the room giving me a very indignant look!
Steph P
2009-03-20 05:56:32 UTC
My mams dog feel asleep on the back of the couch, during her sleep she rolled over and fell off the couch. She was not harmed and feel back asleep soon after!
Helen of Troy
2009-03-17 12:21:55 UTC
My dog Lady is normally scatterbrained but this moment is award winning,lol :)

She once ran into the glass sliding door and then when I opened it, she ran into the screen door.

lol i couldn't breathe for laughing so hard
2009-03-17 03:58:27 UTC
My dog, like most dogs doesn't like baths. My Dad and I went to bath her few months ago and we left her alone for ten seconds, and when we turned around she had eaten the bar of soap.
2009-03-16 14:57:43 UTC
Well the funniest ever was the moment that you asked this question...


well if you really want to know lets just say it had something to do with a cat and peanut butter. :)
2009-03-16 12:14:24 UTC
My amazing cat orangey decided that he would get in a box.

he jumped right into the box, but didn't like it, so he decided to

jump on me! lol!

he's missing now, but we had many fun times together.

I love you orangey!
2009-03-16 03:47:15 UTC
my nan has a new puppy and he has one of those extending leads- but as hes so hyperactive, we can't always keep up with him when he runs ahead so he keeps getting to the end of the lead and he ricochets back the full length- very amusing after sunday lunch!
John S
2009-03-16 00:56:07 UTC
My dog humping a pillow while growling when I was going over homework with my tutor. I have never been more embarrassed in my life.
2009-03-15 14:45:00 UTC
I brought my girlfriend to dinner one night, after about 100 fights. After I kept saying "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" for every one of them, she said I had one last chance. So we were dining, and just as everything was going well, my dog randomly jumped up from where he was lying. He ran around the table, over and over, knocking over my expensive statues and sculptures my family sent me.

So of course, my girlfriend started laughing, but I didn't think it was very funny. She actually got mad at me when I shouted, "Stop!" to the dog. She started yelling at me that she was entertained and I had stopped it. But she went one step too far...

My beloved dog tackled her to the ground, and jumped up on the table, throwing food every where (especially on her fancy new $250 dress). And I laughed. She scowled. Finally, I uttered words that make me smile to this very day. "I'm not even sorry!"
2009-03-15 13:42:59 UTC
When my dog barks at the TV whenever she sees Wilford Brimley. It's the strangest thing!
Sarah G
2009-03-15 12:00:33 UTC
My sister dressed as a cat for halloween, our cat didnt have a clue what was going on and chased her around the house!! LMAO
A Leo _n_
2009-03-14 22:56:45 UTC
The laughter does'nt last very long !! But My lab mix when she was a puppy... had me laugh often do to her almost everytime she passed a full length mirror we HAD in the dinning room for awhile.. when she'd nearly pass it.. might at times just BACK-up well a few times !!! she'd get real low to the carpet[down to a crawl] & sneak up on the mirror/growling !! & Onetime when she crawled by it I whispered WATCH HER !! in a low but excited sounding.,.sick`em girl kinda tone in my voice !! & she almost broke it a few times attacking that image of herself !! .. among a few other things that had me laugh so0 much !! & hard !! that it had my eyes tearing up. Ha Ha Ha.,. r'`R`'r'a'wWw rRr...
2009-03-14 20:02:50 UTC
My ferret, Nolan, was on the bed and I was looking for my shoes [under the bed, Stella,other ferret, took them]. He knocked off the remote and it hit me in the head it was funny because, then he started freaking out and jumping EVERYWHERE!
Michael sparkled first ;D
2009-03-14 18:54:28 UTC
Hmm my cat drinking out of the toilet and the other one sits in the bath or sink xD

or on top of the fridge :) xD
2009-03-14 18:14:43 UTC
My beloved cat, Frank, who is now gone, loved to sleep on my head. When I moved overseas for a while, he lived with a friend and his family. When I returned and went to get Frank, I asked them if they didn't think he was the sweetest cat in the whole world, and they answered "Oh, yes! Except....he wanted to sleep on our heads and it drove us crazy!" LOL That's not all: I wanted to buy them a "Thank You" card for taking such good care of Frank and found one that was perfect...on the card, it shows a person in bed, surrounded by several cats, one of whom is sleeping on her head. :-))

Frank was THE best! :-)
2009-03-14 04:25:59 UTC
my brand new puppies were very very hyper one day before a bath, and it had rained the day before. well my german shepherd puppy found a mini stream and just kept running back and forth through it for like 2 minutes,

i guess u had to be there
2009-03-13 19:16:16 UTC
The dog at my aunt cake at her wedding that about it,it was my pet but it was a gold family moment
2009-04-01 07:36:05 UTC
We were outside on the deck and my dumb Papillion tried to get into the sun room (the screen door was glass) he ran right into it, backed away, and tilted his head sideways. It was hilarious
♥ Jenny.
2009-03-19 21:21:58 UTC
My Sister was playing a video game and was concentrating hard on not twitching like she always does. She was sitting super sit with her mouth open, tongue sticking out. My dog came over and peed in her mouth! She was rinsing her mouth with soap for days, but it was very funny.
2009-03-17 17:35:34 UTC
you cant beat an open coal fire for animals to feel at home. i remember when we had two cats and a large alsation/rottwieler dog lying in front of the fire, the dog (rustler} had one cat lying on his side and the other cat streched out lying in his mouth, and the dog was afraid to move in case it hurt the cat lying in his mouth. it was a situation none of the animals will ever forget, nor me.
2009-03-16 16:19:13 UTC
I fed my big hairy mutt "Princess", leftover Dutch Brown Bean Soup, when I was kid, I then tried to pursuade her to go outside and when she wouldn't budge, I put my shoulder into it, causing her to let loose the biggest , loudest fart I have heard, and have since heard, from man or beast .

Unfortunately I was the only in the room at the time.

RIP Princess
2009-03-16 13:25:58 UTC
Since I'm a herbalist and my practice is in our house, we have to avoid having pets which can shed animal dander in order to avoid triggering allergies. Therefore, our options are either to have a sphinx cat, wherewith you are of course familiar, one of those naked Mexican dogs or amphibia known as caecilians which are used to living in stagnant pools and would therefore be ideal for our children to take care of. Concerning funny pet moments, as a child I owned a hamster and a number of leeches (clearly I was destined to be a herbalist). On one occasion, a leech escaped and was encountered by the hamster, and it looked exactly like the hamster was charming it like a snake charmer. It was swaying back and forth and the hamster was holding its front paws together like it was playing a wind instrument.
2009-03-16 11:16:08 UTC
when my mum was looking through a Next catalogue. there was a page with a red cardigan on it and i said to my mum "hey, misty likes that cardigan" and as soon as i said it, misty stuck out her paw and touched the cardigan.

another time, my mum put her hand under my duvet and was moving it around under the quilt, and my cat started chasing it and attacking it. you had to be there ;L
2009-03-16 10:01:55 UTC
My cat jumped up on my coffee table and sat down on my talking Homer Simpson coaster. As enough of his weight settled on it, it would say "" and he would lift his butt back up and look around like "where did that come from?" He kept trying to sit down and the same thing kept happening, so he finally just gave up and jumped down off the table.
2009-03-15 21:17:47 UTC
When my Siamese Cat was on my coffee table and was trying to throw a hairball up on my dog
2009-03-15 20:40:20 UTC
I was playing RE4 in my rec room at 2 am (bad idea) with the music cranked (Also a bad idea) and my dog heard me and wanted to have fun and scarded me, and I woke everyone in my house... I laugh at it now
Fa Que
2009-03-14 23:00:24 UTC
My Female mini pincher has a stuffed bunny that we call her humping bunny. Any time someone new comes to visit or me and my husband begin to get intimate she gets her bunny and goes to town. I have never seen anything like it. She has several positions.
2009-03-14 12:02:11 UTC
i used to have a maine coon and he would take your clothes at night, normally we found them by the front door. one night i was half asleep and watching tv, my bedroom door was partly room and my tortishell, mocha, came in the room and made an extremely weird sound, then she left and simba, the main coon, came in and took a dirty shirt that was on the floor. it was soo funny, it was like mocha was the one the see if the coast was clear and if it was then she called simba in.
2009-03-14 10:25:45 UTC
i was with my guinea pig and we were in the car. my mom was holding him and we were going through a drive through and when we got to the window he started to squeak and i was laughin cuz the plp were looking at us like we were nuts. lol

another time we were in the pets store and there was a bid dog there growling at him then my guinea pig started to squeal and the dog backed of loll
2009-03-13 21:42:19 UTC
My cat was laying on my lap and i fell asleep for 2 hours well when i woke up my cat was looking at me in front of my face my bro video taped it and everything it scared me half to death but its one of those you have to be there things so yeah!
2009-03-13 15:42:37 UTC
My cat jumped up onto the coffee table but there was a magazine on it that he didn't know of..he landed right on it which made him slide all the way to the other side then fell off.

And one of my good friends dog was wagging her tail and got me in the eye OUCH!
2009-03-13 14:57:07 UTC
I have a puppy named care bear ( we call her bear) she is a 7 month old black lab . I was giving my son a bath for the first time since we had her and she was just hanging out with him in the bathroom my husband went in to get him a towel and i went to get his clothing from the closet , all the sudden we hear this big splash and the baby ( he actually four) laughing his butt of . I go and walk in the bathrom with my hubby behind me and shes laying in the bathtub with him eatting a loufa . No one is my house can use our upstairs bathroom now because of the simple fact of she love showeres and bathes and will be in thre with you no matter what or you will hear he yelling at you and pouting.
2014-09-22 20:38:12 UTC
She also has started a new thing with her Ferretone. Whenever I have it in my hand she will grab onto the sole of my shoe with her teeth and bite it while screaming until I give her the ferretone.
2009-03-22 07:32:12 UTC
When my dog was a puppy, she loved water so on a rainy muddy day when we took her for a walk, she jumped into a 4 foot deep puddle and now she hates rainy days.
2009-03-16 15:59:26 UTC
My Cat saw my mom using the tolit and when she got off it sat on it wit legs spread and started peeing
Katriona and Alex's Mum
2009-03-16 00:59:46 UTC
Having friends over for dinner, and the cats (purebred siamese) began making love. kristy did not know that was how cats 'make love" and it was an awkward then funny moment- and we could not finish our meal.
2009-03-15 13:44:32 UTC
When me and my family just put in our screen door in the front my dog didn't see it so he rammed right though it. The my dad did. We put up a piece of tape.
2009-03-20 13:34:37 UTC
The magic donkey kong ate my grandma's meatloaf on Saturday afternoon in 2012.
Zach D
2009-03-18 13:38:32 UTC
well i dont have a pet, but my mates dog is hillarius. sometimes he comes up stairs and runs super fast from room to room no stop for about 10 mins, he comes in a blink of an eye, as i was walking to go to the bathroom he ran right in front of me and i trip over him. its funnyer when you see it for your self.

if you want to see funny pets then you got to watch "harry hills you've been framed" and "les dennis home video heroes" histerical lol
2009-03-18 11:39:05 UTC
my little patterdale terrier goes hyper a few times a week at 1 time she flew across the room and butted it and only last week we was in the car and she seen a cat she decided to but the window and cracked it but luckily she was ok but wanted the cat poor jessie x
2009-03-17 11:09:24 UTC
My cat-when he was a kitten jumped into the toliet bowl thinking it was a big water bowl and then freaked out. He was very scared...never did it again!
2009-03-17 08:09:56 UTC
I think sometimes my two dachshunds think they are cats. They roll in blankets. They Play with their leashes and they almost even purr when you pet them. They like to sun themselves like a cat in the sun too.
2009-03-17 05:23:36 UTC
We had a funny pet. She was a Border Collie. My mother would get up at 6a.m. and the dog would get up too. The dog would go out into the garden and urinate, come back in and have a little snack. She was on a tablet because she’d started taking fits so the tablet was wrapped in a little bit of boiled ham. Then she would go back to bed (under the dressing table in my parents’ room.) My father would get up at 9a.m. and the dog at 10 a.m. She would then wait until 10:30 and then pester my father to take her out for her walk. This ritual went on every day. If my father put his dress coat on (at a different time of day) she’d realise that she wasn’t going for another walk and her chin would be firmly on the floor in a huff.

If someone mentioned about going somewhere, she’d come downstairs or from wherever she was she’d start stretching as if to say “I’m going too!”

This one day my brother had her at his girlfriend’s house and she was fed food that she wasn’t used to. She came back and during the night was downstairs barking. My father had a good look through the upstairs windows, saw that there was no-one there and shouted for the dog to quieten down.

In the morning I got up and went downstairs. My mother showed me why the dog had been barking. She opened the utility room door and there was some diarrhoea on the carpet.

“That’s why she was barking. She needed to go out.” She said. I agreed that it wasn’t her fault.

My brother came down shortly after and was shown the mess. He apologised and said that it was his fault and cleared the mess up, and disinfecting the area of carpet. My father came down and had his breakfast and was told about the episode. He said “That must have been the reason for the barking,” and went to put the tablet in the boiled ham and into her bowl.

10a.m. came and went with no sign of the dog. My father told me to go upstairs and bring her down. She was so scared, it took a lot of coaxing.

She eventually came into the dinette, sheepishly, and we greeted her normally. My father opened the utility room door and told her to go and get her breakfast.

The dog stared and you could tell she couldn’t believe her eyes and looked at my mother as if to say… “I could have sworn I’d…..” We all burst out laughing.

Before that we had a cat that was mute. It would get up on the window sill and mime the “miaow”. If my mother saw her doing this she would make the sound for her. We used to record nature programmes for her so that she could watch the birds. She also loved televised snooker matches and would try to catch the balls. If she went missing my mother would phone the neighbour two doors down and ask there. She, in turn, would look upstairs in her bedroom and 9 out of 10 times she was upstairs on the neighbour’s bed.

The cat spent a lot of time upstairs on one of the beds or on a spare seat. Only occasionally would it go on one of our knees. If my other brother’s girlfriend came into the house you could hear her scramble down the stairs as soon as she heard her voice. She would then sit to attention and wait until the girlfriend said “Come on then!” and she would jump on her knee.
Windrider unchained M.A.M.
2009-03-16 19:12:14 UTC
My Friends Springer Spaniel Roxy, Appearing on television wearing glasses, and appearing to be typing.
Chris P. Bacon
2009-03-16 18:21:35 UTC
At my house we have 2 cats that we like to "ping"(startle them so that they jump.) the small one I don't know how to spell the name but it's Japanese for "tiny cat", anyway she was walking over a plastic bag and just as she cleared it I moved it and she did the best @ss over I have ever seen, almost a complete flip.
2009-03-16 17:33:50 UTC
i would probably say that it would be when my kitty, yoshi saw a lizard outside on the ground and totally rammed the glass door head on trying to get to the lizard. it made a big donk sound
2009-03-16 06:36:50 UTC
we took my great dane (amber) to the beach and there was this scary pervet of an old man running past trying to impress us ... well he went to dive into the water and my great dane ran in full speed and grabbed him mid air by his buddie smuglers lol

funniest moment couldnt stop laughing
Maggie Rain
2009-03-15 21:19:16 UTC
k. so my sister and i found this huge great Dane, we kept him his name is Quenciue He is like a Brother i swear! He is anoying an di would sell him for 5 cents!!!

FUNNY MOMENT: He Bent over (looked like he was stretching) with his butt way up in the sky, anywho he moved it to the left aimed and fired he gas bomb in my sisters face!!! Her hair was siriously reeking with dog crap!!! we laughed forever!!!! LOL
2009-03-15 20:02:29 UTC
my family went to an auction and bought some bunnies. we werent sure which were boys or girls. wen we got to the car. my little sister said look the big bunny is jumpin of the brown bunny. thats how we realized which one was male. lol.
2009-03-15 13:44:05 UTC
My cat locked itself in the toilet!!! We were making fish for her and she smelled it and started going crazy. She was scratching us, jumping on us, so we just put her in the toilet and closed the door, but we didn't lock it. She was trying to get out, so she was jumping on the door and scratching it. Then she accidentally hit the lock with her paw and locked it. When we tried to open the door to get her and give her the fish, the door wouldn't open. we were terrified, the cat was screaming and we ended up with breaking the lock. It was really sad because the cat got so scared in there!!!

We really love her!!!
2009-03-15 07:18:08 UTC
I got alot, but i'll tell you only a couple about my Golden Retriever puppy named Ember.

1) when she wants to play, she comes up to you with a tow and growls at u until you take it (grr-RR-rerrrrrr!)

2) when she wants to know who u are, she dosnt go up to smell ur butt like other dogs, she prefers the other private areas...LOL
Tell it like it is...
2009-03-14 19:02:43 UTC
I had an African Grey Parrot when I lived in the dorms and one day the maintainance man came to fix something and when he knocked on the door he heard someone say "Come in" and he let himself in and found no one there and almost peed his pants when he heard someone behind him say "How are you?" Turns out it was my bird that told him to come in and also politely asked how he was when he came in. He called me at work and told me what happened and we had a good laugh.
Vegan4life nomer
2009-03-14 15:14:57 UTC
When I was feeding my betta he jumped out of the tank at the flake food I was holding, only he missed the food and hit my finger!
Dylan K
2009-03-14 10:46:43 UTC
the doorbell rang at dinner my mom went to answer it was an unexpected family friend we all went to see them and then my dog got on the table and ate the whole stick of butter and when my dog ate a whole thing of honey
2009-03-14 09:33:15 UTC
when my cat was 6 months old we had a christams tree up for christmas and my cat moved backwards and ran up the tree and made it fall it broke haha and den we thought he was hurt then he startd chasing tinsel haha an biting it and it got stuck on his tail was soo funny
2009-03-14 00:00:10 UTC
Hi, My brother threw a towel on my dog and my dog started attacking the towel

And also when my cat comes on the bed at night and I move my foot he starts pouncing on my foot. LoL(laugh out loud)
2009-03-13 16:23:57 UTC
We have a Bernese Mountain Dog, which are very big, and very heavy.

Our family was on a hiking trip together, and we reached a suspension bridge over a river. The bridge was metal, and basically looked like barbed wire that you could walk on, filled with holes. My family crossed just fine, but the dog was absolutely terrified. She could see the river below and hear it, so she did not want to cross. Needless to say we werent going to turn back, so my father walked over and called my mother over, and the two of them scooped her up (that sounds so easy...lets say they huffed and puffed and scooped her up), and carried her across the bridge. On the trip back, the process was repeated. We laughed about it for ages, and whenever my father throws his back out now, he blames it on the dog. How cliche!
2009-04-08 10:56:23 UTC
Hello :) Happy to see you on Yahoo Answers.

Um the funniest pet moment in my house happened just a few nights ago, when my cat started licking and cleaning my dog 5 times the size of the cat ,, it was so cute she was purring and was just so happy and you should have seen my dog he was as happy as ever wagging his tail and panting.

Well thats mine.
Chris C
2009-03-21 20:00:17 UTC
One night our puppy was sleeping in the floor. She randomly woke up, looking around bewildered, and started barking at the air. We decided that she must have been sleep walking, because she then laid back down and went back to sleep. Hilarious!
2009-03-19 03:33:31 UTC
My funniest family pet moment was when we had new wooden flooring put down and we had them all polished and our dog ran right down the hall and couldn't stop and he flew right into the front door ( he was not hurt lol )

Your film was great but your best in "Friends"
2009-03-19 00:27:03 UTC
We have several dogs and a while back our male white poodle/bischon

cross, Kirby (before he was fixed), was trying to woo our randy little

female pug, Teddy Bear (before she was fixed) and the poor little

confused guy made his insertion in the wrong port and then got

"stuck" in this wrong place and Teddy ("the princess") got very

p.o.'d and dragged his poor *** all over the back yard trying to reach

back to bite him while poor Kirby was whining and his eyes were wild

and scared and all but rolling back in his head until finally thru sheer

exhaustion they fell exhausted, he shrunk and withdrew and ran like hell. It was his last adventure as a lover, he lost all interest!
2009-03-17 05:57:01 UTC
My dog was watching Yellowstone Park documentary last night, and joined in when the wolves atarted howling, it was so sweet!
Former Teenage Dirtbag
2009-03-17 01:52:31 UTC
Well I think one of my funniest family pet moments would have to be with my Love-able puppy Amore (Amore is a big black puppy who has definitively sheppard features, and the muscle definition of a boxer close to 80-85lbs). (This happened recently) Amore who is a Boxer-Sheppard mix (not exactly small) and I were at the park playing with his favorite ball. I threw the ball several times and off Amore went to fetch his ball, after 5 or 6 times of this, I see Amore come running back toward me (as usual) with his ball tightly clenched in his teeth. As he gets closer I realize he doesn't seem to be slowing down, even though he is running straight for me. Though I had seen him coming right for me, I swear it was out of nowhere (quite the shock actually) he barreled into me at mach 10 not only taking out my legs but knocking them clean out from under me, with such force, he knocked my legs up over my head backwards, I did a backward ariel somersault and face planted, I hit the dirt and Amore jumped right on top of me, flopped down and happily started gnawing on his ball. Every time I tried to get up Amore would happily pounce on me and smother me with his wet sloppy kisses (which is so much fun). It took me surrendering all the treats I had in my pocket for his walk to convince him I was truly going to surrender. I love him!!
2009-03-16 07:35:24 UTC
I installed a slate floor in our bathroom. Marvin, one of our cats, came in to check it out. He sniffed it a little bit, then flopped down on his side and started rolling around on it. I guess he gave it his seal of approval.
2009-03-15 21:01:39 UTC
Hmmm, When my brother took a cooked pasta noodle and dangled it in front of my dog and she started walking on her hind legs and she jumped up and got it
2009-03-15 05:23:50 UTC
1.)one time my cat smokey, was scratching his ear and then he sounded like he was screaming and I screamed too because he scared me!

2.) One time me and my sister were sitting on the porch stair blocking the whole thing and my cat wanted to get by so i started to get up and he went under my butt!!
Monkey Pot Tree Nut
2009-03-14 15:11:30 UTC
When I was little, me and my brother went out to our flock of sheep to feed them little tiddle bits, and suddenly they started bleating crazily and ran, no, sprinted to us, like a giant army! We were so scared and ran, ran, ran like the wind, crying and screaming. My brother who was younger and smaller was screaming and trying to catch up with me, and thought the sheep would eat us. When we finally climbed over the electric fence, my brother swore never to go near that flock of sheep again. And still, he doesn't dare go within ten meters of the crazy flock of sheep.
2009-03-14 14:04:36 UTC
last christmas there were some candy canes in a jar and well my cousin's dog came up and licked all of them. eveyone saw but was to busy opening presents to throw them away. my uncle who was out of the room at the time, came back and starting eating one.....and everyone started laughing at him.when we finally told him he said "o well their mouths are cleaner than ours"
2009-03-14 12:45:58 UTC
Um well its not exactly funny. Well it won't seem funny to other people lol.

A slightly amusing moment for me was that our rabbit died with her head in her food bowl. We came back off holiday and found her like that.

Granted, it sounds terrible to laugh at that, but for myself, looking back it is kind of funny.

I think we must have overfed her lol. Maybe we left her too much food when we went away.........
2009-03-13 14:21:46 UTC
lol my family was eating dinner and then my dog just sprints in and heads straight for the back door which is closed and bangs right into it! ha lol so funny because hes a maltese shih-tzu so its like this little white ball of fluff running around!

2009-04-11 04:21:39 UTC
I was playing football in the park with my friends while my sister was walking the dog. Suddenly, she accidently let go of the dog and it charged at the football.

So I passed him the football, and he passed it back to me and we started a game of football. It was so funny :D

You rock Jennifer! My name is Jennifer too lol
2009-03-30 05:19:27 UTC
Haha, Dont have any pets.

Lost my crazy crab though =| never found him...still wandering around the house somewhere...
2009-03-16 23:22:23 UTC
My mini chocolate dapple dachshund smiles. He will walk by you and look up and flash a smile. He also will try to pull your pants down and has succeeded several times.
2009-03-15 12:36:33 UTC
My dogs where not trained not to go out the gate and while I was getting on the bus one day my dog got on and started humping my bus driver. The whole bus was laughing the whole ride.
2009-03-14 10:00:51 UTC
Oh my God, Jennifer, nice to meet you.

Well I've never had a pet unfortunately, but once i met a dog (lol) who always came into the house to ask for some "human" food, my father and I gave it to him and then he never wanted to eat "dog" food again.
2009-03-14 00:25:55 UTC
The funniest moment was when my Chocolate Labrador Chucky took our pinata! We were hitting a pinata outside and all of a sudden my dog grabbed it with his mouth yanked it off the rope and took it with a bunch of candies and goodies inside. We were all chasing the dog because the pinata had money inside lol it was crazy.
2009-03-13 17:02:12 UTC
When my new hamsters discovered a weird new way to escape there cage:

1) Stood on the back of another hamster to get out

2) Climbed all the way up the bars to reach the lid

3) The hamster upside down on the bars started to make a ticking noise

4) Up came the other hamster. They started to stuggle a while

5) And out they came, following each others lead. I actually filmed the whole escape.

I am thinking of posting the video on youtube and calling it the hamie escape. It really was funny, and its not something you see everyday.
2009-04-07 13:43:19 UTC
I woke up one morning to find my Dog and Canary bird sleeping alongside eachother! It was so Funny + cute! :)

Love Lucy xx
2009-04-04 12:13:03 UTC
one of the funniest things my dog did was he was runing around in circles and my brother clapped so my dog wanted to run away but he ran into the couch instead :P
2009-04-03 11:27:33 UTC
When my cat jumped from the the top of the door and attacked my brother.
2009-03-29 01:03:42 UTC
it actually happened a few days ago. We walked around the nighborhood calling our cat's name in our pajamas. We had flash lights we even got the neighbors involved. Until we realized she got locked in our pantry. OOPPS! =)
♫ Jodie ♫
2009-03-20 08:08:39 UTC
My dog saw something out of the window so he jumped onto the sofa and because he couldn't see he tried to jump onto the window sil but he fell luckly he didn't hurt himself. My dog is always funny he makes me laugh everyday! with just the smallest things :D
Elizabeth (the jewish princess)
2009-03-19 04:50:55 UTC
Hey Jennifer, How are you? Loved the movie, always love your movies, and I think YOU ARE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IN THE WORLD not ANJIE but you girlfriend,,,your so down to earth etc,,,and you know how you can tell your a good person is becuase look even animals are attracted to you,, I watched that whole thing with you and the couple with that big *** bear O.M.G. no way would I have done that, and look at Matley and every movie you do where you have dogs they love you Jen,,ok back to me we had a dog growing up that use to fart all the time, and it would be so embaressing because these guys would come over and I swear the dog knew it freaked me out and would just do it and the guy would just be looking at me and after a while I just stopped blamming it on the dog because they knew and would say it in sync with me " it wasn't me it was the dog" yeah so I went through a lot of boyfriends, I should have just done the smart thing and got rid of the dog but ya know, I was the oldest and the little siblings still didn't like boys yet ya know?
Lady Felicity Pamper McFud
2009-03-19 01:17:04 UTC
When I was a kid our gas cooker needed repairing and so my mum called an engineer who came to check it out. It was one of those old-fashioned free-standing contraptions, and the repair man had to get down on all fours and stick his head inside the oven to find the problem. Just as he did so, Buster, our black labrador seized his chance, and the repairman, who was obviously to the dog's liking became the object of some amorous attention. I can still see the sight now, of Buster humping him from behind while the poor man's head banged repeatedly against the oven roof. Hope you enjoyed that image!
ɹǝʌol-sɥʇɐɯ lenor24π
2009-03-18 13:03:07 UTC
Definitely when we were in the garden and i was having a clearout of doll clothes (which i couldn't stand!). My cat was sleeping in the shade and so we put it in a doll cardigan and a bonnet - her face was a picture when she was trying to walk!! I could actually see her scowling!

Also, when my mum was younger she did a similar thing to her cat, but her cat rather liked it and he started dancing!! :)
2009-03-17 13:48:59 UTC
well,,, this has become an everyday pet moment in our house... we have a parrot, timothy,,, that has eyeshot and earshot of the bathroom door... my better half tends to be vocal if the morning events tend to be "difficult" so to speak... our parrot heard "oh lord" being said enough times that now whenever you walk near the bathroom you get an "oh lord"... now if the door gets closed it can be a flapping of the wings "oh lord! oh lord! oh lord!"

don't get me started on "good grief" ;-)... lol
Teresa M
2009-03-17 13:19:40 UTC
My dachshund stuck his head down in a Kleenex box to be nosy and when he raised back up he had the box stuck on his head and couldn't get it off.
2009-03-17 11:50:07 UTC
I remember it was very icy one morning i didn't know it was icy i just went downstairs to let my dog out shes called Cleo and shes a westie quite small, she ran outside and slided straight into the wall and she cryed like mad we could stop her from crying then found out she broke her leg because she went that fast!

danielle m
2009-03-17 11:00:16 UTC
my funniest pet moment was when i first got my german sherpard mix, my mini yorkie(Molly) was jealous of him. she walks up to chance and just starts jumpin over him and knocking him down till he ran scared. its funny seein the lil dogs trump the big dogs for once lol
2009-03-17 08:03:22 UTC
My favorite pet moment is this:

My dad had just picked me up from work. We were driving home and my mom called us to say my brother's girlfriend was coming over for dinner. I got really excited (They are in college so i dont see them often) and when we got home we heard one of our screens fall out the window. My dad came inside and he said i just saw a tan kitty outside that kinda looked like Kosmo (my cat: INDOOR CAT!) and my mom was like I think he just fell out the window...

My dad was like no way.

I then saw my brother's girlfriend walking up so i ran outside to give her a big hug and my cat CAME CHARGING IN SCARED TO DEATH!!!!!!! It was my cat...he fell out the window...!!!
2009-03-16 08:56:02 UTC
My dog decided to run at full blast round the couch for about 10 minutes not slowing down once until it was exhausted and had to lie down for about an hour
Welsh Lass
2009-03-16 07:50:51 UTC
I got 2 dogs, a Rottie named Mia, and a heinz 57 variety named Oddball lol. Last summer I was out in my back garden hanging my washing on the line, when Oddball came running down the garden path, pinched a pair of my knickers out of my washing basket and took off down the garden to a load of workmen that were having their break. Where he was shaking it in his mouth, he let it go and it flung out of his mouth and landed in the lap of one of them.....I nearly died LOL
2009-03-15 20:30:30 UTC
My parrot dropping to the cage floor when a sandblasting truck drove by. At first I was scared it died, then I freaked.

Looking good Jen !!!!!
2009-03-15 14:57:02 UTC
1. my hamster runs on the top of her wheel and 1 day i called my mum in to look and my mum said ahhh bless and my hamster fell off and landed on her back

2.when my cat was asleep she very slowly started to fall off and when she fell off she didnt wake up. :-D ( she was 18 then shes 20 now)
2009-03-14 20:24:34 UTC
we came home to no little poodle jumping on us and greeting us at the door. we were scared. how could he have possibly gotten away? we searched and searched, (for about 5 minutes) and then we went in the laundry room. (where you enter from the garage) and then a copper colored furball jumped out of the hamper and it was soo cute
2009-03-14 12:21:19 UTC
I had a dry-erase marker in my hand and my cat came up and sniffed it. The next thing i knew she scrunched up her face and made a hilarious disgusted look with her tongue stuck out. It's hard to describe, but it looked so human.
2009-03-14 07:02:00 UTC
When my Basset takes the covers off of us in the middle of the night to cover herself up.
2009-04-08 11:01:10 UTC
When I was 10 when my mother and I dressed my cat up in baby clothes and put her in my dollies pram she lay there for ages while we took photos of her
2009-03-28 07:19:50 UTC
My dog went to get food on the counter slid on the counter and went head first into the wall

Then she chased her leg, tripped herself and kept doing it
2009-03-19 13:27:09 UTC
Woot! I love you, Jen!

Funniest moments when my cat tries to attack me and falls and slips, cause the floor is slippery (made of wood). Sometimes hits a wall x)
2009-03-19 00:28:30 UTC
I got 2 kittens as I love cats. I set up their litter tray so they could relieve themselves when I was out. But these 2 kittens thought it would be a great place to sleep.

I never did find out where they were doing there business.
Mom to Nathan
2009-03-16 13:19:19 UTC
My dog was humping his toy and stopped then fell asleep sitting on the floor...when he hit the floor (not hard don't worry lol), he barked at us like saying "no body laugh!! I was tired, that hasn't happened before"!! We were on the floor laughing!!
Rebecca F
2009-03-16 01:35:32 UTC
my dog always comes to the gate when we return home from somewere cause it knows when we come home. it usally sticks its nose under the gate but 1 time it got stuck and had to knock to gate down to get the poor thing out. it was pretty funny
2009-03-15 20:08:41 UTC
when i was walking my dog and two school girls stop to pat it the dog jump up and got its head under a girls dress the funny thing the dog did afterwards was going around in circles until this day i don't honesty know what cause the dog to do that
2009-03-15 03:46:54 UTC
Watching my wife heave and retch clearing up the dollop of poo the cat did this morning! (we didn't leave the window open when we went to bed) Self inflicted!!
2009-03-15 00:15:02 UTC
When our toothless cat tried to kill the neighbours Guinea Pigs but couldn't bite down so he just had these live Guinea Pigs in his mouth.
2009-03-14 16:18:53 UTC
I taught my new cockatiel to wolf whistle. I have a very bad whistling form, thin and reedy. Now whenever I enter the room I am greeted by the saddest ever reedy little whistle, I appreciate his effort and love him for
2009-03-14 12:42:27 UTC
When our dog Toby got his head stuck in the catflap. That was the funniest moment ever!
2009-03-14 02:41:35 UTC
When my dog Cosmo was following a lady that looked like my mum from behind. He soon realised it wasn't her and when he looked back he saw us laughing at him and he got all embarrassed lol.
2009-03-13 20:20:38 UTC
My family came over for Christmas and we were giving eachother hugs and kisses. My dog was getting jealous so she took her toy and squeaked it around the house to get everyones attention. We all looked at her and she was standing on her two feet squeaking her stuffed animal. We wondered why she was doing this. We picked her up, and it turned out she wanted all the hugs and kisses to herself :-) She licked everyone and we all scratched her belly... lol

She's so spoiled but cute! She needs the attention too!
2009-03-13 16:41:09 UTC
Well, when my sister Paige and I were little and my brother Brian was just a baby we had a bunch of baby powder in the house. So Paige took like 3 bottles of powder out of the drawer. And we had just gotten our dog, Sophie and she was just a puppy. So I turned on the fan and Paige and I started squirting baby powder all over the place!!! Everything was white!! WE were white and Brian was white and we looked at Sophie and she is sitting on the couch covered in baby powder!!! We all starting rolling around laughing on the floor! Though, Mom didn't think it was too funny haha. Good Times...
2009-03-13 02:01:58 UTC
Hi I have a cat named Lucy.

She is so funny. We have recently moved in with my boyfriend after living in a flat with me & no garden its a big change for her & she is always making us laugh.

My boyfriend got laminate floors fitted - something Lucy has never come across. The other day she was walking to the stairs & Aaron shocked her by sneezing startled she managed to skid over & knock into the stairs.

We are getting the bathroom done so the back bed has a new suite in. Lucy goes into the bedroom & shouts (meaow's) because she can't find anywhere to sit.

I don't really like my boyfriends step father & i think Lucy has picked up on this. He came over once to watch football, he sat on the sofa Lucy went over bit his ankle moved over to the opposite side of the room & stared at him extending & contracting her claws i was laughing my head off.

Lucy also likes firemen/police anything that has flashing lights. My flat was in a bad area so there was always something going on. One night about 3am Lucy woke me up by tapping my face a meaowing gentle. When i woke see ran to the frount room poked her head under the curtain and started meaowing for me. I went downstairs & had to sit with her watching the firemen put out the house opposite us. In the end i fell asleep on the sofa.

Lucy is the smartest cat i have ever known. I think she thinks she is human!!
2009-03-30 11:54:01 UTC

A dude
2009-03-16 17:33:32 UTC
My puppy Coda was playing with his new bone when he rolled off the bed! He landed on my other dog
2009-03-15 20:28:21 UTC

Hey Jen
2009-03-15 15:00:37 UTC
I wish I had it on camera! My cat used to watch tv and actually throw himself at the tv when he'd see birds or other things that he'd normally pounce at! He also seemed to have his favorite shows...
my 2 cents
2009-03-15 13:49:44 UTC
When our parakeet, who ate dinner at the table with us, walked across our pizza and had strings of cheese dragging from his feet....he really didn't like it when we tried to clean him up.

He also did the same thing with toast with honey-what a mess!
2009-05-02 23:37:55 UTC
my cat and i were playing on the stairs, then he tripped and rolled all the way down the stairs in a perfect ball, then landed on the floor literally like a human.
2009-04-05 09:16:20 UTC
My puppy Max is called a noodle in my family because whenever you pick him up his head like lingers off to the side and stuff. So, whenever he's playing with himself on the floor like twisting and 'cleaning' himself with his paws and stuff we would be like 'Maxy!' and he would stop in whatever position he's laying in and sometimes it looks like he's posing for a camera. :)
the storm has past
2009-03-24 21:21:54 UTC
At my last place of work our guard dog tried to hump a customers leg as she walked out of the ladies.

The lady was a small Phillipino whose english wasn't so good. She held onto the door, saying to me, "Scuse me, scuse me".

Poor lady.
2009-03-21 02:04:44 UTC
I was walking my little bichon frise puppy outside, and we crossed the road, then she noticed a german shepherd a bit up the road behind us and to the side, so she turned her head and started barking, we kept walking and so did she, and she forgot there was a curb coming up and then tripped over it, and whacked her head on the street light pole.

Lol, even the guy walking the german shepherd was laughing at her. xD

(don't worry, she wasn't injured. she just embarrased herself. xP)
2009-03-18 14:04:52 UTC
I was out walking the dog with my Mum and the dog wanted to run out on the road (quite fortunate he was on the non-extendable lead) and he - attempted - to jump off the curb and the lead pulled him back and he swerved round to face us and landed on his belly with his legs spread out, looked like he had just been flattened! It was hilarious x
2009-03-17 09:42:02 UTC
My cat stole the fish from our kitchen and eventually broke her tail when my father with closed the sliding door and caught her tail!(karma)
Melonss x
2009-03-17 07:35:47 UTC
It was just after we got my dog spayed, when we were at home. She was really tired but when she lay down, she lay on the place where her stitches were and it hurt. So she tried to stay standing up but now and again, she would nod off, and her head would droop and she would sway and wake herself up.

I know it was cruel to laugh but it was very funny !! :DD
2009-03-17 06:54:11 UTC
My greedy cat getting a can of cat food stuck on her head, it was so funny she was jumping, running around the room and doing summer salts lol!

Tho i did take it of her head when i was able to catch her. lol.
2009-03-16 02:12:51 UTC
WHEN MY CAT GOT TANGLED UP IN A FLY STRIP!! OMG TOOOOO FUNNY!!! She had it shaaalacked to her furr!

She jumped up to play with it cause it was dangling from the ceiling. lol. too funny... :)

Took me forever to get all the sticky stuff off... cats dont like bathes!!! lol she didnt mind though...
mets rule
2009-03-15 21:43:49 UTC
oh my cats done all kinds of stuff, but the funniest is when he chases his tail around,

the cutest thing hes ever done thou was the first night we got him, ill never forget he was playing with a stuffed toy duck and then he kissed it.
Pinball Wizard
2009-03-15 21:06:10 UTC
Jennifer --You are so pretty !!!!

I saw a squirrel run up, touch a pole , circle back and touch it again.

I did that while feeding it

a few times (like Pavlov) and it worked, it copied me to get more food !!!
2009-03-15 18:35:47 UTC
haha it wasn't my pet but i was at my grandmas house and they were moving in and we heard a cat in a room so we went to check it out, and then we found a cat inside the wall and when we tried to get it out it freaked out and crashed in to my grandpa than the wall and it was running hysterically around the room.
2009-03-15 17:59:36 UTC
I have a pet cihuahua, and she was born with a stubby little tail. When she was a puppy, she couldn't wag the tail part, so instead she wagged her whole butt!
Tra la la! ♥
2009-03-15 15:31:41 UTC
Probably when I was on my laptop, minding my own business when my Chihuahua starts, out of no where, humping my foot! I laughed sooo hard. It was the first time I saw her hump.
2009-03-15 01:35:50 UTC
When me and my mum where out on a walk with our dog and she spotted crows and just started to chase them, barking at them lol they flew up a tree and she was looking up just barking!
2009-03-15 00:36:51 UTC
I took my dog Mr. Leary to New Melones lake, I Threw a stick for him and he brought a dried up cow turd back to me!
Nancy M
2009-03-14 13:55:47 UTC
I have had many dogs in my life. One of my favorites was my dog named Trixie. She thought that she was human. I would let her outside in my fenced in backyard and she would jump my fence and run around to my front door to be let in. She was a dog who could jump very high so she jumped high and rang my door bell to be let in. I went to my door expecting to find a person standing at my door. To my surprise was my dog sitting on my porch waiting to come in.
2009-03-13 21:37:29 UTC
Having some friends over for drinks, and this potential hookup over as well, and we all take it out to my balcony where my little chuihuahua was, and i as i sit down and start talking to this guy, my dog pisses on his leg. Gahh. but turns out the guy was an AS*hole so I think my dog just had good intentions. ;]
2009-03-13 18:31:53 UTC
ok we have 3 cats

boy kitty (yes we came up with that on our own and the cat is a boy the one who is james)

lucky woo (lucky the second cathy cant say two the one who is grandpa)

lucky wee (lucky the third cathy cant say three either the one who is me)

the luckys belong to aunt cathy and boy kitty is moms cat

well when woo and wee are playing they are teasing each other like me and grandpa used to do

when boy and wee are playing it looks like they are doing that sibling rivalry

when boy and woo are playing it looks like grandpa when he hit james with his cane and it is funny that the cats personalities corrospond with the people they hang around the most

grandpa is dead now but when you see lucky woo its like you are seeing grandpa

james ran away and boy kitty always goes looking for him

and i stay put and so does lucky wee
2009-03-13 18:01:25 UTC
The peach faced lovebird tried to balance himself/herself on a inflated beach ball laying on the living room rug!.
2009-05-05 13:23:51 UTC
My Rabbit was in the bath once and was playing on a pirate ship

2009-03-29 14:50:53 UTC
Well, we had a dog named Cassie, but she passed a few weeks ago, but before then, our yorkie, Ozzie and our pit Gracie, were playing (wierd) and Gracie went back 2 her pups. Well, lets say Ozzie didn't like it so he ate Gracie's food and when Gracie looked Ozzie peed in her bowl! Hilarious, but she didnt eat it I laughed for EVER
The Honest one
2009-03-20 07:04:42 UTC
My funniest moment with my little dog Smarrty, was when I was looking for my glasses for 3 hours arouund the house, only to find that he had them in his mouth all the time as he followed me around the house. he never chewed them, I guess he thought it was funny to follow me for hours.
2009-03-18 08:35:58 UTC
My dog was chasing a butterfly and ran straight into the shed. The shed is still dented to this day
Jonas Obsessed :)
2009-03-17 12:59:42 UTC
The time when i put the hose over my rabbit.

Her ear then went over her head for about, 3 months.
2009-03-16 18:59:37 UTC
every time my dog passes gas, she always turns around and looks at her bum like "what in the world was that that just came out of my bum?!" not to mention it can rip paint off the walls. gross!! but it's so funny. she has the nastiest farts i've ever smelled in my life. my boyfriend can rip some, but not like my dog can! lol.
2009-03-16 16:35:39 UTC
i had taken our toy poodle to the park for is run around,

he was fetching his ball when a friends rotweiler gat a hold of it first and ran off. well my toy poodle wasn't having that so he, his name is peanut, chased the rotti and his name is samson around the park about 3 times trying to get his ball back when my friend looked at me and said.( i amm laughing soo hard right now), " CAN YOU CALL YOUR DOG OFF PLEASE" i'll tell ya now, i very nearly wet myself that day and still get a good laugh when i think off it.
2009-03-15 18:30:14 UTC
I had a gorgeous little long haired chihauhau who made me laugh myself silly whenever he got in trouble.

When I yelled at him he used to stand in front of me and close his eyes like he was pretending to go to sleep. They he used to start swaying from side to side. I think he was trying to put me in a trance or something so I would stop yelling at him.

It was hilarious and I could never stay mad at him when he did that.
2009-03-14 12:08:22 UTC
One of the funniest moments was with our pet rabbit Rabbi. I think it was the 3 or 4th day we had her and she had been potty trained. So I had given her some mint to eat, because it's good for her and she liked alot.

I was watching TV and she jumped on my lap to get a massage. As I was massaging her behind her cute little ears I felt my pants getting warm. So I am still wondering what that could be? THEN I SMELLED MINT!!!! And I realized she had just peed on me.

One other time I reached into my pocket to get my keys, and found one of her little poos (they look like coco puffs) in my pocket. I don't know how it got there. Maybe she put it in there for me for luck? lol

The other funny story was when my wife and stepkids went shopping specifically for a female rabbit that we can spay that can be our Male rabbit Mumu's girlfriend. So it looked like they like each other, and on the second day I picked up the new rabbit (Yummy) and turned her around to give her a belly rub, when I found two things that surprised me. Our female rabbit Yummy had testicles. I told my wife and they were laughing their butts off. The pet store had sold them a male rabbit instead! But he was so cute we kept him anyways. It took months of training, one in the cage one outside, and vice versa for them to get used to each other and not fight when we let them out together. Now they love each other, and sleep in the same cages (one for cold nights inside the house, and a big one outside the house for normal nights) together and when I let them out in the morning they just run around together dig holes, poopoo and peepee (sometimes on each other) and then they lick each other clean.

So I guess that's a couple of funny stories. But they're my angels and I thought I would share those stories with you guys.
2009-03-14 11:29:17 UTC
We had kind of a clear barrel thing of dog treats sitting in our pantry floor. My dog was sniffing around and stuck his head in it, then he couldnt get his head out. He was flailing around in the kitchen with it on his head untill finally he hit it on the fridge and it flew off, along with the dog treats.
Grinning Football plinny younger
2009-03-14 08:15:08 UTC
When our cat chippy got her head stuck in a plastic bag, poor thing went zooming around the room.
2009-03-13 19:28:26 UTC

funniest pet moment:when my kitties sleep upside down lol, and once when they tried jumping at each other at the same time and missed lol
2009-03-13 17:55:46 UTC
My cat got hit by a car in the street in front of my house. I took it to the vet who couldn't save it. The vet wrapped it up and I buried it next to my house. My wife and kids had a ceremony for it, too. About 3 hours later, my cat showed up at my doorstep ALIVE. Chills were abound in me and my family. I totally freaked!

THEN, I found out it actually was one of my neighbor's cats that looked identical and I had to dig their cat back up so they could bury it in their yard. Yuck! maybe not the funniest moment ha-ha, but funny and morbid!!!
2009-03-20 17:38:32 UTC
When My Dog Actually Ate My Homework and my teacher didnt believe me!
Peter Jackson
2009-03-17 04:49:18 UTC
One of my cats was afraid to leave the house to get a cleaning at Petsmart. He meowed his head off.



2009-03-16 16:53:15 UTC
My golden retriever decided to eat the cat's "fancy feast" and brought me the dish to ask for more!
2009-03-16 12:49:48 UTC
when we let my dog out, lady, she would stay out then when she wanted to come in, she would open the door and come in! the only problem was she didn't close the door... so when she was digging one time when it was raining, she came in without us knowing and got mud all over the house!!!!!!!!!! it was hilarious... but we painted over the spots on the walls... some wouldnt come off... and the carpet was ruined...
2009-03-16 10:02:13 UTC
When i was about 4 me and my parents took my dog for a walk in the woods and they let me walk him but he pulled me over and i let go of the lead and we had to chase him


when i was younger if brandy my dog hit me with his tail i would walk round and tap him on his nose and he would stop lol
2009-03-14 06:05:22 UTC
The min pin we used to have was very jealous. One day my husband was out walking him and the neighbor came by with their dog. My husband stopped to talk to the neighbor and pet the other dog. Apparently our dog didn't like it too much and went and peed on my husband's leg! He didn't think it was too funny but I think it's hilarious!
๑۩۞۩๑ BaNaNaBaBi ๑۩۞۩๑
2009-03-14 05:56:41 UTC
Definitely my cat, she was running around a started chasing her and she just ran into the refrigerator! I was cracking up!
2009-05-04 17:21:28 UTC
my dog was chasing this cat and the cat runs under a car. Then my dog bandit rammed into the car
2009-04-28 10:16:08 UTC
when my cat ate a spider, ate its legs an just left its body on the floor. next minute we saw the cat with the legs hanging out its mouth
2009-04-07 22:58:11 UTC
when my huge German Shepard was laying in my room quietly but then got up and sprinted towards my sliding mirror thinking it was a door to another room with another dog in and jumps on it and knocked down the whole mirror. i just stared at him and he tilted his head then layed back down
2009-03-24 23:04:43 UTC
Recently? My ten year old orange tabby cat eating coffee beans that fell on the floor. He also likes peanuts and sunflower seeds!
2009-03-20 08:15:16 UTC
That would be the time me alsatian jumped in the canal it thought the algy on top of the water was grass and went straight in. she was fine but made a few people panic.....
2009-03-19 12:49:55 UTC
why has this q got so many stars, and howcome ppl hav like 456 thumbs up? my best pet moment has to be wene we took a snap if our dog with sunglasses on thats just random there are to many
2009-03-17 02:42:57 UTC
I have have a poodle named muffin and my cats name is molly-polly pancakes. When we wash my usually coward dog and then she go crazy and starts picking fights with me cat. (my cat always wins) and they chase each other over/under the furniture and around the house. my whole family stops what they are doing to watch them. It is really funny
Laura C
2009-03-16 02:48:20 UTC
My rottweiler was so excited about going outside that she ran really fast and didn't realise that the door was still closed, and ran straight into it, i probably shouldn't have laughed,but it was just great.
2009-03-15 14:51:18 UTC
we had a rabbit called Oscar when i was little

one day i sat on him and he got so scared he ran full on to the fence on the other side of the yard, with me still on him! guuhhh i was riding that rabbit. hahah

and then i fell off and landed on my ***.

good timmmeess.
2009-03-15 14:50:46 UTC
my dad has just chopped some garlic and onions, and the dog came along and ate it all. the next thing he was sitting in the corner looking very sorry for himself haha
2009-03-15 13:07:34 UTC
my brother used to have a snake who runs away whenever it feels any sudden movement ... very funny,,,

one time my brother brought a small mice for lunch... the snake refused to eat it and next day both were sleeping together peacfully
2009-03-15 12:25:38 UTC
my dog had a bed in her dog kennel and she dragged it out and humped it for 3 hours straight! then she just kind of fell on the floor breathing hard it was funny
2009-03-15 10:03:53 UTC
I was not feeling very well so I took my false teeth out & laid them next to me when I awoke I found my dog had taken them & chewed them up into little pieces
2009-03-14 15:56:38 UTC
I was swimming at my friends house and I brought my dog with me. I started calling her over to me and she was running up and wagging her tail. She didn't seem to realize that there was a pool in front of her and she stumbled in. When she resurfaced she looked at me with a look of surprise on her face and my friend and I started laughing.
2009-03-13 17:25:27 UTC
My cat went extremely loopy and like, scratched the curtains and was jumping around everywhere xD

I really don't know how it happened.

I guess she has some sort of secret stash of super-hyperactive kitty drug that she hides in our house. Somewhere.

To be honest, I really don't want to know. xD
2009-03-13 17:19:40 UTC
Well this morning we looked out the window to see our little Fox Terrier rolling/jumping around on our trampoline!! We have no idea how he got up there, or what he was trying to achieve, but it was hilarious!
2009-03-13 14:53:05 UTC
I haven't had a pet for about 20 years so cant personally recall a particularly funny incident, but friends have and here are a couple of recent examples:

* Lissa is an American friend of mine, and Lewis' wife has two cats she brought over to London when they got married. A ginger moggy called Henry and Iggy who is a long haired breed. Henry is the more sociable and curious and the other week fell into the fish tank. Didn't like it one bit! but there are so many jokes about wet American ******* that I am SOOOO gonna have to pass on!

* My friend Michael years ago when I was at college had a very active Labrador puppy (UK readers: like the one on the Andrex advert) that had a very high libido at one point. I'm fortunate to have never been humped by it, but like the above example, have to pass on risqué jokes on this subject!


You're trying to be serious about this question (I know it's connected to the film you star in) and I'm sorry for lowering the tone....

2009-03-13 12:07:56 UTC
it was xmas eve,our westy called bruce had been barking like hell at the homer simpson figure that danced and sang silly xmas carols if it detected movement ,bruce finally stopped and lay down ,after 10 minutes my wife came in from the kitchen,the homer started up and bruce yelping in fright ran upstairs.classic bruce.
2009-03-13 06:04:42 UTC
going walkabouts with sam my late jack russel and he rolled around in poo it was fox poo because i know the pungent smell so i washed him in a stream using mud from the bottom he was clean but still stunk to High heaven and he had to sleep with me in my tent i had my sleeping bag and sam had is own bag and spent most of the time getting closer to the open fire until he began having sparks setting his fur on fire and when all the food was gone he would go to his bag and i would tuck him in for the night with his nose poking out for sniffing and the tent smelling of fox poo so the next day i brought a new tent with a section away from my sleeping area giving me a bit of space and away from an old farting dog who i would love to be with me but i will never venture in that realm again he was irreplaceable so i am looking for a new place to chill out. i do have more but i am tired but sam the dog was the funiest friend i ever had.
2009-03-13 02:38:21 UTC
When my mum had just been shopping and she put all the bags on the floor then my dog was sniffing the food and got her head stuck in the handle of the bag. She walked away dragging the bag with her, with that "I'm so innocent" look on her face! It was hilarious!
2009-04-01 11:00:50 UTC
Every time I used to play my piano, my goldfish would dance around (or rather swim around) to the rhythm of the music.
2009-04-01 02:12:24 UTC
When my bird found a ball and tried to kick it. It only went about 5mm every time it tried! It was soo funny!
poke a bunny
2009-03-30 12:18:15 UTC
One christmas we had a hole in our ceiling of our done cause we were getting it fixed and my cat came down from the hole in the cieling and landed on our pool table, it was funny.
2009-03-29 01:44:41 UTC
i just wanted to say i saw marley and me yesterday and i SOBBED like a baby !

love u jen <3
2009-03-19 07:37:25 UTC
My mum had gone to the supermarket and bought a melon, and she left it on the side in the kitchen. My border collie Max came in and sat underneath the melon, but suddenly the melon fell and hit him on the head! Thankfully he was ok lol
2009-03-16 21:07:49 UTC
My hamster was climbing on the top of her cage. Like monkey bars. It was hilarious. My whole family was watching.
2009-03-16 20:29:42 UTC
I turned on the light in my bedroom when my cat was sleeping on my bed, and he jumped up and made a Tasmanian Devil sound.
2009-03-16 16:10:41 UTC
well i have to say when my kitty jumped in to the air landing right onto my moms face on the couch she jumped up and started screaming like what was going on.....the kitty just ran away lol
2009-03-16 05:34:22 UTC
we were watching a family friends rather large dog for a few weeks when one day it chased my cat down the hallway and my cat leapt up and clung from the door frame!!!
2009-03-15 16:41:22 UTC
my favorite pet moment was when i first got my dog. one day my dad wanted to put up a doggy gate so my dog wouldn't be able to go upstairs. It took him hours to put this gate up. but some way my dog gabby found a way to climb over it. she used the wall and half the gate . it was so funny to see her look like a spy climbing up the wall going over the gate. she is a low to ground dog so she couldn't jump over it. my dad got so mad he decided to move it . where ever he moved it gabby would find away to climb up over it. we call her houdini. she such a sneaky dog and may act dumb but is smart when she wants to be.
Ninja Orchid
2009-03-15 15:20:57 UTC
i have a 5 year old shih tzu named sparkle. whenever she gets a burst of energy she runs around the living room **** tail table really fast I think its so funny and adorable.
2009-03-15 15:19:49 UTC
My chihuahua jumped in a scummy pond chasing ducks and took me along with her, EWW
*Brianna Nicole*
2009-03-15 10:58:24 UTC
One night my older sister was playing around with our dog Toro. He was running around chaotically and went to run into her bedroom - but missed and ran straight into the wall instead! It was pretty funny and we all couldn't stop laughing. :)
2009-03-14 21:38:48 UTC
I have so many, but this one sticks out the most.

When I was little, we had this little white dog named Jo-Jo. One night, I was sitting on our love seat playing with him and he decided to go over and play with my mom, who was sitting on the couch. Well, he decided to make a leap from the love seat to the couch, but his attempt landed him in the trash can, which was right in the middle of the couch and love seat.
2009-03-14 08:19:20 UTC
My goldfish was swimming around in his bowl, and he leaped out and when he dived back into the bowl, he made a huge splash. Water fell all over my dad's head, and for about 5 minutes, he was wondering where it came from! :)
2009-03-13 21:08:01 UTC
my dog, a white lab, loves getting the paper in the morning. so one time he got out in the morning, and gets every single paper on our street! It was like 15 papers! then he came back and just lay down in front of our front door.

And this other time he fell asleep with his head in his water bowl!

Both were hilarious!
Jake M
2009-04-24 21:45:05 UTC
I just want to be part of this.....but it's when my cat fell asleep next to my dog....then my dog sneezed and my cat ran head first in to the freshly windexed window
2009-04-08 19:31:32 UTC
I've been sleeping with this black cat named Rocky. I guess it was funny when he kind of stretched out to the limit with his claws wide open.
2009-03-16 17:46:35 UTC
my teacup yorkie thinks hes the biggest and baddest thing around. he sleeps in my bed and every morning when my dad gets up for work he barks and barks and barks, everytime he does this it scares the crap out of me!

lol, hes soo small and realy funny.
2009-03-15 13:46:55 UTC
The funniest moment was a war between my cat and my mother. My mother came to visit me, and I prepared her a nice bedroom. Apparently my cat was jealous or wanted attention. Anyway, when my mother went to sleep, my cat was in the bedroom ( my cat has her room, but was not my mother's), hiding under the bed. Then, my mother felt that something was scratching her head, pulling her hair. It was my cat! My cat used one of her paws between the bed frame and a space between the mattress at the bed head and was teasing my mother. My mother put the cat away from the room. Later, the war continue. Next morning my mother went to the kitchen for breakfast, and then when she returned to the bedroom, my cat was on her bed, and she urinated my mother's bed! My mother was so angry, imagine. My cat never did that before. My mother washed the bedclothes( I was working, my mother told me), and clean the bed again ( I always have a mattress protector for just in case). Then that night, everything was fine. The next morning I went to work again, and my mother was taking care of the house, and the cat. While my mother was in the kitchen, my cat went to my mother's room but this time my mother caught her. My cat was again in the bed this time trying to poo poo the bed! Thanks God my mother caught her on time. My mother started closing the door of her room. Well, later, my mother started giving little pieces of ham to my cat, yes ham!. And my cat loved it. And every morning my mother was giving something to eat to my cat. And not only that, my mother was making coffee and adding milk every morning and my cat loved it too! How do I know? My mother told me. So, it ended very good, my cat loving my mother and peace was restored in the house. Thanks to pieces of ham and latte.
2009-03-29 07:51:25 UTC
I've never had a pet, but after reading these great stories I really want one!
2009-03-24 09:20:47 UTC
Our cat climbed up a tree and then while he was trying to get down he did a loop-de-loop and fell. He wasn't hurt and it was really funny!
2009-03-24 07:35:00 UTC
it was quiet funny to watch our friends fox terrier run around a campfire barking at the sparks sparks and hot coals fell on the ground he would bark dig and scratch until they were out.. very entertaining and funny...
2009-03-24 06:59:18 UTC
My dog got inside and got wet so when he went inside he got REALLY hyper. So he went to the stairs and went up and down, up and down really fast like he was a maniac.
2009-03-23 16:43:39 UTC
My cat was asleep on my bed and he was snoring SO loud, then about half way through the snoring he started to twitch, we thought he was dreaming , then when he woke up he stretched his arms out and gave a massive purr and meow!!! It was so funny/cute!!!
2009-03-19 01:08:38 UTC
we adopted a unwanted cat whom we soon discovered was very disturbed. On day when laying on the carpet watching TV, he lept on my head, dug his claws in, grabbed my long hair in his teeth and then proceded to have his wicked way with my head! When I tried to trhow him off he hissed rather allarmingly and growled. My husband was in stitches of laughter and was in no fit state to help. Natured took it's course and the cat eventually finished.

It was not funny at the time, but looking back on it it was rather darkly ammusing!

(p.s. be warned, it goes like snail slime when wet and takes about an hour of shampooing to wash out...)
2009-03-18 07:12:46 UTC
My cat Megan always walks towards the car whilst it is still moving. She does it every time I come home.

I will never let her out at night because she is black and she walks up to moving vehicles!
2009-03-17 11:46:07 UTC
when my cats were kittens they were running around the room like crazy. the door was closed but it had one of those mirrors. the cat that was being chased ran straight into the mirror thinking it was another room, they fell dawn, got back up, shook them selfes off and tried again.
2009-03-16 12:05:11 UTC
My Pekingese "Sushi" sleeping on her back on my chest. I woke up and told her it was time to get up. She kept her eyes closed, but I could feel her wagging her tail. That faker! That rascal kept this up until I had to laugh at her.
2009-03-16 11:51:58 UTC
my dog weimeranger jumped out of our back car window Bcuz she saw someone walking their dog. Shes friendly and so was the other dog and luckly we were going slow.
2009-03-16 11:12:37 UTC
When my dog mona she a small little dog she is sooo cute! i was playing with her and my mom came in the room and she was saying owww mona is so cute she the best friend ever
2009-03-16 03:56:33 UTC
our local pond was covered in like, green weed stuff, and our dog charlie kept walking over the pond cos it thought it was grass! haha, we had to pull him out and walk all the way home traipsing green weed and water everywhere.

then 2 years later.... it hapened again! this time to one of charlies puppies.
KellyAnn R
2009-03-15 21:31:57 UTC
my dog got a bit turned on 1 time & my sister was havin a sleepover , n he pulled her friend by the hair n was tryin to av sex with her ano it's sick but it was very funny at the time ,
2009-03-15 15:59:40 UTC
Trying to look sad and show empathy when my partners 15 year old Persian cat died.

I hated that flea ball !
2009-03-15 12:25:14 UTC
My pet rabbit attacked my dad on many different occasions :)))

One of them, my rabbit bit into my dad's ankle and my dad had to swing his leg around like crazy to get it off him! he was out in the garden and my rabbit ended up letting go and went flying into the fence! He was ok though, the rabbit I mean!... My dad's still got the scar on his ankle! It took a right chunk of skin out of his ankle!
2009-03-14 21:53:24 UTC
I was hand feeding my baby chinchilla, she was pulling on the syringe so hard that I decided to let go of it and see what would happen. She continued to hold it and was pretty much feeding herself! It was quite a sight really :)
2009-03-14 13:24:28 UTC
My dog got excited one day coming home and ran into the glass door to the garden, bless her lol! xx =D
serena e
2009-03-14 07:39:58 UTC
I used to have a bunny named Snowpea, and i remember her well, she used to always jump down from high places or even jump on to high places. i remember i had her sleep in my room one night one a chair with a pillow, and at four in the morning, she jumped from the chair to my bed, and then unto me!!

Shekept doing this until i woke up annoyed, then she came and pecked me on my lips as if it didn't matter!!

I took me a while to forgive her..

But thinking back now, i laugh everytime!!<3 :)
2009-03-14 05:04:47 UTC
Probably the time when the cat managed to climb into the toilet bowl and get stuck there :)
Rabbit Lover AAF
2009-03-13 15:43:08 UTC
My cat went into the bin and pulled out an old cat food tin. Then he tried to lick out all the food, got his fat head stuck and climbed to the top of the curtains while he still had the can on his head. His meow was soo funny and it was a good job I was stood under him because he fell off XD lol
2009-04-05 17:56:13 UTC
O my goodness! Lota Answers!!

And my pet dog ate a polly pocket and heaved it up. Gross yet fuuny!
2009-03-29 13:59:26 UTC
Whenever we give my dog, or whenever she finds one, a dryer sheet she rubs her whole body on it, and sometimes she doesn't pay attention and like rubs her head right into a wall or door and doesn't care at all.
2009-03-16 15:14:35 UTC
okay hehehe my mon threw a ball of yarn to my cat and the yarn hit the cat in the head and cj my dog ate it
2009-03-16 08:17:46 UTC
when my dog lucky was chasing a mop or broom (cant remember) and eventually stops and skids across the floor, banging into the deep freeze.

it looked like it hurt but he just kept chasing the mop/broom afterwards.
2009-03-15 20:41:26 UTC
Throwing the ball to my dog Lobo high in the air and he would jump up as high as he could to get it.
2009-03-15 15:51:39 UTC
well i dont know if its funny to you but my dog ate a BATTERY. she broke it in half and ate the white mercury. she's still alive. apparently her pups weren't mutated.

well i was like 7 at that time so i thought it was funny.

sad thing though was we didn't get her to a vet. not enough money. :( it was my aunt's responsibility though.
2009-03-14 15:42:27 UTC
We have got a parrot and cat, the parrot annoys the cat and then flies to the window rails, the cat just watches and then leaves.
2009-03-13 19:31:04 UTC
My cat loves attention. let alone she is always jealous. So i was petting her sister and she got mad. she jumped on the couch and tried to jump on my back. but she missed and hit her sister and her sister spazzed out and ran into her and it was hillarious. ah i love sibling rivalry in the morning
2009-03-13 16:31:01 UTC
my mum had this really old cat' that was about 20 years old and their was this

nice girl at school that i fancied like really bad, well any way i finally plucked up the courage to ask her out on a date and she agreed and we went out and had a wouderfull time, then we decided to go back to my place, it was my idea just to show her off to my parents really' anyway she came in and sat on the sofa and the cat came over and sat on her lap. she said awww what a cute kitty and began fussing the cat in front of my parents and my little sister, the cat being so old and rather incontinent peeed all over her lap much to the amusent of my little sister. well i can say that i never did see that girl again!!
2009-04-13 16:52:36 UTC
when my brother went to sit in the chair and did not see the cat asleep there

she bit his butt he jumped up and hit his head on side of the open door and it swung back and hit him straight in the face i laughed so much i almost wet my pants
2009-03-20 00:42:49 UTC
Hi. my funniest pet moment is when my dog chiko (lhasa apso) fell into a cess pit. He absoulutely reeked lol.
2009-03-17 12:14:51 UTC
we came home one time to find our half aussie, half retriever named bear wandering aimlessly with a cereal box stuck on his head. he had rummaged through the trash while we were gone. he didn't learn his lesson. same scenario about 2 months later.
2009-03-15 17:49:28 UTC
really 1000 answers? When my friends dog ran into the wall and chipped a part of it
2009-03-15 11:29:39 UTC
my mum having a pillow fight with the dog lol

i have a lab who was bouncing about on the sofa and my mum was sat on one side and he was on the other she told him to get off but i would not so she started hitting him with the pillow he turned round picked a pillow up and turned to the otherside and hit my mum with it lol
Samantha B
2009-03-15 02:45:22 UTC
My Nephew was eating some soft toffee and dropped one on the floor and my gorgeous doggy 'Polly' had picked it up to eat it and it got stuck in her teeth and she couldn't stop licking her teeth and mouth! it was so funny just watching her trying to eat this toffee and repeatidly licking! lol... very funny to watch.
2009-03-15 00:12:30 UTC
Well my eldest son was about 9 and his friend were over after

a rugby match earlier that day.

We were having an afternoon snack for the boys, they wanted

sausiges & i made some baked beans to go with that....

Anyway they were happily eating when one of the boys said do you

know Mrs. ----- ----- i know a song , i said oh yes, he said it goes like

this. " Beans, Beans , the wonderful food, the more you eat

the more you Toot ! "

i HAD never hear this ..... and was speechless... the boys roared

with laughter , including my 12 year old daughter & my husband

near by, it was totally unexpected and we just lost it with laughter.
2009-03-13 16:15:50 UTC
Once my family and I were in the garage, and my father turned on the light and we saw my cat perched up on the cushions. We all screamed, because we didn't expect something alive to be on our new cushions! My cat got so frightened by the scream that he literally jumped off and knocked over all the cushions.
Smooch The Pooch
2009-03-13 15:04:36 UTC
My husband and I were renovating a home with a pool. I spent every day there working on the pool as it hadn't been cleaned or treated in years. I decided to bring the dog with me, a white toy poodle. She had never seen any body of water before. While I cleaned the pool, I saw her at the other end curiously eyeing the water...she apparently thought she could walk on it! It was so sad....(but funny)

She didn't realize what was happening...and just stared at me while she started to sink with this "help me mommy!" look on her face..then she started paddling instinctively. When I pulled her in...her cloth pink collar had turned her pink! I always wanted a pink poodle I guess...
2009-03-13 04:30:21 UTC
I went outside and called our cat in, she came running up to me then tried to jump on the outdoor table. She didn't see a glass lid off the fish tank on the table, had no grip so she slid off again onto the floor!
sylvie c
2009-03-13 02:26:43 UTC
We have a 3 year old staffie called phoebe who thinks she is human.

She moans at my sixteen year old son when he is late

sulks if we do not give her enough attention and generally takes the place of the youngest child of the house, now my children are grown up.Now and again she misbehaves and she takes my daughters underwear silky nightdresses ect and puts them in her bed

But talk about girl power, my daughter has a Dog called Joey, who took rather a liking to Phoebe during her season. she was having none of it so whilst he tried to do what all dirty dogs do ,she dug a hole and dragged him in it, once in the hole she calmly barked at the back door to be let in, stopping briefly on the back step and giving Joey a little authoritative don't even think about it ,bark. and looking very pleased with her self she went to her bed.
Jade B
2009-04-11 10:34:16 UTC
When My dog stood on a frozen pond and fell through he never drunk out of it again!! When he fell through he swam round in a circle then couldn't get out so i had to pull him by the collar. I thought i would have had to jump in and save him!

Hope you enjoyed it!
2009-04-08 11:54:59 UTC
I bet if I asked this question 934 people wouldn't find it interesting, I bet not even one person would.

This question is so lame, like who cares?
abracadabra [of Gallifrey]
2009-03-30 04:39:41 UTC
Watching my horse get caught in the tire swing.

Why the hell are you on Yahoo! Answers?
2009-03-23 16:58:05 UTC
my golden retreiver buddy stuck his head in the dishwasher when i was loading it and his tag got stuck in the side of the rack so he took off running dragging the rack dishes were flying out and that still didnt discourage him he still sticks his head in there every time i open it
Dan US
2009-03-22 22:24:00 UTC
I was walking with my dog and then a guy came running my way, my dog is short and he was running really fast so he fell by hitting his leg on my poor dog. So he looked at me really angry and I started to run from him. I was 9.
Cool KJ ♥♥
2009-03-18 15:39:36 UTC
When my cat was a kitten we came home and he had attached himself to the wall using his claws he was clinging we thought it was a bat to begin with then we turned the light on and he attacked my mum
2009-03-17 12:45:16 UTC
well, you've heard of people that can't use the bathroom anywhere but home - well, my chow is the same way. we took her on a 5 day trip (our honeymoon) from Louisiana to Tennesse & back & she never once went to potty! It was hilarious when we got home & she got into her backyard - potty time it was!!
2009-03-17 11:20:59 UTC
I'm not crazy about pets... Maybe the time a pigeon pooped on my shoulder when I was in middle school.

You are one of my favorite actresses!
2009-03-16 21:43:28 UTC
Well... this is just a little gross, but it was such a crack up, I have to put it in. We use to have a grey and white cat named minnie. Minnie used to like to come into our bedroom in the morning and cuddle up with us until we got up. One particular morning I happened to have been sleeping on my stomach, and Minnie came in and cuddled up between my legs right under my behind. Well I am a man, and it was first thing in the morning, and I hadn't gone to the men's room just yet, and an amount of gas was pressing to get out. I held it for a while, but eventually it all came out. As I released,with a predictable amount of noise, Minnie jumped straight back and right off the end of the bed! Poor cat, I turned around and looked off the end of the bed, and Minnie was shaking her head, and completely bewildered as to what had happened. She had reacted to the noise, and ended up in a heap on the floor for her trouble. I must have laughed for 15 minutes.

Another time, we used to have a big black Great Dane we named Zeus. This almost had a tragic ending but in the end it was just funny. Zeus one day got into some antifreeze, and anyone who knows anything about animals and anti freeze knows with out immediate drastic intervention it is very fatal to animals. Fortunately our son actually saw Zeus drink the antifreeze so we were able to get him to an emergency vet right away. The vet described to us how the anti freeze forms sugar crystals in the animals kidneys, and destroys them, and told us the best thing to prevent the sugar crystals is alcohol, and lots of it. So the vet literally went across the street to a 7-11 that is across from his office and bought 2, 1 liter bottles of vodka and hooked them up intravenously to Zeus.For the next 2 days they monitored his urine output and watched until it wasn't anti freeze green anymore, and all the vodka was gone. They unhooked the bottles from him, and sent him home with us. Now we had a big dog that was saved, but had efectively been on a 48 hour drunken bender and was hung over big time! The vet told us to watch him to see if he was lethargic. How could we tell the difference? His eyes were bloodshot, he hung his head, he slept for another day and a half. When he got up he was shaky, and couldn't walk straight. We didn't know weather to take him back to the vet, or to an AA meeting! A week later you'd never know that anything was ever wrong with him, but for a couple of days we had one drunk dog on our hands.
2009-03-16 16:08:51 UTC
When my sister and my cat were in a room. - AT NIGHT-

it was completely silent whennn...


hahahahaaha! then, my cat was so startled! He jumped up backwards with his claws out, and back arched. hah, after that he ran away.

truely an "lol" moment.
Daniel O
2009-03-16 15:08:43 UTC
when he rubs his butt on the carpet (so cute)

when he gets so stress that he just runs everywhere

when he tries to jump up the mattress but he trips and falls. hahaha :-)

My dog: Yoda


3 years old


Love you Aniston!

2009-03-16 12:23:59 UTC
I have a pet raccoon named Chica that lives with us, now two years old, that uses the toilet to do her business on her own or when called into the bathroom.

Mike Lonergan

TradesProfessional, Inc.
2009-03-15 17:29:50 UTC
Seeing my cat who thinks he's a dog playing fetch with snowballs!
Cathy R
2009-03-15 09:44:02 UTC
i was in my sisters room on the ground under a big blanket and my golden retriever started to hump me... At first i was kinda disgusted but after a while i started to laugh
2009-03-14 14:28:08 UTC
This is a video of my Chihuahua Eddie , this video explains my pet moment that we see everyday, just watch for yourselves.
2009-03-14 11:20:37 UTC
I was outside in our backyard with my little sister (who was about 6 at the time) and two of our dogs started "getting it on". I was yelling at them to stop and turning on the hose when my little sis said "Whats wrong? He just wants a piggy back ride!" I died laughing. She was so innocent........
2009-03-14 04:11:09 UTC
this time when my dad, my sister and i were walking my dads girlfreinds dogs we let them off the leed. the next thing we knew they ran into a small forest chasing deer. it was really funny but very exuasting trying to catch them. thank god we didnt lose them.
2009-03-13 22:22:38 UTC
ohmigoshhh! Jennifer Aniston!? wowzz thats really cool :] well my funniest pet moment is when we got our chihuahua named Jovi, and the first night we brought her home we gave her some dinner and when she would stick her head in the bowl her back legs would go straight up into the air, lol!

2009-03-13 17:05:35 UTC
One time for no apparent reason my big fat cat Docker ran around the perimeter of the living room pooping about every 2-3 feet or so. It was not fun to clean up, but pretty funny when it was happening
Valerie G
2009-03-13 16:26:39 UTC
Oh wow this is terrible! My dog's name is Fluffy, she is a toy poodle with a crazy mind.

Anyway my life with my dog has been filled with way too many funny and most of the time embarrassing moments!

Just last Friday actually, my mom and me had ordered a large order from Victoria's Secret, and the UPS guy was outside. Of course the whole signing thing yada yada, but when I was signing the thing, he was like " uhhh", and I looked down and there was my precious Fluffy, humping away at the UPS guys leg! ha ha, ah I couldn't help but laugh.
Yeah yeah yeah
2009-04-11 16:44:47 UTC
We had a moody little ***** called Jeniffer who would publicly do every dog in the neighbourhood and howl about it. We had to get rid of her as she was too high maintenance.
2009-03-19 12:50:34 UTC
When we were throwing the ball to our dog inside and one of the drawers were open and it smacked it's head off of it. Then it put its paw over where it hit as if it was rubbing it better.
2009-03-16 07:47:08 UTC
When we were feeding my brothers dog spaghetti and he barfed it all over the floor under the table
2009-03-16 05:31:15 UTC
when my dog was chasing my cat around the living room and she slid under the sofa, he thought he could fit under it too, so he ran straight at the sofa and smacked his head off the bottom of it and just looked up at me all dazed haha he didn't hurt himself though! :D
2009-03-16 03:55:23 UTC
i taught the dog to jump onto the kitchen bench on command, i got a slap for that
2009-03-16 02:58:34 UTC
my sister had a new hamster, and the family was watching it running around inside an exercise ball.

when our dad walked into the room he saw this ball coming towards him, and he kicked it like a soccer ball........

it died 2 weeks later
Papa Killjoy
2009-03-15 19:53:38 UTC
My funniest pet moment was when my pet Alsatians maimed and killed my baby sister. You should have seen the look on her face.
2009-03-15 15:44:31 UTC
my cat has never liked my dad, so when she was a kitten, she would always go funny around him. one day, really randomly, my dad was sat down & she jumped up onto his lap (shes not even a lap cat) & settled down to sleep. me & my mum were really surprised, but after about 20 minutes my dad said, "eurgh, theres something warm and wet on my leg!" then he realised my cat had peed on him & he got really angry, my cat looked very pleased with herself haha
2009-03-15 15:35:17 UTC
We had a pet goose and when we watched Fly Away Home (which is a goose movie), our goose kept flying to our T.V. trying to get in it!
Oliver L
2009-03-15 08:33:35 UTC
my mum, my brother and me were sat in the front room with the dog. the dog sat up and saw pictures of us on the mantel piece, and kind of stood up on her bottom to see the pics, got confused and started yapping
2009-03-15 01:33:51 UTC
my cat seeing itself in the mirror for the first time.

it kept running into the mirror then after it realised it couldnt walk through it it was pulling faces LOL
2009-03-14 19:07:10 UTC
i dont have a video camera, but to see our mini doxie and my husband chase each other around our coffee table to us, is hilarious and always good for a good laugh and exercize for them both. Sharon T. from oHIo.
2009-03-14 00:00:10 UTC
A dog was following me when I was at a party. When I went to the toilet and I locked the door, the dog was still following me.
2009-03-13 23:37:07 UTC
I have two cats, Spotty and Tuska,

Spotty was licking Tuska and so Tuska thought he should return the favour and like Spotty. As soon as he did Spotty got scared and ran away.
2009-03-13 05:58:34 UTC
When I was younger, about 5-6 I used to take my grandma's dog everywhere. Even my mates used to ask where Flint was when he wasn't with me. One time during summer holidays we came in from playing ball games and Flint went straight to his mat and lay down. He used to bark when he wanted his blanket over him so I put it over him and got under neath with him and fell a sleep.

I woke up about 4 hours later when huge booming voice shouted "Found Him"... turns out my mam, Grandad and Grandma didn;t know where I was and phoned the police... a copper who came in to ask us the details heard "two sets of snoring".
2009-03-16 17:49:54 UTC
i have a nine year old weimaraner who is very sneaky, and everytime he gets busted doing something he shouldn't he takes off to run outside and always runs smack into the glass sliding door
2009-03-22 18:02:44 UTC
the naked 14month old baby making friends with the 2month old pup.

She got some cat food, offered it saying "Puppy, yum."

puppy took a sniff and walked away

Undeterred, she took the bowl to the pup, this time more sternly saying "puppy, yum!"

puppy took a sniff and ran off.

naked baby running out the door screaming at the top of her voice


I wish I had a camera ....
2009-03-18 07:05:39 UTC
Back in the 60's our family consisisted of myself, my wife, Yvonne,and three young daughters Lynn, Sue and Kathy plusa magnificent male flashy boxer named Sir Patrick Spence the Third. Our happy little group lived in a cosy little 3 bedroom bungalow, small but large enough in Pat's eyes to oversee his domain. He was forever with the girls playing with or watching over them. He somehow took it upon himself that they were his responsibility

The day came when while the oldest two were in school, Kathy, the youngest and Pat were in the basement playing while Yvonne was elsewhere in the house vacuuming when all of a sudden all hell broke loose. Kathy came running upstairs screaming " Mommy, Mommy, come quick Pat's going to eat the man."

Running to the back door, Yvonne finds Pat on his hind legs with his paws on either shoulder of this short guy, we estmate at 5' 3" or 4" holding a clip board, sweat pouring down his face and a look of absolute panic. The force of Pat bounding up the stairs had trapped him back against the door. He says. "he won't bite will he lady"

Pat looks over at Yvonne with a look of just give me the word, Mom. Just give me the word.

Yvonne says, "Mister, if you take one more step I wouldn't give you a plugged nickel for your life" By this time Pat is nose to nose and giving a low growl when she orders him "Down and Sit and Stay". Thank goodness he was obedience trained.

The intruder says, Lady, I"m here to read the electric meter in the basement" ."I rang the bell but there was no answer, so I pushed the door open to shout out for you when he got me".

We later learned that was his first day on the job. After that date when it was meter reading time he would ring the bell and shout "meter man.'" Yvonne, would say "Come in, come in, the doors open" His answer was always the same "meter man, meter man'

She would have to come down to the back door and allow him in. Pat was fine with this arrangement and greet him with a wagging tail of friendship. I don't think he ever figured out that this guy was the only man on earth who never wanted to play or make a fuss over him.

All these years later, with the girls now grown, we often smile over the meter man episode.
2009-03-17 10:00:16 UTC
We put a tea cosy on my dogs head and made his ears sick out of the holes it was so funny.xx
2009-03-14 07:11:30 UTC
Hey Jen! Can't wait to go and see Marley and Me soon!

I don't have many pets, but probably when my dad was so keen to hold one of our guinea pigs, and we know that they can't go very long without going for a wee! and he peed on his gown!

2009-05-04 21:22:42 UTC
Who ever thought a laser light would be so fun..........

My daughters pug, Rasta, goes absolutely nuts. Especially when he just starts crying and digging..........on the tile floor.

Too funny!
2009-04-16 13:32:25 UTC
*i have this cat that jumps on your shoulders from wherever she is, the floor, a table whatever..

one day i saw her getting ready to jump and i ducked and she flew right over me and hit the side of a cabinet

*the same cat chases a laser pointer, we make her run in circles and she gets so dizzy that she walks sideways and falls over
2009-03-18 12:50:24 UTC
Ahhh, my mate's rabbit grabbed on to the testicals of her dog and the poor dope was running round the garden, yelping in agony. poor dog, but we couldnt stop laughing seeing as how we're both female.
2009-03-18 09:40:04 UTC
My cat was trying to catcha butterfly over our shallow paddling pool and she fell inside the pool and came back out again.
2009-03-17 13:24:00 UTC
well i had a bottle of root beer this past winter and i went down to the barn to feed the horses and put there blankets on. well... my horse Jayze (J-Z) decided to investagate the strange root beer bottle. well she grabed the top of it with her teeth and tilted it up in the air. ahe ended up drinking the netire bottle! ever since then she's LOVED root beer!!

I <3 Jayze!!!!!
Isis is holding on to a fading flower
2009-03-17 12:36:05 UTC
My dog didn't like to be put on the leash and at the beginning he always used to bite the leash it took him some time to get used to that.
rella ^^
2009-03-16 22:39:24 UTC
I don't know if its funny, but to me and my sister it is.

So me and my sister were home alone, just watching tv. It was really quiet, and there was only the sound of the tv. And my cat, was in her cage, and she farts! Not like a loud fart but like yeah. Me and my sister looked at each other and we both said EW at the same time. And i said, what do you mean ew! It was yourself! and she says, no! That wasn't me! and i said, yeah right! it wasn't me either!and we both look at my cat and she looks at us like, WHAT?

Haha. I wasn't lying, it wasn't me. But i don't know about my sister.
Hugs, Not Drugs
2009-03-16 13:55:12 UTC
My golden labrador puppy, Libby, who we had to give away :(, was afraid of the concrete in our garden. :P When she needed to do her business outside, we'd open the door and she'd slowly back away from it, because she had to walk on concrete to get to the grass - her toilet. So we used to have to lift her up and set her onto the grass. (:
2009-03-16 13:53:03 UTC
I showed my mom where my dog was digging in the yard and he goes up to me and goes 'wo wo wo wooooo!' Which i guess means hey what was that for man?!
2009-03-16 13:15:33 UTC
when my smart dog buster decided to use a trampoline to jump the next door neighbours fence
2009-03-16 09:21:54 UTC
My cat, Simba, climbing all the way up our house and coming in through my mum's bedroom window, which is upstairs. He's had lots of moments though, my cat...=]
2009-03-16 06:22:52 UTC
My dog very politely sits down and says "growwwwoon" for "bone" when he wants a treat. It is hilarious!
The Mad Hatter
2009-03-15 20:33:53 UTC
Oh! once my bunny got run over by a truck!

it was the funniest thing ever!
2009-03-15 17:26:18 UTC
Probably when my dog, Rupy, was left alone with a table filled with stuffed shells, pasta dishes, and more.

When we came back inside you can guess what was left:



I loved that dog, and nothing could replace him.
2009-03-15 12:05:10 UTC
My puppy chewed a pen open and his face was dyed blue from the ink.
Mac Mac
2009-03-15 02:55:31 UTC
i was dancing with my dog and listening to music on my i pod and singing out really loud,and out of tune, when my in-laws walked in, they were in noughts laughing at me and watched me for about 5 minuets before i realised that there was anyone there.
2009-03-14 14:29:29 UTC
the hamster in one off those balls but it fell onto a hard surface and the poor thing had to go to the vets as it had concussion i kid u not the vet was able to save it!
2009-03-14 09:46:31 UTC
When my dog tried to catch his little tail! It was so hilarious, but I felt really bad that he was trying so hard. So I gave him a piece of rope to play with instead. He could at least catch that!
2009-03-14 08:19:29 UTC
i think it was just the other week my old dog had to wear a large plastic collar to stop her scratching a bad eye,if you put a treat on the floor it would last for ages as she couldnt reach to pick it up she just pushed it around then gave up and looked at us as if to say rotten swines,yes we did give it to her though
2009-03-14 08:03:45 UTC
it was Christmas and our puppy Courage started eating all the candy canes of the Christmas tree. Well, he ate too much before we could stop him, that he started barfing all over the bottom of the tree! It was super funny!
Mazzz ☼
2009-03-13 15:23:58 UTC
What is the funniest thing that Norman has done?

My dogs make me laugh every day, I had one dog who would mimic people and other dogs which always made people laugh then she would look at you laughing with a serious expression on her face as if to say ok what's the joke?
vaibhav m
2009-04-05 21:49:19 UTC
my mom was throwing the ball to our poodle inside and it bounced hit the ceiling fan and hit my brother in the head just as he came in the room
2009-03-18 16:09:01 UTC
Oh so many!....but the funniest has to be when my donkey was tethered in the garden to graze, he went round and round in circles until he the rope had tied his legs tight and he had fallen over! We picked him up and untied him and he ran round like he had seen the funny side too, got to love him!
James G
2009-03-18 13:51:24 UTC
i put a tea towel over my friend's cat's head and it was walking backwards all over the kitchen trying to get it off and ended up in a basket hilarious at the time
2009-03-17 13:03:35 UTC
lol definatly when me and my dog were runin round the house and he tried 2 stop fast and slid into a wall
Iwould B Leveleight
2009-03-17 12:12:37 UTC
I love you Jennifer! You're much hotter than that Angelina chick!

My college roommate's cat used to come sit on the couch every time my roommate got out his bong.
2009-03-17 10:03:51 UTC
my rabbit Thumps managed to get the lid off the biscuit tin and we thought he was really clever, then one time, we let him in the house but he had disappeared. we found him about ten minutes later shut in the biscuit tin. god knows how he did it!
Mel C
2009-03-16 15:53:24 UTC
Me sitting on my pet chicken when I was 2 years old... This chicken wouldn't let anyone near her, but she would let me sit on her. And she would attack anyone that would try to make me move away from her.
2009-03-16 15:43:11 UTC
when i just got our beagle and my brother was like 3 or 4 and he would grab Roscoe (our dog) by the tail and drag him while saying " come on puppy"
2009-03-16 09:48:28 UTC
When I lived in Arizona my mum decided to get Chickens and me and loads of my friends where practising our Cheerleading routine and my friend was jumping from on top of our shoulders and when she landed what ever she done made us all fall... we all landed on top of the chickens

It was SOO funny!
2009-03-15 16:57:21 UTC
when captain clydie swings on his pole and does the cat fu thing in front of the mirror then growls and runs off only to come back and jump on me and chew my ears now thats wierd i gota go hes seen me writing he does not like the pc and he may wee on it again
2009-03-15 09:01:10 UTC
my dad was throwing the ball to our poodle inside and it bounced hit the ceiling fan and hit my brother in the head just as he came in the room
I need Answers
2009-03-15 02:12:47 UTC
when we lost our cat and searched for 1 hour, to find it sitting in the closet on one of the shelves. LMAO
2009-03-14 18:25:51 UTC
i had my dinner. i go to the restroom, come back down the dinner is gone and the dog is sitting there with food all over her face acting so innocent.
greta m
2009-03-14 13:40:48 UTC
we have a 2 month old puppy who came in contact with her first cat! she would bark run around it . if the cat came close she would run off, then come was pretty funny if you were there.
2009-03-14 09:55:54 UTC
When we had just got my dog Erica, she's half pomerainian half rat terrier, and she had taken the end of the toilet paper in the bathroom, and unrolled the whole roll and spread it through our house.
Elle Angelica
2009-03-14 08:42:12 UTC
I have 2 cats and one day they were fighting in the living room (they are twin sisters but they fight all the time, they don't seem to like each other!) and the skinnier one banged into the fatter one, who then jumped up SO high that I thought she was going to fly! It was funny but you kinda have to be there, haha.
2009-03-13 18:43:42 UTC
i only wish I had a picture, my grandson & I were walking to the mailbox & of course max was in front "marking his territory" as we walked, he walked up to the fence & hiked his "tail" over one of the rungs & POOPED! i probably shouldn't have, but I pointed it out to my five year old grandson! I had to have a witness!!!!!
2009-03-13 17:45:34 UTC
my funniest family pet moment was when my dog tayla, black lab - ran into the bathroom, stole the toilet role and ran round the kitchen table 100000000 times when we were out. we walk in to see toilet role everywhere. chaos ! and took hours to clear up !
2009-03-13 14:51:21 UTC
My mom's dog is a raving lunatic, and likes to steal anything he can.

He steals and shreds her cigarettes, steals her purse. It's so hysterical. The best part is watching her chase him. Oh lord. It makes me want to go to her house just thinking about it.

This is why you should train your pets :D
rachael j
2009-04-11 13:45:06 UTC
When our springer spaniel Charlie ate my Lush Glitter massage bar
Nat S
2009-03-16 20:51:11 UTC
The day my pet Rat bit my pet Cat on the bum and I couldn't separate them...
Christy b
2009-03-16 13:19:31 UTC
we had animal planet on and r dog ran into the tv trying to chase a rhino
2009-03-16 11:31:37 UTC
when my dog ran into the glass in my patio door she jst fell n got up and started running about again
Nichola B
2009-03-15 15:18:54 UTC
my girlfriend running around the garden in just her knickers chasing are chocolate lab cos he had her dear shoes in his mouth ( those ones with the red soles they all go on about) it was 3 in the morning and we were very drunk,
2009-03-14 21:57:36 UTC
well I wouldn't exactly say funniest moment..but definitely something me and my sis still laugh at..probably a 'you had to be there' moment...we went to the store one night and brought my dog with we were leaving the store boomer seen someone come out..walkin to his car..and he started barking and growling at him. he kept runnin from the passenger window back to the back window..and he got caught under my sisters seatbelt and was chocking her lol he didn't even care though..just kept pulling it...but I laughed my *** off so hard I almost peed myself lol
2009-03-14 11:58:28 UTC
When my dog jumped into a pond to chase after a bird or when she growled at "Beethoven" (the St. Bernard) when he was on TV.
arianna's mama
2009-03-13 16:59:18 UTC
I brought my dog Zoe with me to get gas in my car and when we were riding home she had her head out the window...well i went over a puddle that i didnt see so she got splashed and freaked out....ran to the back seat and hid on the floor until i got home...i think she was embarrassed, lol.
Chris C
2009-03-13 15:33:43 UTC
We had this dog named Harley that once slapped over a can of pepsi and started drinking it as it poured out. Every so often we would get icecream from Dairy Queen, he would get his own icecream but he wouldnt eat it until he was spoon fed the icecream. We would catch him drinking from straws, Open door knobs(we would find the door knobs slimed), and my mom caught him with the side by side fridge standing wide open with him trying to decide what he wanted from the fridge. then there was the bubble gum insident where my sister was sitting on the floor playing with her bubble gum and he took his paw and slapped at the bubble gum-next thing we knew he was covered in bubble gum. I think it took a whole jar of peanut butter to get the bubble gum out of his fur because he kept eating it.
2009-03-13 03:33:24 UTC
my funniest family pet moment was when i was just sitting in my living room and our cat started to climb up and down our curtains like spiderman then our other cat came and followed him up the curtain as well. might not sound so funny but it was really funny to watch
2009-03-29 15:53:25 UTC
Are dog humped my girl friend leg one day, and i think she liked it.

Well a couple of days later she dumped me and took the dog with her ha ha.
2009-03-16 15:48:26 UTC
my Doberman Shepard mix puppy playing in the leaves
2009-03-16 10:55:19 UTC
i don't have a pet but if i did i would say my pet dancing to Lips to da floor on youtube. also jennifer aniston you play a good character in friends but could you ask if they can make a Friends movie
2009-03-16 03:48:57 UTC
My dog tried to 'make love' to the cat recently.

He climbed on but didn't really know what he was supposed to do!
2009-03-15 22:41:47 UTC

Well, this one seems funny, but it is horribly sad.

My sister needed to go out of town, and had a big 'ol dog. She had my petsit him. I was working out side, and knowing this dog, i tied him up to the balcony. He sat there and watched me, eyes wide. He barked and jumped at many birds and such. I told him to stay, and went to the front of the house to grab a tool. I came back and saw that my sister's poor 'ol dog had jumped over the balcony, and hanged(hung?) himself. We always knew he was crazy...... We all miss him:(
2009-03-15 15:42:05 UTC
one night I was walkin with my dog in a park near the baseball diamond. he took a big dump by the backstop, and I didn't have anything to pick it up with, so I chuckled to myself, imagining some kid steppin in it....5 minutes later I stepped in poop from another dog! karma will bite you in the boo-boo!

PS Miss Aniston is so very hot!
2009-03-14 22:02:42 UTC
I was once holding my dog while my friend was sitting next to me. My dog was being really mean to my friend and started growling and biting her! Then, my friend scolded my dog and it scared her to death, so she got her paws out, and punched her in the face like eight times! It was so funny.

Boxing Dog.
Brigid P
2009-03-14 05:03:17 UTC
My dog gets depressed when I leave for an overseas holiday.

And he becomes so friendly when I get back.
2009-03-13 11:18:03 UTC
I shouldn't have found this funny really 'cos it wasn't very nice for the cat...

This was 30 years ago when you were still allowed to do things like this yourself - my husband did some work on the wiring under the floor, nailed the boards back down then replaced the carpet. Hours later we discovered the cat was missing, though we began to hear a faint miaou. We never thought about the floor - we looked everywhere, even our neighbour's coal shed. But in the end of course the floorboards had to come up again, and out she jumped, covered in webs and dust. We laughed our ar.... our socks off, but the cat wasn't laughing.
2009-03-13 06:07:36 UTC
my brother has this massive frog, life size plush thing, the cat took a liking to its eye haha, the eyes on this thing stick up and the cat always goes up there for some pleasure. so funny to watch!
2009-05-03 03:25:07 UTC
when my dog had her periods and the bloodd went all over the house...

and also when my boy dog was banging a cat but no 1 knew where the hole was..

2009-04-27 22:16:06 UTC
i have five sister in my family my mother calling my elder sister but using name of other one then calling other and the name which is calling actually is spok in last after spoking all names
kitty kat
2009-04-10 00:26:45 UTC
When i was around 6 years old, i whispered hide and seek into my 3 kittens ears and i turned around and counted to ten really loud then, when i turned to look at them all, they were gone. they were all only 3 weeks old! and i used to spend all of my time playing hide and seek with them!!!
2009-03-28 06:49:36 UTC
When i was over at my friend Grace's house she was up stair's and her dog tucker ran up to me and i kinda got scared so i left..but when i came back i was "playing" my Nintendo ds!! lol it was so funny!
2009-03-20 08:23:01 UTC
We once had a Cat that still used the Cat flap when the door was wide open!!!
2009-03-19 11:49:48 UTC
My funniest film moment was when I took my pet dog to see your film. I thought he was asleep but the vet told me that he died of terminal boredom! Geez how we laughed after that one, you had to be there...seriously
2009-03-18 07:01:26 UTC
I've seen our dog asleep and sleep-running and whincing when it's asleep. She also snores, very loudly. It's funny how animals can have these dreams like humans. It's very fascinating.
2009-03-17 14:28:00 UTC
when my dog dragged his nuts along the carpet in front of the vicar

with his Lippi hanging out
The Crazy Nerd
2009-03-17 13:29:25 UTC
My mom was cooking dinner when our cat jumped up for her apron string and bounced off her rear.
2009-03-17 09:34:50 UTC
I was playing a game of catch with my 1 year old Pug. His name was Chipper Pie. We called him Poopiekins sometimes also just for fun. He was on the hefty side. When I threw him the ball, he was obviously not paying close enough attention like I told him to, and it hit him in the face and killed him. When I went over to scold him, he was dead. Serves him right for not paying attention.
sarah m
2009-03-16 17:52:34 UTC
my sister was looking after my lab and she was a pup at the time my sister was in the bath and she jumped in it safe to say that she hates being in the bath now
2009-03-16 15:11:14 UTC
My pet did a back flip and a twirl in too seconds!!
Dreamer =^.^=
2009-03-16 13:59:37 UTC
when we were taking my dog Riley for a walk, my mom wouldn't let me walk him because he might knock me over. so when she opens the door Riley takes off and drags my mom down the step in her nice white jeans. she dont walk him anymore.
$* {smiley} *$
2009-03-15 15:39:09 UTC
i picked up my cat and started petting him then he jumped out of my hands and ran toward the food bowl and kept looking at me then i started petting him again and he ate and wagged his tail like he was a dog then i picked him up again and he put his paw on my face and jumped on the counter where my mom pulled out the chicken and licked it and boy was my mom mad!!!!!!!!!!!
2009-03-15 12:31:56 UTC
When my dog Luna started humping my grandmas leg. That was priceless.
2009-03-15 10:32:22 UTC
are you THE jennifer?

my funniest pet.....

My pony, Mystic. i was in the field trying to catch him in and he walked right into a telephone post, it was REALLY funny, on of those you-have-to-be-there moments
2009-03-14 03:13:52 UTC
my friend owns a dig daft lab and we were out walking and we met our other friends gran -who is a bit posh and proper - and the dog was sniffing her leg as she was talking to us and then he stuck his nose right between her legs and was making these loud snorting and sniffing noises, we couldn't stop laughing for hours!
2009-03-13 22:50:46 UTC
My dog was hiding something in her mouth and she didn't want us to see it

so we thought it was a bird or something

and we let her come inside with it

then she went up to our cat and tried to put something on her head

we checked and it was a piece of her own poop!
2009-03-13 16:57:23 UTC
I have a Boston Terrier and if we go out for just a few minutes and leave him inside he will jump up and down at the window and bark at us until we come back in.
2009-03-13 15:30:44 UTC
Dog rushing after a hare, hare suddenly veers off to the left, dog carries on and lands in a midden. He was a golden retriever but the only bit of gold which could be seen was a little spot on top of his back, the rest of him was black. I pretended not to own him on the walk home.....
Ren A
2009-04-08 09:53:31 UTC
sadly don't have a pet. so maybe when all the fish and birds died in the span of two days? lol.

i wish i did have a pet though (and not another fish or bird.) x].
Blair H
2009-03-31 19:29:59 UTC
well my friends, my family and i were coming back from the mountains and we were headed for my friends house. we brought one dog and that was shorty, the rest we left cuz my friends sister didnt want him there cuz he marked. well once we got back their dachsund, baby, ran over to shorty and started humping him and then my mom said as if baby were to say it, "Oh shorty i missed you so much let me hump your head!" after she said that i laughed so hard, in fact im laughing right now!
2009-03-17 06:42:58 UTC
When my labs try playing with my old fat cat that wants nothing to do with them, and he paws at their face but still my jayden is nothing but persistent with mitch....its cute. he just wants to be friends.
soccer chick girl
2009-03-16 23:51:56 UTC
when i was on the computer and my dog took a dump right be side me and i didn't reilize it there and i thought it was just my brother farting right beside me and i got up and stepped in it and my dog was looking at me all smerking!!!it was hilarous!

i love this question!
2009-03-16 20:42:18 UTC
when i was in class 5th i slept in afternoon and my sis just come and say ravi u r late for a school wake up dude ....... she was just kidding but i really think its late for a school and the drama started al the family members are together to make me fool i eat my breakfast and take cycle and and say everybody bye and go for a school and at it was 7 pm and i think it is 7am weather is same like morning but after 15 min it was dark on a road ..then i thought may be today is a rainy day .i reach up to school and see no one is outside ..i thought may be i was very late today that's y all are in class ........but after enter in a school gate keeper told me its a night dude not whole family is chasing me up to school they came their and make my drama ..but i dint feel shy me was also busting like anything that day ........... i have lots of funny moments in my life but i have to go for a date bye
2009-03-16 16:19:16 UTC
we were playing in door soccer and when my brother kicked the ball it hit the wall and then it bounced off and it went RIGHT through the goal and they won pretty easily, and we didn't even get a chance to stop the ball.:D
2009-03-15 09:17:26 UTC
when we first got my cat, she had to stay in my room, because my dad was allergic. one day, the door to my room was closed, and my cat was in there with me. my mom called me for a second, and i left the room with the door closed. (i know, not smart. lol) as my mom and i were talking, she said "do you hear... yelling?" we both ran to my room to find my cat running around in circles with a tissue box stuck on her head! it was hilarious! we had to rip the box open to get it off of her head! when we got it off she was hyperventilating! now, i know not to leave her in a room with the door closed. :)
2009-03-14 10:29:26 UTC
When my Roborovskii hamster got out of it cage, everyone was trying to catch him(since they run pretty fast) while my mom was scare to walk on the floor. It took us about two days to catch him, he was in my mom's pillow!

What's yours?
αℓωαys sмιℓε ツ
2009-03-13 19:57:30 UTC
Hehe...nice question!

I have a pomeranian girl and she was barking like crazy for no reason and my mom was a little annoyed..anyways, while she was barking I went "Woof!" really loud and her ears popped up and she had such a surprised was quite funny and cute haha

i love my pomeranian! thanks for the question =]
2009-03-13 19:54:40 UTC
i have this glass patio door and i went into the backyard and my dog zoomed in and he didn't notice it was closed and he hit is head. he did it again a few days later too.
2009-03-13 03:05:12 UTC
We've got a 4 month old kitten called Tilly, and she chases shadows. And I mean really chases. She goes absolutley mental. It's very amusing to watch. She jumps up walls and onto beds trying to catch theses elusive shadows. You can move from one room to another by getting her to follow your shadows.

Hope this made you laugh!
2009-03-12 19:58:43 UTC
my uncles dog roy was chasing a cat yesterday and the cat jumped on to a windowsill of a caravan and roy jumped up towards the cat and went head first into the window and broke it

there were people in the caravan at the time

and the came out

saying "what the h*ll was that "

but the dogs fine

and my uncle will pay for a replacement window lol
gary b
2009-03-22 23:52:46 UTC
This evening I was watching my cat it jumped up on my counter

and it put its paw to the fish bowl it was funny. George is his

2009-03-19 13:10:30 UTC
my dog was following one of my rabbits around when eventually ella snapped (the rabbit) and chased after her kicking her front legs at skunk(the dog) and biting her. skunk was making a ridiculous noise and tried to hide behind a tiny little plant! sooo funny....
a s h l e y
2009-03-15 20:14:59 UTC
this happened when my yorkie was a puppy,

so i was playing and running around with my dog in the house then i went to sit down then my dog was shaking her butt at me.
2009-03-15 06:40:15 UTC
when i moved from my apartment with carpet to my house with no carpet my cat Spot coulnt get traction......he tied to run down the hall wen he got startled and basically slid and was running sidways
2009-03-14 17:17:47 UTC
at anytime when literally enyone in my house has food of any type, my chihuahua and husky nix, "Frostie" thinks he's a bear and decides to act like a bear by jumping, growling, and walking on his hind legs all in one! lol!!! ~crybaby~
2009-03-13 16:58:46 UTC
A family friend's cat had given birth to kittens. So, we got two of the kittens. We had met in the parking lot of where he worked, and he gave us the kittens. Except Angel the youngest kitten, had gotten out of our reach and she scurried around the parking lot! We had chased her and then we finally got her. Of course she turned out to be the troublemaker!
2009-03-13 16:57:54 UTC
I had fallen asleep in my living room and my cat was in there with me. I must of been snoring and ticked off my cat. I felt a slap on my face. I opened my eyes and he was sitting on my coffee table with the most angriest look on his face. His ears were pulled back. I couldn't help but laugh.
2009-03-13 09:56:55 UTC
My mum used to have a pair of leather moccasin type shoes that she wore as slippers. She' left them under the kitchen table which had a central pillar to support it which splayed out into 4 hefty wooden struts, with space under them. One of the shoes was sticking out from under this table leg.

One of our cats, Sid - probably only about 10 months old at the time - was convinced that this was a Dangerous Beast. She crept up and bounced away from it for about 5 minutes (her mother was sitting watching, completely unconcerned!), which was causing us some amusement. Just to keep her interested in the game I went to nudge the back of the shoe, where she couldn't see me do it.

Well, startled wasn't the word for it! That kitten literally leaped 4 feet up and three feet backwards at once! If she'd gone forwards instead of backwards she'd have landed on the table she was that far off the ground. Me and my dad just fell about laughing.

My mum had had her back to the whole scene and got really fed up with us keeping saying "you should have seen it". The really stupid thing was that Sid saw those shoes every day, and knew there wasn't anything remotely scary about them!
2009-05-05 13:18:56 UTC
my Jack Russel Bunty, was scolded for pooing on the kitchen floor.

I had to leave him for the day and when I came home, he had done his business on the floor, but'' he put strings of spaghetti all in a line on top of his pooh, to disguise it... ha ha ha.
2009-04-11 04:06:34 UTC
i was walking my dog once with a friend and molly(my dog) picked up a long stick, me and my friend were stood next to eachother, a little bit apart when molly ran straight through the middle of us with her long stick hitting both of us in the shins and breaking the stick in half. it hurt, but was hilarious!
2009-04-03 14:38:33 UTC
You know they ball things hamsters go in?

my cousin thought he was playing bowling and throw it down the stairs, it hit one of the stairs and the lid came off and the poor wee hamster went flying.

my cousin Marc said after the ball had smashed " my ******* bowling ball!!!"

lmaoooo, sad but really amusing.

.. the hamster died.
2009-03-28 14:30:25 UTC
when my pet jackrussel sits up on her back legs with a55 on the ground

she looks like a meerkat its really funny
2009-03-27 12:20:40 UTC
Me and my family were in Canada with our dog Zippy and she found a old cow bown so I told her no and through it but she kept bringing it back
Stephen T
2009-03-19 16:17:00 UTC
we have a border collie called Penny, or sometimes I call her doughnut. whenever the phone rings (which is a 1950s phone.) she starts to whimper, and bark at the phone also tries to knock the handset off the hook.
2009-03-17 12:17:13 UTC
my friend was over at my house and shes looking out the door for my dog and shes small and shes like where is your dog and all sudden she pops up and my friend screamed bloody murder it was so funny
2009-03-16 21:12:38 UTC
i was playing with my dog big mama (i know strange name) and she was only a puppy so i started to run and she followed me and she ran into the screen door and kept trying to go
Katrina I
2009-03-16 20:49:10 UTC
My golden ate an entire box of Oreos while we were gone.
2009-03-16 03:16:43 UTC
i was standing in a farm with my boots on, and a bunny comes over and starts to chew them, so i tried to shake it off, but it wouldnt let go.

so i shake shake shake, and finally the bunny goes flying and takes half my boot with it!
2009-03-15 21:41:01 UTC
My Chihuahua pees on her front two legs. (like doing a hand stand!)

Funniest thing EVER!
2009-03-15 17:40:10 UTC
when i threw a tennis ball to my little dog but she ran in her own poo when she stopped to get it, hahaha then she stood still and wouldn't walk, with her paw lifted in the air and was crying ahahaha my poor litlle hollydog!!
2009-03-15 15:00:43 UTC
when i took my small dog for a walk and it tried to attack a german shepard. everyone laughed at me and my dog and someone shouted, "look the little dog thinks it can beat the big dog!"

the same dog,

ran into a supermarket and a group of seniors tried to surround her and when one of them tried to pick her up she gave him a nip on the hand.


RIP smudge :(
2009-03-14 22:21:25 UTC
When my kitten dashed over to my backpack laying on the ground and took a big poo poo... not very polite.
2009-03-14 21:39:27 UTC
My mum's dog Mojo pooped at my nan's lawn a few weeks ago. My mum fell in stitches.
2009-03-14 17:31:13 UTC
my little 8lb dog was jumping at my brother when he was carrying a HUGE piece of pizza and it fell and it was SO funny how he dragged it off and ate every crumb
2009-03-14 05:57:56 UTC
My husband left his underware on the bathroom floor when he took a shower. Our cat took them and burried them in the cat litter box.
2009-03-13 17:55:32 UTC
My cat was imitating me by hiding under a mat when I hid under a bed. I took a pic of that. It was sooo cute.
2009-03-13 12:12:48 UTC
Hi Jennifer ( if that really is you) ( I watch everything that you are in, you are the best, looks and personality)

We were out for the day in our estate car with the dog in the back, we had a dog barrier in the back, my eldest son wanted to go in the back with the dog and after a lot of begging from him, we decided to let him, we drove on for a few miles and we heard from the back of the car my eldest son call out in horror "oh no, Yeeeuk " we stopped the car and opened the rear door to find my son covered in what can only be described as dog diarrhoea and very dark diarrhoea at that, he was smothered but it was so funny, I could`nt stop laughing, does this make me a wicked parent?

This happened twenty years ago, but it still brings a smile to my face.
2009-03-13 03:18:15 UTC
My new Jack Russell ran head first into a glass door shook himself off and did it again. It was funny the first time but the fact he did it twice had us wetting ourselves. The classics are the best!

The cats have done the same thing much more dramatically. We were minding the in-laws bird and had them shut in the living room in the window when we saw a black fur ball fly at the window and a great big thump! He'd only gone and pounce at the birds full pelt!
2009-04-16 19:49:56 UTC
my mom was in the kitchen cooking for us on Thanksgiving and then by accident something in the kitchen exploded and then my cat got on fire!! but the fire went out in like a blink but all his hairs were like toasted and smelled like chicken!
2009-04-02 11:53:12 UTC
we bought a 1-year-old amazon parrot almost 3 years ago. And the evening we brought him home he talked!!!

2009-03-23 00:31:07 UTC
My dad's dog (a border collie, supposedly the most intellegent breed) attempted to bury a bone in his kennel... *sigh*
dancing queen
2009-03-18 06:59:31 UTC
one christmas the table was laid and ready with fat tomatoes stuffed with tuna as the starter for a meal. we discovered the cat on the table, eating one of the tuna stuffed tomatoes. since we had no more left to replace it, we just wiped the cat hairs off it and gave it to my dad! he never knew!
2009-03-16 15:42:27 UTC
my butterball of a dog ate an entire bag of dry peanut butter mix and a nother full bag of chocolate chips. and shes alive still. I mean, 5 lb. bag of CHOCOLATE AND THEN PEANUT BUTTER! and all that happened is she SLEPT it off, what a piggy dog! i still love her though.
Sally M
2009-03-16 15:10:57 UTC
My dog ripped off my mean cousin's bathing suit at the beach :-)
2009-03-15 16:19:20 UTC
when my budgie thought my slipper was another budgie and started hupping it.always in the morning,did it for months before it got the message something didn't seem right.
2009-03-15 02:22:19 UTC
Is there anything your sycophantic little PR reps wont do for you pristine prima donna actors??

Nice touch putting a direct link at the bottom so we can all check out your new crappy, rehashed romantic comedy. I can't wait until it's in the bargain bin (50 bucks say's a week after it's release) so I can buy it, **** on it then throw it in the trash; where it and most of your hollywood starlet movies belong.

Hollywood drama queens, I think everyone has had enough of all of you promoting yourselves out like media whores!
2009-03-14 17:56:45 UTC
my dog always barks at her reflection! one time we had this mirror leaning against the wall and she walked past it and with the corner of her eye saw herself and she started barking and barking and barking for like hours! we couldn't get her to stop! it was funny yet annoying!!!! Lol
Little Bear
2009-03-13 10:50:49 UTC
We had a dinner party and the dogs were all in the lounge and as the guests arrived their coats were taken and hung on the hooks, dinner went well and then one of the guests remembered they were expecting an important call and went to retrieve a phone from his coat pocket but came back and said that the phone had gone, we were all baffled as to what had happened to this phone the man was sure he had left it in his pocket and now it was not there, all dogs were sleeping, somebody decided to try to ring the phone and a faint noise was heard from the garden one of my beauties had taken the phone and buried it outside, the man managed to see the funny side
2009-04-13 05:47:30 UTC
My cat picking up a *** butt the right way round

- shame didn't have a camera
life Is what ?????
2009-03-27 20:36:27 UTC
when my dog was a puppy she would run and try and stop but slide into the dishwasher which is black and she is white she would step back and turn her head at her reflection and bark....Lol
2009-03-19 13:53:24 UTC
Me and my dad used to watch the snooker together all the time and our kitten would chase the snooker balls behind the telly
2009-03-15 19:26:00 UTC
my hamster was crawling on the counter and I was making soup. i turned around for a second and I turned back and it had no wiskers!!!!! they got burnt off! and they were even smoking! I know it sounds really mean but it was really quite funny!
2009-03-14 06:34:10 UTC
When our dog was so excited about going for a walk to the beach it wasnt watching where it was going and ran into a lamp post and knocked himself out for a few hours
2009-03-14 06:28:30 UTC
my dog is a hunting dog and when she saw a bird in the tree she climbed it and once she reached the top she fell, and landed on her feet! haha
2009-03-13 15:07:11 UTC
My cat Zoboomafoo always likes to balance her paws on the edge of our large fish tank and drink the fishy water. Sometimes one of the fish will swim to the top and give Zoboomafoo a little kiss, too! I always told my husband that one day she was going to lose her balance and go head-first into the water, but she has very good balance (as most cats do) and never fell in.

Well, as you can guess, my prediction recently came true. Zoboomafoo got a little too confident in her balancing abilities and let her paws slip forward into the fish tank water! The rest of her body quickly followed! Her whole black-and-white furry body was suddenly immersed in the water! She must have been terrified and I'm sure the fish were too! She quickly scrambled out of the tank and ran straight for one of the bedrooms, drenched head to toe, to lick herself dry. Hahaha!
2009-03-13 14:55:03 UTC
When I had to take my sister's West Highland White dog to the vet because she thought he'd swallowed a chicken bone.He had an x-ray & the vet was showing me the result on a light board on the wall.She said he was fine but I could see a bone that should not be where there were any other bones,near his stomach.I pointed it out to here & she said it was his penis bone! I was SO embarrassed I couldn't get out quick enough.
2009-03-13 08:19:48 UTC
I was at a cat breeders one afternoon buying a kitten. The outdoor area in front of the house had a large fenced enclosure that was filled with all sorts of pets and farm animals. I noticed a rabbit was humping a duck and said to the breeder 'I think he's confused'. The breeder then said 'you dont know half of it, that rabbit is a girl!'
mrs v
2009-03-13 06:20:46 UTC
My retriever ate a golf ball, golf balls are full of metres of elastic and my dad was pulling metres and metres of elastic out of the dogs bum for ages at the park!
2009-04-30 23:13:51 UTC
i had a funy pet moment and it was when my dogs where in the pool and then i rised them out the watter and they where still dog padleing and it was funny they acted like if ther were still in the water imagine that
2009-04-12 06:01:23 UTC
we were fishing down at the lake, and my pet ferret was in the mood for worms, and he got into our worm bucket, and without realizing it, my dad took my ferret, put him on the line( my ferret is very small, skinny, and hairless) and the poor little ferret was dangling from the line, trying to dodge the fish's attacks, and it was like, 10 minute in till i finally realized the ferret on the line. So i got it, and luckily. he was't hurt.K, noe\w that i answered yours, answer mine pliz everyone:
2009-04-03 10:19:46 UTC
i have a little husky and shes only 2 months when i brought it into my room which it has a big mirror she saw her self in the mirror and ran towards it and hit her self
R T Fischall
2009-03-19 17:47:36 UTC
Orina meeting our new postman for first time lmao, orina is avatar, ah all together now ahhh. she got a free post bag, never seen someone run so fast.
Aim High!
2009-03-18 10:09:05 UTC
my rabbit excreted on my sisters, shes 11, hand and becuse there round she thought it was a chocolate button so ate it then said that it tasted weird after she swallowed it we told her what it was she puked so much that day and brushed her tongue and mouth for about an hour :S
2009-03-17 20:17:25 UTC
My cousins friends dog has always had an erge to hump his younger brothers face, he thinks it might of been because he and the dog had watched's movie.
2009-03-17 03:55:58 UTC
I just got home from school and when my chihuahua who was so excited to see me, skidded and bumped on the wall when my dad told her to stop. =p
2009-03-16 23:16:11 UTC
This one time, I was going pee and my kitten bear climbed under the foor, and he saw me peeing and he thought it was a peice of string and he jumped in the toilet full of pee and toilet water. I was laughing my *** off.
2009-03-16 15:57:25 UTC
It looks like you're probably deleting all other answers.....but how is the actually Jennifer Aniston?

Very happy if its, but also skeptical about that fact.

I have a funny story if you are legit.
2009-03-16 13:13:31 UTC
i accidently sprayed a bearded dragon in the eyes with alcohol becuz i thought it was a water botttle...ooooops! it was doing back flips and bobbing its head running around backwards it was halirious...i felt bad but i had a good laugh
2009-03-16 12:18:26 UTC
My old dog, a miniature collie, used to fart and then turn around and growel at its own rear end!
2009-03-15 16:00:26 UTC
When our dog ,Buddy, farted so loud that he woke

everyone up (3 of us) in the middle of the night.
2009-03-14 21:16:13 UTC
I was attempting to teach my puppy how to play fetch. It took my cat about 10 minutes to catch onto the game. the dog however shows no signs of wanting to play fetch. the cat however continues to bring me a furry mouse toy, drop it in my lap on my chair, I toss it, she runs after it, retreives it and trots back to repeat the cycle.
2009-03-14 14:09:19 UTC
My dog always sniffed peoples crotches, quit vigourously sometimes.

Some people seemed to like coming to our house a lot.
2009-03-14 11:40:58 UTC
my family and i were all sitting in my hot tub, and my dog was licking the water off the side of the tub. and his paws were resting on it aswell.

he leaned a little bit too far and fell in.

he was completely drenched after we got him out.
2009-03-14 05:21:15 UTC
I threw a a ball for my dog to get and he starts running to get it but gets distracted and chases his tail.
2009-03-14 03:12:36 UTC
my dog was at the vets and was nervous so peed and got some on my mums scarf which she flicked back and pee fllicked all over my face

my mum found it incredibly funny, i didnt.
2009-03-13 17:03:23 UTC
wow! there are alot of answers... well i just got a new puppy named sofee. shes 11 weeks old and is a chiwawa terrier mix. she is being potty trained and she has it down. she always scratches at the door and cries when she needs to "go." this one time we were driving home and sofee started to cry and scratch at the seats and the door. my mom was cooing " its okay sofee. we are almost there!" and she kept crying for another 10 minutes! finally she stoped crying and i turned around to see what happened and i turned out she peed ALL OVER my moms parka! she was sitting there looking at me with her head tilted to the side! omg! i was cracking up! and another time she ate her own poop! we kept making fun of her and she would start barking at us! man i love her!
2009-03-13 15:28:57 UTC
My pug, Padfoot, gets super excited when I get home in the afternoon. One day he was so full of energy and excitement that as I tried to pick him up, he did a complete back flip and landed on his head! I was scared out of my mind! But he was ok, he got right back up and started jumping around again!
2014-06-28 01:17:04 UTC
Then one day we found the culprit. One of our cats had discovered that if he prodded the remote, he would eventually hit the appropriate button and get the voice.
2009-04-11 19:54:42 UTC
there was this one time, we were in my backyard playing volleyball with my 3 and a half feet san bernard, pako. he was so strong that if he jumped on you he could knock u out. i threw the ball at him and when he hited back it hitted my littlel brother on his farehead. pako hited so hard that when it hitted my brother he felf back wards. it was so funny. unfortunetely pako died 8 months ago and his b-day is exactley in 4 days.
2009-03-17 09:10:06 UTC
when our fat cat tucker puts his front paws on the window and sit down and trys to get to or out door cat patches it is so funny he moves his paws up and down on the window
2009-03-17 06:31:25 UTC
I have loads but my fave one is when my cat moppet use follow me to school and wait outside it was so cute.
2009-03-16 21:18:51 UTC
Are you serious.

A goddam celebrity comes into these parts and everyone goes crazy.

Celebrities and just many other people with a job.
2009-03-16 17:05:45 UTC
when we brought my triplets home from the hospital, our lab kept putting his paw over his eyes, like he was seeing things, like there was only suppose to be one baby and he was seeing 3 of them
Pickles the 2.0
2009-03-16 13:03:43 UTC
I had gotten a stuffed cat doll and my aunt's cat Snickers thought it was competition for her water bowl, and hissed at it. She just looked so silly hissing at a stuffed cat that we all laughed.
Koter Boters misses Rufus!
2009-03-16 12:58:07 UTC
When My Lab mix saw his shadow in the window it scared him so bad that he ranaway from it!
2009-03-16 12:41:09 UTC
When my dog forgets about the glass door.
2009-03-16 10:01:55 UTC
I was giving my dog a bath and it ran out and the whole room was messy so my dad took the dog to the pound. R.I.P. Rocky. =(
Rai A
2009-03-15 23:47:13 UTC
Walking through the house with the pet chock (called Sunshine) on my forearm.

- often singing "Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy"

2009-03-15 16:51:48 UTC
my sister fell into a man hole in mexico and our dog jumped in after her

we got my sister out and when we looked in the dog was swimming around!9don't worry thay both got out safely
2009-03-15 14:58:50 UTC
finding my 2 year old cat fast asleep in my waste paper bin lol
2009-03-15 10:24:10 UTC
my dog humped my giant stuff cat. My mom told me to through it away after that. she said my dog was doing strange things with it
2009-03-14 19:12:00 UTC
my cat climbed up a HUGE pine tree and we had to get a bucket truck to get it down

we got it like a week b4 this
2009-03-14 12:51:45 UTC
Lovely to hear from you Jen, Heard about you and John, you can marry me anyday sweety lol oh what was the question again?

2009-03-14 11:53:52 UTC
I have a parakeet called charlie, hes so cheeky!! when hes on someones shoulder and they try to eat something, charlie with nab it himself!!! lol, bless him =]
SK8ER GEORGE ( My space name)
2009-03-13 17:45:01 UTC
I got my little Princess from someone who treated her bad. I made a choice to ask the owners if I can raise her. They were glad I would take her they neglected her so much. Princess Cookie, is getting better and does not run from people any more.

" I think it is the funniest thing when a fire truck siren goes on she likes to holler by her self. It's funny when I am in the room she hears it and runs to the window, but she will not holler till I do it with her. I start telling her "Your a good singer and sje get all happy" Thank you for loving your pet. Sk8er George
2009-03-13 17:13:44 UTC
When My German Shepherd, Piper was playing with a tennis ball and my Chihuahua Mix, Phoebe grabbed it with her teeth and Piper shook her head and Phoebe went flying.
2009-03-13 05:06:55 UTC
My cat Angel thinks she is a dog. She growls when anyone comes near the front door, she plays fetch with her favourite hedge hog toy and she growls at unknown visitors - she wags her tail when she is happy and chases her tail - you cannot help laugh at these actions.
2009-03-13 00:24:08 UTC
Not so much as about the pets but their owner....

Contentedly reading last night, younger daughter approached with the offer of a few grapes. I commented on how tasty they were and daughter said "Oh! Good. They're out of date and I wanted to check if they were ok for the three guinea pigs". Looks like she now has four.
2009-04-12 18:19:46 UTC
my sister was throwing a frisbee to my dog, while my dog was sitting next to the pool and my sister threw it to far and my dog fell in the pool with the disk
2009-03-16 12:27:24 UTC
my dog and I were playing catch and I threw the ball and she ran right into the sliding glass door
2009-03-14 15:02:48 UTC
when he got ran over by a car and had to wear one of those lampshades around his head and had to have his leg in a cast.

it was hilarious.
2009-03-14 07:06:08 UTC
When we were in the backyard with my yellow labrador, my friend and I were pretending to fight. I fell down, and my dog ran over to me, and bit on my pants, (he didn't actually bite my skin), and he began pulling me away from my friend, as if to protect me!
2009-03-14 02:12:16 UTC
Our goldfish jumped out of the tank, committing suicide. It was alive for seven years, which I'm sure is rather long in goldfish years, so you couldn't blame it really!
2009-03-13 23:02:46 UTC
my dog ruby came up to my dad wagging her tail all excited and my dad said what is it girl what have u got? and she excitedly dropped it in his hand. he rolled it around and had a closer look and when he discovered what it was he threw it up in the air. the dog had decided to remove the cat droppings from the litter tray and give it to him.
2009-03-13 21:48:36 UTC
anytime my dad plays "rough-houses" with my dog she get so excited. she is an Australian Shepherd so she has thick long fur. my dad will sometimes grab the fur on her butt (right abover her stub tail) and shake her a little bit. she loves this. she will try to get him by going from side to side and she kicks her back feet. she loves it so much, if she knows my dad is going to play with her, and he grabs that spot she will just plop on the floor, get on her back and start to kick her back feet in the air, turn her head and upper bod trying to get him, bark and play growl, when my dad is just barely holding on to her furr. our entire family just watches her act goofy when she does this
2009-03-13 17:45:08 UTC
When my dog "multi tasks." He's very tiny, and once tried to drag around a throw rug while batting around a soccer ball, and tripped. :D
2009-03-13 14:59:52 UTC
Well my two dogs were playing and they started to chase each other around the house My little Yorkie was having trouble catching up to the Beagle so she stopped and went around the other way and freaked out the beagle who tried to stop and slid across the kitchen floor with the Yorkie on top of her.
2009-03-13 09:54:55 UTC
I have so many memories with my 3 year old twin cats, but I don't wanna name every single one.

On New Years Day 2006, I was sitting in the kitchen watching TV and my 2 cats ran upstairs. All of a sudden I hear THUMP THUMP THUMP!!! I look over to see one of my cats had rolled down the stairs and didn't land on his feet. :|
neife m
2009-04-03 04:15:55 UTC
i think that every family to have a pet because it is very good for every ages.i have a five pet i love so much.
2009-03-19 09:54:43 UTC
my dog was running so fast he was about to go down the stairs which he is terrified of so he quickly stops and then my mom drops a book and it scared him and he fell down the stairs yelping but dont worry he wasnt hurt!!!
M1A1 Thompson
2009-03-17 08:51:34 UTC
Our ferret chases the cat and our cat chases the dog!
Amber Vera
2009-03-17 08:18:16 UTC
When my sister's dog had his fur shaved off... my cat fluffed up his tail bigger than his head because he didn't recognize the dog. It was really funny. :)
2009-03-15 05:03:15 UTC
Are you the real Jennifer?? I think it's funny that you get 300 + stars on this dumb @ss question when people who ask good, star worthy questions don't get any, 3 or 4 at the most.

You're not that great...Retire already.
Julia M
2009-03-14 02:22:38 UTC
when my dog licks my hand in the morning and then gets up on my bed and starts doing a happy dance( going in circles) it is so funny....... I love it so much... It makes me so happy...... Also when he chases tail ....
2009-03-13 20:13:05 UTC
my younger cat is in love with my dog. they share the same bed, she rubs up against him, etc.

and when my obese cat sprawls himself out in the middle of the kitchen and grabs anyone when they walk by
2009-03-13 20:01:29 UTC
sometimes when my pup gets really hyper he'll run around the house like down the hall, in a room, out the room, in another room, back down the hall, around the table going at full speed! it's hilarious, i laugh my butt off everytime.

2009-03-13 15:56:44 UTC
My cat was asleep at the end of the bed while I was watching TV. In the movie there was a gunshot, he jumped so high, I was laughing hysterically, then he looked at me as if I did something wrong. I am still "chuckling" after a few days.
2009-03-13 15:41:37 UTC
Our kitten doing backflips down the stairs trying to catch a slinky!
2009-04-03 16:46:52 UTC
when my chicken started to chase an older cat away from my kitten. it pecked the cat so much.after my kitten and chicken were best friends


Morgan Odom
2009-04-02 17:13:38 UTC
When I was holding my cat,it keep meowing,then it scratched me and ran to the neighbor's house.
2009-03-31 14:16:27 UTC
My dog was about to vomit but before she did it was hilarious me and my brother were cracking up because she kept gulping!
2009-03-24 18:44:23 UTC
my turtle

a bug fell inside and it bit my turtle

and my turtle was like squirming around


and then my mom saved my turtle by scooping the bug out
2009-03-20 05:19:55 UTC
My kitten Molly acting very much like a dog..
2009-03-19 04:15:58 UTC
I downloaded a shotgun application for my iphone and pretended to shoot my 3 month old puppy.

He fell to the floor, wild west style and rolled around moaning before lying perfectly still. my mum actually thought i'd shot him it was hilarious.
Seti I
2009-03-18 15:59:22 UTC
When my Dog Jump into an empty pool with no water, but he didnt get hurt! =) He must of thought it was water in the pool..
2009-03-17 11:20:43 UTC
when my Siberian Husky put her two front paws in the water after she went on a long walk
2009-03-16 21:00:40 UTC
My dog ran away with my dad's leopard skin underwear, it was pretty hysterical
2009-03-16 05:31:24 UTC
My dog likes to jump on the trampoline with me :)

She jumps on two legs xD
2009-03-15 18:31:16 UTC
my dog as a puppy ate pink lipstick, she had it all over her body her face was pink her paws, my carpet the tiles, thats was one of the funnier moments
2009-03-15 09:50:41 UTC
when we use to have a doberman pincher she always chased the watter coming out of the hose when we watter the yard
2009-03-15 09:27:53 UTC
when my dog had a rice crispy (she got it out of the trash can) well the excess parts left on the wrapper. she can to me and she smelt like marshmellows and candy. then when i went trash can the wrapper was licked clean.
2009-03-15 07:34:33 UTC
i through a ball for my dog and it hit the wall and bounced off, but my dog kept on going and crash! it was funny but probably not for the dog
2009-03-15 06:47:28 UTC
I have 2 dogs and their brothers and sisters.Rottweilers actually. and one day my brother and i came home from school and we saw both of them doing it.and now the girl dog i pregnant. she just starts keep barking and wanting to bite my uncle's finger off.
fluffy pink pineapple
2009-03-15 03:08:29 UTC
OMG! its really you!

my dog ate spaghetti and then got orange stains around his mouth!
No offence
2009-03-14 18:18:46 UTC
Had friends over and my dog came out with a bra in his mouth..
2009-03-14 03:15:48 UTC
Mine chases a rope and it looks as tho she is playing skip rope
2009-03-13 21:02:44 UTC
One time me and my mom was sitting on the couch and our Chihuahua was sitting on its back sleeping snoring,right out of know where our dog farts in our face!!
2009-03-13 05:22:43 UTC
My old cat, Tommy [named from Tom and Jerry - we weren't creative back then, okay?], bit me on the nose while I was on the couch so I threw him down and he landed on his feet, and my sisters and my mother were laughing their you-know-whats off. Seriously, they laugh at everything that you shouldn't.

Also a cute moment; Tommy as a kitten was sleeping in my dad's sandles. You have no idea.
2009-04-29 11:48:00 UTC
when i ate my huge geat dane for dinner and my fish as an appetizer and a turtle drizzled in choclate sauce for dessert lol jk
2009-04-15 23:08:50 UTC
my god 2000 answers what was the name that guy gave the dog that hated his name Mr van sniffer doodles
2009-04-07 16:09:10 UTC
my dog had been lazing ALL day and he went to get up to go get a drink, and his leg had gone totally dead, he just fell straight back down! gotta love em'!
2009-04-04 05:03:57 UTC
when my cat did a poo in the toilet!!! he even tried to flush it. He failed though. It just so happens that i caught it on film. Here is the clip:
2009-04-03 21:45:26 UTC
my pet poodle was running to get the ball and he ran into the fence
2009-04-03 13:54:09 UTC
my cat goes nuts in the snow and he went out, he was chasing the snow and jumping on the tress and stuff
~All The Good Names Were Taken~
2009-03-21 15:37:53 UTC
so many answers =|


my dad was giving my bird something to drink

it was coke and wine

she was hanging on the side of the cage upside down and then she fell down because she was drunk
2009-03-19 12:55:14 UTC
My mum opened the oven and while it was open my rabbit managed to jump in and shringe all his whiskers off
2009-03-17 13:14:07 UTC
Our Cocker Spaniel Saying "Ruuu UR UUUUU" I think he is saying Hello How our you.
2009-03-17 11:51:05 UTC
When my dog was just a puppy she got in a whole bag of Lays wavy potatoe chips and when she (the dog) was done eating them she put the bag on her head. (the dog iput the bag on her head)

LOL!!!!! :D
2009-03-16 21:34:10 UTC
When my sister was holding what was our potential pet hamster, it peed all over her pants and she started crying.
2009-03-16 04:08:28 UTC
Marley and me was a HORRIBLE movie...I hope nobody believes it's seriously Jennifer Aniston like she gives a **** lol.
2009-03-14 13:56:50 UTC
I was in the kitchen one evening and I saw my cat do the 'weirdest' thing ever - using her front hinds, and her back ones elevated somewhat, she dragged herself across the kitchen floor scraping her little bum and leaving a trail of murky cat poo.

true story. I was like 'what.....the....' are you doing ? :-|

so anyways right, I tell my sis what happened that night and she laughs and tells me 'yeah, i saw her do that once too'.
2009-03-14 11:17:28 UTC
went camping and it was raining so went in tent with the dog when i looked outside there's my husband he jumped into the stream which was more like a river because he thought the dog had been swept away i wet myself
2009-03-14 05:21:58 UTC
lol when i first got my little kelpie he was running in the backyard and he tried to jump over a cactus we have and he hurt himself but he was fine lol but he act like he was embarrassed lol
2009-03-14 04:51:35 UTC
me and my partner was out walking our dogs when my partner started to run with the boxer dog,she tripped him up and then jump on his face and started to lick him he couldn't get her off him,all i could do was stand there laughing,he wasn't amused
2009-03-13 20:36:40 UTC
my family's kitty stays at the door all day, waiting for my neighbor cat. when he comes, she attacks the door and jumps and literally screams! its funny but you have to plug your ears or its too loud.
2009-03-13 16:46:19 UTC
I had a pekineses and a boston terrier, they were best friends. they would play together until the boston terrier tried to play with they others favorit toy, and he got mad. bostons name is ace and the other name is oreo I have a video of them playing type in ace and oreo.Oreo has passed away since. the video is on you tube
Laura G
2009-03-13 09:10:41 UTC
My dog lily on my birthday discovered the joy of balloons it was very funny watching her chase it around the kitchen specially the fright she got when it burst! Or the dog i had before that Judy another cockier spaniel in the park around the corner from me a football (soccer) match was going on of course my dog had to run in the middle of the game and play with the ball everyone just stopped and stared while i tryd to pretend the dog wasn't mine!
Bethh ♥
2009-03-13 05:08:24 UTC
Me and my whole family were out taking my dog for a walk and he spotted two golfers with their golf balls and chased them round the course trying to get them

The men were pratically screaming :)
2009-05-02 04:06:53 UTC
My pet mongrel called Lucky had a hysterectomy and just a few days later she died of blood poisoning the irony of her name made me laugh.
2009-03-27 21:51:55 UTC
when my cat was little, i bought him a fake mouse toy. it was lying on the floor one day and about half a metre away there was a tiny piece of paper sort of poking up if u get wat i mean. my cat hid behind the piece of paper preparing to pounce on the toy mouse :) it was so funny
2009-03-22 01:48:55 UTC
my chuwawa attacked a tree branch the was still attached to the baby tree and the tree branch be came a swing
2009-03-19 16:19:59 UTC
when my dog was running and thought the conservertry doors were open and ran straight into them and fell backwards because the doors were shut so she had just run straight into the glass
2009-03-16 15:42:26 UTC
My cat can fetch, and pick up food with his paws. My other cat is quite a jumper and she can jump as tall as I am (5'5").

It always impresses me and gives me a smile.
Tootsie pop ♥♥♥♥
2009-03-16 14:04:00 UTC
I gave my dog a bath, and we took him outside, and he ran alround the mud and water, and layed don in dirt. i was dying
2009-03-15 20:51:01 UTC
When my dog was humping this BIG bear and we were all staring at him and then he turned around to look at us then he started to do it again.
2009-03-15 15:36:16 UTC
I got my wife to throw a snowball at my dog she looked at me and said: "Now what?" I laughed and said . "Run."

She ran he caught her and got her all wet from the snow
2009-03-14 17:33:13 UTC
When our birdie Roz flew and used my husbands head for a perch and now wont stop! :P
2009-03-14 15:47:49 UTC
my mum said we need to water the plants in the lounge room i said ok my dog spot got up walked with me as i started to water the plants he started pissing on them OMG
White Wolf
2009-03-13 15:53:09 UTC
My dog is terrified of everything! The other night I had a laundry basket on my head and stared at her. She started barking and growling at it, and I went towards her. When I got to her I bent down, but the basket fell off my head and fell on her, and she screamed like a human! (Don't worry! The basket was little and light and she wasn't hurt, just scared! And I don't deliberately scare her often!) My mom thought I had been the one that screamed, but I told her, in between laughs, that my dog had done it. We had a good laugh about it, and after my dog found out it had been a joke, she pooped in my shoes.
2009-03-13 14:36:50 UTC
my cat leaped into a container not realising it was full of water. She just stood there, soaked and the look of utmost shock on her face..
wise old bird
2009-03-13 04:55:10 UTC
My golden retriever (who is terrified of everything) was up on the couch in the living room as I had workmen in the kitchen.

One of the men switched on the kitchen light, the dog looked up at the living room ceiling light, and looked quite puzzled as to why it wasn't working. I just couldn't stop laughing at her.
Ying, where's my Yang?
2009-03-15 08:02:36 UTC
When my Terrier farted at a dinner party, I nearly died of embarrassment... Thankfully, my guests saw the funny side of it and we laughed for about half an hour non stop, that when we had finished, our meals had gone cold!
2009-04-12 17:13:42 UTC
my cat Ewan (not named by me) tried to get under my bedsheets to get warm one time, but somehow managed to get IN the sheet... making lots of noise because he was scared and couldn't find his way out again... and it took us about 15 minutes to find him.

i still laugh about it now.
2009-03-18 06:15:19 UTC
we had a great dog who got glaucoma from getting diabetes and went blind. it was hilarious watching him walk into things and falling off walls. the funniest thing he did tho was once i was sleeping with my sister in her bed, normally he loves me but this night he took offence to me taking his spot in the bed so he decided to stare me out of it, even tho he was blind he just sat there staring at me and wouldnt go to sleep or lie down. he actually was freaking me out, my sister thought it was hilarious, i guess you had to be there
Marty B
2009-03-16 01:15:14 UTC
Plain and simple my dog running into a glass door
2009-03-15 23:27:59 UTC
lol...That is really funny, When my terrier x was sitting on the bed looking at my husband, and he went to give her a kiss and she burped...My man said he could taste it and it was so discusting
Patricia L
2009-03-13 13:20:37 UTC
When my cat called Jimbob wants to come indoors he knocks on the window.
2009-03-12 16:10:11 UTC
My Jack Russell terrier once dragged a half dead rat into my garden to present it to my mum with an expression on her face like 'look what I've caught'. My mum(who is terrified of rats, mice, hamsters etc) didn't realise what it was until she got right up close to it at which point the rat twitched and she gave out a scream that could be heard miles away. Being seven years old at the time. I thought this was hilarious. I've also found it quite funny a couple of years ago to see the same Jack Russell which by this time had been house trained for years randomly wee on the carpet as it was so focused on getting a tennis ball from me. In fact I've got alot of great memories of that one dog

like when she walked through wet cement or when she managed to catch a tossed pancake on her head on pancake day.

I've had alot of dogs and I have great memories about all of them. I'll always remember the first dog that really felt like my dog and not my parents. He was a Border Collie Sheep Dog. I came home from school one day and my dad told me to look inside a room and I really wasn't expecting anything. As soon as I pushed the door open he pounced on me and started licking my face that wasn't particularly funny but it was really memorable for me.
sammy 434
2009-04-15 14:42:30 UTC
my dog when came from a walk he would run in circles around my arm chai we had to chase after him because he was hitting his head on it
2009-03-27 23:45:09 UTC
watching my cat try to catch a laser pointed at the ground is just hilarious but it can get dangerous too when you poin the laser at your plasma
.£øѕт ïи Ðяεαмℓαи∂.
2009-03-27 16:12:16 UTC
Well.. I was eating sausages or something and my cat grabbed one and ran behind the TV.. it was hilarious.
2009-03-23 13:54:13 UTC
on a camping holiday my son found a frog which jumped on our dogs head and sat there quite visited every day until we left.
2009-03-19 13:16:39 UTC
When my bird zeko canary bit my brothers ear to the wash room O.o
Tori Tonks - GOG ◘•♥•◘
2009-03-18 01:06:32 UTC
um i dont know i cant really remember. probally when my dogs were trying to catch bubbles they were like jumping up in the air it was really funny.
2009-03-16 19:46:18 UTC
haha well....

our gracie pug ran away and we finally found her about 1/2 from our house and my aunt was running in her heels to get her

i guess you had to be there...
2009-03-16 16:31:50 UTC
When my dog started humping my pooh

bear toy
2009-03-16 16:10:11 UTC
when my dog was being chased by my sister's kitten..oh and the cat was jumping side ways lol hilarious
2009-03-16 11:27:37 UTC
it was when my sister put the cat in the horse's water bucket.the bucket was metal and deep and it has like 3 inch's of water in it well my sister took T-cat (the cat) and dropped him in it and he couldn't get out! it was soooo funny!!!!! he was covered with water!!!!!
2009-03-16 00:33:30 UTC
when our cat, in her endeavour to go outside ran into the closed, glass door and bounced back.
Hi there.
2009-03-15 20:36:55 UTC
lol one was wen my dog tried to roll over but got stuck on her back and was wriggling around trying to get up lol. lol i bet this isnt even jeniffer aniston.
2009-03-15 10:40:34 UTC
when there was just a bowl on the floor he just clawed at it for hours on end for no reason what so ever

so funny
Insane PC Dude
2009-03-14 18:30:57 UTC
so me and family got to my cousin's wedding and we got there a little early so we went to McDonald. when were done we all head back to the car, but right before we go in my mom realized that she forgot here phone. so me, my mom, my dad, and uncle went to go get it. leaving my grandmother on the parking lot. when we return my grandmother was sitting with another family in their car. so we were like what are you doing over there? she was like I thought this is our car.
2009-03-14 18:15:23 UTC
my ferret had never seen a blown up balloon before and the first time he saw on he was going crazy jumping on it and if i threw it up he'd jump up and hit it with his nose!! SO CUTE =)
2009-03-14 13:36:12 UTC
my maw has my springer when im at work she made a tin of soup dipped the bread in gave molly hers she spat it back out it wasn't home made soup shes spoilt by her gran doesn't want to come home when i pick her up.
2009-03-14 08:32:32 UTC
My dog struppi got scared of a leaf and started barking and lunging at it, then the leaf moved cause of the wind and she was so scared she ran away.
2009-03-14 02:27:24 UTC
when my dog was tired and we were going to bed he couldent be bothered to get on the setee so he was waiting to be lifted as I was going over to lift him up he let of a really loud fart. it was so funnyyy :D
2009-03-13 15:30:15 UTC
Our pug, who has now passed away, had a pillow she loved to lay on in front of the fireplace. She got a wild hair one day and stuck her head inside the pillow case, then ran around the house with the pillow stuck over her head.

We also had another pug who smiled and could talk. When we put on our sneakers, he knew it was time for a walk and would run to his leash hanging on the wall and say waahk, waahk, waahk.
2009-03-13 14:26:50 UTC
My Grandmother's horse, Badger, brought a stick to me. I threw it and he went after it XD He also brought a halter to my grandma at feed time.
awesome guy (...)
2009-03-17 12:51:53 UTC
When my dog saw his reflection, thought it was a different dog, and started to bark at his reflection.
2009-03-15 06:55:15 UTC
My little kitten jumps around the place chasing string. she jumps really high and does flips in the air - so funny, so cute =]
2009-03-14 16:53:23 UTC
When my kitten climbed up the side of the house and got stuck .... it took us an hour to get her down.
Joe Chill
2009-05-02 14:18:08 UTC
my cat jumped on the fan and spun around and flew into the screen door
2009-04-16 15:48:27 UTC
When my dogs run into the screen door it is so hilarious!
Beckles the#1 Sworse horse swan1
2009-03-18 07:04:24 UTC
When my dog ran and landed in the frozen pool and we got him out wit a few people falling in too. ( I was one of them)
Kristin K
2009-03-17 13:50:46 UTC
We dress our dogs up in clothes for fun and put sunglasses on them. They look so adorable and we take pictures. They even model for us. Haha.
2009-03-17 13:49:44 UTC
hahaha!! good question! mine is when my little dog bella was running down the hallway and totally couldn't stop herself so she ended up running into a wall!!! it was hilarious!!!
Daniel B
2009-03-16 17:44:22 UTC
when my brother was trying to pet my aunts dog then it bark and my brother screamed on the top of his lungs.
due on 1/08/10
2009-03-16 13:50:32 UTC
While hiking one day, I fell flat on my bum and my little pit ran straight for me and started licking my back. He loves his mama. lol
2009-03-16 12:40:17 UTC
My dog likes to do flips when he runs after us
2009-03-16 10:57:34 UTC
when i gave my dog "frosty paws" ice cream treat for dogs, and he ate it so fast, and then the way he looked at me when he realized he was having a brain freeze! it was crazy hilarious!!!
Elle K
2009-03-14 22:32:10 UTC
i was feeding the cat the cat saw a mouse and sped out the door
2009-03-14 20:29:16 UTC
playing with my dog in my pj's one night and she caught hold of my sweats and pulled them down to my ankles, thought my mom was going to explode from laughing! oh yeah, no undies!!!
2009-03-14 14:33:54 UTC
I let my cat stay at my mums. We came back from shopping and he had done a poo on her cooker.
2009-03-14 08:32:33 UTC
My dog grabbed his rope toy and started to play with it and ended up throwing it and hitting my brother in the nose.
2009-03-14 02:24:40 UTC
My bf had given me a pet turtle. I didn't want to let him know it died so me and my friend's pretended he was sleeping whenever he came to visit lol.
2009-03-13 23:03:11 UTC
Maverick that's our **** er spinal. wont alow us to use computer he jumps on our lap and cries for attention. loves belly rubs and kisses loves fruit and bananas its not good for him we later found out but we love our maverick just the same.
2009-03-13 14:55:13 UTC
I have so many it's impossible too choose! Oh well. Once we were watching something on TV when my dog came in looking for attention. We were too busy to notice, and eventually he got himself noticed by jumping on the remote control so it kept flicking channels! Annoying, but clever!
2009-03-13 03:20:02 UTC
When my mum's kitten ate christmas tinsel and then reproduced it from the other end... my mum then (unknowingly) picked it up and was cross it had got on the floor, she then wondered why we could barely hold back from laughter... she was not amused, but kitty was fine from then on and earned the name tinsel tush!
Paul R
2009-03-23 01:35:14 UTC
one my favourite moments is when our little terrier wants a pat she will force her little head into our hands so she can recieve all the attention. then if she loses the attention she will start to bark at us. her name is ellie but her nickname is spoilt and that little ***** lives up to that nickname
2009-03-15 11:54:28 UTC
i had these 2 chicks as pets and one day we were playing with them outside and this hawk came and picked up one of the chickens and then flew away with it. it is kind of funny but i never saw that chicken again so that's pretty sad.
2009-03-14 16:37:03 UTC
My newborn Maltese riding in my bra on my trip into the bank. You should have seen the tellers face when she finally noticed the two little eyes peaking out the top of my blouse at her.
2009-03-13 18:48:32 UTC
when there was a roach my dog labradoor black

went crazzyy!!! tryin to find till he found it and ate it lol..he went under the bed once i mean you have to be there
2009-03-22 15:52:20 UTC
well my cat has done too many hilarious things both of them but more the young male.

btw you got like 1860 sout answers jesus!!! lolz

Coley x
2009-03-20 08:25:17 UTC
Aboue 10yrs ago my german sheaperd was running about the house mad, and he jumped up on the sofa and pissed into my mums handbag, it was hilarious.
2009-03-17 13:20:27 UTC
one time while i was bringing groceries in my yorkie was going through a bag and eating the food so the bag i had in my hand was a toilet paper roll and i through it at his butt and he got so scared he did a back dad and i were cracking up for hours and we still do today
2009-03-17 07:02:49 UTC
When my dog keep jumping up for like an hour.
2009-03-16 21:14:19 UTC
my cat "fred"jumped on my bulldogs "auggie"head and started biting his ears ,auggie shook his head rapidly and fred went flying accross the room
Do Wah Diddy
2009-03-14 12:21:09 UTC
during thanksgiving my dog went in the kitchen and started sliding all around it

That was hilarious
2009-03-14 07:56:47 UTC
my puppy Dakota was in such an adorable outfit for halloween she was dressed up in a sumbrero and a poncho and we kept on taking pictures and pictures intell she started to bark and oh my goodness! she was whining while she was barking and it sounded like she was say "STOP STOP! it not like im famouse" and most of us were laughing and then she got on her stubborn side and well idk got anoyed but that was a fun halloween
2009-03-13 18:10:37 UTC
my dog and i were racing and she knocked me into the pool and it was during the winter and so i fell on the plastic cover
2009-03-13 15:43:47 UTC
My cat would climb up my husbands pants before he got deployed. Just to get into the silviware drawer.
Babe, pig in the city ;)
2009-03-13 15:03:57 UTC
My dog is obsessed with flies. All you have to say is "wheres the flies?" and he will sit and stare at the ceiling forever (even if there is no flies there.) A few days ago there was a black dot on our wall, and he thought it was a fly so started trying to actually eat the wall - he couldn't work out why he couldn't get to the fly.

2009-03-13 13:37:22 UTC
Once, i was throwing a ball for my lazy lab Renfro, and I ran after it, but I was looking at him, trying to tell him to go and catch it and I ran into a tree! I know, I'm so smart!
2009-03-13 10:03:42 UTC
We were looking after my brothers goldfish whilst he was on holiday and unfortunately it died 2 days before he was due back. So rather than have the wrath of my brother for eternity we bought a new goldfish hoping he would not be able to tell the difference. His only comment was "Looks like you should keep Goldykipper because he must like living with you as he has grown about 2 inches in 2 weeks".
2009-03-13 09:12:09 UTC
I was at the park training my 9 month old Ridgeback. Of course i had him on an 8 meter training lead which was just trailing in the ground behind him whilst I threw his ball working on his recall. However I didn't realise he had circled me a couple of times, and as I threw his ball, he sprinted off after it... it was a kind of cartoon moment as I looked down and noticed the training lead wrapped around my ankles, and in slow motion, he hit the end of his lead as my feet slapped together and came clear of thr ground with the rest of me following before I ended up in a pile in the mud with him jumping all over me!


The time i was teaching him to trott nicely beside my bike. Well all I can say is high speeds, bikes, dogs on leads and lamp posts DO NOT go well together.... i ended up in A & E with concussion and some pretty bad bruises!
2009-03-13 05:41:57 UTC
1) When I saw my cat struggling to get through the slats in our garden fence one Sunday with an unfortunate neighbour's roast chicken clamped firmly between her jaws!

2) Same cat ... she sat on my friends lap, then when he was looking over and chatting to me, her head completely disappeared into his donner kebab and came out with all the filling.

I miss that cat!!
2009-03-13 02:48:36 UTC
We had a Bullmastiff named Rob who always offered present to who ever came to the door. My grampa Anderson was presented by a 4 by 4 fence stob which would not fit through the front door. However he turned his head to one side to turn the stob Vertically to fir through....what a present. Fab, wonderful dog!
2009-03-12 14:52:58 UTC
There has been many incidents with the kittykat Sammy. When we first got her she was 8 weeks old in our years. In kittyland she must have been older. She had taken to eating plastic things. We would always try to get these away from her. Once she had something hanging out of her bottom. I was 15 and was on a German exchange trip with school. My family told me about what happened.

They could not figure out what was hanging out from her bottom. We had just taken her for kitty injections and they could not understand what was hanging out of her ar**! She had demolished an old cassette tape of my father's (the kind that used to be around before cds were) . Anyway, when she had a poop it came out.

I wish I had seen it. I would have been worried too at first but then later found it hilarious.

My sammy is still alive and I am 27 now. I hope she keeps living a long time. I know that she is older in kittyland but she's still healthy and we still have to keep plastics away from her!
2009-04-09 15:08:30 UTC
Once my dog saw himself in the mirror and thought it was another dog and he bark at his own reflection.
2009-04-06 15:46:16 UTC
my sisters cat folowing a laser = faceplant into wall lol
2009-03-30 19:32:44 UTC
When my dog ran into the wall he is so clumsy
Jack H
2009-03-18 10:41:02 UTC
my dog ate a load of crayons that had melted togther in the sun and when she next took a dump it was multicoloured
2009-03-17 07:11:26 UTC
When the cat freaked out to 'Elmo live'.
2009-03-17 04:41:02 UTC
My dog got his head stuck in a bag. He was bumping into everything.
2009-03-16 16:18:53 UTC
my dog bug chasing around the light of a flash light (: he goes crazy!
2009-03-16 11:47:40 UTC
It was always funny when my dog used to ride on our 4wheeler
2009-03-15 19:20:18 UTC
lol, was this really asked by Jennifer Aniston? Anyways, my answer is when my cat was chasing my laser light and he ran str8 into a glass window. it was hilarious. XD.
2009-03-14 21:16:26 UTC
The funniest pet moment is hard to choose! Animals are beautiful and very entertaining creatures. To decide who is funniest between my dog, a Siberian-Husky/German Shepherd named Hailey, and my cat, a white and orange fluffy tabby cat named Simba, is very hard! I think my bundle of fur takes the cake when he, Simba, got entangled in the ends of my valentine's day balloons. The end of the string of the balloon somehow got attached to Simba's tail and he was running around the house with an I love you balloon hanging above him. What is even funnier was when he tried to climb the string to get to the top of the balloon and when he kept chasing his tail :) It was hilarious to watch. Both my boyfriend and our cat wished me a Happy Valentine's Day :)
2009-03-14 12:13:47 UTC
I have to say when Cider (my new gog :) Brings over her leash. She'll pick it up then come by you. Its soooo cute!
Jill :)
2009-03-14 11:16:30 UTC
Haha, my older sister brought her ferrit over our house, and my cat was soooo scared of it! My cat was upstairs on my moms bed and we had the ferrit dangeling in front of her, so she hissed and then she tried jumping on the wall! BAHAHA :) my little retard!<3
2009-03-14 05:33:57 UTC
it was, when my cat, snowbell, finished poop and then he sat on the outside floor and than move like that with his bottom still on the floor. I think he wants his poop to be cleaned up and left on the floor
2009-03-13 12:10:43 UTC
my brother was coming home from work when my dog saw him and ran full speed towards him...only to be halted by the screen door!
The Patriot
2009-03-13 01:52:12 UTC
Getting our kitten to run up my brothers leg when chasing a string! He was wearing Jeans, but did not talk to me for the rest of the day.
2009-04-11 07:04:18 UTC
whn my pet budgie sat on my rabbits back because there was a kernal of wheat in the rabbits fur. the rabbit ran with the budgie holding on! it was like a cartoon
2009-03-16 11:51:31 UTC
i told my dog she stunk the other day (wet dog) so my 21 month old said 'poop?' and looked under the dogs butt

Derpa derp derp
2009-03-15 10:08:57 UTC
One time my dog pooped on the cover of People magazine. I think it was the issue where your husband dumped you for a more attractive movie star.
2009-03-14 05:07:49 UTC
i was shore fishing in brighton, i landed a nice cod, and as i put it down ready to hit it with my priest, my dog picked it up and run into the sea and let it go, so hit dog instead
2009-03-12 18:40:52 UTC
My dog had a fight with the postman and the postman got so fed up over the last couple of weeks he had to change his route!

By the way, i love Marley and Me.

Hi Guys
2009-05-03 09:12:29 UTC
I put a laser on the ground and my dog did not know what it was so it started chasing it.

2009-04-16 15:36:28 UTC
Jennifer Aniston I love you! You are my idol, so beautiful and so lovely..bless you, I'll always support you! *hugs* from all of us in the uk! :) x
2009-04-10 04:38:18 UTC
My cat sleeps in front of the key board when i'm on the computer. it makes it hard for me to type, but i still love her :)
2009-04-04 02:46:51 UTC
2009-03-28 20:04:41 UTC
this is hilarious! my dog had accidently pooed inside the house cuz she was busting. My sister had to pick up the poo with a tissue. here's the funny part: she touched it with her finger. There was brown stuff all over it. HA HA!! heres the unfunny part: she wiped it on my chair.
2009-03-20 18:56:17 UTC
When my cat has the Mr potato head mouth in hers..
2009-03-18 23:33:10 UTC
my aunt n uncles cat had a toy mouse. it was laying infront of the tv, which we were all watching. the cat came out of nowhere and humped the toy mouse infront of us scooting across the living room floor. we got him away and when my uncle picked up with mouse, it was wet. it was hilarious
2009-03-16 17:56:04 UTC
my mom got mad at me so i went into my room and my dog started to bite my leg (not hard ) and my dad was yelling at me playing around and my dog started to bark at him lol
2009-03-16 12:48:16 UTC
I put tape on my cat's back.

My dog tried to turn around in the most tight spot. (He made it.)
2009-03-16 11:24:17 UTC
when my chi sweeney and i were playing. i had three small bounce balls and i threw them all at once and he jumped up and down not being able to decide which ball he should attack!
2009-03-15 16:06:24 UTC
This answer has the funniest pet moment you asked for, but it's also an answer to just how much you & your pet connect. I have an inoperable brain aneurysm which causes me to seize almost daily & means I'm terminal. Before I was diagnosed my shitzu's Chloe & Carrie, started acting up. Barking, staying near me, pacing back & forth, etc... I was amazed when I figured out they knew when I was fixing to have one. Now I know and get to a bed, in the floor, somewhere safe where I don't do any more damage when I hit the floor.

Another way my babies have been there for me...I'm in a domestic abuse situation. And when he starts in on me both of them, all 10 to 15 pounds of them try and jump in front of me to protect me. They start barking, biting, anything they can to keep him away from me. They've been kicked, thrown into walls, slapped across the room, etc... Basically the same thing I get, yet they are there time after time for me.

Since my aneurysm can't be operated on, at least that's what all the doctor's that have seen me & reviewed my case have said. I still have hope with 3 doctor's that are looking into my case to see if they can help me. I'm now on permanent disability due to an extremely bad "punishment" this past Aug. I tried to leave after that, but he managed to track me down at each shelter I went to. He was facing 8 to 10 years in prison. Without actually saying it, he made it clear that if he was going to go to prison, it would be for a reason. Breaking both my hands, dislocation of my collarbone, broken foot, and herniating a disc in my neck by kicking me with his steel toed work boots, which is what he did in Aug, was not reason enough.

I went before the judge & asked him for a chance to save my marriage. At the time I asked for this he was looking at the pics and reading the police report. He asked me 3 times, if I was sure, if I had been threatened to do this, etc... He then looked at my husband and said he didn't know why your wife would even think about saving her marriage to you, but I will respect her wishes. My husband started smiling, and then the judge said something that surprised everyone..."I will respect her wishes today, but I'm leaving this case open for one year. If you raise another hand to this woman in anger and the police are once again called, I will not only try you on the new charges, but these as well and then I will put you under the jail."

Didn't matter I was punished when we got home from court for causing him to have to pay a lawyer $5000. To make sure I couldn't leave again or cost him money he took my name off all banking & credit cards, taken my cell phone, takes all the phones whenever he leaves me alone at the house, took my car keys, locks up all my medicine that he knows I have to have for aneurysm, among other things. And he takes my check every month so that I have no money to leave with. And to make sure I don't try and get word to a friend or someone that can help me he never leaves me alone when people are around.

I may be living in prison, but I'm not about to give up. I've had & beaten cancer 3 separate times, I know I can beat him and take my life back someday. I have no idea why I just told you all this... This has nothing to do with what you asked, except that your pets can not only do some really funny things, but they can be so much more... they are truly man's best friend or woman's...LOL

Your probably not reading this by now, but here is one moment I found extremely funny... I was in bed, and was awoken with a hard slap to the face. I had made the bad mistake of talking in my sleep, which awoke him in another room. This time when Carrie jumped to my defense, she made contact & bit down hard on, well, let's put it this way, he was the one walking with a limp & in quite a bit of pain at least for a couple of days. He nearly killed her that night & would have had I not ran and grabbed a phone from under his pillow. I called 911 but he got to me before it had a chance to get through and then it was my turn to be "punished". I ended up with 3 cracked ribs and a broken nose, but it got him off my baby.

I don't know how or when, but I'll escape from here before 10/23/09 and me & my babies will be safe for the. Sorry this is long, & probably a complete waste of your time. I just wanted you and others to know that pets can not only be funny, they can save your life. Weather it be warning you a seizure is coming on, so you can get a safe place or taking a big bite out an abuser's, well you know... LOL
ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT••
2009-03-15 13:43:14 UTC
My dog ran into me, causing me to fall down and break my arm.

Ha ha.
Jeremy P
2009-03-15 13:42:30 UTC
When me and my family were singing happy birthday to my sister, and my dog started howling with us. She really was singing along!
Repeat the Question
2009-03-15 06:59:29 UTC
It is quite obvious to everyone that their favorite pet moment is when ole' Fido humps their Mom's leg.
Greg Macquarie
2009-03-15 06:45:56 UTC
Thanks for asking. Patsy the dog ran up a tree when she saw me in it, yet dogs aren't supposed to be able to climb trees.
2009-03-14 10:51:14 UTC
i let my chinchilla out of its cage and it ran towards the window and hit it hard...i felt bad but it was hilarious. the thing is, it did it repeatedly.
mindy c
2009-03-13 21:17:57 UTC
well ..... when my dog hudson was in that puppy stage .... about 6 months..... he liked to jump up and take things off the counter to eat.... and it drove us nuts ... he would wait until everyone was out of the room and then go to town..... well this one day i baked this awesome pumpkin bread (no not from scratch) ..... and i set it on the counter to cool ....i went and sat on the couch to watch oprah..... well in comes hudson (thats his name) and he usually had this puppy breath.... well he jumped up on the couch with me (as he always does) and as he jumped up all excited panting .... i smelled the freshest smell of pumpkin bread coming out of his mouth .... for a moment ..... i was like lost in the warm smell coming out of my little dogs mouth......AND THEN IT HIT ME...... HE ATE THE PUMPKIN BREAD.... not even a crumb was left........ i had to laugh.....
Ms Chanandler Bong
2009-03-13 09:23:25 UTC
I suppose it was the time when my neighbour knocked on my door, and when I opened it I found her and her dog (who unfortunately had a few scratches and missing fur) and she then told us that our cat (a very small cat, at that) had attacked her dog in her own home. Not only that, but he had also gone to the toilet on her floor and knocked a china plate off the kitchen counter!

It was mortifying at the time, but still humourous
2009-03-13 04:08:37 UTC
We wen camping and decided to bring the dog, because we think as our dog as family. So we went on this family outing and while my mom was sleeping in the tent my dog crawled into her sleeping bag and peed in it. I couldn't stop laughing :D
john g
2009-03-13 03:29:13 UTC
When I lived with my parents as a younger man. I returned from a night of plenty beers with my pals. My parents had gone to bed. the pet pekingnese was lying asleep at the top of the stairs. I got up in the night with an urgent need to pee. I am very short sighted and being drunk and half asleep, I went to the bathroom. I saw a white outline that I thought was the loo, and promplty relieved myself. Unfortunately, it wasn't the loo. I'd pee'd on the dog!!

Next morning my dad was very puzzled why the dog was soaking wet!
8 person
2009-05-01 03:31:18 UTC
when my cat had a cone on its head and spent the whole day running backwards.
The Kop Man
2009-04-23 22:00:29 UTC
You rock Jen
anthony agonist
2009-03-20 03:02:39 UTC
A friend who happens to be a remote controlled aircraft enthusiast decided that for extra realism his plane needed a pilot. He put his sisters pet hamster in the plane and sent it skywards. The plane got caught in a cross wind and he lost control, the plane came down in a hedgerow. He ran to the plane fearing the worst but when he got there the canopy to the **** pit was off and the hamster was no where to be found, freedom being the more attractive option.
2009-03-16 15:53:55 UTC
my cat was locked in our screened in porch and saw a turtle dove and started to flip out b/c it started to look at her.
2009-03-15 00:18:30 UTC
when my goldfish jumped out of the fish bowl, jumping all around on the table, only pet i've ever had
2009-03-14 15:35:42 UTC
my labrador fell of a dock into a bay in oregon when she was a puppy, and i almost fell in the dock after her. what kind of labrador doesn't know how to swim???

evidently mine.
2009-03-14 06:46:18 UTC
when my goldfish was eaten by a cat's neighbor .i try to let my neighbor pay for the lost of my goldfish ,but he said forget it its just a fish. then i said back to him how would u feel if i am gonna eat ur cat.? then he said back to me forget it its just a cat lol.
2009-03-13 22:52:39 UTC
My dog started eating rocks and then promptly throwing them up the next day. And he just keeps doing it.
2009-04-21 07:06:07 UTC
Seeing my cat do a backflip when I scare him.
2009-04-04 02:17:25 UTC
My cousin is scared to death of anything scaly, so you can guess her reaction when my lizard jumped on her!
2009-03-29 01:01:32 UTC
When my family saw Marley and was so bad that we cracked up
2009-03-18 20:48:02 UTC
When Emma the doberman started to dance with me to Mottown music! She just jumped right up and even twirlled with me!! I thought i would enter her in the show with Ellen, showing her who can dance....Emma can!! lol....
Colin S
2009-03-18 13:28:01 UTC
When 3 lovely girls named rachel, monica and phoebe had a catfight it was fun to watch and hot!
2009-03-17 00:44:41 UTC
The first time I met my gfs mum she humped my dog's leg, I jerked uncontrollably for about 3 hours.
2009-03-16 21:25:45 UTC
when my dog drung its butt across the white carpet and left a skid mark
What if I set ur Face on Fire?
2009-03-16 13:21:22 UTC
my dog pees on everyone who comes in our house then licks it up. and when my mom decided to name him windoe. and he fought with an ice cube. (my dog has special needs)
2009-03-16 08:53:10 UTC

The funniest moment was when my cat jumped into the christmas tree and was playing with the decoration ^^

the cat was covered of silver glitter and the tree ended all messed up XD


(='.'= )

(,,_,,__)~ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷคÿѕђคƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ™
2009-03-15 22:09:28 UTC
when my pet gold fish started playing dead in the tank

2009-03-13 16:31:35 UTC
Have more than one!

1) - Our cat ran into the bedroom one night and instead of jumping straight on the bed, he ran under a chair. Went to check on him and he growled - he had a live mouse in his mouth. I shouted - my partner shouted and we chased him downstairs. I managed to catch him in the kitchen, you really have to picture the scene now, Im holding the cat - my partners holding the dog - and now the cat drops the mouse, who makes his escape back into the living room.

2am is not the best time to go mouse hunting!

We managed to rescue the mouse before it disappeared behind the gas fire and release it back into the garden much to the amusement of the dog and the upset of the cat.

2) My lodger complained about our cat running into his room in the morning. The cat would run in and get under the bed and attack him when he put his boots on - chasing shoe laces. Cos he had a bad back he got a new bed - yes you've guessed it a divan - the cat ran in one morning straight into the side of the bed and sat looking at my lodger very puzzled. He certainly didn't do that again.

3) A friend who had stopped on my sofa, had taken his shoes and socks off and left them at the side, in the morning my staffie sat at the side of him on the sofa, I suddenly realised she was chewing one of his socks! - He snatched it from her told her off and stuffed the sock back into his trainer so she couldn't get it - she promptly jumped off the sofa went to his other trainer and ran off with his other sock ! Pure Gold
2009-03-13 15:26:25 UTC
My one year old cat, Timon, was chasing me around for no reason and I was running away from him. I stopped running, but Timon didn't and he kind of collided with the wall. LOL, it was funny and sad at the same time because he fell down!
2009-03-29 03:06:59 UTC
When my cat stole my lunch from my bag and just wouldn't give it back.
2009-03-23 21:37:33 UTC
My cat used to sleep under my quilt at night and whenever I farted she tried to attack my bum
2009-03-20 15:21:49 UTC
my little dog was paddleing at the beach and my dad came along picked up my little dog and took her out deep in the sea and my big dog was out deep in the sea swimming to shore while my little dog was getting nowhere so my big dog turned and hedded for my little dog and got my little dog to jump on her back so my big dog swam cack to shore with my little dog on her back to save my little dog how thoughtful arfter that my little dog got a stick and gave it to my big dog it was helerious hahaha im was laughing when i was typing this

the charactors

little dog(dashound called beebee)

big dog(ridesion ridgeback called ash)

big dog who wasnt used (doberman called guinuss)
2009-03-19 15:05:36 UTC
i taught my dog how to blow bubbles underwater in the pool she would just stick her nose under and then breathe out .

she was a very smart dog.
2009-03-17 11:03:53 UTC
wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow i can't believe it! jenn aniston on y! aanswersssssssss

ilove you jenn

i also loved the movie

2009-03-16 14:43:28 UTC
my mom was talking about cookies and cakes and stuff and she used the word "treat"

my little cairn terrier/ poodle mix named Ebby (after Ebony Black) cocked her head to the side. it was sooo cute and funny at the same time.

~Amy :D
2009-03-16 05:28:10 UTC
i was cleaning out my fish tank and one of the little blighters jumped up and landed in my nostril.

how embarrasing.
Trickz S
2009-03-15 12:19:26 UTC
well i went to my friends house to stay and my friends dog

is like a baby who likes to suck on a mum nipple and the dog was sucking on my friends nipple while she was sleeping.It was very funny
2009-03-14 17:27:33 UTC
When my dog sings with the banjo! He can wake up the whole neighborhood!!!
2009-03-14 11:36:16 UTC
on easter morning several years ago i found a pile of cat puke on the landing of the stairs,with a stuffed bunny laying face down in it.

that cat(nigel my persian) didnt fool me for one second.i knew he did it.
2009-03-14 01:48:22 UTC
My parents had a budgie that talked in his sleep. An absolute nutter, used to beat his toys up!
2009-03-13 21:40:39 UTC
when my cat mattie was a kitten, i was holding him and he was burping and i was petting him trying to calm him, then he throws up in my mouth when im talking to someone and all over my shirt. gross, dont try cat food, its nasty, hahah
2009-03-14 10:52:29 UTC
I just go out of the shower and my cat seen something jiggle between my legs (2 balls) and decided to whack at them lol
Shashwat K
2009-03-31 13:06:57 UTC
hello ma'am. Are you the same girl in the movie "Bruce Almighty " ??
2009-03-15 11:27:40 UTC
we were throwing a mouse for my cat and he jumped after it and flipped in the air
2009-03-14 10:48:57 UTC
My cat chasing his tail and my dog and cat cleaning each other.
2009-03-14 06:58:02 UTC
When Jen's pet Brad left her lmao
antoinette s
2009-03-14 06:06:33 UTC
when my pet cat ran up my husband back and sat on his should when he was cleaning fish. and my husband think cats are sneaky.wish i caught that on video.
2009-03-13 03:59:29 UTC
i adopted my dog from a dog shelter, she was found on a beach with a broken leg as puppy. generally she was good as gold, but HATED getting into cars.

It was so funny when everytime we tried to coax her to get into a car, she would pull back and the entire family had to gather around her, almost in a ritual, pet her, encourage her, give her a treat and after 15 minutes or so, she would gently get in.


the looks we have had in car parks.... unbelievable....

it took her a long time but she eventually got used to the fact that getting into a car is ok....
2009-03-12 17:21:08 UTC
I have a small fluffy poodle that thinks she's a right princess. She lies around all day and doesn't like to be away from people. Every once and a while, though, she'll run around the house at an incredible speed over and around the furniture for no apparent reason.
2009-04-04 05:23:24 UTC
And I'm Brad Pitt.
2009-03-19 08:53:35 UTC
My dog once was sitting on the lawn and he trun around and rolled down the lawn and its was funny
2009-03-19 08:49:57 UTC
my rabbit jumping off its hutch trying to be superman it ended up flipping in mid air

my rabbits a acrobate
2009-03-18 11:43:31 UTC
hehe when my cat got her head stuck in a box and couldn't get it out for about 2 minutes :)
smeg head
2009-03-17 16:46:23 UTC
my father was tying his shoe lace's and as he was doing this our dog a rottweiler was sitting be side him and sneezed and his snot went down the back of my fathers neck.

also our other rottweiler at that time the one above's mother, was sitting in front of my father chewing her ball and my father was drinking a cup of tea and she spat her ball out and it landed in my fathers cup of tea slobber and all.
Rohit S
2009-03-17 01:08:03 UTC
My dog is very funny his funniest moment is when he bathing.
2009-03-16 18:05:19 UTC
when our tiny tabby cat chases our pit bull. lol and people are afraid of the pit bulls haha
2009-03-16 09:56:25 UTC
i'm laying on the sofa my dog go gets 1 of his toys and puts it in front of me i get off the sofa to play with him then he jumps on to the sofa in my place then falls asleep
Beki R
2009-03-16 06:57:37 UTC
when my dog puts her head into a slipper and walks around bumping into everything sooooooooo funny!! :D:P
2009-03-15 20:27:47 UTC
when my chi tried to dry hump a teddy bear in front of my girlfriend moms...embarassing too...
2009-03-15 11:50:27 UTC
my dog was getting her belly scratched on the sofa and then she fell off lol
2009-03-14 20:14:22 UTC
My friend brought her lil small 6month old puppy over and my lab was so scred of her because she was so little!!
2009-03-14 19:40:04 UTC
well,read many answers,but this one was embarrassing and more funny: One time we had a dog,who pissed on visitors standing still for a while.
2009-03-14 15:43:46 UTC
my 5mt/o malamute cross husky named leon, who eat the back door key and we had to wait for him to poop it out! not funny at the time but looking back now it was,
2009-03-14 12:50:21 UTC
i think the time my cat leam caught a bird in flight and tried to bring it inside
2009-03-13 14:32:29 UTC
My cat sleeps in my neighbour's expensive boat at night parked on his driveway. She likes leather seats.
"The Mock Race See" why cant you see?
2009-03-13 08:27:47 UTC
Yah its was a cold afternoon so we all had to sit in front of the Box

A show came on I Do not recall the name "Mates" I tink

Any how I was just about to tuck into a Bacon Sarnie and my Pet dog "Bowser" Cocked his leg at the "Box" completely Destroying the TV It was soooo Funny oh hold up "Bowsers lifting his leg.........................................
2009-03-16 13:21:21 UTC
me and my family our funniest moment is we play a ice cream and trow to each other
2009-03-14 15:05:21 UTC
My mum was cleaning the curtains and my bird flew into the window.... ker splat! so funny! he was so dazed, but chirping again in no time.
American Idoit :)
2009-03-14 09:13:24 UTC
I HAD pets.

but then my mom sold r fish on ebay.

that was pretty funny!!

haha so now im petless!
Coco Crazy head
2009-04-18 08:12:50 UTC
1 are you really jennifer anniston

2 of my fish did a cartwheel out of my fish tank
t h i s i s m y u s e r n a m e
2009-04-09 13:20:43 UTC
When my cat sniffs something that he likes, he looks up at me and has his mouth wide open! Soo adorable! x
2009-03-27 13:14:54 UTC
Dogs. Dogs always make you laugh and act silly.
2009-03-23 00:46:45 UTC
when my dog did a poo in my brothers school shoes and when he wore the it stuck to his socks before going to school then we had to give him a note to say why he was wearing different shoes
2009-03-21 03:32:59 UTC
Goldfish jumped out of the bowl...
2009-03-17 13:39:13 UTC
My chihuahua bites the stuff animals by the neck and carries it around as if he hunted and killed them.
sarah T
2009-03-17 13:03:03 UTC
when my golden fish jumped on me and my aunts dog peed on me in the same time , it was hilarious
2009-03-17 00:34:21 UTC
my dog was chasing the ball and when he got it it popped on him and he got scared and ran so fast,,it was to funny,just one of them moments you had to be there.
2009-03-16 13:15:38 UTC
Anytime is ask my pug to "get 'em" she spins in circles chasing her tail!! Doesn't get old!
2009-03-16 12:59:55 UTC
my little brother colored my cat blue with a marker! XD
2009-03-15 15:12:16 UTC
my dogs birthday

he jumped up at the cake and licked the fire on the candle

i got it on tape!
2009-03-15 08:31:31 UTC
hi , Jenifer before i just answer i want to say that i am a huge fan of your,s . and i wanted to ask you one thing that are the rumors of a movie on Friends true if yes , i can,t wait to see you and Matt LeBlanc.

now to your Question well it was when i was 13 i was lifting a Monkey on my shoulder and it bit me on my head Ouch !!! it was so painful that it still hurts Badly
2009-03-15 04:30:34 UTC
when my auntie gave me some crabs, i then shared them with other close members of the family, remember, a family that plays together, stays together
Freya That AuSSie Girl
2009-03-14 22:14:44 UTC
WOW!!!! Jennifer Aniston...

I wonder who you are going to choose as best answer lol,

"Pip" my lovebird is best friends with my Guinea pigs, She likes to hop on there back and go for Piggy back rides.. Pip likes to nibble there ears if she thinks the Guinea Pigs have been a bit naughty... for e.g if the Guinea pigs Run too fast.. with her on there back =]

And my Dog likes to hump Stuffed Teddy's....

Btw, why does it say down the bottom on the Yahoo answers page: This question about "What is your funniest… " was originally asked on Yahoo! Answers United Kingdom.?

WTF!!!! Jenny.
2009-03-14 21:09:21 UTC
wow this is totally surprising i never seen a hollywood celebrity on a yahoo and by the it is also surprising that you have already 735 answer in your 1st question totally surprising...
2009-03-14 18:01:08 UTC
i was saw my puppy pee and she knows im gonna be mad so she took my socks and wiped the pee and when she was done she was staring at me tht almost looks like she was saying "i'm done wiping the pee, so you throw the sock"
2009-03-14 16:27:59 UTC
when i first brought my bf home and my brother set our family dog on him and he had to jump on top of my dads garage lol great way for dad to meet the boyfriend lol
2009-03-14 06:44:31 UTC
My puppy was running towards me because she was so excited to see us, and she ran so fast that she flipped over =D
2009-03-14 01:09:36 UTC
my new kitten likes to slap me round the face (without paws) when i hold him like a baby!

also when my old hamster used to play the kitten does it instead, lol

2009-03-13 09:16:58 UTC
Well i have a reaaaallly fat dog called gimly, he's quite big aswell... hes a cross between a border collie and greyhound.. We also have a black maincoon cat called Lukrisha ( dont ask ).

Anyway My big, fat dog is a masssive wimp and will never hurt the cat and sits there as she attacks him in the face LOL... thats not the funny bit yet!!!

One day she was fighting him and he got so fed up he ran off.. the cat still tried to attack him and clawed at his tail as he turned his back on her... her claws got stuck and he dragged her around for ages hahahahaha.. ;)
2009-04-29 02:11:26 UTC
when the pig ran into a wall
2009-04-19 17:49:27 UTC
my 2 little puppies were on the bed and Ellie(girl) bit Tank's(boy ) weenie
♠ melissiaga ♣
2009-03-16 14:53:04 UTC
when my dog decided that she wanted to get in the pool with us and she tumbled in and i grabbed her and she kept trying to go underwater.
Ashley P
2009-03-15 14:50:01 UTC
my budgie flew into Jacuzzi and i was desperately trying to catch him has he was swished around, he was very grumpy after that lmao
2009-03-13 21:43:16 UTC
My cat going crazy after a laser light.
2009-03-13 08:17:24 UTC
We used to have a black lab, and he loved to play ball. When he was about a year old, I was playing ball with him, and he tripped over his big feet and somersaulted into the back of the house. But he still got the ball and ran back with it to me!
2009-04-08 13:48:54 UTC
My cat starts playing the piano in the night,which is funny in the morning, but not at the time.

I have a dog called Fionn and a cat called Elmie, I sometimes say "Fionn,wag your tail for little Elmie" he does and then Elmie beats up his tail.

I have a cat called Minzi who is really long-haired,fat and kind of dim. We used to keep the cat biscuits in a small bin with a roll up lid. They used to push up the lid with their nose and eat out of it, but one day I took the lid off the bin and left it on the ground. Minzi lifted up the lid of the bin and started chasing it around the floor searching for food.

Once my cat Minzi (the fat,slightly stupid one) got really scared when my dog barked and she ran really fast and tryed to fit in a hole the size of a golf cute (:

My cat Minzi always comes up to my cat Elmie and pushes her head into Elmie's,wanting to be washed. Elmie beats her up and Minzi asks again, Elmie beats her up again, then Minzi asks goes on and on, Minzi never understands.

I was playing guitar one day and my golden labrador Fionn wanted attention and i kind of ignored him. Then he got his paw and wacked the strings of my guitar. It actually sounded quite good.

One day my cat Elmie saw reflection in the oven and she stared at herself and started chirping.

My cat Tilly got stuck up the top of a really big tree in my back garden. She couldn't get down and she was yowling. I put my arms together and she jumped from the very top of the tree right into my arms.It was soooo adorable.

I say to my golden labrador, Fionn "do a musical yawn" and then he yawns with a really cute noise.

Some people were over for dinner and they commented that Fionn is very cute. I said to Fionn "well what have you got to say to that Fionn?" then he looked at the guest really seriously and burped ;)

This doesn't really count as a family pet but when i went to South Africa for a holiday with my parents, we were at a campsite at a beach and my parents were taking groceries out of the car and my Mom's camera was sitting in the front seat.A monkey came out of a tree, ran right in front of me, grabbed my Mom's camera and climbed up a tree with it. My dad saw and started shouting at the monkey. Then my Dad walked off to find someone for help and then the monkey snapped twigs off the tree and threw them at my Dad.It was so funny,the monkey did this evil laugh thingy.that was the weirdest thing ever....
2009-03-31 07:01:44 UTC
I dont have a pet, but you might find some good pet names;
2009-03-28 00:04:02 UTC
i love friends, Jennifer. Sometimes i cried because i want to be one of friends. i am so unlucky. if i meet you i will love you so much. i want to know you email. I couldn't know. my email is
ipod junkie who loves mcr
2009-03-27 14:41:56 UTC
my cat chasing his tail and falling on the floor
2009-03-25 18:34:00 UTC
mine is when my dog was a pupy she had a rope toy and it was too long so she kept tripping over it when she walked :))
2009-03-18 15:43:29 UTC
my dog ran into the kitchen and fell on the table

not sure how though =P
2009-03-17 13:53:47 UTC
oh my gosh ur so like cool and stuff (dont worry im not bitchy)

well possibly when we had this huge teddy pig and he started having sex with it then got tired and fell asleep on the spot
2009-03-15 17:20:55 UTC
my puppy took a rope and threw it with his mouth and it hit the flat screeen tv. :]
L.O.V.E ♥
2009-03-15 08:14:29 UTC
I don't really have any pets - apart from woodlice that crawl through a hole in my wall. They don't like me much.

I just wanted to be apart of this 800+ answers (:
2009-03-14 13:14:32 UTC
Fair play to you if you read all these replies. Somehow I doubt you will get to this answer so I feel perfectly entitled to say that..YoU aRe HaWt!!

And I've noticed that your nipples are very sensitive to cool temperatures, which is great, I like that about you.

Wiser now
2009-03-14 09:50:14 UTC
Our Labrador/Shepherd mix was running and didn't stop in time and flew into our pond. It was hilarious.
Sophie x
2009-03-14 07:19:14 UTC
i once was sucking on a flick n lick lolly when benny (our family yorkshire terrier dog) went to sit near me and i wasn't looking or something and it dropped and got stuck in his tail and he was trailing around with a lolly stuck on his tail, looking all cute and embarrassed! bless him! it was quite funny tho... XD:L it was ages ago really tho... xx

xxooxxooxx :):DXD:P:):D:D^_^=[)
2009-03-13 16:29:21 UTC
When we bought my pit bull a toy.

A pit bull who likes toys that squeak.

Any other toys and he'll tear them apart.

Anyway, we bought him a squeaky toy. I threw it for him to run and get it. So he ran for it, while humping.

Let's just say he finds some physical attraction in it.

Same thing with my grandmother's red pillows.

Funny thing is, he's already "de-balled."
John G
2009-03-13 14:29:12 UTC
one time we were going to have a bbq with honey soy chicken skewers and my dog ripped the bag out of my mums hands and ran under the shed with them and ate them all , even the wood, he vomited alot a few hours later.
2009-04-02 10:08:31 UTC
probably when the dog jumped on my dad's head and started scratching him and annoying him!
2009-04-02 04:09:32 UTC
everytime you say "goodnight, bye and aw isn't he sweet" my yorkshire terrier attacks

say "biscuit, bed and brighton" he turns to butter :P

my yorkshire terrier, scruffy has personality XD

now everytime i want to say goodnight, i say it in german so he doesn't run after my backside :)
Judy's Rabbit
2009-03-19 02:26:18 UTC
That will be the time when my friend "Thumper" coughed and farted at the same time and I laughed so hard I nearly choked on my carrot.
2009-03-16 08:34:13 UTC
my 11 mth-old boy puggle puppy.........hes afraid of our vacuum, laundry baskets,big super balls, and many,many more!he runs soooo crazy and hes terrified evrytime we vacuum around our house!
2009-03-15 07:38:15 UTC
well one time my baby brother pulled my dogs whiskers and surprisingly he didnt attack back, this showed me how much the dog liked us :)
2009-03-13 08:36:32 UTC
Several. My hamster angling her backside so her wee arced straight over the cage tray onto the sofa (wasn't a one off, that's just how she weed).

The cat climbing the Christmas tree and getting stuck in the lights. The cat running onto a highly polished table and sliding right off the other end again... We've never had normal pets.
2009-04-04 15:30:21 UTC
my 1yr old pup jumping over sofa to get her teddy
2009-04-02 12:46:06 UTC
when the pet did some funny stuff.

yeh it was pretty funny
2009-03-22 18:16:56 UTC
what's the point of asking a question if you're not gonna pick a best answer?
2009-03-17 12:51:27 UTC
its funny how everyone really believes this is jennifer aniston and leave her with so many responses like she (or whoeva pretends to be her) is gonna READ them...ppl are stupid as they worship celebrities like they are beyond the human race.
2009-03-17 10:04:23 UTC
My pet, a dalmatian puppy, left this world to heaven. Memories=). Jennifer, what is yours?
2009-03-17 08:29:51 UTC
we had a cockatiel and when my husband and i played scrabble he used to take one of my husbands tiles and run off with it
2009-03-17 06:09:46 UTC
my dog singing to wild life by talking heads :D

i miss him :(
2009-03-16 16:35:47 UTC
my dog was just sitting there and then he farted and turned around and looked at his rear like he was surprised lol
2009-03-14 09:51:25 UTC
when the dog, started to tow away the female dog lmao
2009-03-14 06:10:06 UTC
when my dog ran into a fridge head first
2009-03-13 18:47:09 UTC
Wow alot of people answering this question

Jennifer O.O Official?

can i ask u a question... have they ever gave you negative points for asking unspecific question? because alot of ppl like me have, and we are frustrated
Ell D
2009-03-13 12:08:55 UTC
I was running a bath and my cat jumped in it!

Ell D
2009-03-13 05:50:59 UTC
when my son was 5yr old, he was looking at the dog's rear end and suddenly piped up" look Blackie's got a hole in his bum". Well me and my dad were in fits!
2009-03-12 15:14:31 UTC
Years ago we had a very friendly bearded dragon, must more an exotic pet at the time than they are now.

I must say that in our defence we lived in the middle of nowhere, where power cuts or bad weather left us with little to do and not many places to go.

We had bought different radio-controlled cars to play with, and as soon as we were finished the bearded dragon would climb onto them, presumably to get warm. He particularly liked a four door Jeep, and of course on a cold boring night we drove him around the open plan ground floor and he LOVED it!

The little guy became almost addicted to the Jeep. Every time we took him out for exercise, which was sometimes several hours a day, he would soon climb onto the Jeep and bob his head until we drove him around. He could not get enough, becoming agitated when we stopped and took him off, often with his little eyes flashing defiantly as he clung to the tiny roll bar. The only thing that would take his mind off of it was a few extra crickets for a late night snack.

Rest assured, we took the utmost care of him and he lived to a ripe old age.

Just goes to show how much joy animals can bring into our lives, even if they are not the standard "cute and fuzzy". The bearded dragon was one of many unwanted animals that came into our world, and to this day they continue to turn up on our doorstep and I never regret letting them in.
2009-04-27 17:11:07 UTC
the dog, ran across the street. it was funny
2009-03-23 04:01:38 UTC
the first time i walked in the room and saw my puppy, it peed !

it was a 'you'd have to be there' kind of moment.
2009-03-18 12:21:24 UTC
my sisters pet fish is really sex addicted and one day her other fish josh really wasn't in the mood and it chased it for ages and then it totally raped it. it sounds sick and cruel but you had to be there it was ******* hilarious.
2009-03-18 12:16:01 UTC
my black labrador ran into a open door, stopped, shook its head and did it again. It didn't find it very funny but it was.
2009-03-17 16:53:34 UTC
yesterday my dog put her ear in poop and smeared it all over

my mom spent about 15 minutes wiping the yellow poop out of the inner caverns of her ear

2009-03-17 04:40:35 UTC
Anyone think someone is trying to sell their new movie?
2009-03-16 12:59:08 UTC
when i was microwaving something my cat was sitting there and i said it is chicken and she licked her lips.

and once my cat ate a pancake and once a taco.
2009-03-15 14:39:19 UTC
my neightbor came over with her dog when she was talking to my mom and then she let her dog run around the house. i let my bunny out to see wat was gonna happen

the dog was bout 5months old

and the dog barked at my bunny

i think my bunny got mad and was chasing the dog

2009-03-15 05:52:49 UTC
My brother was licking an ice-cream,my brother was chased by a dog!
Tut Uncommon: 3peat Offender
2009-03-15 00:42:24 UTC
The time my dog tried to maul Lisa Kudrow.
2009-03-13 03:24:55 UTC
My poor dog thought the glass door was open and ran straight in to it. LOL! She is a toughie so she was fine. Very funny to watch though! XD She also tought herself to open the lock on her dog flap! Little minx!
2009-03-27 16:58:18 UTC
I hate you. In friends u should have been with JOEY not ROSS. And can't believe u guys don't want to do season 11
Megan T
2009-03-22 00:27:05 UTC
when i woke up in the morning and saw that my WHOLE room was filled with feathers from the bird my cat killed and brought in my room!!
2009-03-17 18:28:24 UTC
There has been quite a few of them. Once our pet hamster escaped and it was a great escape (think of those squirrel ads getting the bird food) we couldn't find her anywhere she had completely vanished and this was in a room that was fairly well sealed.

Eventually found in the least likely of places in a tall Curver type swing lid bin. We didn't think of looking there because there was simply no way she could have gotten up vertical appliances onto this work top and then traversed over all the other appliances and the gaps between them and finally jumped across a 40 cm gap and into the bin. For the life of me I could never figure out how she did it. She was in there at the bottom eating some older hamster food we had thrown away.

Another time was when I was shopping in a supermarket for food and aparently me and my sister were both in there at the exact same time in the same super market in a city full of super markets and we walked down the same isle right past each other going in oposite directions without even seeing each other.

Her bf (ex) was at the enterance waiting with their (at that time) pet Rotweiler that was only a couple of years old. It was still 13 stone in weight though (more than me at that time) and as soon as he saw me he recognised me and immediately jumped up as I was coming out the enterance and knocked me back. I nearly fell flat on my a55 and at the same time all the alarms to the enterance of this major super market started going off. It was really embarassing.

The two old ladies who had been with my sisters ex-bf had been patting him and saying what a nice well behaved dog he was. They were quite taken aback by his sudden change.

My sisters ex also had a pet boa constrictor and he had saved up and bought for it a baby red tailed boa. They both loved each other straight away and got on really well. But when they were off on holiday together he asked his brother to look after it for them. Think he was only 15 or 16 years old and being a bit of a dope head messed up.

Instead of feeding the small baby boa the tiny mice that they're supposed to have he instead gave it a big rat in error. The baby boa wolved it all down but unfortunately it was too big for its tiny body and it collapsed the stomach lining and killed it. He had only bought it a few weeks earlier and spend I think it was the best part of something like £300 to buy it.

And finally, a devestating situation for me but a lot of my friends and relatives laugh about this now. I used to have some Koi Carp and I also had a loach in an all fresh cold water aquarium fish. Anyway I had had these for many many number of years and I particularly loved my silver scaled Koi as I had gotten that one when it was only an inch or so in length and it was now probably 8 or 9 inches.

The other Koi and mix of colours was slightly bigger still. Both would have been worth quite a bit since I had gotten them. And the loach which I called Gollum was incredible. I had this for many years as well since it was very small. I must of had it for about 12 years and it must have been 13 or 14" in length. It had its own houdini moments in its lifetime and had managed to jump out the tank through a gap in the canopy and land on the floor were it had survived out of water for quite a long time before being put back after being discovered and then just continuing to live and grow even bigger.

Anyway, my tank had gotten really dirty with algae and the internal filter needed changing so I took the fish out and put them in the water in a bucket while I cleaned the aquarium. Emptied a lot of the aquarium water and got to work cleaning and putting hot water in to clean it well.

I got distracted when my mum had come up and asked me if I wanted to go to a garden centre or out for lunch or something and said she was going straight away and if I wanted to come I'd have to come right away.

So without thinking I agreed and I picked the bucket of water up off the floor because I didn't want anyone to come in and knock it over plus there was a chance the loach or either of the Koi could jump out through a gap were the lip is even though I had it covered on top. So I put the bucket within the tank itself so it would be off the floor and out the way and I put the caopy over the top.

When I got back all my fish were floating upside down in the bucket and were dead. finished. gone. zonked. caput. Being an absolute idiot I hadn't thought that I was putting a bucket of cold water containing my precious fish that I had nurtured for many years, some more than a decade, into an aquarium that had a couple of inches at the bottom of it of very hot water. My precious fish had been well and truly cooked by the time I had gotten back. I was devestated and I've been kicking myself ever since. But I had one last thing to do and that was to give them a proper send off.

Now usually whenever I have something special like a pet I would give it a
2009-03-17 06:47:59 UTC
you didn't laugh at all when Bruce taught your pet dog to use the toilet and even flush it afterwards, and then read a newspaper, i dont think i can top that
2009-03-17 06:18:41 UTC
when my dog ran into the door she thought was open, ha ha
2009-03-16 16:43:14 UTC
When my dog slept with Brad Pitt.
>No Name<
2009-03-15 11:40:34 UTC
My cat get his paw stuck in some material, it's cruel to watch but so damn funny. :P
McKenna F
2009-03-13 15:37:22 UTC
My over sized cat and a lazer pointer entertainment for hours
2009-03-12 18:07:10 UTC
i have a 6 month old kitten and shes been very busy! climbing a seven ft christmas tree to sit on the top sucking her thumb like an angel, eyeing people up when they come in the house and knowing when i dont like them and she attacks,doing forward rolls into the bath going and hiding to dry coming back and doing it again! waitng for me to turn the cooker off and she jumps up and turns it back on again, being terrified of a vibrating mouse - shaking and crying. she does lots of funny things - i love her! x
2009-03-16 14:34:12 UTC
when my uncles dog,jack,howling when they said poor puppy,and played a harmonica
2009-03-19 06:50:20 UTC
when i came home with my baby, 'bates' (aptley named) crouched in the garden, watchin my son in the baby seat.all of a sudden, she leapt into the front room, and used my sons head as a springboard!!
2009-04-12 11:20:51 UTC
When my dog Lucy started barking at herself in the mirror...*
2009-03-29 22:05:43 UTC
when myi brother was picking up my cat then on his mouth was brown stuff, it was the cat pooing, it was hilarious, he doesnt go near the cat anymore, lol! :)
Princess: The Feline Felon
2009-03-27 10:02:13 UTC
Hmm... can't really think of one.

Polishing my Oscar. NOT

Oh, why, oh why do I have nothing better to do?

By the way, that last sentence counted as a free question, what is your opinion.


Why wont you answer me!?

That was a question too.
2009-03-19 10:57:47 UTC
The first time my dog humped my grandads leg!
2009-03-18 12:57:03 UTC
when my cat was sitting on a chair and wanted to turn around and fell of it.
2009-03-17 03:02:41 UTC
my dog having a dream then waking up and killed elton john and richard simmons. wait that was my dream lol
2009-03-17 00:38:55 UTC
i was on my laptop not paying attention to my dog and he jumped up and slammed my laptop shut
~Mommy of 2 BEAUTIFUL daughters~
2009-03-16 22:09:50 UTC
the first day i brought my dog home, he started humping my dad's leg...then went on to humping his toys.
Rosie H
2009-03-16 19:41:30 UTC
when my black pug was dragging himself on the carpet on his belly. it was so funny! he was Only using his front paws and the rest of him was dragging. haha!
2009-03-16 16:54:54 UTC
when my cat was younger he would suck on my earlobes. i thought it was funny but it was also pretty gross because he left behind lots of saliva on my ear.
2009-03-16 16:40:59 UTC
when my dog sits on a raft in my pool
2009-03-16 13:14:12 UTC
when my cat jumped on the fish tank and fell in it was hilarious but i did feel sorry for him but it was funny.
Mrs. Z plus 3
2009-03-14 07:17:22 UTC
My cat steals my baby's pacifier and carry's it around like he is sucking on it.
Clown Knows
2009-03-13 15:57:59 UTC
I used to "motivate" my mastiff to move in the direction of the house, when he would not listen, by placing my hand on his butt and gently but firmly pushing him towards the house.

He one day observed me with arms full of groceries. He smiled, then walked behind me, lowered his head, planted the top of his head against my butt, and "motivated" me all the way to the house, despite my verbal protestations.
2009-03-13 15:23:10 UTC
My puppy running around with a bunch of socks stuffed into one big sock and he caries it around like a child with a security blanket. The even better one is when he sits on his sister's head.
2009-03-13 11:15:09 UTC
Well my cousins were throwing a snowball around hand their dog thought it was a ball and caught it in her mouth. It was cold.

And also when we first got my hamster we left her for the day to go to a theme park and when we got home she just sat in the corner of her cage facing away from us, sulking :P
sassy g
2009-03-13 10:09:30 UTC
when my cat was on my shoulders it was attacking my hair and was climbing all over my back he scratched my back and neck up but it was funny

my other cat was an outside cat and we have a rabbit that runs riot in the garden (the rabbit is huge) every time the cat wanted to come in he would run as the rabbit would chase him wanting to play the rabbit chases my dog as well now she is afraid to go to toilet in the back yard lol
2009-03-12 22:14:07 UTC
OK my family pet moment was ween we were all having breakfast and than it happen all of a sadden my cat lift his bowl food and started looking at us.

And then my mum gave her hand to the cat and said SHAKE HAND come on SHAKE HAND and he did with out shreching her it was reailly funny watching the cat shaking his hand like that..............
2009-03-30 11:45:38 UTC
when my dog ran into the glass patio door and it was not in and it fell out of place and scared the **** out of him!!! LOL!!!
Can I Kick It?
2009-03-15 23:58:10 UTC
wow 4 weeks left to answer.i wonder why?

1091 answers.
Jenn <3 <3
2009-03-14 19:52:59 UTC
I bought one of those vacums that run on it's own and my dog kept barking at it and the vacum kept following him and he was running away. It was so funny.
2009-03-14 17:43:35 UTC
do another season of Friends and il answer the question! lol
2009-03-14 15:11:54 UTC
My cat gallops like a horse. Leave Johnny boy and be my lover?
2009-03-14 06:43:57 UTC
my dog licking my cats face [much to his disgrace]

he got his own back soon enough
2009-03-14 02:08:14 UTC
When my dog ( Bradley) fell in love with my cat (Angel) and they ended up adopting zebra's
2009-03-13 16:11:38 UTC
My cat likes to drink out of the toilet sometimes. I had been trying to break him of it and one day I walked into the bathroom and there it was doing again. He got excited because he knew he wasnt supposed to be doing it and fell in the toilet. :) It was hilarious
Froget it Bexy!
2009-03-13 00:48:19 UTC
Most of our family pet amusement, is due to our £20 pony:

Who walked quiet as a lamb, into a milking parlour with all the cows to be milked once (or eat the feed more like).

He walks the lanes like a dog on a lead, sniffing the lamp posts & grass verges (we keep expecting him to try to lift his leg).

He loves to try to walk into the shop, the pub, the bank, even the vet's reception area to say "Hiya", but for one vet he remembers (who took his temperature in the car park), if he sees that vet go past on his push bike, he will turn his back to him & faces him until the bike has passed & is nearly out of sight.

Nods his head in agreement & never kicks even when someone bumped into him at the backside (but treats that person the same as the vet on the push bike).

He was on "You've been framed" a programme on British TV, eating a neighbours hat (the Granddad bent down to give his grandchild a carrot to feed him).

He likes to kick a football, but cheats when he carries the ball off in his teeth.

He got accidentally drunk on fermenting apples in the field (falling over, running about, falling over, then we noticed the fruit).

He found magic mushrooms in his field & went loopy again running, falling…

So sweet he snuggles his head under your armpit if it is windy.

Lifts his front leg to "Shake hands".

Like I said, bought for just £20 (the other bidder was a dog meat man), he was only 6 months old, missing his mummy, straight off the Welsh mountain & in a terrible state, but he has repaid us for buying him with making us laugh over & over & over again, bless 'im, the ugly, blue wall eyed, dull scruffy, warm pink nose just ready for kisses animal.

p.s. I have seen with my own eyes:

A dog actually running down the street with a string of sausages hanging from its mouth.

A chicken running to catch up to a BMX bike and act like the Spirit of Ecstasy off a Rolls Royce to the end of the lane on the handlebars.

A man being chased by an angry gander.

A sheep with a bucket on its head.

and to top it all, our cat retrieves rolled up tissue if you flick them in his direction acting like a goal keeper.
2009-04-22 13:15:45 UTC
Me and my cat were playing and I accidentally my whole cat!

Was very funny!

is this bad?
2009-04-16 14:02:42 UTC
I dropped ketchup on my dog's nose, and she kept trying to lick it!!!!
2009-03-21 06:29:14 UTC
I love Jennifer Aniston :)
2009-03-17 12:32:39 UTC
my pet was doing the kitten kneeding thing and then poo'p.
2009-03-16 19:50:00 UTC
When my dog kept humping my gf's leg ;_;
Rawr I Eat You
2009-03-14 18:32:20 UTC
my rabbit ran on the treadmill lol
Rebecca D
2009-03-14 12:21:13 UTC
my dog got stuck in a jacket sleeve
2009-03-13 16:27:05 UTC
Haha there are so many! :D

Our funniest family pet moment would have to be on my mom's birthday last year when my sister and I were singing her happy birthday and one of my dogs started to try to sing with us. It was so funny and adorable because she was like howling and trying to talk at the same time.
2009-03-13 10:06:18 UTC
We had a large Alsation who had his own corner in which he slept.He was dozing one night when he let off a rather noisy "fart" The dog leapt up spun round and started barking, I laughed until I cried !
2009-03-13 09:40:54 UTC
My cat running to the balcony after I finished cleaning the window, but she didn't see that i closed the window just before....
2009-03-12 21:18:41 UTC
My cat trying to climb a glass sliding door!
2009-05-05 12:50:35 UTC
over 2000 answers and nearly 1000 stars.... you do realise that isn't really jennifer aniston asking this right?
2009-03-23 20:32:52 UTC
my dog eating a pizza
2009-03-19 11:39:00 UTC
When my dog started humping a pillow.
2009-03-17 07:44:07 UTC
My cat shat in my shoe and i put it on without realising.
2009-03-15 19:50:40 UTC
whenever my cat sits down RIGHT behind where I'm about to sit; we lay on her on accident then. ;O
2009-03-14 16:27:37 UTC
My cat attacking my toes
2009-03-14 05:40:45 UTC
Our black lab was being chased by our cockatiel. It was very funny!
2009-03-13 15:58:48 UTC
one time my dog stole a bag of bread off the counter(she loves bread lol ) and she ran outside and made me chase her around the yard for a half hour to get it back

finally when i got tired she decided to bury the bread next to the shed
2009-03-13 15:20:48 UTC
funniest? I had a yellow lab named Sam when I was a kid. He loved to go fishing. He would jump in the water grab a fish and then run out and drop it on the bank. He did that twice and the third time he came out of the water yelling, a fish caught him. It was latched onto his tail, he started spinning in circles chasing it. It was the funniest family pet moment I have ever had.
2009-03-15 14:58:05 UTC
dang lotsa people answered dis XD have fun readin all of it lol
2009-03-12 15:25:01 UTC
Whilst playing with Sian, our 11yrs old Lab, with a rope toy my wife's Christmas present Leo, a 5mth old Cavalier, grabbed the rope and was being swung about. Sian's face was a picture of concern and she didn't know what to do to avoid Leo being hurt. He was blissfully unaware of what was happening. I eventually caught him and Sian let the rope go and came sniffing around to make sure that he was ok!
2009-04-06 01:57:07 UTC
going for a picnic
2009-03-23 20:44:25 UTC
my dogs rubbing their butts, well scooting their bottoms on the carpet :D
2009-03-16 21:25:40 UTC
my kitten fell asleep on my TV, and fell off, landing on her sister xD was funny :)
2009-03-16 21:13:25 UTC
when my dog knocked over the turkey at thanksgiving.....

its funny now, but then it wasn't funny at all!
2009-03-16 11:20:09 UTC
My cat and a ceiling fan says it all.
2009-03-16 09:25:04 UTC
My cat started wipng its butt on the floor..funny
2009-03-16 08:56:44 UTC
our boxer dog chasing scalextric cars while my dad and i were playing with it when i was little. we have it on video. i miss that dog so much i smile whenever i watch it.
2009-03-14 14:12:27 UTC
my cat stepped into permanent red ink, and from that day forth, had pink legs


he walked past a candle and his tail was on fire for a few seconds
{ M.S }
2009-03-13 16:05:50 UTC
My cat love water so much, Once when he was a kitten, I came down to the kitchen and found him sitting in his water bowl. It was so funny!
2009-03-21 13:34:50 UTC
birds kept on hitting the window because they thought they could get out
2009-03-17 11:12:48 UTC
when my poodle bites my sons diaper and my son is running it is so cute cause my dog plays whit him
Simply Lexi.
2009-03-16 16:28:51 UTC
My dog started wagging his tale, and he hit my b**b, and I was like "hey, chewy! don't hit my B**B!!!!" and he covered his eyes with his paws as if he was embarrased, it was so cute [:
casper the friendly ghost
2009-03-16 12:49:47 UTC
my cat climbing up my christmas tree
2009-03-16 11:17:18 UTC
my cat can fly...

she has a stuffed cat.

if you throw it like monkey in the middle she jumps up and stuff.

it is hilarious.

2009-03-15 10:41:27 UTC
when my Pit Puppy says "i love mama" to my Dad....LOL

she can say.... i love you, mama, i love mama, i want some, Romo,

uh oh... and she's learning uh oh Raggy... from Scooby Do
The Red Girl
2009-03-14 13:55:34 UTC
when my sister was watching 101 dalmations and my dog got really frustrated (and excited) barking at the television in reply to the dogs barking!

i guess that's what happens when you have a good surround sound system!
2009-03-13 15:03:46 UTC
I have a dog called Jack, who is blind. We also live in a 3 story house with some verandas.

At one point, Jack had only been blind for a week or so, and so he was still having trouble knowing where water was, etc. So, he just walked off the middle veranda, without knowing what would happen next. My sister, (Who was 17) happened to see this, was hysterical because she thought Jack was dead. She ran downstairs as fast as she could, expecting to see a dead Jack Russel in front of her. In stead, he was just walking around, sniffing the grass as if nothing had ever happened. Fortunately, we hadn't mowed the grass for about a month, so it probably made a cushion for him.

So, if we had mowed the lawn a week earlier, my dog would be dead. Interesting, that.
2009-03-13 11:29:00 UTC
when i bought 2 gold fishes i feed them aloottt one kept on eating the other gold fish which was 8 months didnt eat for about 3 days and then i poured the whole fish food and then my fish gone fat in about 5mins and the other one actually lost weight!
2009-03-13 10:06:26 UTC
i have a labrador exactly like marley lol. our best moment was x-mas eve about 2years ago i think.

my bro come home from portsmouth, he popped through the living room door to say hi then went upstairs. harvey got overexcited jumped on to the sofa my mum hit him on the head with a pillow and said "get off", harvey picked up a pillow and swung his head round and hit my mum in the face. it was so funny.
2009-04-16 07:35:04 UTC
When my brother's python swallowed granny...oh how we laughed.
2009-03-19 10:33:09 UTC
Whenever a pet farts - dogs and hamsters alike, both deny it
Braden C
2009-03-18 00:49:07 UTC
my cat did a back flip
Metal Nettle
2009-03-14 13:22:47 UTC
Our dog Sasha was in the kitchen with my husband and myself one night and he was getting her to do tricks (sit, shake, high 5 etc) and he held up a biscuit and said to her "Do something special for daddy" and she farted! we were just howling crying, unable to speak. I wish we'd got that on video.
My H
2009-03-14 02:12:14 UTC
I heard of a dog called jennifer that learnt how to type
2009-03-13 23:51:02 UTC
this was one of my friends - she was so very tired with her sole fat oevrgrown guppy fish that she took it out the tank, cut it up, fried it and ate it !!
Curtis O
2009-03-13 19:35:29 UTC
My bloodhound danced with my older brother....i was pretty historical
Rachel G
2009-03-12 15:41:32 UTC
When my insane cat was still a kitten - my sister and I were left home alone with her. As soon as the rest of the family left, she went NUTS and tore around the living room.

She was too small to leap up onto the leather couch, but that didn't stop her trying anyway - scratched up all the leather.

Also, when crossing the hall at night, she would find my ankles particularly appetising... I still have the scars.

What a lovable ol' beast she is.
2009-03-12 15:05:08 UTC
Whilst living in Cyprus back in 1964, our Border Collie named Jess barked and snarled when the door bell rang. She accompanied my mother, at her side still barking and snarling, down the stairs towards the front door. As my mother open the front door, Jess whipped around behind her, crawled between my mothers legs and now deathly quiet peeked up from under the hem of my mothers knee length skirt to see who was at the door.
Lapin Mignon
2009-03-12 12:35:08 UTC
When my Yorkie, Dolly, was a small puppy, I would tilt her head back and kiss her on the neck very fast. She loved it and would jump up on my chest and put her neck over my mouth so I would kiss it. One night my Dad had an out of town co-worker that came to our house. This poor guy went into the den and sat down on the couch. All of a sudden, Dolly came running in the room, jumped up on this mans chest, and put her neck across his mouth. I guess she thought he came all the way to our house just to kiss her neck. We all laughed so hard, and the poor guy had no idea what she was doing. Embarrassing, but hysterical too.
Martel Sobieski
2009-04-17 13:07:16 UTC
happydaz :)
2009-03-18 14:53:38 UTC
my dog attacking a basket ball
David H
2009-03-17 05:37:44 UTC
When my neighbours cat dropped dead
2009-03-16 16:06:20 UTC

They are really the sweetest pets in the world.
2009-03-16 12:29:13 UTC
when my dog got hit by a car and died, that was funny lol

god i hate pets, when will people understand that pets are not people?
José Mourinho II
2009-03-15 15:58:26 UTC
Hi Jennifer,

It's the most FANTASTIC PET family moment i ever heard:

It was with my mother, when she was single, but as she is my mother, well i guess is family: She had a Fox Terrier, Tico, very smart and friend of all in the house. But he had some strange intelligent attitudes to a dog to have:

- When my Granny was doing rice, just when the rice was at the right point, Tico barked to my granny.

- Tico didn't allow children to cross the road without looking both ways and see if any car was coming

- This incredible dog, every Sunday, was going to the church with my mother's family and rest quiet and calm during the mass. Later the priest forbid that. Still, Tico always waited outside the church very patient and quiet.

- During the WWII, although Portugal wasn't invaded by Germany, there was a danger of bombings by air. So everybody in Lisbon was ready for the luftwaffe bombings. During the most critical months, my mom told Tico that the Germans would throw bombs at night and every night Tico was waiting at the terrace, looking to the sky, maybe guarding the house.

- Despite all it care about the road, one day, already old, Tico was hit by a car, and lost an eye. That day, was the first people saw him cry.

One year later, one morning, Tico barked to everybody to call for attention, and when all there with them, he lyed down and died.

It was never forgotten.
2009-03-15 15:38:18 UTC
when my aunties cat was sitting on my lap & was trying to hump my legs!!
2009-03-15 10:07:49 UTC
That would be when my black female brought home a baby squirrel.We LOAO.
2009-03-14 19:34:10 UTC
My fish used to jump out of its bowl.
2009-03-14 06:27:50 UTC
my dogs absolutely hate collars and leashes so one morning when it was time for their walk, i noticed that every leash and collar we had in the house was missing (we thought someone broke in and stole them).a few weeks later, we were gardening and discovered that they have been burying their leashes in rose bush :-P
2009-03-13 15:46:26 UTC
My old cat was massive and thought he was a dog. He used to attack our postlady until she refused to come to our house anymore.
2016-04-22 10:31:15 UTC
My is Lola
2009-03-18 15:27:26 UTC
Are you really Jennifer Aniston?

Or her publicist/a fan/person wanting to be her?

Anyway, my funniest pet moment was when my little sister got her first guinea pig, Patchy (she was pretty young so the mane was quite basic) and it loved to st on her head...

Anyway, my Dad tried the same trick and sure enough, Patchy climbed ono his head, where he then proceded to urinate on my Dad!
2009-03-17 16:02:29 UTC
ola tudo bem,meu nome e joao nao sei o que falar mas tenho muito o que aprender e quero fazer isto...
Texas Longhorns
2009-03-17 08:33:44 UTC
My bird likes his bell and well you know what he does.
2009-03-16 18:17:01 UTC
when my two american pitbulls pulled my brother by his pants around the yard! (:
Picardy Bird
2009-03-16 12:05:06 UTC
When it peed on my sister's boyfriend... that was a classic.
2009-03-15 20:54:56 UTC
Whats the point of answering your not going to read my answer any way.

2009-03-13 15:15:57 UTC
ugh i have a lot. I used to have a hampster then one day it got out of its cage and went through a whole in the cabinet. We couldn't find her for days, we left food out and at nigth she would get it. I finally found her by the toliet. Haha My mom love you soooo much.
2009-03-12 17:40:20 UTC
My rabbit nibbled through a wire for our TV in our living room. He didn't electrocute himself, but knocked out the TV set for a bit!

He was also quite well known around our street because he used to sit in our neighbours gardens. Sometimes he'd vanish for a couple of days, but he always came home. He was a cool rabbit!
2009-03-21 21:49:24 UTC
i had never got a pet. uhmmm, was thats a legitimate answer?
2009-03-15 14:25:49 UTC
When my girlfriend's dog bit me in the b*****ks.

Well, SHE thought it was funny - - -
Anjan best
2009-03-15 03:40:38 UTC
my dog was humoing my pillow and making noises i laughed like hell
2009-03-12 14:53:52 UTC
My dog always farted but they were only smelly and never made noises, but one time she farted and it made a huuuge noise and she frightened herself and fell off the couch


when i was little my dog was humping a pillow and i didnt know what it was doin and the next day at school i did impressions to all my friends (i was like 7)
2009-05-06 15:00:26 UTC
my dog ran into the screen door
2009-05-03 12:45:17 UTC
Once my dog bit my dick off
2009-03-24 13:45:01 UTC
I don't have one, what's yours
2009-03-22 14:44:30 UTC
My hamster went into my pants and peed :-p
2009-03-19 15:05:26 UTC
um when this hold the ball to me he forgets to not jump willgly.
2009-03-18 21:38:19 UTC
my pet was playing catching with the kids... he tried to run away and didn't notice the upcoming wall infront of him.. and then bam!!!
2009-03-17 03:10:56 UTC
my cousin came to visit and my dog humped his arm
Kariti K
2009-03-16 05:31:57 UTC
2009-03-15 14:49:07 UTC
mine was when we first got my dog:Sophie and we had a basketball in our garage and she kept barking at it. lol
2009-03-15 09:27:45 UTC
I left my plate of noodles on a foot rest and we left my puppy alone and he ate my dinner! lol.
Master Of Puppets
2009-03-15 07:49:50 UTC
omg, I saw your life story on T.V yesterday.

I wish I was famous.... *sigh*
2009-03-15 05:53:20 UTC
When my dog humps the cat.
Rosa Maria
2009-03-14 17:40:06 UTC
My friend's dog, Max, used to chew up toys terribly! My parents bought him a squeaky toy for Christmas and by Boxing Day it was in pieces under the dining table!

His funniest moment was when he was in the park with Dave, his 'grandad', and he grabbed another dog's toy, took it into the bushes and absolutely decimated it! It was up to Dave to pay to replace it!
2009-03-13 14:57:08 UTC
when my cat was curious about a candle and walked up to it and lit his tail on fire.don't worry he didn't get hurt just a couple of burned hairs
2009-04-30 13:38:13 UTC
why the heck has this question be on for two months and no best answer
2009-03-20 00:28:12 UTC

1- when my turtie( terrapin) eating from my hand .

2- when my **** ( coko) exclaims
2009-04-20 19:09:35 UTC
lets just say , my dog likes too HUMP
2009-03-22 15:01:02 UTC
my dogs fall off the table and broke it he was ok
2009-03-22 08:34:47 UTC
My dog pooping all over the car/
ram jet 1.0 (x)
2009-03-20 16:42:40 UTC
well a few months ago when i was playing with my bulldog and he head butt a wall and then pissed on it
sam k
2009-03-18 05:38:47 UTC
hens running after me bcz i had a biscuit in my hand!!!
2009-03-17 13:33:57 UTC
my chihuahua thinks she is...i dunno... some 500 pound Monster...the other neighborhood dogs think she is too... Seriously...the neighbor behind us has a Rottie...dude, my dog chased it home...Seriously! Tiki Rules the Hood!
2009-03-16 22:44:39 UTC
When my dog ran away. Boy was I glad!
Andrew P
2009-03-16 12:19:48 UTC
once when it was fall my dog went and she went it to the leaves and she looked so FUNNY!!!!!
2009-03-16 10:08:58 UTC
My cat washes my brothers hair (and eyebrows!) everyday.
Tsunami Uzumaki
2009-03-16 08:52:51 UTC
my puppies got up on their hind legs and started waltzing
2009-03-15 20:29:00 UTC
I am just answering because so many other people are...haha
2009-03-15 12:18:06 UTC
my dog got his head stuck in a tube and cood not get it out!!!!!
2009-03-15 01:39:10 UTC
When I realized that my cat's butthole looks EXACTLY like you. Oh, the laughter!
2009-03-14 01:33:02 UTC
When my Pomeranian-poodle-shih tzu dog wiped his thing on my sheets...
Mrs James Dean (Mrs C)
2009-03-13 15:28:46 UTC
I was visiting my mom with my new puppy who was in the middle of potty training. He wasn't doing very well with training that day and pooped on my mom's floor.

She told him lovingly "If you poop in my house again, you have to go home"

She left the room and we both came in to see that he climbed on the kitchen table and pooped on her place mat.
2009-03-13 02:19:00 UTC
when our dog Rip, a jack russell ran headlong into the patio doors when we had just moved into a new house. it was like something off a cartoon he just cashed into it then fell over. the only thing he didnt do was slide slowly down the glass. (he suffered no lasting damage thankfully).
2009-03-12 16:23:54 UTC
Mine was when we were on holiday in the yorkshire dales and we took Billy, ( my labrodor retriever) for the first time. We were walking in along the dales in a field full of sheep mess and Billy kept trying to eat it. Later on we stopped in a small village for fish and chips. My brother had sausage but he dropped it on the floor so Billy wolfed it down even though it was still hot. Later on at the end of a fun day he was sick in the car which was a bit disgusting because it was a mix of sheep **** and sausage! But he soon recovered and looked pleased with himself and as soon as we got back to the campervan he ate all his tea so it was a good day for him.
2009-04-03 22:04:53 UTC
when my cat play with his ball
2009-03-14 12:39:09 UTC
my dog peed on my foot
Jeniv the Brit
2009-03-13 18:53:32 UTC
when my dog catch flies using his mouth.
2009-04-01 13:59:41 UTC
when my basset hound ate my dads wallet.
Rick C
2009-03-21 19:32:37 UTC
my cousin was holding my dog by its tail it was funny and sad at the same time
2009-03-20 16:36:48 UTC
when my pet cat pooped all over me
2009-03-19 02:59:10 UTC
The day my cat chased it's own tail, or the day that my cat became scared of my rabbit
2009-03-18 21:49:39 UTC
my kitten slid accross the kitchen floor after it was mopped, running as fast as he could.
I talk in Quotes
2009-03-18 12:06:21 UTC
um......mine was when my fish...called............Skinny, jumped out of the fish tank on to the plug socket and got electrocuted. HAHAHAHAHHA!

its cruel but really funny
2009-03-17 13:48:05 UTC
as a atomic nuclear scientist: most work is buy hard copy out side the computer.

A russian Student keep sending Electronic pet's called a Trojan virus

that never get to the work. for it on hard copy. out side the computer..
2009-03-16 16:58:51 UTC
my dog barfed all down my sister and i was laughing so hard that i couldnt breathe.
Emily H
2009-03-16 13:44:48 UTC
my dogs were playing tug of war and one of them farted....the other one just stopped and walked away lol
2009-03-15 17:13:51 UTC
when i took a picture of my dog yawning
2009-03-14 10:00:30 UTC
Monkey threw his feces to me
Peace, love and cookies
2009-03-13 17:51:52 UTC
our parakeet flew into my dad's bowl of lucky charms as he was eating it and started bathing.
Lady Bridget Jones
2009-05-04 10:16:42 UTC
Oh God, my budgie bit my
チャロツト charlotte
2009-04-11 04:05:14 UTC
i was chasing my maltse and then sand covered me and that dog kept wagging its tail at me

2009-03-25 05:25:01 UTC
go white power!
2009-03-18 12:35:24 UTC
My dog farted and green bubbles came out.
i like pizza
2009-03-14 15:47:52 UTC
My dog fell down the stairs and got a orgasm
2009-03-14 14:39:47 UTC
my dog trying to catch his tail
2009-03-13 15:05:20 UTC
Everytime i play fetch with my dog the ball bounces and she jumps to get it and she doesn't know where it went and it was right under her xD.
2009-03-13 08:53:01 UTC
I have two, a horse related one and a dog related one.

Firstly the horse, I have an elderly Connemara cross pony called Kelly, when he was younger he was a bit of a tearaway but really sweet and actually quite a wuss.

Once I was riding him out on a lonely road in a village and we ended up riding past a Bird Garden which was a local attaction with things such as peacocks and other exotic birds. All went well right up until some huge great bird - probably an ostrich from the size - shoved it's head through the fence and hedge right in front of us, looked at Kelly and went 'HONK!' poor Kelly turned tail and legged it back up the road as fast as his legs would take him, with me hanging half on and half off hysterical with laughter. It must have been near half a mile before we came to a shuddering halt with me still in hysterics and Kelly still utterly convinced a Demon had come for him!

The dog incident happened a few years later, my current lurcher Shea is a lovely lad, but he does like to guard his territory. My Dad had died recently and we were making a tribute garden for him in our yard, about fifteen metres from the driveway. As Dad was a huge fan of greyhounds we had some nice greyhound statues to decorate it with. One of them was huge, lifesize and totally white.

We installed it then I took Shea out in the car, when we came back he obviously hadn't seen the new dog in the garden before we left as a hullabaloo started in the back of the car - one VERY irate lurcher was giving the interloper verbal - trying to keep a straight face I let him out, with full hackles up and swearing like a trooper he leapt from the car and sped over to defend his territory - from a stone dog! The look on his face when he realised his mistake was absolutely priceless.
2009-03-17 07:17:45 UTC
My Mom and I were playfully arguing about who was a bigger idiot and then we both turned to our little Cuckatoo:

Mom: Leyla, she's an idiot isn't she?!

Leyla: *nod nod nod*

Me: Leyla, SHE'S an idiot isn't she?

Leyla: *nod nod nod*

Mom: *points at me* But she's a bigger idiot!

Me: *points at Mom* No, she is!!!

Leyla: *stares for a moment* Iiiiidiots! *then turns her back on us*

I always crack up when I remember a two year old bird being more mature.
2009-03-15 09:02:42 UTC
Ooo.. A celebrity askin.. I soo wanit 2 ansa dis question.. but weve no pet. What do i do?

Am luckin 2 get kitten soon.. can i getz bak 2u.
Anthony A
2009-03-15 08:28:17 UTC
when my cat attacked my dog
2009-03-17 02:45:10 UTC
oh theres so many, i supose when my hamster found a malteaser- dunno how- and put in in his cheek and before we knew it there was chocolate dribbling out his mouth and all over the place.
2009-04-30 09:59:46 UTC
my pet walks on his two front lags
2009-04-16 19:55:50 UTC
I has a bucket
2009-04-10 07:38:26 UTC
when my cat looked so sweat but then when i went to go pet him, he scratched me so hard i was bleeding
BBC2 Controller
2009-04-06 07:32:17 UTC
Can we have a dog?


You're fascinating.
2009-03-24 19:19:35 UTC
it was when my dog got chased by my sister's newborn kitten.
2009-03-17 08:11:27 UTC
5 month old kitten.
2009-03-16 21:46:13 UTC
A guy I knew named his dog "Damn It" not lien either
¸.•*´`*♥ ME ♥*´`*•.¸
2009-03-16 14:48:42 UTC
when we walked in two cats humping each was awkward...
naomi d
2009-03-16 01:42:21 UTC
when my foxy met a horse. the horse head was bigger then my dog faith
2009-03-14 21:18:39 UTC
WOW! are you really jennifer aniston???? i love rachel green :)... and funniest pet moment would be when this dog chased me one time while i was takin a piss in the park...
2009-03-14 00:15:37 UTC
When my poor little blind skunk tried to hump a shite.
2009-03-13 15:56:31 UTC
so my dad's boss was over for dinner.

The people went into the dining room for dinner.

My dog, Fred was in the living room with a bowl full of M&Ms that were for my dad's boss.

My dog ate all of them.

My dad's boss didn't get any M&M's.

My dad didn't get the big promotion.
2009-03-13 11:21:42 UTC
my cat was sitting on the window sill and was leaning out and fell off.
2009-03-13 00:17:54 UTC
Hi Jen - you rock!

Yes we had a funny thing with our family cat. A cat kept coming into our garden and we thought it was the neighbours cat so we kept throwing it back over the fence (not a high fence!). Then our neighbour would get really annoyed and throw it back.

After about 3 times of angry throwing the cat back and forth over the fence between neighbours we realised it was a stray so we kept it as our family pet.
2009-03-12 15:48:02 UTC
When our dogs were young pups

and it was their first christmas with us

they learnt if they walked under the christmas tree with their tails stuck up in the air, it would make they tree shake when they brushed the lower branches with their tails.

this would cause the tree to shake and the chocolate tree decorations to fall off.

i got the blame for eating all of them.

it was not until a day or two later when tin foil and tinsel bits showed up in the garden that we realised who ad been eating them.

we put up more Chocolate decorations and went outside and watched them from out side through the window and they shook the tree by raising tails and knocking the lower branches,

hee hee hee

i would never have believed it if i had not seen it with my own eyes.
2009-03-12 15:29:12 UTC
on visiting my parents house my young springer spaniel ran into the garden and went after a duck by the side of a small pond,it was made of stone and the daft dog went in the pond.the look on the dogs face will be forever on my thoughts,i think it was so funny.
Bob S
2009-03-17 11:47:13 UTC
Our duck got shot!
2009-03-12 18:28:43 UTC
our funniest family pet moment would be when Cheetah met Rocky - Cheetah is our 12yr old female chihuahua Rocky was our baby Galah we all thought Cheetah would try to eat Rocky at first

when we let Rocky out of his cage he had a play platform on the ground with a perch he would walk around the floor follow us everywhere get his cracker and go back sit on his perch chewing his cracker Cheetah saw the opportunity for a free feed so she waited until her dropped bits of cracker then she ate them well Rocky didnt take to kindly to this so he got down off his perch and chased cheetah all around the lounge room and he used to catch her by the tail then she would run with Rocky swinging off her tail (just the long hair on the end she is a long coated chihuahua) this soon developed into a daily ritual of them playing chasings with one another she would grab his tail and run off then he would grab hers they both played for hours until they both got tired then they would lay down with one another for a nap we never left them unattended just in case

Cheetah even taught Rocky how to fetch unfortunately we had to find Rocky a new home as when we locked him up in his cage he started to squawk loudly and the neighbours complained that was 12mths ago and the other day we got his cage out of the shed Cheetah ran to it expecting him to be there you could see the disappointment on her face but he went to a good home and he is happy

it was truely entertaining to watch them both play
2009-05-03 17:37:17 UTC
my hamster climbed my wardrope 7ft high :|
2009-04-11 14:34:39 UTC
it has to be when my donkey took hold of my pony's head collar and dragged her about the place!
G.O.A.T Ramadan Top Contributor
2009-04-08 12:55:58 UTC
i dont have a pet
2009-04-07 17:44:36 UTC
my funniest famly no good
2009-03-26 22:09:09 UTC
i like all especiall puppies
2009-03-26 07:24:30 UTC
2009-03-19 06:25:02 UTC
My cat giving me a high five.
2009-03-17 22:49:14 UTC
1701 answer
2009-03-17 12:35:38 UTC
my dog peed on my grandma while she was sitting down and she didnt even notice lolll.......
2009-03-17 12:11:10 UTC
my dog went pee-pee on the floor and my dad step in it
2009-03-16 15:41:27 UTC
my dog went wild ate rabbit poop...that was gross
Kati W
2009-03-15 01:29:00 UTC
Oh their is so many of them! I will choose a few of the best ones!

1. My brother and I, were kicking a soccer ball back and forth. And my dog Yorkie jumped on it because he wanted attention. The ball kept rolling, and he fell right off and the ball rolled over him. And he looked so confused!

2. The shower was on and my Cat was standing on the tub. My dog came in and sniffed him. Ended up pushing him in. He got soaked! It was like a ball of fury. He was hissing and meowing. He was out of there so fast. Down the stairs. And his eyes were beyond fury!

3- One of my dogs. Is like the "Alpha Dog". And all of my other dogs know it, even my Cat! My Cat likes to jump up on the dogs and like bite them. And attack them. Just playing. But anyways he did it the "Alpha Dog" one time. And usually she didn't care. But this one time she did and she beat him up for it. She has beat up all of our dogs and our cat on more than 1 occasion. So anyways now my Cat doesn't do that to her anymore. But one day. He was hiding behind the chair, and the first dog to go past was the mean doggy! And my Cat did the same thing to her, once he found out it was her, he jumped off her, and ran so fast, and was gone! He was absolutely terrified!

4- My dog is absolutely terrified of thunder. So he was laying by the T.V. And there was a commercial and it had this huge clap of thunder. And he just about flipped. He jumped about 2 feet in the air. Tail in between legs, panting, pacing, hiding. It was so funny.

5. It was dark outside. And my brother was playing fetch with my dog and he ran into a telephone pole. Full speed. Sad at the time. But funny later on.

6- So one of my dogs doesn't like other dogs. So everytime we are on a walk, he barks, pulls, etc. At another dog. Well we take him to this field where he can run. And there is this dog close to our house and the area where he was running, and he always barks at him. Well this one day. Before we got him on his leash he just took off across the road, The road was way busy. We ran and ran finally we got to the road, and he wasn't hit by a car, so we figured he was with the other dog. We knew that he would get in a dog fight with him. And he would probably get really bad injuries because the dog was twice his size. So we go in the peoples back yard. And what we see complety shocked us and was so funny! That dog was laying on top of our dog. Like he was all happy and having a great time. He was smooshing him! And our "big tough dog" was laying underneath with the most funniest look on his face. Like what the heck happened and I'm terrified save me! We got the other dog off and everything. But to this day I still laugh at the look on his face.

7- Two of my dogs and my cat always sit on the back of our couch and look out the front window. They can lay there and stare for hours. And they bark at anything that goes past, people, cars, other dogs, etc. My Cat is always in between them. And if they see another Cat they will bark at it like crazy. They will go insane practically! I just think it's funny because it's like There's a Cat sitting in between you, yet your bark at other cats like crazy! And my Cat is just always all intent looking out the window like Hey what do you guys see? Lol it's funny.

For the next one. We have given our Cat to a family friend and have another dog.

8- So now we have 3 dogs looking out the window. That bark at everything. So this one day. The biggest out of the 3 was sitting on the left, and there was a cat more to the right! So she jumps over to the right side of the couch and knocks the other 2 dogs right off the couch! Can you kind of picture it?

Also this 1 time. One of the smallest dogs barked because he saw something, and the biggest out of the 3 wasn't at the window so she ran as fast as she could jumped on the couch and knocked the dog that barked right off the couch, and he was wedged between the couch and the window. Can you kind of picture that whole scene?

Anyways I could go on and on and on and on. But these were some of the most funniest moments. And if you can picture the whole scene that will help make it more funny.

By the way, Jennifer I think your a great actress! And I love the movie Marley & Me. You did a great job and fit the role perfectley!
Ilya the master
2009-03-14 09:57:31 UTC
when my dog peed on me. that was grows
*Coolboy*® SHANE
2009-03-13 21:04:16 UTC
When me , my cat and Dog used to play Ball together....

So hows things going with Brad Pit
2009-03-13 15:22:39 UTC
One Day My Cousin Went On Holiday , So We Looked After Their Pet Rabbit, (We Also Have A Rabbit). The Funny Thing Is That Their Rabbit Was Jumping Onto Ours And Humoursly Raping It. We Then Sent It To The Vet And Turns Out It Was A Homosexual Rabbit :):)

2009-03-13 14:19:01 UTC
my parrot is trained to say "Huh?" when somebody says to him"What is it?" and one time I said to my family member theres something on your back, and she asked "what is it?" and he said Huh..

My parrot is also trained to laugh when somebody else laughs to him, and sometimes he does it when everyones laughing at the TV or something and it feels like hes laughing at it too
Eternals Blissyღ
2009-03-13 11:02:22 UTC
After my daughter was born my Siamese thought that my daughter belonged to her. She would sleep curled up next to her. I think not only was she protective of the baby but also she liked how soft and warm her blankets were. One day my grandmother came over to visit and I had my then month old daughter having her diaper changed. I heard my grandmother cooing and talking 'baby' in the next room. I went in the room holding my daughter and there was my grandmother gently rocking the cradle thinking my daughter was asleep in it. I pulled the cover back to reveal my Siamese curled up sleeping there instead!! My grandmother died a thousand embarrassing deaths having thought she was cooing and rocking the baby instead!! I still tease her about it to this day.

2009-03-13 08:14:28 UTC
my dogs funniest moment was when my white german shepherd ran into someone in the park taking him off his feet about 5 foot in the air, it was hilarious, btw jen your hot
2009-05-01 09:13:50 UTC
my dog used to hump my grans leg.

it got me strangely aroused.
I'm Just Being Me
2009-04-17 23:54:44 UTC
my hamster peeing on me lool
Lolita Lind
2009-04-04 12:41:23 UTC
when my dog was catching his tail
2009-03-16 15:23:03 UTC
i watched my dog poo and then eat it...

it was really disturbing...

but it was really a knee slapper!!

Gangsta Twinkle ^^
2009-03-16 13:53:40 UTC
when my baby brother kept on dropping our fish(nemo) on the floor

Poor fish
2009-03-16 13:36:35 UTC
rabbit doing it with hamster
2009-03-15 14:02:48 UTC
when my dog was on the trampaline and my brother was jumpin on it...

my dog was jumping up and down it was sooo funny!!!
Me, Myself & I (a.k.a: Sarah)
2009-03-14 15:21:25 UTC
wow. is this really Jennifer Aniston?!? wow. I love Marley & Me! hmm...Idk. I don't really have any "funny" pets. strange, yes. funny, no. whatever.
2009-03-13 21:35:12 UTC
my neighbor threw my dog in the pool and he sunk to the floor but we got him out with in .5 sec.
2009-03-12 21:29:09 UTC
whenever we prepare maggi noodles our cat appears in our kitchen, it never leaves until eating sufficient maggi noodles
2009-03-12 18:07:28 UTC
watching our staffy trying to catch the fish that my husband is trying to bring in on his fishing line and also watching him the dog trying to either catch a wave on the back of our sons surfboard or trying to skim on the skim board
2009-03-12 12:57:27 UTC
Probably when it was like 4 in the morning and we heard the piano playing by itself, and when we went down my cat was standing on the keys, and when we put him out we heard the piano again half an hour later, went down and saw my other cat jumping on the keys, and the first cat watching him through the window. Creeeepy stuff haha. Weird, cuz neither cat had done anything like this before. :)
2009-03-13 07:39:52 UTC
When my German shepherd pushed me off the sea wall !!
Kathy S
2009-03-16 14:37:53 UTC
Are you positive your the real jen aniston?

2009-03-16 08:51:56 UTC
How ya Jen.. Spit on me ya good thing ya. What the hell did you ever see in that dick head Brad the Pitts..( Irish Fan )
2009-03-15 20:29:04 UTC
my dog is so goofy wen i look at him i laugh
2009-03-15 13:40:08 UTC
my cat did a backflip :D it was so cool
2009-03-15 11:55:21 UTC
When i was high and i saw my two friends fight each other with sticks
2009-03-15 06:48:01 UTC
Watching you ask this question. I didn't know dogs could type.
2009-03-13 15:01:14 UTC
Well I told my dog to shake right? So I was sitting right in front of him and I was like "shake" and he totally like hit me in the face with his paw. I was like "Omg! My dog socked me in the face!" Lol. ^_^
2009-04-01 22:56:44 UTC
i doubt you're really jennifer aniston.
2009-03-18 09:38:13 UTC
my dog ate nail clippers
Aven Of Blades *3rd Account*
2009-03-17 05:38:33 UTC
Stop advertising yourself you idiot
Dylan L
2009-03-16 17:27:24 UTC
my pom play with my big dog and wins all the time
Roy L
2009-03-16 07:37:08 UTC
My dog died by a seven hour seizure.
▐▀▀▀▀▀▌ Le Rêveur ▐▄▄▄▄▄▌
2009-03-16 01:05:59 UTC
I dont know...maybe when my female pug was humping all the
2009-03-13 15:56:56 UTC
When we brought a Canadian spruce christmas tree home,we heard a funny noise Mitch (the dog) weeing up it !!!!!!!!!!!!! argh!
jericho sland
2009-03-12 18:52:28 UTC
i used to have a dog called peggy sue which was a springer spaniel and she used to chase the little red dot on a laser pen all over the place
2009-03-12 17:10:08 UTC
when packing to go on holiday, my cat persia constantly tried to get in the suitcase, all packed and ready to go she was sat on the kitchen stool with her back to me i said to her "will you miss mam and dad while we are on holiday" she turned round with her top lip stuck in the air like elvis and gave us such a dirty look.
2009-04-12 18:06:10 UTC
i like salad
2009-04-05 08:55:38 UTC
when my dad was carrieriing my new puppy and he peeed on him :)
Future OFCOM Equity
2009-03-20 04:20:34 UTC
Can we have a dog?


You're fascinating.
joel A. J.
2009-03-16 16:58:48 UTC
my dog farted in my moms face while her mouth was open
edward s
2009-03-15 18:50:09 UTC
how come when i ask a question i dont get 1000 results?
2009-03-15 16:20:53 UTC
one time my dog bit michael vick in his piece if shi t *** .
2009-03-14 21:27:18 UTC
Yea right, I'm sure this question is really posted by Jennifer Anniston. Like she don't have better things to do than Yahoo Answers. If this is really Jenifer Anniston then I'm Brad Pitt.
2009-03-13 14:24:08 UTC
when my kitty jumped on our table and spilled our drinks everywhere lol

2009-03-13 11:23:07 UTC
a bird flys over my freind and the bird drop its poo it landed too the back back of his head
2009-03-13 08:26:34 UTC
probably when my dog started to hump my moms leg and got juices on her funny but nasty
2009-03-12 18:04:35 UTC
My little female budgie trying to climb out of the cage via her full sized (well full sized to a budgie!) mirror - it is hilarious, she swings upside down and tries to break out head first. It really is one of those things that you need to see yourself to appreciate its comedy value.
2009-03-14 17:31:10 UTC
Hey, do you think she'll read the 674th post?
2009-03-14 13:02:53 UTC
Mine was when I buried my tortoise: I didn't know that it was hibernating. Oh Dear me !!
2009-03-14 04:38:12 UTC
Is this just a crap way of advertising your new film?

If anyone else asked this question they would be reported for spam/advertising and get a violation notice.
2009-04-12 15:02:57 UTC
when my rat was accidently flushed down the toilet
promise G
2009-03-19 11:23:28 UTC
when my dog humps my grannys leg lol
2009-03-19 02:31:59 UTC
When my goldfish squinted then stared right at me.
Fiona R
2009-03-17 15:53:45 UTC
my pet hamster was called fluffy & it died 2 yrs ago i was upset
2009-03-17 13:30:04 UTC
My dog bit my grandma in the ***. classic
2009-03-17 10:06:21 UTC
Is this actually 'official' ? And everyday with my cat is hysterical : )
2009-03-16 10:57:56 UTC
When my cat started having a seizure LOL.
Josh E
2009-03-15 12:29:10 UTC
when my dog shagged a sheep LOL
Rottweiler dude
2009-03-15 07:58:24 UTC
falling over Zoey my rottie every now & then?
2009-03-14 02:58:12 UTC
Lots of stuff!
2009-03-13 19:29:30 UTC
nothing ,but there are some but the story is too long so watever
2009-03-13 10:14:18 UTC
That time Sir Meowsalot started selling catnip to all the neigbour cats. He had bought all of it from the they REALLY needed a hit..if you know what I mean. He made a ton of cash that day.

I chuckled. I love having a smart and funny cat.
2009-03-19 04:02:24 UTC
My sister did a poo on my dog

oooops other way round :P
2009-03-16 13:42:46 UTC
are you seriously Jennifer Aniston?
2009-03-15 19:32:59 UTC
setting a Dr. Pepper in the floor, my dog Scout would bark at it for hours on end. idk why but it was hilarious
2009-03-15 02:41:31 UTC
chat should be deleted

why should the rest of us on ya operate by diff rules.
2009-03-13 17:34:01 UTC
When my fat dog took a bite out of my father hand
the jokeress
2009-04-19 04:13:34 UTC
when i fell off my bic
2009-03-26 16:29:47 UTC
2009-03-18 14:40:03 UTC
anytime my dog goes "skiing" to wipe his rear!!!!
2009-03-17 17:27:39 UTC
ma dug git hevy wurms so we jus decidet tae pit it doon!
2009-03-16 19:09:10 UTC
just wanna say you suck as an actress......why cant you hold a man down
2009-03-15 14:13:16 UTC
We were looking in our fish tank when a fish ate the other fishes poop!
2009-03-15 11:08:09 UTC
I'll bet your pet.
2009-03-14 17:33:03 UTC
2009-03-13 20:03:27 UTC
haaaaaaaaay jennifer!


my dog humps a stuffed animal alot?
2009-03-13 09:40:45 UTC
My rabbit got water up his nose and he kept sneezing(: bless 'im.

2009-03-13 09:08:20 UTC
When my sister was dying her hair red in the bath and our tiny silver grey kitten fell in the water and came out a candy floss pink colour
2009-03-13 05:11:13 UTC
It was winter, around christmas and my cat was sitting by the fireplace.

Its tail sort of nearly caught on fire and it ran around the house screaming.

We laughed
2009-03-13 03:36:33 UTC
My cat was drinking out our pond i sneaked behind her and shouted TELL YOUR MOM I SAVED YOUR LIFE!!! and she jumped into the middle of the pond i didn't think Cats could doggy paddle lol.
2009-03-12 13:44:15 UTC
When me and my husband were dating, my cat used to get jealous of us being together and would sit right in the middle of us on the sofa and make hissing noises whenever we made a move. It got so bad one time that it actually sat on my head and wouldn't get off until I was in a different room.


Love the new film and I never get tired of Friends!
2009-03-19 09:46:19 UTC
My pug spat in my face....
2009-03-15 22:30:42 UTC
My Dog runs away at her own farts...
2009-03-15 20:19:21 UTC
I would feel disturbed if I said it.
2009-03-15 16:23:31 UTC
You're awesome!
2009-03-12 13:51:09 UTC
Our rabbit is starting to get quite old and really grouchy. He's also the ruler of the garden and only goes in his hutch at night or when it's cold or raining.

About a month ago, he was lazing in the garden and a bird was singing close by in a bush. The noise was quite irritating and finally our rabbit had enough. He disappeared from view for a while and then we saw him in the bush, with the bird, and he took a swipe at it. The bird flew off and he went back to lazing on the grass, in full view of all aerial predators like usual.

He's quite a weird rabbit really. I always thought we were forcing a personality upon him because we've had him for so long, but he really is quite a character. He plays football, helps to clean out his own hutch, is petrified of frogs, licks people's ankles, and runs in circles around people's legs. He also really likes digging the soil out of pots and lying in them, as well as 'helping' my dad with the gardening by emptying all of the pots he fills.

We're going to be so sad when he dies. Thankfully, at the ripe old age of nine (which really is old for a rabbit) he's showing no signs of old age except his growing temper. Hopefully we'll get another few years out of him.
2009-03-12 13:21:37 UTC
We were living in Zimbabwe and had two cats who had come with us from Tanzania, called Harry and Beauty. After we were burgled we decided to add a dog, and ended up with a cute lab-collie cross puppy called Simba. Harry and Simba were soon close friends.

One day, as I looked out of my kitchen window, I saw a sight I simply would never have believed was possible. Simba the puppy was digging a hole, and Harry the cat was sitting on the other side of the hole, watching him. After digging for a while, Simba sat back and looked at Harry as if to say, "What do you think? Are we done yet?" Harry leaned forward and inspected the hole. Then he gave Simba a clout over the nose, as if to say, "get on with it!" Simba started frantically digging again, and Harry continued to watch him. This went on through several more rounds. I had to stop watching because I needed to go do something else, but I think that they were digging up was a termite queen, because I found half of it later lying in the garden.

These two were always very close friends. They also had a game they played where they would lie down near each other, push their paws closer and closer until they were touching, and then try to slap the other before the other could slap them. They were just like two humans.

Harry died after being bitten by a cobra, but Simba is still with us, living now in Canada.
cant learn more than 4 moves!!!!
2009-03-14 07:19:06 UTC
When my dog bit my dad's penis
2009-03-13 16:45:18 UTC
My cat jumps from wall to wall across my hallway COOL!
2009-03-28 21:39:25 UTC
Kole J
2009-03-26 19:23:55 UTC
are you really her eamail me
Jill C
2009-03-19 01:17:04 UTC
I scared my cat and he ran into an chair leg. :P
2009-03-17 13:14:59 UTC
when my cat tried to lick my nose
mike a
2009-03-17 10:13:00 UTC
I don't have a pet
2009-03-17 09:14:51 UTC
I don't have a pet
Spongebob Squarepants
2009-03-16 17:44:45 UTC
I was at my moms friends house and she has a chiauaua (sp?) and i walked over and it kept following me im like WTF! so i sat down he jumped on the couch. he laid beside me so i feel something wet right where he is. im like w..t..f.. so i hold him up. hes not neutered and he didnt pee on you probably get it. but then my mom comes in ands like WTF YOU PEED ON YOURSELF and im like WHAT?!!?!?!??!
2009-03-16 14:47:27 UTC
this kind of explains why brad left
Rich B
2009-03-16 06:25:33 UTC
wen my python swallowed my newborn brother whole.
2009-03-16 04:14:08 UTC
when my pet farts in the knows she farted
2009-03-15 12:41:49 UTC
too many to name.

love my doggy.
Neil A
2009-03-14 10:31:36 UTC
Making love to the wife, she said 'go on really hurt me'

I said 'OK your dog just died'.......
2009-03-14 02:24:23 UTC
sorry Jen , i dont have pets,i got 3 kids instade...haha
2009-03-13 17:08:20 UTC
we went to get my dog from the breeder and i saw her and she tried to rape me (no joke)
2009-03-13 15:02:16 UTC
When my cat scared my neighbours dog :D good times ;)
2009-03-13 11:19:02 UTC
It's got to be when we first brought our cavalier puppy home she took my sons dummy off him and ran off with it in her mouth.She looked so funny!Even my son laughed!!
2009-03-13 00:19:53 UTC
when our goldfish got stuck up the filter tank. not funny at the time but always makes us smile now
Tony m
2009-03-12 14:15:55 UTC
well ... ive got 2

1) we got a dog called lucky and we got him to help defend our house so one day we see a white dog about the same size as him come round so we point to him and say to lucky go get him and lucky would run snarling and barking at this white dog. so after a while this dog kept coming back and we soon knew what was going on. so we tested our theory. one day when we were in the front garden and that white dog came so we called lucky and off he would go barking at him, then we would go and look out the back patio windows and see him just play fighting with the white dog. some guard dog!

2) (this is kinda short)

one day we bought him a little dog bed. and in the morning when we opened the blinds where was lucky? dont guess ill tell you sleeping in a plant pot with his back toward us and as soon as he heard the blinds he looked behind him with a look that said "what? I sleep here all the time"
2009-04-14 17:14:00 UTC
I don't knowowowowow.
Arpeet K
2009-03-30 18:19:05 UTC
2000 answers.

2009-03-22 20:34:44 UTC
it's called MYOFB
ŖëĎõΧ Іη Ĺĭŏŋ Ņáŧıōŋ
2009-03-18 21:34:06 UTC
it's when my two dogs with their puppies

very awesom
2009-03-17 09:10:06 UTC
when my pet drank from the toilet! lol
2009-03-16 17:33:39 UTC
I love you. Maybe, we can buy a couple of dogs together?
2009-03-16 04:08:42 UTC
lol jenny's boyfriend dumped her
2009-03-15 13:26:51 UTC
my labrador carries mom and grandma's purse
Elan M
2009-03-15 08:03:00 UTC
we had a fire in the yard and my old half blind dog walked into it. he is no more. I guess thats not too funny!
2009-03-14 13:38:43 UTC
yeah like Jennifer Anniston has time to ask a question on Yahoo
Highway to hell ;]
2009-03-14 08:49:21 UTC
Jenifer aniston I LOVE YOU
The Holy Cupcake slaughters Bush
2009-03-14 08:38:45 UTC
my cat tooted on me.

nothing funnier than that...
2009-03-13 10:52:37 UTC
chucked a treat for our cat to get and it ran and fell into the padding pool. ROFL
2009-03-12 17:50:49 UTC
my gf and i have a yorkshire terrier together. when my gfs identical twin sister came to visit, he looked at them both and couldn't figure out which one was his mum so he came to me for a hug instead
2009-03-12 12:34:48 UTC
My dog's hair grew too long and he got a fringe, so he couldn't see anything. He walked into a telegraph pole. Then, he looked up at it with a look on his face that just said, "Where did that come from?". It was funny. Poor Frazer...
2009-03-12 11:34:05 UTC
We where out on the hill looking for sheep, i had to put my dog on the quad. There were two of us so to make sure she stayed for the long journey i made her sit in between. During the journey i noticed my collie (Kim) was not sitting like any dog but sitting like a human with her back legs either side of the quad and her front paws in the drivers pockets. Like she was hugging him to stay on. It was so funny that she put herself in that position and she did no mind lol.
2009-04-10 03:14:51 UTC
when my dog went and sniff its sister's poop
2009-03-14 11:36:24 UTC
woah jenifer aniston has a yahoo?

2009-03-13 20:47:26 UTC
wow oh my god i cant believe you really made a YA account and type this out Jennifer Aniston! you are sooo cool!!
2009-03-12 12:26:44 UTC
We let out puppy, Denver, off his lead as we were in a field and there was no one in sight.

Unfortunately, two police officers appeared from a snicket that we didn't know about it and our bloomin Denver ran as fast as his legs could carry him towards them!

I screamed at my husband to catch him and he did try to but Denver is a fast runner. As he approached the police, I couldn't look. I had visions of him jumping up and nipping them and us all being carted off to be charged for having a dangerous dog!

Luckily, Denver did not nip them, he just jumped up and down and the police officers saw the funny side.

Ah and there was the time with our old dog who had always been very obedient. We tied her lead to a rubbish basket outside a shop. When we came out she was gone. We found her chasing down the road with the basket behind her.

And also we had a cat who never seemed to like me much. One day I found him chasing a big spider around the kitchen. I jumped on a chair and screamed. My husband got the spider and put it outside. Later I was sat watching the tv, my husband let the cat in for his supper and the bloody cat ran in and jumped on my knee and dropped the same big spider on me!!!!
2009-03-29 03:17:10 UTC
i dno
2009-03-16 08:05:49 UTC
just being"" Friends""
2009-03-15 22:24:55 UTC
my funniest family pet moment is ????????????
2009-03-15 17:52:33 UTC
i am just having fun reading everyones storys! ahaha :)
2009-03-15 14:55:04 UTC
jennifer antison suxxx
2009-03-15 12:21:28 UTC
your SO COOL :) : ):): ):) :) :): ):):) ily I love youuuuuuuuu You!!!!! your my favorite actress ever!

my favorite moment was when my dog was bornn ;) Born
2009-03-15 06:20:15 UTC
jennifer, you're so hot n sexy...i love watching you on friends...especially on the sex scenes
2009-03-14 21:12:18 UTC
i found my dog snoring on the couch. =D HILARIOUS!
2009-03-14 12:43:35 UTC
shameless plugging of a shameful film, i like it!
2009-03-13 17:54:07 UTC
i was trying to clean my fish tank in the kitchen sink

and my fish got washed down the drain,

i never saw him again.....
2009-03-13 15:51:25 UTC
my rabbit sneezing

cutest thing ever and you cant help but laugh watching him
2009-03-12 14:54:07 UTC
Well when my border collie puppy is playing with his toys he sometimes sounds like a cat and he also tries to join in with my exercise
2009-03-12 14:36:26 UTC
When my dog was only a puppy and I was taking him on his first walk, a random woman down the street saw my cute lil puppy and went over to pet him and he was so shocked and terrified that he lay down and peed himself. hahaha it's so funny looking back xD

And another time when I was walking him he was busy watching a trailer go past (he usually barks at them) and when it was gone, he turned to look in front of him again and went BANG into a pole.

Another time I was walking him he was walking past a house with a waist-height wall and he was busy looking in front of him and he didn't see a man coming out of the garden and jumped when he saw him. He jumped so high! xDDD
2009-03-12 13:37:13 UTC
my dog always used to sit leaning against the patio doors, especially when the curtains were closed, one day, the curtains were closed but the door was open, dopey ben went to lean in his usual place then slowly but quite gracefully rolled backwards and out of view through the patio door, i literally wet myself laffing, even more so at the indignant embarrassed look on his face!
☮☼♫Andie W♫☼☮
2009-03-12 13:14:55 UTC
I have to say, when we had kittens, my friend and I were sitting on the couch doing homework, and one of them sniffed the others butt and then pulled away and scrunched his face up! It was hilarious! I was like "Duh, it's going to stink!"

Another time, my friend was doing science homework and I pronounced one of the words wrong, just to be silly, and she asked my cat if she was pronouncing it right, and the cat answered! haha =>
2009-04-30 15:51:08 UTC
Luiz E
2009-03-31 18:07:17 UTC
2009-03-18 23:41:32 UTC
hapyy ness
Dani X
2009-03-17 17:25:22 UTC
when I say *****.. the dog howls
2009-03-17 09:34:29 UTC
my dog took a dump on a picture of jennifer aniston
2014-03-25 20:08:53 UTC
lol...These are all great stories...
2009-03-15 13:02:33 UTC
Jennifer Aniston you're so hot
2009-03-14 08:59:13 UTC
omg deff. getting my cat a bath!!!!!!!!
2009-03-13 03:00:04 UTC
when my cat used my little boys potty and had a pee in it
Luis PS
2009-03-29 07:28:02 UTC
i have a lot
2009-03-20 23:11:04 UTC

this is so funny
2009-03-19 03:02:09 UTC
a dog and fish lol
2009-03-16 12:30:41 UTC
it have to be................................................................

when our dog was dressed up as a pup,

thre plant really,

my other half had a puppy that was funny time, too,
2009-03-15 13:39:59 UTC

Whe this pug cleaned my computer screen. :-)
2009-03-15 12:30:58 UTC
i used to have a dog tha only bit butts, it was so funny.

please answer
2009-03-14 13:48:46 UTC
2009-03-14 07:27:32 UTC
Mrs McCartney is Leaving
2009-03-14 06:49:06 UTC

my family isnt funny

im the only funny one
✏ nɹɐɯ-zʇpɐq
2009-03-14 01:58:47 UTC
Sorry, Jennifer, but I don't have a pet.
2009-03-13 16:38:49 UTC day at band camp my 'smelly cat' played the bag pipes. I really did not like the song though, it was an scratchy version of the "Meow Mix" song. Rather 'paw', actually.
2009-03-13 11:19:59 UTC
My cat was sitting by the fire and her face caught on fire, it wasn't funny at the time but after we ran her to the bathroom and put the fire out it was hilarious!
2009-03-13 05:28:15 UTC
I love you Jen!
2009-03-12 14:04:04 UTC
My dog helping herself to my neighbours bed, and going under the covers and falling asleep! they heard snoring coming from their bedroom and thought they had an intruder in their bed,to make it worse i hadn't met them until then,as we had just moved in a few hours before, so she must have been tired and her basket was still packed!
2009-03-12 13:08:24 UTC
Hi Jen!

When my cat was a baby he used to hide from me and jump out and scare me, my husband found it pretty hilarious. He does so many funny things, we love him to pieces!

kevina p
2009-03-12 13:07:52 UTC
Hi, My funniest pet moment was when i was stood on my driveway with my neighbours and my cat Bobbie came running up to me with a mouse, dangling from the mouse was a mouse trap he was so proud, but looked so funny with the trap dangling down everyone was laughing.
2009-04-21 21:08:18 UTC
hahaha when he died :) hahahahahahahaa
2009-04-08 15:25:50 UTC
when my dog was humping my grandpa's face when he was
2009-03-17 06:58:17 UTC
Everyday seeing myself in the mirror....


Come and for me !
Harry P
2009-03-16 16:52:35 UTC
when i ate food
Ayden C
2009-03-16 13:00:05 UTC
2009-03-16 00:39:16 UTC
IS THAT REALLY Jen Anniston ??
2009-03-15 16:22:16 UTC
When my cat died!
2009-03-15 12:43:39 UTC
my cat ...went to sleep...then woke up
2009-03-15 05:48:54 UTC
Dont care but your sexy
2009-03-14 05:42:04 UTC
you r the bset in friends
2009-03-14 03:08:26 UTC
Many years ago my gf, now wife, and I shared a small trailer house in a little sort of run down but neatly kept trailer park situated on the, then, western edge of our city which borders the Sonoran Desert. Feral cats ruled this little park and we found out early on they did not make good indoors pets. But my gal, without regard for my wishes, feed those cats day and night and I counted 12 that stayed close by to us. It was not unusual to find five or six dead small rodents on our steps just out the sliding glass door on any given day. Presents! My wife explained, as I would cuss under my breath while shoveling them up, and I would do this even before having my first cup of coffee most mornings. Then one day they just disappeared, cats, dead little denizens of the desert, all, gone--and moved, two trailers down from us. As much as I hated having to pick up after those guys, this self proclaimed pet hater, missed them. Well, we discovered a day or two later we had two new cats and though obviously domesticated they were big and tough and must have been hungry for the food on the top of our steps, and I guess these two bigger cats like ran off the feral verity. They both were young and ran together everywhere they went. And they were surprisingly well behaved inside our small house, too. My wife couldn’t help herself because again, never mind my wishes, she let them spend, while I was at work, time in the house and keeping her company and entertained watching them wrestling and playing tag up and down our long narrow 40 foot long hallway. We figured since a young mother with three kids had moved away the weekend before, they had been abandoned, and another neighbor confirmed as much a few days later. Soo, except for some grumbling, and truthfully mostly for show, I went ahead and hauled them off to the vet for some proper tutoring, :-) and started my decline down a gauntlet like path that would turn me into a cat lover for sure I‘ll tell you. The smaller of the two we called Ziggy. He was several varying shades of gray and much more cat like than his brother, Conan. Conan was a big muscular black cat with boot like white markings on three paws and a Skunk like white strip from low on his chest to the tip of his tail. But he had to roll on his back or hold his tail up for that strip to be noticeable. He also had one eye with a white patch around it and now I can’t recall if it was his right or left. But this guy, was a people lover-and the most un cat like cat I’ve ever before or since met. He’d watch TV with me in the evening, and if I had friends over to watch a football game, they could not sit in one chair--he would not let them. When we jumped up screaming at some play we liked or didn’t, he would leap from the chair on to the end of our coffee table and look so hard at the TV screen like trying to understand, looking at us then back at the screen. We’d sit back down and he’d slowly turn and trot back to his chair with everyone now quite he would let out a load really guttural moan sound like Arraaooh. I’m not sure if he was mocking us or just letting us know he was into the game, but we did have some good times watching him watch football with us.

Anyway, we had these totally different but inseparable cats for five years, and then one year on New Years Day--they were gone. No sign of them, nobody had seen hide nor hair of either, and they were gone. The way they would go so boldly into the desert--like lions on a hunt--after two weeks we gave up. I never said it out load but I had a feeling they fell pray to the coyote…I do remember crying the day I went up and down the blocks in the surrounding neighborhoods taking down the posters we had put up. A week later, I got a horrible call from work telling me to get home, so I told my boss something bad was wrong picked up an left for the day. I remember pulling into the yard and sliding to a stop in my pickup truck, and there on the porch sat my wife holding Ziggy. He was darn near gone and dragged himself with his front legs back home. Damn, I was said…but we got him to that vet and put him down. I sucked it up and told everyone that knew his story that I figured whatever got him (he’d been attached, his hair was matter and he had punch’s like teeth marks) probable didn’t fair much better, and if Conan had the chance the two most likely gave as well as took. Ziggy never cry and or said boo about his wounds, and I drew strength from the character he showed. Not to mention he put his all into coming to say goodbye.

Now, Jen, I know this was to be a funny story, but I will take one more minute and to tell you about Conan. Because that year we invited a few friends over for steak and beans in costume made up scary for Halloween night. Friday the 13th too, I do recall. My best friend, running late as usual, knock on the sliding glass door at around 11:50 that night. He said sometime later while he was out there wait to be let in Conan
2009-03-13 18:10:47 UTC
Thanks for posting this question.

WOW...did you ever have a good response.

I truly enjoyed reading so many answers.
Alisha m
2009-03-13 16:22:30 UTC
when my dog licked all of our ice creams and didnt finish hers
Mick W
2009-03-12 14:22:56 UTC
the ferret did a commando raid up the cats chair in the kitchen (he's brought in at night for feeding) (all animals are rescue) and after being spat at and a good paw whacking, fixed the cat through the face, and urinated on him, after peeling him off and giving him a slap, he proceeded to wreck every thing in sight, and the cat refuses to enter the kitchen at feeding time now.
Laila's Mummy!
2009-03-12 13:15:39 UTC
Oh god I have loads!

* My dog buddy once was running out side to the garden and knocked straight into my mum and sent her flying.

* When the two dogs are playing our border collie, candy, starts trying to dig the flooring up or goes on the sofa and starts trying to chase her tail on it and usually falls off.

*Our chinchilla lop rabbit fidget likes humping Candy/
2009-03-12 12:22:54 UTC
Aww, hee dog has done SO many hilarious things it's hard to keep track...

Erm, he's run into the door. :P lol I had turned my back to talk to my brother while I let my doggie out to potty, and I all of a sudden heard a "THUMP" and turned around to let him in and he just shook himself and started begging for a treat. Lol. But my dad said, "Oh, the little guy ran into the glass door!" (It was our back door). And my cute little dog is a little bitty black patterdale terrier. (Which are kinda similar to Jack Russells).
Lee H
2009-03-12 11:22:52 UTC
We were actually very stupid...

We just bought three pet mice and we put them in a large cage on a bookshelf. My mum had doubts about putting it there though, because the fish tank was right underneath it, and if the mice were all to go to one side, the cage would fall into the fish tank, and hey, guess what. It did. XD But luckily mice can swim, so they swam to the side and managed to get out. We didn't realise this had happened at the time.

We had also invited our nan round for dinner that night, and as she was walking through our back room, she saw a mouse on the floor behind the washing basket, and screamed at the top of her voice! She ran into the bathroom, and another one was sitting on the towel basket! She made one final attempt to get away from the mice and ran into the Dining Room. She told my mum and she went out there to go and get them. She got the two my nan had seen, but one was still missing...

She quickly searched the backroom, and found the last mouse climbing the ironing-board leg. The funniest thing about this was my nan though, cos she hates mice and she saw three around our house in the same day, and she was screaming and waving her arms about everywhere, and she's 75! XD

Oh by the way, no mice were harmed during this, bad sadly.... they have all died now. ='[ I loved my mice, and I'm sure they had a very good life after that. =D Rest in peace Fudge! (She was fudge coloured)

Oh, and I'd also like to add, you are an amazing actress Jennifer. I've seen many films with you in it, and I've watched Friends many times. You have great talent, and your very funny! =D Keep up the fantastic work! It's a pleasure to answer your question as well! I'm a little sad about thinking about my past pets, so I'm gonna go give my mum a hug. =D Goodbye!
2009-03-15 10:27:25 UTC
2009-03-14 12:29:45 UTC
this is my lovebird, Tico.

2009-03-14 00:49:53 UTC
marly and meLOL
2009-04-18 09:45:42 UTC
2009-03-29 22:03:32 UTC
Well there was this one dog died.
bughi b
2009-03-20 12:52:14 UTC
i have no ideea
2009-03-17 13:49:17 UTC
I don't have a pet!!
2009-03-17 05:41:44 UTC
when my dog bite my butt...
2009-03-17 00:14:34 UTC
um.. i forget
2009-03-16 22:19:10 UTC
Jennifer? Yeah ******* right!!!!!
2009-03-15 20:28:15 UTC
HOLY SH*T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck picking best answer. lol
Zeimma D
2009-03-15 19:56:34 UTC
Okay, okay, I'll rent your stupid movie. Will you PLEASE stop hassling me?
2009-03-15 12:13:07 UTC
Are you really jennifer aniston????????/
Wayne B
2009-03-14 10:46:16 UTC
2009-03-14 05:33:23 UTC
Come on, this isnt really Jennifer Aniston....

We're not all that dumb!
2009-03-13 15:31:18 UTC
Probably any pet moment. I used to have a basset hound who was really dumb.
2009-03-13 10:25:21 UTC
My cat pissed on my Mom's boyfriend's head once. If was hillarious. I hate my Mom's bf.
Яα∂íǚм Яα∂íατǿſ
2009-03-13 10:00:09 UTC
I've had so many that I just take it as a common occurance!
2009-03-12 14:46:59 UTC
when our friend farted and the dog promptly dropped his head and tail and ran behind the settee
2009-03-12 13:50:45 UTC
We had just had our carpet replaced with wooden flooring, when our golden retriever came running in and his paws slid away in different directions, bambi style lol. The poor thing was scared to move again for half an hour.
2009-03-12 11:28:29 UTC
My puppy chasing an empty lemonade bottle round the house on Christmas day, barking and growling at it!
2009-03-15 15:48:04 UTC
well the best thing i ever did was run over a cat........................peace
2009-03-12 16:27:19 UTC
My dog ran really fast............right into the glass door.
Me I
2009-03-20 08:54:00 UTC
when will this question end?????
Vintage 181
2009-03-15 22:54:23 UTC
Cláudia ♥
2009-03-15 11:56:29 UTC
So many...
2009-03-15 08:18:55 UTC
When i raped my pet badger
2009-03-14 08:22:26 UTC
2009-03-14 05:30:21 UTC
When you asked this question my cat cried.
2009-03-12 16:19:28 UTC
it a bit cuiel but when we had our parrot which obvo was called polly XD it escped from its cage and we was spending days trying to catch it and we came home one night and there it was layed there in the fish bowl with a fish in its gob (dunno why lol) XD we got it in its cage eventually once it had bit us all XD
xx-xx stephany xx-xx
2009-03-12 15:54:53 UTC
my dog saw a cat up the park and ran me into a tree , looking at the video my m8 made on her phone of it , its actually quite funny. lol
2009-03-12 15:51:11 UTC
my dog climbed up onto the garden table, ate all the bird food then got stuck! i had to lift her down off the table
Big Dog D
2009-03-12 13:01:36 UTC
my parents have my dog. She will get to where she is so excited that she will dart through the house as fast as possible, jump up on the chair and couch and go back through again. She would keep doin that. One time she was goin full blast and her brain forgot to tell her legs to jump, and she rammed right into the couch goin full blast. LOL!
Another Planet
2009-03-12 12:04:12 UTC
My collie is ball mad and is forever bringing it for me to throw.

I was sitting at the dining table with my family when my collie jumped up on to the table, dropped her ball in the middle and jumped off the other side.

She did it all with the nimbleness of a cat.

What a clever dog.
Orphaned Sock
2009-03-12 12:02:43 UTC
When my cat packed herself in a box neatly with the rest of the clothing. I almost shipped her off. When I first looked in, I seen these little gismo eyes looking up at me! I was like: "What the Monkey?" I looked closer and her extreme ball of fluff was folded neatly in the box.
2009-04-18 13:27:23 UTC
my dog had a censor and then i killed it naw lool i dunno come answer mine
Dwyane Wade
2009-03-26 10:49:17 UTC
2009-03-17 15:56:04 UTC
i Vanda you
2009-03-14 08:40:58 UTC
i don't have a pet but still
2009-03-13 21:11:52 UTC
haha my dog did a backflip and landed on his side. he was all hyper and then drank his own pee..........eww
2009-03-13 16:15:58 UTC
Wow! Nice, I'm just anwering this becuz ur famous sooo yea.
2009-03-13 09:40:59 UTC
when my dog used to wipe his bottom on the grass. by the way jennifer aniston is a hottie
2009-03-12 11:22:09 UTC
My wee jack russell bootsy loves chasing footballs,when i was out for a walk in the park a few kids were messing around n he sprints like mad after the ball straight into one of the kids who went flying!was funny cos the wee man was alright and he seen the funny side when he got back on his feet,not as much as me and his friends though!
2009-04-03 12:07:02 UTC
when it died
2009-03-21 11:56:45 UTC
wow, never
Danny H
2009-03-15 07:15:04 UTC
i dont have one :(
kionjra l
2009-03-13 14:27:20 UTC
my dog got shot with pellet guns constantly

my cat got stabbed
2009-03-12 14:17:37 UTC
MY dog grabbed my pals handbag nd started swingin her heed aboot tryin tae destroy it =)) Makes me laff everytime a hink about it mn :)) .
2009-03-12 13:03:20 UTC
We went out for the evening and left my yorkie and my partners jack russell home alone.....what a disaster. They totalled the bathroom, taking a roll of cotton wool downstairs and dissecting it bit by bit, and covered the living room in the stuff. They also trashed the bath sponge and spread that all over the place, and when we got home, they were both sat side by side, like two ormaments. We knew it was them, cos they were plastered in cotton wool and bits of sponge.

They just didnt give a sh*t...and neither could we, as they trashed all the toilet rolls as well...........x
Stephen W
2009-03-12 12:40:58 UTC
When my wife's (then my fiancee) dog snook into our room during an intimate moment and licked my bum. Was quite a shock I can tell you, and for the dog no doubt.
2009-03-12 11:59:34 UTC
My great dane and my girlfriend tried to pass through a doorway at the same time... needless to say the great dane won. My girlfriend didn't get up for a while and we were too busy laughing to help her.
2009-03-12 11:56:58 UTC
Mine was the moment we found out the our dog Sasha sings! But she's incredibly picky, and will only do it along to "Roxanne" by The Police!
Rachel sʌnן JONAS
2009-03-16 16:43:06 UTC
2009-03-15 11:59:13 UTC
OMG u rock!!!!!!!!
2009-03-15 08:57:10 UTC
In the ThanksGiving Dinner of 2003,

my dog, in that time, a puppy Buiscuit,jumped on a chair then to the table and chewed the thanksgiving turkey meanwhile we where bending looking at the oven to see if the cookies where getting made.


You'v dated all of the male comedians (plot in movie) in your career.

Jim Carrey (twice)

Ben Stiller

Owen Wilson

Vince Vaughn

2009-03-13 17:21:00 UTC
holy shitttttt i cant belive it jenifer aniston aaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!
Remember ϡ
2009-03-13 15:53:36 UTC
Probably when my puppy tried to eat the fish ...
Lady Ghost
2009-03-13 15:44:54 UTC
My baby brother tried to cook my goldfish in the microwave and it exploded.
2009-03-12 23:25:52 UTC
Mick Hucknall having sex with a rabbit. Apparently he was holding back the ears and the bunny was too tight to mention................
2009-03-12 20:30:42 UTC
when my dog,Brad,(A Pit-bull) urinated all over my gf's awful collection of friends DVDs

How we laughed!
2009-03-12 13:13:41 UTC

The cat was in the tumble dryer!


Hastily Mum switched it off.

With a dry mouth I watched as Mum tentatively opened the machine door. Out flopped our little white kitten, like a freshly fluffed towel.

We held our breath collectively. After a moment he climbed unsteadily onto his feet and took two or three tottering steps forward. He looked terribly dazed.

Mum decide to call the vet for a little advice. As she went for the phone our kitten shook himself and turned around to gaze cross eyed up at the tumble dryer.

After a moment of apparent consideration he stepped up to the tumble dryer and promptly climbed back inside.
2009-03-12 12:59:27 UTC
Well our whole family were say in the front room, when our cat came in and 'its sheep' it always 'plays with' ;) was there and in the middle of the front room he did his business with the sheep meowing very very loud!!!!
blue chaos soɐɥɔ ǝnlq
2009-03-12 12:08:55 UTC
I had a cat named Thumper who was not quite sane.

I had just refilled the bird feeders outside of my big picture window, when Thumper noticed the birds. He ran from the hallway as fast as he could, straight into the window. I thought it was going to break! He gave me the dirtiest look I have ever received from a cat. It was even funnier when he did it again five minutes later!
2009-04-30 03:16:07 UTC
my turtle chewed my finger, really painful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
2009-03-14 17:02:14 UTC
omg its jennifer aniston :o

2009-03-15 09:36:47 UTC
2009-03-16 12:41:21 UTC
you rock!!!!!!!!
2009-03-15 13:09:36 UTC
2009-03-15 08:28:39 UTC
How you doin?? ;)
2009-03-14 05:47:30 UTC
well it wasn't your film!
2009-03-13 15:59:27 UTC
omg is this the real Jennifer Aniston?
2009-03-13 03:51:25 UTC
my German Shepherd, Fudge he is a classic dog with excellent behaviour.

He seems to be more cleverer than my girlfriend, oops shouldn't tell her that!
Michael L
2009-03-13 01:55:21 UTC
When my fish ate the other fish. I was like HAHAHAHA you just got munched LOOOL.
2009-03-12 14:05:50 UTC
well there is a really hot boy that i have a serious crush on but he thinks of me as a friend and he was going out with the class ***** called princess (obviously she isn't actually a princess but that's her name). i asked him if he wanted to come to my towns annual pet show Cu's i had entered my labrador (he is 2 and called lucky) he said yes and guess who he brought, princess.

lucky was doing the agility trial when he went running towards princess and started humping her!!! i totally cracked up and so did everyone else as she screamed and squirmed on the floor! she called me a brat who couldn't even control a dog and then she said that lucky was a stupid mutt. she went storming out and i retrieved lucky, my crush dumped her Cu's of what she said. i don't care if i go out with him or not im happy i know he cares for me and lucky!
jenny p
2009-03-12 13:48:38 UTC
my dog was running around our garden like a loony and then tripped and did a roly poly, it was rather funny ;)
2009-03-12 13:01:34 UTC
when my cat decided to climb up the christmas tree and it fell down the poor kitty pood itself
2009-03-12 12:22:37 UTC
My hamster, meadow, used to be given a treat of having a runaround in a hamster ball! she loved it, but one day when she was having her 'run' we had an unexepcted vistor. An elderly, deaf man who is more than a tad foolish, a clumsy but loveable oaf, very frustrating. He saw the hamster ball on the floor, and picked it up. He rasied the ball as though it was a bowling ball, and thankfully we realised hat he was about to do it, and was able to stop him just before he was about to throw my poor hamster as though it was a bowling ball, about to hit some pins.... Alas, he thought it was a football... despite the fact that it had been rolling around...
Drunk Monkey.
2009-03-12 12:21:05 UTC
Taking a photograph of my cat Dusty in a hat and scarf just before christmas and her operation on her knee. Its readlly cute.
2009-03-12 11:45:34 UTC
When my brother took his sock off and the dog ( a large male Springer Spaniel ) ate it. Sooo gross!
2009-03-12 11:15:31 UTC
Well, I used to have a Maltese Terrier called Ashley. It was his birthday and I was only six. I decided to make him a birthday hat and a dog-biscuit birthday cake! He loved it and I was so chuffed! It was so sweet!
A Teesside Smart****
2009-03-12 11:14:47 UTC
I went into a toy store to buy a specific beach ball. The assistant showed me the new designs but I said that I wanted an exact replica of one that I had at home. She said these were better - but I said that it was "because it belongs to my rabbit". She looked at me as if I was mad (as did the other customers)! But the rabbit played with it all the time in my garden. So then she asked why I wanted another - and when I replied "because the peacock burst it!" everyone thought that their suspicions about me had been confirmed!!!! The peacock had flown into my garden and pecked the ball, puncturing it, honestly....
2009-03-12 11:02:59 UTC
My dog went hyper and went mad around our local park with a plastic pot plant. She flew head first into the pond/lake and had to swim back to land. She then starred at me as if to say "What i did nothing, I meant to do that honest!"

She ended up having to have a bath and not going near plant pots again.

Also when my fish came home from my friends house, I'd just been on holiday. My friend has placed them next to their TV so they could keep a eye on them, Since then my fish have done nothing but watch tv....

If they don't watch at least 6 hours of tv a day they fight and jump out of the water.... Whats realy funny that is they watch a dvd on our portable dvd player.... XD

Good times :) with my crazy pets XD

~Luce, Pippin and the fish ;) x x x
2009-03-12 10:55:40 UTC
It was not so much the pet as my Sister in Law's husband. He helped himself to some Chocolate buttons and asked if we minded if he had some more. We told him to ask the dog because they were his.

A dog belonging to an aunt was left with us whilst they were on holiday. It hated cats with a passion and would chase them any time he saw one. One day the inevitable happened he ran out of a back jigger yelping and chased by a cat.

My son's dog is also a cat hater but let's one cat and only one particular cat share his dinner
2009-03-16 22:14:11 UTC
i dunno i have Alto
Alaaya loves MJ
2009-03-16 08:43:28 UTC
2009-03-13 16:28:49 UTC
my dog throwing up on a picture of you
2009-03-13 11:27:37 UTC
hehe hello miss aniston no i dont get many of them lol.........?
2009-03-12 16:22:50 UTC
When Chandler said that funny thing and that other one said something and then Monica didn't like it. Hilarious.
john h
2009-03-12 14:46:29 UTC
Just trying to think of one that would be a good plug for my latest film, and erm, sorry, no... erm , cant think of one really sorry...
2009-03-12 14:12:16 UTC
Go away Jennifer aniston, go and promote your inevitably awful film somewhere else and stop making my life a misery with your god awful smile which you have blatantly practised to perfection just incase a photographer is hiding in your neighbours hedge
2009-03-12 14:06:48 UTC
Marley and me is such a crap film though. Don't come much worse than that. Best animal moment is :
2009-03-12 12:05:48 UTC
well it was more of a family-pet thing-

my dad imitating our neighbours cat in front of our family was the most disturbing thing ever.
IrishPrincess <3 my BC shep
2009-03-12 11:54:45 UTC
gosh when i was younger my lab rover had a drop of beer and he staggered all over the place poor pooch he was never the same again after drinking guinness
2009-03-12 11:41:46 UTC
my kitten daisy fell down the toilet last week. maybe now my boyf will listen and start putting the lid down.
2009-03-12 11:32:40 UTC
well once i was in bed napping and then i felt something on my face and i woke up and my rabbit was humping my face

by the way i think you are Amazing
2009-03-12 10:52:41 UTC
There have been a couple the funniest was when ny dad went into the bathroom to go to the toilet. Well as you know men pee stood up which it was he was doing. well my dog, called henry, walked into the bathroom, saw what my dad was doing and cocked his leg on the toilet.

It was so funny.
Golgi Apparatus
2009-03-12 10:34:38 UTC

█▓▒░When my gerbil somersaulted░▒▓█


I actually have a video of the somersault here!




Incidentally, I applaud you for your support of the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital - a very noble cause.
2009-03-12 10:14:27 UTC
well I took my puppy out for a walk in a park, I decide to take him off the leash when a guy running ran by. My puppy decided to chase him. The runner noticed and turned round and ran towards my puppy and chased him back my puppy started running away from him probably thinking why is this guy chasing me? lol. It was so funny!! =)
squeaky guinea pig
2009-03-12 10:13:29 UTC
A cat niffing at the catnip. I don't know what's in it, but it drives cats wild!
2009-03-12 10:11:25 UTC
My ex wife put her new expensive boots near the Hamster cage and the hamster chewed a hole in one ,,she never saw the funny side though ,
2009-03-12 09:05:56 UTC
I lived alone in my apartment and had just gotten a bunny. He wasn't more than 6 months old, I don't think at that time.

It was about 3 am and I woke up and felt the bed have a little vibration to it. I looked over and saw my bunny jumping on my legs and on the bed and looking at me! It was hilarious. I put him back in his cage and asked him to show me how he got out, so he showed me again how he managed to sneak his way out of the cage! He's a genius :)
2009-03-12 08:07:47 UTC
my 2 yr old cat charlie loves water... he is always jumping in the bath when its running and sitting in the sink.... a couple of months ago he broke into my neighbours house by entering through the cat flap, and decided to scare the living day lights out of my neighbour who was in the shower with the door open, by hoping in to join her.

thankfully the neighbour loves him to peaces as a few weeks later he fell asleep on the back seat of their car as they were packing it to go on a day trip to the sea side. they were halfway there (about an 1 and a half hours drive away) before they heard him snoring and had to turn around to bring him home....

he's a bit of a character is my charlie
Allan M
2009-03-12 07:52:18 UTC
The first time I met my gfs mum my dog humped her leg, I laughed uncontrollably for about 3 hours.
2009-04-11 20:34:24 UTC
2009-03-13 10:15:50 UTC
Oh who gives a flying ****!
2009-03-13 09:52:41 UTC
When my dog tongued me

Now Ms Aniston, who says we go back to my place and oil up?

: )
Joe H
2009-03-13 03:38:01 UTC
2009-03-12 15:46:22 UTC
It was the day that the vet came around to put down our eldest dog who was 14 years old and had a good life. We left the vet in the living room with our younger dog, Shep who was 8, the vet accidentally put Shep down thinking that he was the dog he was there for. Oh how we laughed.
VirgoPrincess ♍
2009-03-12 15:30:50 UTC
Tom & Jerry!

lol lol lol lol
Life Is One Big Tic Tac.
2009-03-12 13:16:53 UTC
My Fat Cat Charlie :)
2009-03-12 12:32:45 UTC
is that really JA?
Cellar Door.
2009-03-12 12:23:35 UTC
OMG its jenefer aniston! Lol.

probs my cat getting stuck in a bag that was pretty funny.
2009-03-12 12:02:07 UTC
2009-03-12 11:16:30 UTC
our roti has destroyed 2 televisions when the spec savers ad comes on he hates the sheepdog ,he goes mad even at the music .
2009-03-12 10:57:56 UTC
My funniest animal moment was when I was thirteen and doing a wee part time job for a furniture shop who stocked those silent night beds - the one with the hippo in pyjamas and the little duck on the tv ads.

I was paid to wear this great big hippo outfit - looked just like the hippo out the ads, massive big face, it was a heavy, hot and sweaty outfit but none the less I'd hit the main street out the front of the shop and bust a few moves and wave like a dafty at the passing cars.

The passing drivers thought it was great, all waving especially the kids but even the majority of the drivers beeped their horn so the adults loved it too.

I was like a hero, a legend... that was until the day that one adult got a wee bit too carried away waving and beeping the horn, so much so that he didn't see the car in front brake to stop and you've guessed it he smashed right into the back of the car in front, as did the car behind that... and the car behind that one... one dancing hippo caused a hilarious 4 car pile up. Well hilarious for me.

Or at least hilarious until I had four drivers who came storming over to shout at me; not the drivers fault of course, blame the big daft hippo, that'll work for the insurance claim. Anyone passing at that time would have saw a giant stuffed hippo getting pushed then punching back with his big furry paws.


Jennifer Aniston = Sexy!!!

If you ever fancy a date with a blonde wig wearing cowboy from Scotland I'm your man. What d'ya mean no? Haha

2009-03-12 10:54:26 UTC
well it wud have 2 be..

wen my dog muffin whos a yorkie put a dummie (pacifier) in his mouth 4 attention!

HIlarious!!! x x x
2009-03-12 10:38:47 UTC
I had a black cocker spaniel, who sadly recentley passed away.

A few summers ago we were having patio doors fitted in our living room, you know, the glass see through doors. Jimmy (the spaniel) had just about managed the concept that when the doors were slid open, he could walk through them and get into the house that way now.

We were sat in the garden, and the patio doors were closed, although they were clean so they almost looked like they were open. Jimmy was running at full speed, and we saw it coming, in slow motion, BANG, straigh into the closed patio doors!

We couldn't help but laugh! x x x
2009-03-12 10:13:08 UTC
Hearing my pet budgie pick up a new phrase, not one I had tried to teach him! I was tutoring a private student in my home when suddenly the budgie piped up, loud and clear, "You pervert!" I had never tried to teach him that, I think he must have picked it up off the radio or TV. It made us both laugh.
2009-03-12 07:57:23 UTC
Our dog is named Murphy and he's a shepard collie (a very bid dog), we recently got him from a rescue, on the first night we had the dog he was crying so we let him in the bed for the night my husband and I had to share one quarter of the queen size bed while the newest member of the family took over the other half of the bed. The next morning (after about 2 hours of sleep) we went to petco and got him his very own bed that he never uses because he likes ours better.
2009-03-12 07:54:19 UTC
My two Labradors pulling me down a snowy steep hill that I was trying to negotiate ever so carefully!
2009-03-12 07:53:58 UTC
I have two dogs, a Pomeranian named Jake and a Dachshund named Lady once Lady really wanted a bone from Jake but she knew she would get in trouble if she went up and took it from him so she ran to our sliding glass door barking like crazy and as soon as Jake got up and ran to the door to see what she was barking about Lady ran back to his bone grabbed it and took off with it. LOL
Cocoa Dusted Love
2009-03-12 07:52:27 UTC
The other day I was playing a zombie shooter game on the xBox and was really concentrating, and my main coone cat Cocoa jumped on my back and "huged" me by putting his paws on my chest, around my neck and he meowed "Prrrrr!" loudly. It scared me half to death, but it was so funny I laughed about it for ages. =)
2009-03-12 07:51:40 UTC
my mom was throwing the ball to our poodle inside and it bounced hit the ceiling fan and hit my brother in the head just as he came in the room
2009-03-16 16:34:37 UTC
omg omg omg ur jennifer aniston omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg
ι ♥ zoмвιeѕ
2009-03-15 20:30:02 UTC
Capt Midnight
2009-03-13 11:04:16 UTC
When my user put my new Avatar head on. im a fimstar too yahoo~]
2009-03-13 02:16:59 UTC
Not sure
2009-03-12 15:35:49 UTC
when my dog fall to sleep in my washing basket

ur so cool and hot i love u
saji k
2009-03-12 14:37:07 UTC

i luv u !!!
2009-03-12 13:13:53 UTC
badger baiting in the cotswolds. pure bliss
2009-03-12 12:20:50 UTC
when my bunny ran head first into a pole.
2009-03-12 11:15:06 UTC
Hi jenniefer im a big fan you keep rocking on girl mine must be when my persian cat was climbing up the wall like spiderman and then he fell down and the box on the table fell on him when we got him out we saw he had suction cups on his feet and were not sure how they got there.

Thank you very much mrs. Aneston

When were you in high skl not long ago you look so young darling.
2009-03-12 11:03:49 UTC
We had just brought our new yorkie pup, Ollie home. I was videoing him running around the lounge. He saw me and made a beeline for me, crashing into the video. All you can see is this ball of fluff.

Oh yes, and when my Pastor visited us and he humped his leg. He was in the vet the next day being de-balled. The dog I mean, not my Pastor.

The first time we let our budgie Zac out of his cage for a fly around, he flew into a wall, then landed on the lamp, burnt his bum on the bulb, and would never come out of his cage again.
2009-03-12 10:57:56 UTC
My dog fell backwards when I threw it a bone
2009-03-12 10:51:25 UTC
When my fish jumped out the fish tank, straight into the frying pan.
2009-03-12 10:51:11 UTC
I was walking my dog in the country & we came across this pond, but as it was coverd in green algae stuff it looked a bit like grass. So not realising it was actually a pond he stepped on to it, went through the algae & got soaked rite thru. Think it definatly surprised him!
Fishy Face
2009-03-12 10:50:53 UTC
my father in law was lying on his back on the grass in the garden holding my baby son above his head arms outstretched - playing air planes..

my son was giggling the typical cute baby giggle then decided to throw up on my father in laws face.. gross but funny
2009-03-12 10:49:42 UTC
Oh god so many!

We've a cat who sits under the bushes to catch butterflies and another who sleeps on the bird table in wait!
2009-03-12 10:35:22 UTC
My cat once woke me up one morning as he tried to eat my big toe. I woke up screaming and he just ran away.
Cymru am Byth♥
2009-03-12 09:41:50 UTC
When my dog ended up getting loose at the annual village show. He escaped into the main ring, unseating about three horse riders and generally causing havoc among the judges!
2009-03-12 07:53:51 UTC
When my rabbit tried to do it with a ball
2009-03-12 07:51:54 UTC
We were at the beach and there were these shallow pools every where, I chucked the ball for my dog and he didn't realise that the shallow pool was infact quite deep...and got soaking wet as a result, he looked at me like it was my fault...I didn't know myself but I found it funny - it was one of those you had to be there moments
/Fabi ☼
2009-03-15 08:04:29 UTC
2009-03-12 10:47:26 UTC
Our cat hugged a candle and lit his tail on fire. He was not hurt, just a bit of singed hair. It was very funny. Needless to say, he stayed away from candles after that.
2009-03-12 10:23:40 UTC

It was heavily raining outside and my cat was underneath the car and we couldn't get her inside the house. So my dad decided to go and get some cat treats that she adores and we all started to call her name and rustle her treats. As we were doing this she zoomed inside the house and went straight past me and my dad in a straight line and ended up whacking her head on the patio door at full speed! It was hilarious to all of us and it was the funniest family pet moment that I can remember!
2009-03-12 10:22:38 UTC
When we first moved into a house with patio windows. The dog didn't realise there was a window there so, excited, he ran around the house and went straight into the windows. Left a massive slobber mark down our nice new clean windows. Good times!
2009-03-12 09:01:22 UTC
When video recorders first came out, ours had a remote with its own speaker, so that you could press a button and get a little voice to talk you through setting it up on timer.

We were concerned that it was getting through batteries quite fast. Then one day we found the culprit. One of our cats had discovered that if he prodded the remote, he would eventually hit the appropriate button and get the voice.

There he was, on the settee, this podgy old cat cuddling the remote, and it's going "Please enter the time of programme. Please enter the time of programme................"

And the cat's just beaming - "Hey, the nice lady's talking to me!"
2009-03-12 08:14:41 UTC
when my cat thinks it's a dog .chasing it's tail.or maybe when my cat chases everybody out of the room.when i had my first cat she used to rush and eat her food because she thought we were going to eat it or something .that was always funny .

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