I have a mouse named Lazarus. We call him Laz for short.
the reason we chose this name is a long, funny, unbelievable story. i was not there at the time, but this is how my mother told me. I had just left the house for school, my mom shut the door, turned around, and told my brother, who had the day off, "Oh God, the mouse is dead." My brother was then disappointed, because he knew how sad i would be, as i had just tamed him.
well, they put him in a tupperware, cleaned out his cage, made a little tissue box coffin, and sat around trying to figure out how to break the news to me. they placed him back in his cage. his little body was cold and stiff.
about two hours after his discovery, my mom asked my brother to get something from downstairs, where his cage was. the little bastard was running on his wheel!
in the bible, Lazarus was a sick man, who Jesus was going to heal, but by the time he got there, Lazarus was dead. Jesus brought Lazarus back from the dead, so i decided that Lazarus was a perfect name for my little mouse.